Infinite script kill

Chapter 290 Blood-stained Peak People Heartbroken

Chapter 290 Blood-stained Peak People Heartbroken

Seeing Xu Tong rushing out of the shady fantasy, Qianshou couldn't help being surprised, but when he saw Xu Tong rushing straight towards him, the smile on his face became even more ferocious.

"Seek your own way!"

Qianshou knew that Xu Tong's magic flame was powerful, but he was not afraid at all, even a half-step master was a master: "It's just that we didn't win last time, don't blame me for bullying you now!"

After finishing speaking, he clasped his hands together, and a Buddha's light appeared on his chest.

He was not just as simple as borrowing the power of the Five Evil Gods to become a half-grandmaster. At this time, when he squeezed his fingers with both hands, bursts of Buddha's light rose from behind him.

What's even more weird is that Buddha's light turned into a golden toad, opened its mouth wide, and swallowed the five evil gods.

"Leader, hurry up, this old thief has swallowed the Five Evil Gods, and his skill has greatly increased. You are no match for him!"

When Daya saw this, she felt the chills all over her body, and she was horrified by this Qianshou. Although he was not a master, his methods were outrageous. After devouring the five evil gods, he turned into a Buddhist golden toad. A master is also enough to start a school.

However, Xu Tong ignored Da Ya's shouts, and the raging demonic flames rose from his body. The huge monster landed behind Xu Tong again, exuding a terrifying aura, and devouring Xu Tong's flesh and blood.

There are humans and demons on one side, and gods and Buddhas on the other. A ray of sunshine is rising in the darkness, and a ray of dawn is gradually cutting through the darkness.

Xu Tong jumped up high, waved his hand and threw it away, only to see Fa Cai's long spear ignited with raging demonic flames and shot at Qianshou.

The magic flame surged, leaving a black trace in the air, as if it wanted to ignite this void.

Seeing Xu Tong's desperate efforts, Qianshou had no choice but to get serious. He clapped his hands, and the Buddha's light surged behind him. The huge golden toad opened its mouth and stuck out its tongue. The great master's way of emptiness and reality is exactly the same, because there is a golden relic on the lotus flower.

As soon as the lotus came out, not only did Xu Tong's magic flame go out immediately, but even Fa Cai screamed, turning into a crow in mid-air and about to run for his life.

Seeing the appearance of the lotus, a smile gradually appeared on Qianshou's face.

He worshiped Buddhism three times. Is that true conversion?Of course not, the purpose is for this relic.

I have devoted my whole life to today, using Yang Yong and others to create the Buddha head murder case, create the five evil gods, and then open the yin and yang way, and then devour the five evil gods by myself, and use this relic to become a master by myself.

If it wasn't because Xue Gui disrupted his plan, at this moment, he should have dominated the world and other people, using their power to transform many evil spirits and earn immeasurable merit.

It can be said that Qianshou's every step is extremely accurate, and even for this plan, he has been secretly planning for no less than ten years.

Now it has finally come true, in the sky and on the earth, I am the only one!

Just as the smile on Qianshou's face was getting stronger, Xu Tong suddenly raised his hand and held an object in his hand.

This thing is dark, at first glance it looks like a mace, with three huge holes at the top, and the tail is like a crossbow trigger, a fuse like a flintlock, and a flint.

This thing is nothing else, it is the three-eyed firecracker that the master specially hired a craftsman to make.

Qian Shou frowned, even if he took out a pistol now, he was not afraid, let alone such an old antique from many years ago.

He even thought it was very funny, thinking that Zhao Kuangsheng was just trying to make ends meet at this time, he must have lost his head.

Just when he was laughing wildly from the bottom of his heart, he only heard a "boom!", and Xu Tong was directly sent flying by the huge recoil.

Xu Tong tilted his body and fell down like an onion. Fortunately, at the critical moment, the butler white mouse as the mascot finally played a role.

He jumped down and turned into a gust of dark wind to catch Xu Tong firmly.

But even so, he was choked enough, his ears were full of buzzing, he felt like his head had been hit by two eighty hammers, his eyes were dazed, and when he looked at his hands again, two big gaps were opened in his jaws. The hands are not the same as their own.

Well, the master gave this thing to himself, thinking it was some kind of treasure, but he almost killed himself first.

