Infinite script kill

Chapter 286 When the treasures in the cauldron add fire, the primordial spirit in the abdomen become

Chapter 286 When the treasures in the cauldron add fire, the primordial spirit in the abdomen becomes rich

"Don't talk nonsense, that's Fairy Bixia, how can you, an ordinary person, see her true face."

Hearing his nonsense, Xiao Tong hurriedly told him to shut up, but when he turned around, he saw the woman under the tree looking at him, his heart tightened, and he was so frightened that he almost fell from the air.

He quickly landed on the ground and prostrated himself on all fours: "Greetings to Fairy Bixia, this person is new here and speaks lies, Fairy don't care about him."

Xu Tong took a look and thought that this deer spirit was not too bad, at least he knew how to speak for himself.

Jumping off his back, he bowed slightly to the woman and said: "I was entrusted by someone to send this basket of fruits to the fairy. Please don't blame the fairy for what I said unintentionally just now."

As Xu Tong said, he looked at the fairy with his eyes. It was rare to see the fairy again, so what if he didn't look twice.

Seeing this, the little boy at the side quickly kicked him to signal him not to look around.

But the Bixia Fairy in front of her didn't get angry with Xu Tong, and the haze on her face gradually became clear.

This face looks beautiful with curved eyebrows, a pair of big watery eyes, and a standard oriental face, but how do you look at it... Isn't this the lady at the front desk? ?

"God has no form, what do you think looks good, that's what I look like."

Fairy Bixia explained with a smile on her face.

It's just that when Xu Tong heard this, he glanced at Fairy Bixia's chest inadvertently from the corner of his eye, and whispered in his mouth: "I just said, you are bigger than her."

"What??" Fairy Bixia's eyes and ears were amazing, she was stunned for a moment, not knowing what Xu Tong was referring to.

Xu Tong hurriedly waved his hands to explain: "I said age!"

"Oh!" Fairy Bixia nodded suspiciously, waved her hands, and brought the fruit basket in Xu Tong's hand over. When she looked at the fruit inside, she couldn't help saying with a little displeasure: "The same is true for the Seven Good Boys. If a customer does it for you, you won't be afraid of getting lost."

"No, no, I'm lucky. Didn't I meet a kind person?"

Xu Tong looked at the hornless white deer with a smile, and began to tease.

However, he did not break his promise, and returned the pair of golden antlers of the white deer to him.

Fairy Bixia watched with a smile on the side, and smiled meaningfully when she saw this, "Then you are really lucky, although this is Biluotian, there are always some evil spirits who like to play tricks on people. "

Boy Bailu blushed when he heard this, of course he knew what he could hide from others, how could he hide from Fairy Bixia.

He hurriedly nodded and bowed to say yes, then said goodbye to Xu Tong and Fairy Bixia, and left in a hurry.

After Bailu Boy left, Bixia Fairy looked straight and said: "Since Qishan Boy asked you to deliver the fruit, it must be because of the promise that I will thank you generously, but you came in a hurry, and I didn't prepare anything , look over there!"

As he spoke, he pointed to the yard behind him, and saw that there were eighteen large water tanks in the yard, each of which had a different color.

"You pick one and jump down. If there is a treasure in it, it is your chance. If there is nothing in it, it is your luck. If your luck is bad, you will have to suffer a lot. If you are destined, you will fall straight into hell." , do you dare to try it?"

Xu Tong was taken aback, thinking that the love baby was not for nothing.

"You are a dying person. You were lured with fragrance and came here with the power of elixir. Although my place is not the Palace of Hades, it is not the Hall of Charity either. Whether you are alive or dead, whether it is a blessing or a disaster, you will always have to pay attention." There is a saying."

Fairy Bixia explained the cause and effect clearly, and Xu Tong was relieved, thinking that it was the Master who gave Huangquan Biluo Pill to him.

Thinking of this, he suddenly felt a little uncomfortable. The elixir was promised to be reserved for him. He thought it might be able to reverse the ending of the master, but he didn't want to take it at all, but left the elixir for him. Own.

Without waiting for Xu Tong to be sentimental, Fairy Bixia began to urge: "You don't have much time, so don't think too much, whether it's a blessing or a curse, the number of days has already been determined."

Xu Tong turned around and asked, "One more question, how high is the probability that I will fall directly into the underworld?"

Fairy Bixia's bright eyes narrowed into slits: "I say ninety percent, do you believe me!"

Although the tone of this statement was half-joking, anyone could tell that it was not alarmist, and the probability of half was really not generally high.

