Infinite script kill

Chapter 289 Blood-stained peaks, people are heartbroken

Chapter 289 Blood-stained peaks, people are heartbroken

Where is Plum Blossom Village? ?

Others don't know about it, but Gao Zhuo is like a bright mirror in his heart.

Speaking of Plum Blossom Village, one person must be mentioned, Taoist Plum Blossom.

This Plum Blossom Taoist is not the one who wrote the poem, but a stranger. It is not known exactly when he was born in the Ming and Qing Dynasties. We only know that this Plum Blossom Taoist has been in the circle of strangers since the beginning of the paper-making industry. gained some fame.

Plum Blossom Village, to put it bluntly, is Yizhuang.

Plum Blossom Taoist is the owner of Yizhuang. Speaking of which, the cobbler and paper maker are all handed down from this Plum Blossom Taoist.

Speaking of which, although cobblers sew corpses, they also have techniques for exorcising corpses. The line of exorcising corpses in Xiangxi used to be a family.

The same goes for the paper maker.

The Plum Blossom Taoist has long since disappeared, but the Plum Blossom Village still remains. It is said that there is an inconspicuous plum blossom forest in Qingcheng Mountain, but most people can’t find it. It is rumored that there is a trick left by the Plum Blossom Taoist.

It was also a coincidence that Qianshou joined Plum Blossom Village back then. What he wanted to learn was paper piercing, but it was a pity that this subject had been separated long ago, and no one in Plum Blossom Village could learn it anymore.

Qianshou could only learn a lot of corpse control skills, and found some dilapidated classics of the paper maker in it, and learned them speciously. Finally, he met a master of Caimen and transferred to learn puppet art.

So speaking of it, Qianshou and they also came from the same source.

"Hehe, I've learned so much, but I haven't seen you have any skills, blow me up!"

Gao Zhuo curled his lips, seeing that the corpses were charged, he pinched the seal immediately, and the two corpses immediately began to distort and swell, and then suddenly exploded, the dark green corpse water splashed, and immediately corroded bowl-sized bowl-sized bowls after staining the ground. hole.

However, the strange thing is that Qianshouren was not affected in the slightest, as if there was an invisible layer in the air protecting him.

"What is this??"

Gao Zhuo grinned and looked carefully, thinking that Qianshou also learned some kind of body protection like Li Xi.

Just as he was about to summon two more zombies, Xu Tong stopped him.

"Don't bother, the false is the real, the real is the false, this old guy is half-step master, it's useless for you to deal with him like this."

Qian Shou gave a thumbs up: "With good eyesight, you can understand this truth after only following Xue Gui for a long time. No wonder Li Xi wanted to kill you himself."

Xu Tong has been with the master for so long, but he has never heard the master say what the so-called great master is.

But the master didn't say that he already had an understanding in his heart, especially when Li Xi killed him, the master secretly borrowed his strength to let him feel the power of the full version of Baishankou in advance, which made him understand the so-called reality. Dao has a deeper understanding.

He thought that the so-called great master should really understand and master this kind of power that can turn reality into reality, and only then can he be called a great master.

He even doubts now that the land gods mentioned by the ancients may be some great masters who live in seclusion in the mountains and forests.

The Qianshou in front of him naturally does not have such power, but after receiving the blessing of the Five Evil Gods behind him, he barely reached the level of a half-step grand master, that is, he has mastered the power of illusion, but he has not mastered the power of illusion. real ability.

"But it doesn't matter if you see it, a half-step master is enough to kill you!"

He ran all the way here just to borrow the power of the Five Evil Gods, and fight Xue Gui again, but Xue Gui didn't come, but two little guys came, just to use their blood to avenge everyone.

While speaking, Qianshou opened his hands towards the two with a sneer, and suddenly black mist surged, turning the entire Yingyun Peak into a dark world.

"Teacher, above!!"

Da Ya pointed to the sky and reminded, Xu Tong and Gao Zhuo looked up, and saw a big hand open in the gray darkness above their heads, with strands like hair hanging down from the palm.

"Colorful Opera·Hundred Ghosts Take the Stage!"

As the saying goes, ghosts set up the stage, people act in plays, ghosts watch people, operas are scattered, and people's lives die.

This is not a stage for the living, but a stage for the dying.

Thousands of silver threads hang down, and once they touch a living person, they are like thousands of little snakes entangled.

Gao Zhuo's face darkened, he took out the ink fountain in his hand, pulled out a long dark red rope, pinched his fingers to weave a big net, and threw it over his head, the big net was like a golden bell cover, firmly protecting him .

"Teacher be careful!!"

Da Ya stood at the entrance of the hall and stomped her feet anxiously. He naturally saw that the teacher from his family had fought with Li Xi for so long. Even though he seemed to be alive and well now, he was still at the end of his battle. At this time, he had to deal with a half-grandmaster. It is suicidal.

But Xu Tong didn't respond immediately. Instead, he opened his hand and waved a ball of corrosive fire towards the top of his head.

But the strange thing is that once the flame was stained with the silver thread, it disappeared strangely.

At this time, Qianshou's lazy voice came from their ears: "Although I don't have the ability to understand the truth of the false and the real, I understand the truth that the false is true, and the real is false. Xue Gui asked you two boys to come. Biggest mistake of his life."

Qianshou's voice came from an unknown direction, but immediately after, there was a sound of footsteps in the darkness.