Before he came back to his senses, the white mouse behind him suddenly screamed and went back to the entrance of the hall, even the big girl covered his nose and went straight into the entrance of the hall, refusing to come out.

Xu Tong didn't know what happened yet, when he raised his nose, his face turned blue, and he almost threw up.

But before he opened his mouth to spit it out, he heard a heart-piercing scream, the scream mixed with the sound of vomiting, it was so miserable.

Xu Tong looked up and almost laughed out loud.

I saw that Qianshou was covered with sticky mud, lying on the ground covering his mouth, his already ugly face was twisted into a ball now.

The nostrils were bubbling, and even the vomiting was so severe that fluid leaked out of the corners of the eyes.

It turned out that the master gave Xu Tong a package before his departure, which contained the three-eyed firecracker, but the master did not say whether it was useful or not.

Unexpectedly, the inside is actually full of golden juice, and if this cannonball is fired, it will not blossom in the sky.

No wonder the master didn't come by himself.

Those who practice Taoism are most afraid of filthy things, what is filthy things, such as aunts, footwashing water, but the most poisonous thing is definitely golden juice.

Gold juice is not feces. For example, a high-ranking person stepped on a big feces while walking, and it was over after a few curses.

But golden juice is not good, because this thing is not as simple as feces. The so-called golden juice is a mixture of feces and water from hundreds of families.

After a little cooking, the filthy gas is the most terrifying.

If a cultivator gets involved, it is no different from jumping into a frying pan. At the least, it will damage your practice for a few years, and at worst, it will directly ruin your practice for a hundred years.

This is also the reason why, after Chang Miao cultivated to become the Five Dung True Monarch, the masters of the Three Religions did not dare to fight this guy.

Speaking of it, the master is also hurt, and I don't know how the master stuffed this thing in, and it's all sprayed down at this moment.

The originally majestic Jin Chan, oh ho, it's gone.

That golden relic, oh ho, it's over.

This is just the threshold to advance to a true master with the help of relics, and now it has disappeared.

Seeing that Qianshou was prostrate on the ground and almost out of breath, Xu Tong was worried that the old guy would not be able to catch his breath, so he burped himself.

"You... vomit... vomit..."

Qianshou hated it in his heart, wished to peel off Xu Tong's cramps, hate him, at this moment, he couldn't use any energy, his mouth was full of the smell of dung, and there was something indescribable hanging from the corner of his mouth. Knowing that just now, Qianshou really didn't eat less.

Qian Shou was beaten back to its original shape, and the shady curtain disappeared without a trace. Xu Tong turned around and saw black bone wings growing from the back of the foreign zombie, and his body also expanded in a circle. , and even the priest's robes were torn.

Looking around Gao Zhuo again, there are still two zombies left, and the other zombies have been dismantled to pieces.

But as soon as Qianshou's skill broke through, the foreign zombie was also fixed there, Gao Zhuo saw the opportunity, rushed up and slapped the foreign zombie on the back of the head, and three slender silver needles flew out.

"Hahaha, earned, earned, this wave of blood earned!"

Gao Zhuo lost a lot of zombies this time, but he gained a foreign zombie, and it was about to turn golden. The zombie immediately stood there motionless.

Gao Zhuo, who has gained a lot, only noticed the movement here, but when he came over and saw Qianshou's face turned into a pig's liver, and he was lying on the ground in a miserable state, Gao Zhuo couldn't help pinching his nose: "This How did the old man become like this?"

Xu Tong didn't want to explain what happened just now, stood up with Gao Zhuo's support, looked at Qianshou who was almost out of breath, and said: "You also said that on the way to Huangquan, I will be with those seniors, In that case, this junior will give you a ride."

Qianshouren is also free and easy, knowing that the general situation is over, he doesn't struggle, he just looks up at the sky, and when he sees the bright light in the distance covering the direction of the Shangqing Palace again, he growls full of unwillingness: "I don't accept !!"


A gunshot in the forest overwhelmed his roar, echoing in the open mountains...

One of the instigators, Qian Shou, finally died, but the matter was not over yet, Xu Tong and Gao Zhuo suddenly heard a shrill scream, and they hurried to the side to have a look into the ravine.

Gao Zhuo slapped his thigh: "It's over, this yin and yang way is still open!"

 In order to ensure the sense of reading, the two chapters are written together before posting, sorry.Tomorrow this will be over, Jiageng.

(End of this chapter)

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