Infinite script kill

Chapter 288 Blood-stained peaks, people are heartbroken

Chapter 288 Blood-stained peaks, people are heartbroken

Master's words have two meanings.

The first meaning is that fools can still be saved, and the second meaning that Qianshou will harm fools.

The master didn't intend to continue killing, he killed everyone who should be killed, squinted, and there were still some people standing there blankly, the reason why the master didn't kill them was very simple, they didn't cross that line.

"Go, I'll wait for you here, remember that everything has a destiny." The master casually threw the fortune to Xu Tong, while the other hand calmly stuffed a cloth bag into Xu Tong's hand.

Xu Tong glanced at the cloth bag, and saw the master nodded towards him with a smile on his face.

"Okay, let's go now!"

Xu Tong actually had a lot of things in his heart that he wanted to tell the old man, including what happened to him in Bixiatian, but now is not the time, so he called Gao Zhuo and left.

After seeing the two people leave, Xue Gui walked to the edge of the line, his slightly drooping eyelids showed a little tiredness, and his eyes looked at the people outside the line.

Most of these people were aliens of the younger generation, and they felt that their strength was not enough, so they did not participate in the process of besieging and killing Xu Tong, and naturally they did not cross the line.

At this moment, looking at his master, senior brothers and masters, they turned into cold mummies one by one, with tears in their eyes.

A young man in a white vest hesitated for a moment, and finally mustered up the courage to walk in front of Xue Gui. His face was flushed with blood, and he wanted to hate, but he didn't dare to think of revenge.

Just because the old man in front of him is no different from a mountain that he can't climb in this lifetime, not only him, even Zhao Kuangmo may be a goal that he will never try to surpass in this lifetime.

Filled with grievances in his heart, he held back his grief and choked up and bowed his hands to Xue Gui in front of him, and unexpectedly knelt down abruptly.

"Get up! What are you doing!"

The crowd was filled with grief, when they suddenly saw this young man kneeling down towards his enemy, they all stared wide-eyed, wishing to go forward and eat his flesh raw.

But what the young man said next made everyone's expressions calm down and their expressions became more complicated.

"Junior... Junior is bold, please... woo... Senior, please allow me to keep the remains of Master and Senior Brother. I dare not avenge my revenge. I just ask Master and the others to die in peace."

The young man couldn't help the tears overflowing from his eyes, he suppressed his emotions about to collapse and knocked his head three times in front of Xue Gui.

When everyone saw this scene, they felt sad for a moment, and unexpectedly several people came forward, followed the young man and knelt in front of Xue Gui, expressing that as long as the bones were restrained, they would never dare to mention revenge again.

There were not only disciples, but also relatives and grandchildren among them. In less than a moment, except for a few people who were still standing there, staring at Xue Gui with red eyes, most of them knelt down.

Next, as long as Xue Gui nodded, they could take away the remains of their elders. It was up to them to bury, burn, or bring the fallen leaves back to their hometown.

However, Xue Gui looked at these young strangers kneeling in front of him, and just stretched out his hand to help the young man in the lead.

Then, ignoring everyone's desperate expressions, he numbly shook his head and pointed to the line under his feet.

"After crossing the line, you can't live. Let's go. This era has nothing to do with you."

Everyone was speechless, the resentment in their hearts was hard to calm down, and the resentment was overwhelming, but after all, they couldn't summon up the courage to forcefully rush over, because Xue Gui in front of him was not a human being at this moment, but the sky, which was a rule without emotion.

He doesn't care what purpose you step on the line, only when you step on the line, it's when your head falls to the ground.


There were hurried footsteps in the bushes, and the rain of blood on the sky was getting bigger and bigger.

Xu Tong was already familiar with walking this road. Although it was night, his eyes looked like daylight, and he didn't feel dark at all.

As he walked, he looked up to the sky through Da Ya's eyes.

I saw the one-armed God of Five Evils in the sky, but now it became blurred, and a column of blood piercing the sky flashed from between her forehead and was shining under Yingyun Peak.

"Headmaster, she wants to make herself a sacrifice and open the Yin-Yang Dao!"

Da Ya stood in front of the entrance of the hall, staring straight at the sky, her face was a little ugly for a while, although strictly speaking, once the Yin-Yang Dao is completely opened, there will be countless evil spirits in the world at that time. On the contrary, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

After all, when people find that there are more and more of these evil spirits, these people who are regarded as dregs by the master will be sent to the altar again.

Naturally, Baojiaxian can also get a piece of this cake, and it is a huge piece.

Maybe from now on, the old rule of the Northeast Xianjia not leaving the customs can be broken.

But if you can't just think about it from the perspective of interests, at least Da Ya still doesn't want to see this happen in her heart.

After all, it is the common people who suffer in the end.

"Can you stop it?"

Xu Tong was in a bit of trouble, his master asked him to come, but he didn't teach him how to turn off this thing, he just asked him to save fools and kill thousands of hands.

"This... I... Headmaster, what is your stove for??"

