Infinite script kill

Chapter 287 Fighting with the sky

Chapter 287 Fighting with the sky
People are afraid of three longs and two shorts, and Xiang is afraid of two longs and one short.

Taoism uses burning incense to test the unknown.If the three sticks of incense burn at the same speed and length, then it is safe incense. If there are two long and one short, then there must be an ominous sign within seven days. Two short and one long are good omens for Shoulu incense.

Xue Gui only knew about this method, and what would be the result after it was actually implemented. In fact, Xue Gui didn't dare to say that he was sure in his heart.

After all, [Huangquan Biluo Pill] is not an ordinary thing. He went to hell three times, but he never found a trace of it, otherwise he would not have accepted this destiny.

It is impossible to say that this method has no risk, but this hurdle cannot be stepped on, and the life of my disciple and grandson will not last long.

Not to mention the troubles of five disadvantages and three deficiencies, just this kid's fate is not very good. I have used six lines of divination to calculate it several times, and the results are without exception. This kid has a lot of fate and is a short-lived ghost.

Now seeing that the three yellow incense sticks are neatly broken and the length is neat, Xue Gui knows that this kid has broken through this level.

After passing this level, he is a person who has died once, his fate has changed, and he is no longer bound by the three evils and five shortcomings.

To put it bluntly, the name of this person can no longer be found in Hades' book of life and death. It's not that he won't die, it's just that he is no longer bound by fate.

How could this make Xue Gui unhappy, when the end came, he didn't know how long he could live, not only the inheritance was hopeful, but his disciple and grandson escaped and changed their fate, how could he be unhappy.

Once master Xue Gui was happy, he became even more unscrupulous in his actions.

His eyes were cold and stern, and he ignored the old guys who were chasing him, and took the small ones first.

As soon as he waved his hand, he saw a leaf flying, and more than a dozen paper figurines were called out by the master, and they beat them with the mourning sticks in their hands.

These paper figurines are not ordinary. Before going to the Qing Palace, these paper figurines were able to fight with three first-class masters. Now, dealing with those juniors who are not good at learning skills is like cutting melons and cutting vegetables.

The funeral stick in the paper figurine's hand fell like a broken bamboo, and there was no mysterious move, just a fast word.

A junior, relying on his good lightness kungfu, jumped three meters high in the sky with one move, and looked at the paper figures on the ground with a sneer: "I didn't expect that, I can fly!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he suddenly felt a white shadow swaying in front of him, and when he turned his head, he was frightened out of his wits. A paper figurine appeared lightly in front of him, and a mourning stick knocked him down.

In an instant, the brains of this young junior were scattered in the air.

It's a pity that the paper man is a dead thing and can't speak, otherwise he would have to spit no matter what he did: "Compared with the paper man, your brain is caught by the door."

Xue Gui walked around these old things, even though these old guys wanted to fight him desperately, but He Xuegui didn't fight them at all, and could only watch Xue Gui wantonly slaughter their disciples.

"Xue Gui, stop!!" A white-haired old man was in a hurry, leaning on a cane to protect his disciple Zhouquan desperately, begging bitterly, even if it meant killing himself, just let him go Fate, at least the lineage of their family can't just be cut off like this.

"Small!!" Seeing his son being beaten to death by three paper figurines, the middle-aged man, as a father, was crying heartbreakingly. All the merits, fame and fortune were all wiped out in an instant. At this time Even with the dragon chair in front of him, he just feels that life is boring.

"Xue Gui, old man, I will fight with you."

The old man was red-eyed, and wanted to rush forward to die with Xue Gui.

"Xue Gui, you... you are a master in vain!!" Someone cried and accused, but they forgot that it was the disciple who shamelessly beat up Xue Gui's grandson just now.

Someone cursed viciously: "Xue Gui, after today, the descendants of your family will not be able to survive. From now on, your seven clans will be the taboo of the Jianghu, and your descendants will be the enemies of the Jianghu."

It doesn't matter if you curse sharply or cry miserably.

Xue Gui turned a deaf ear to the begging of a young woman in front of him, raised his sword and sent her on the road.

Facing the accusations from those old guys behind him, he finally responded with one sentence: "Those who cross the line will be killed!"

There was no emotion in the voice, it was as cold as a machine, but anyone who heard these words trembled.

"Okay, okay! Xue Gui, you are cruel, you want to be the destiny, we will simply play with you to the end today!"

Seeing the heavy casualties of their disciples in an instant, the faces of the few old men became even more ugly. They tore off their shirts and exposed their chests.

Gao Zhuo took a closer look at the marks on the bodies of these old people, and couldn't help being startled.

I saw that these old people were covered with densely packed charms. Gao Zhuo didn't recognize these spells at all, but he could tell that the charms were newly pierced, and there were blood scabs in some places.

"Qian Shou, let's do it! Even if it is beyond redemption, we old guys will recognize it!"

The five old men had cold faces, full of resentment, and their eyes were red.

Qian Shou hesitated for a moment, now that the general trend is over, if he really wants to do this, the consequences...