Xu Tong and Gao Zhuo took a closer look, and saw that the visitor was wearing a dark priest's robe, holding a golden cross in one hand, and a black Bible in the other.

Looking at the face of the person who came, the skin was pitch black, and the skin was only attached to the bones, but it had blond hair.


"Silver Armored Corpse!"

Seeing this, Xu Tong and Gao Zhuo couldn't help being surprised at the same time, when Xu Tong thought about the methods of Guishi Qianshou and others, he immediately understood.

"Well, I'm afraid this is the one who taught you how to use foreigners in the past. He taught the disciples to starve the master to death. It's good for you, the disciples killed the master."

Xu Tong began to mock with a half-hearted smile.

"Wait, could it be that the coffin below belongs to him!!"

At this time, Gao Zhuo also suddenly remembered the empty coffin under Yingyun Peak. His heart moved, and he immediately understood, and shouted to the surroundings: "Damn, you actually turned him into a zombie, how dare you What a filial son, next year today, I will definitely burn you a handful of Frostmourne."

It's a pity that Qianshou could only understand the first part, but the latter sentence made him frown. He didn't know what Frostmourne was. The name seemed very powerful, but he always felt that something was weird.

He didn't talk nonsense with the two of them, he commanded the zombie to kill Xu Tong and Gao Zhuo, while on the other hand, silver threads hung down, making it hard to distinguish the real from the fake.

"You deal with this thing, these silver threads are handed over to me!"

After Xu Tong finished talking to Gao Zhuo, he summoned Fa Cai to hold it in his hand, only to see Fa Cai transformed into a big broom in his hand, constantly smashing the silver threads in front of his eyes.

Gao Zhuo grinned, patted his chest and assured, "Don't worry, I'm good at dealing with zombies!"

As he spoke, he called out three more zombies, and pointed with his hand: "Come on, show this foreign devil what a decent zombie is!"

These silver threads are not real, no matter how much they are broken, they will be restored in a blink of an eye.

But occasionally, when a silver thread landed on the back of Xu Tong's hand, he felt a tingling pain like a needle prick, and when he looked again, the silver thread actually wanted to pierce his flesh and penetrate into it.

Seeing this, Xu Tong hastily activated the power of the demon, and burned the silver thread to ashes with a flame of magic.

"Da Ya, Ji Xiang, do you have a way to break it??"

Seeing that going on like this is not an option, Xu Tong can only ask the two at the entrance, of course, the main thing is to ask Da Ya, after all, Jixiang, the white mouse, can only stand there as a mascot at this moment .

"This... I can try to help you rush out, but I can't help you deal with Qianshou. He is a half-step master. Don't say you don't understand my martial arts, even the one who brought me out of the mountain It's not his opponent to do it yourself."

Da Ya's words are nothing more than persuading Xu Tong to leave as soon as possible. Besides, the Yin-Yang Dao is about to be opened, and the chaos in the world has become a foregone conclusion. It cannot be saved by one person alone.

Of course, she also admits that she has some selfish intentions, after all, the master is on the head teacher, if Xu Tong dies, all her hundred years of practice will be ruined.

Just as Xu Tong was asking, Gao Zhuo suddenly screamed from behind: "Quick, get out of the way!!"

Instinctively, Xu Tong dodged sideways, and a gust of wind flew behind him. Looking back, he found that it was the foreign zombie, good guy, the three zombies released by Gao Zhuo were dismantled in a blink of an eye.

Seeing this, Xu Tong couldn't help casting a resentful look at Gao Zhuo, as if to say, "Can you trust me?"

"Come on, let me rush out of here first!"

Xu Tong was also decisive, and immediately agreed to Da Ya's proposal after hearing Da Ya's words.

Da Ya's eyes glowed with green light and shouted: "Teacher, please point your feet!"

According to his words, Xu Tong felt a force rushing up from behind him when he touched his toes, but the strange thing was that after leaning forward slightly, he did not lose his center of gravity. Instead, he tightened his hands and feet, feeling someone sticking to his back same as above.

In the blink of an eye, white hairs grew on Xu Tong's face, three phantoms of tails appeared behind him, his body was bent, and even his nails became sharp and slender.

Opening his mouth, his voice was sharp and piercing: "Teacher, I will take you out first!"

After speaking, he crawled on the ground and rushed forward quickly, ran a few steps, and suddenly jumped up, chanting an incantation that didn't sound like human words.

Others could not understand this spell, but at this moment Xu Tong was able to understand the general meaning at the moment of being thrown by the big girl.

"God Tengger came to the world, I would like to practice for a hundred years and pray for divine power..."

While talking, the big girl opened her mouth and bit her back, biting off a tail, and throwing the tail forward, the tail actually shone with silver light, tearing a hole in the dark scene.

This price can be said to be insignificant. If a tail has been practiced for a hundred years, if it were someone else, even if it was the one who brought him out of the mountain, she would never pay such a big capital.

Xu Tong didn't care about Gao Zhuo at this time, and jumped out of the shadow with a vigorous step, but just as he jumped out of the shadow, he saw Qianshou sitting cross-legged in front of him not far away.

"Teacher, run, we are no match for this old guy."

Da Ya shouted and shouted, Xu Tong said: "Good! Good! Good!" Taking a brisk step, he rushed straight to Qianshou!

Big Ya: ...

(End of this chapter)

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