When mentioning this matter, Da Ya didn't have any idea, so she could only look left and right and get up. As for the stove in her mouth, Xu Tong looked back and saw a golden incense burner in his hall. The incense burner that came down? ?

I don't know why, this thing didn't reach my hand, but landed in the hall behind me.

At this moment, Xu Tong didn't know what this thing was for, and he didn't have the leisure to study it now. Seeing Da Ya, he had nothing to do, so he could only catch up with Gao Zhuo to see it first.

When the two of them climbed to Yingyun Peak, they saw the thousand-handed man standing on the peak from a distance.

Qianshou also noticed the two of them, but looked at Xu Tong with some surprise, and sneered for a moment: "Your life is really not ordinary, you are not dead."

"To each other, you don't die, how lonely it is for me to go down alone!"

Xu Tong walked towards him with a cold face, and Gao Zhuo called out two zombies, standing in front of him, one on the left and the other on the right.

"Hmph, just the two of you? What about Xue Gui, doesn't that old bastard dare to come by himself?" Qian Shou sneered.

"Killing you, the two of us are enough, the old man is too lazy to fight with you!" Although Gao Zhuo had never fought against Qianshou, he did not love him at all.

Seeing this, Qianshou directly sat on the ground, as if he didn't intend to resist.

He just looked at the bloody light under Yingyun Peak, and said to himself: "It's a pity, if my plan didn't go wrong, there shouldn't be the three of us on Yingyun Peak at this moment, there must be a sea of ​​people. Ten thousand incense sticks."

After he finished speaking, he changed his voice and laughed dryly: "But that's fine too. After the countless evil spirits below rush out of the Yin-Yang Dao, no one in this world will dare to call us dross again."

Qianshou stared at Xu Tong: "Unexpectedly, you kid can also become a master. From then on, you will rise to the top. Remember to thank me when the time comes."

Xu Tong was expressionless when he heard the words, and just stepped forward: "No, I will seal your soul in your head, and then find a high place to hang it up, so that you can see clearly with your dog eyes, dross is dross, because You will only use this shady means to intimidate ordinary people and achieve your goal of fooling the world."

Speaking of this, Xu Tong thought of the old monk at the White Horse Temple: "Smash the real Buddha and get rid of the demons in your heart, don't you understand? You put on the skin of eliminating evil and promoting good, and you preach the so-called dogma, but What I think about is class and your interests, not the common people in the world."

Speaking of this, Xu Tong's eyes met Qian Shou's: "You are the worms that lie on the people and suck blood!"

Qianshou's face turned cold, and the facial features that had been burned by the fire were twisted together at this moment, and he looked up to the sky and laughed: "Okay, it's useless to talk, since you are looking for death, then let me send you on the road together!"

After all, there was an extra iron card in Qianshou's hand.

The iron plate looked like it was newly made, with three strange charms on it, a bit like a command arrow, but not too much.

"No, that is what this old thing is holding in his hand is the talisman of the Five Evil Gods."

Da Ya is well-informed, and when she saw the spell on the order talisman, her heart skipped a beat, and she hurriedly explained it to Xu Tong.

It turns out that although Li Xi put the five evil gods here, and used the Maoshan secret technique, when making the five evil gods, in order to prevent this thing from being disobedient, Qianshou planted a spell in the statue early on, and with his hands Please ask the five evil gods to help you with the token.

"Please?" Xu Tong heard the word please, and couldn't help asking: "What's the way to ask, isn't it like your old fairy who threw himself at people?"

The big girl rolled her eyes, thinking that these are two things, but it's not easy to get entangled in such a small side branch now, she nodded: "Almost."

I saw Qianshou holding a token and chanting a mantra. Behind him, the God of Five Evils seemed to feel the call, and a big hand slowly covered it, turning into billowing black smoke and pouring into Qianshou's body.

In a blink of an eye, behind Qian Shou, a real God of Five Evils was born to stand proudly behind Qian Shou.

"You take a break first, let me test the water!"

Gao Zhuo raised the silver needle in his hand slightly, and controlled the two zombies to rush towards Qianshou.

These two zombies are not ordinary zombies, they are Gao Zhuo's housekeepers. Seeing him chanting a spell with his fingers, the two zombies immediately revealed their ferocious side.

Their upper and lower blood vessels emerged directly from the body surface, their eyes bulged out, their shoulders were a whole circle larger, and the surrounding meridian muscles were twisted and twisted, which looked as weird as a cylinder. When they kicked their feet, It even flew towards Qianshou like a cannonball.

However, when Gao Zhuo was full of confidence, he saw the corner of Qianshou's mouth raised: "It's a small skill."

While speaking, the God of Five Evils stretched out two big hands, bowed left and right, and even held the two zombies in his hands.

Before Gao Zhuo had time to react, Qianshou quickly bit his finger, drew a blood talisman and stuck it on the heads of the two zombies.

Once the blood talisman was pasted on the top of the zombie's head, the zombie stopped moving immediately. Qianshou looked at the surprised Gao Zhuo with a sneer: "I'm afraid you don't know, I have stayed in Plum Blossom Manor for several years. There are more than you!"

(End of this chapter)

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