Seeing Qianshou's hesitation, the five old men snapped.

"Why, you've lived most of your life, so it's hard to be a turtle. Isn't it enough for us to accompany you on the way to Huangquan?"

"Qian Shou, I know what you're thinking, but since he dared to risk the world and cut off our incense, we old bastards should also pave the way for future generations!"

"Go ahead!"


Qian Shou glanced at Xue Gui who was not far away, and saw that instead of going forward to stop him, he just watched with cold eyes. He was looking down at him, but it gave people a condescending feeling.

Seeing this, Qianshou's facial muscles twitched a few times, and he gritted his teeth: "Forget it, Wu Lao Gaoyi, wait for the underworld, Qianshou will send you on your way!"

After finishing speaking, he suddenly raised his hands and waved, only to see a scimitar flying out of his sleeve, the blade drew a cold light in the dark night, and flashed between the throats of the five old men.

"Puff puff puff!!"

Immediately, five heads flew up, blood splashed in the air, but strangely, with the heads flying up, the corpses of the five old men did not fall down, but stood up straight with their hands on their hips.

Looking again, the five heads were spinning in mid-air, and there were bursts of evil chanting sounds from their mouths.

Qianshou even pinched a tactic with his fingers, the mask on his face was split in two, he continued to utter curses, and a puff of black smoke rose from his body.

"Boom, boom..." There was a muffled thunder and lightning flashed in the sky.

Along with the five heads flying up into the sky, the bodies of the five people also shriveled up, as if their blood had been sucked dry all at once.

"Xue Gui, you stopped me today, and we have nothing to say, but once the gate of Yin and Yang is opened, from now on, there will be so many evil spirits and evil spirits in this world, and where will your new era be?"

Qianshou raised his eyes and saw a huge one-armed figure quietly appearing in the midair. After five heads poured into the figure, the figure turned into a cloud of blood. Not long after, blood rained down from the sky, covering the whole world. On the entire Beiman Mountain.

"Xue Gui!! From now on, the world will be in chaos, let your descendants slowly taste this karma, hahaha!!"

With a stern shout, I saw a headmaster who didn't know who he belonged to, waved the blade in his hand, and wiped it between the throat.

When the other seniors saw this, their faces were full of madness.

These people shot suddenly, but they didn't kill Xue Gui, but committed suicide.

But at this time, something weird happened. This guy fell to the ground, but the blood on his body gushed out quickly. The blood rain became bigger and bigger, but the rain fell on the ground and did not cause water accumulation. If you look closely, you will find The ground was still dry.

"Crazy, crazy!! These old things are crazy!!"

Watching these old guys commit suicide, Gao Zhuo felt insane for a moment. Normally, these people’s deaths are not a pity, but seeing them commit suicide one by one, Gao Zhuo suddenly felt very uncomfortable.

Speaking of which, these people may not all be treacherous and evil people, and even many seniors among them have a good reputation in the world, and they usually protect the village and accumulate virtue.

It's just that no one expected to come to this step.

The blood rain became bigger and bigger, turning the whole world into blood, but not a single drop of blood could be seen on the ground. There was a crashing sound under Yingyun Peak, and a large amount of blood seeped out of the surrounding mountain cracks, like It is like a river, converging into the valley under Yingyun Peak.

For a moment, the ravine was filled with blood. If someone was standing on the peak at this time, they would definitely be able to see the image of a blood eagle spreading its wings and about to soar into the sky.

"They are not crazy, they are just playing with the sky!"

Xu Tong didn't know when he woke up, and looked at the bloody scene in front of him coldly, but his heart was very complicated.

"What did you say??"

Gao Zhuo didn't understand what he meant, so Xu Tong could only explain patiently.

If the master represents the sky, the advent of the new era is the general trend, but under this general trend, these inheritors who were once regarded as living gods by the world have all become the dross of the old era.

The incense was extinguished, the inheritance was cut off, and the stage was sadly lost from then on. The sharp gap made them accept such a result.

So they are going against the sky!Even at this time, even if it is used to fill this hole, the gate of the Yin-Yang Dao must be opened to release infinite evil spirits.

As long as these evil spirits are causing trouble in the world, their inheritance incense will always be rekindled, and the world will inevitably enshrine them on the altar again.

If you fight with your life, you must win against Tianbanzi.

Xu Tong stood up slowly from the ground, only feeling a burning pain in his back.

It was as if something was burning on his back, but at this moment he couldn't care less.

Because at this moment, Xu Tong and Gao Zhuo have already received a prompt from the space: "Main task 3: Cut the weeds and roots!"

Mission objective: Make sure to kill Qianshou and get the shards of the fairy treasure in Qianshou's arms.

The two took another look, and found that Qianshou was already heading towards Yingyun Peak under the cover of those old fellows.

Xu Tong took another look and found that Jingshoucheng was gone, his brows sank.

At this time, the master Xue Gui also came over, without any nonsense of greetings, he just patted Xu Tong on the shoulder: "Go, if you want to save that silly boy, it depends on your own ability!"

(End of this chapter)

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