He looked at the eighteen large water tanks, glanced at them, and suddenly a word popped out of his mind: "Choose the red one!" In the most inconspicuous corner.

"Hiss! Could it be..."

Xu Tong couldn't help but think of the child named Yangyang that he met at the soup restaurant that day, who had double pupils. Before leaving, he took his own guide money, saying it was not for nothing, and left behind "choose the red one". This sentence is out of my head, I don't know what it means.

Until now, these words suddenly popped out of my mind, and the more I thought about it, the more I felt that what the boy said was referring to my own eyes.

If this is the case, it would be too scary to have double pupils. This is even more terrifying than predicting the future. In my master Song Lao's Qingyun Exceptional Art Record, there is an article saying that Buddhist monks can cultivate Buddha's clairvoyance.

Can watch cause and effect, insight into the future.

But compared with the double pupil, it seems to be a lot worse.

While thinking about it, he unconsciously walked to the big red water tank, lowered his head and looked into the water tank, the inside was so chaotic that he couldn't see anything clearly.

He glanced sideways at Fairy Bixia again, and found that the girl's face had turned into a mosaic again, as if deliberately guarding against him, not allowing him to see the change of expression on her face.


Now that he had come to this point, Xu Tong took a deep breath, gritted his teeth, and before Fairy Bixia could speak, he turned over and jumped into the big red water tank.


Seeing Xu Tong jumping down suddenly, Fairy Bixia was also stunned, she stood up quickly and counted with her fingers in doubt: "It's strange, this kid's fate must be right, why did he choose this water tank!"

But no matter how she calculated, she couldn't figure out cause and effect. Seeing that she couldn't figure it out, Fairy Bixia was also stubborn. She hurried into the room, took out a compass, and continued to calculate by turning the compass with her fingers.

However, the results obtained are getting more and more strange.

"Don't count, you can't count."

Fairy Bixia frowned and continued to count.

"This person is dead, burn the paper!"

Bixia continued to count with a bitter face, but just as she pushed the compass to the next grid, she vaguely saw a pair of black double pupils flashing past in front of her eyes, followed by Bixia who had never seen dark clouds in the sky, and suddenly a thunderbolt fell .

"Boom!" There was a sound of lightning and thunder.

The little Bailu boy who hadn't gone far, scolded Xu Tong for being too treacherous while walking, was suddenly frightened by this thunderbolt and collapsed on the ground, looked back, groaned, Bixia Temple was smashed.

Of course, Xu Tong didn't know what happened in the Bixia Temple. He was holding a golden incense burner happily, and his body fell quickly.

It turned out that after I jumped into the red water tank, I realized that there was a hole in the water tank. An incense burner was hanging in the air, and there were two lines of words written in the golden light behind it.

"When the fire is added to the treasures in the tripod, the primordial spirit in the abdomen will become abundant day by day."

Xu Tong didn't understand what these words meant, so he reached out and took off the incense cauldron. As soon as he took it off, the jade ruyi in his arms turned into a puff of green smoke and was sucked into the cauldron.

Before he had time to look at it for a while, the person followed and fell.

The figure fell faster and faster, and then his eyes lit up, and he saw the huge city L brightly lit, all in sight.

Immediately after her waist tightened, she looked down, only to find that a yellow scarf tied around her waist was pulling herself down.

This can't help but remind him that Bailu Xiaotong seems to have said that there is a rope behind him.

The rope was pulled very quickly, Xu Tong only came to see the front of Beimang Mountain, there was a lot of killing sound, the master Xue Gui ran rampant among the many strangers alone, Fa Cai was held by the master and turned into a long sword, There is no exquisite sword move, just one quick word, blood splatters seven feet in one step, people can't see where the sword came from.

"Master has already started!!"

Before Xu Tong could take a closer look, his eyes suddenly went dark, and he felt as if something had burned him on his back and palms, the pain was burning, and his consciousness blurred immediately.

"Old man, the incense is gone!!"

Gao Zhuo, who was guarding Xu Tong's side, saw the three incense candles snapped off all at once, and was so anxious that cold sweat broke out on his forehead, he yelled at Master Xue Gui.

Hearing this, Xue Gui raised his hand and pointed a sword at the throat of a stranger, squinting to this side, and when he saw that the three yellow incense sticks were neatly broken, a benevolent smile finally appeared on his stern face.

The smile on the wrinkled face became more and more kind, but with a shake of the long sword in his hand, a huge head flew up, and his face was still full of surprise, as if he was still thinking at this moment, this old thief suddenly faced What are you laughing at? ?

(End of this chapter)

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