Infinite script kill

Chapter 291 The Two Brothers in Front of the White Bone Gate

Chapter 291

"It's over, it's over, the master didn't tell us, how can this thing be closed."

Gao Zhuo looked at the blood churning below, it seemed like a huge vortex was getting bigger and bigger, and he could faintly hear the deep mourning sound coming from it, knowing that the matter had come to this point, and there was no possibility of recovery.

"Let's go, go back and find the old man to see what countermeasures he has."

Gao Zhuo looked at Xu Tong, this is beyond their control.

In fact, the two of them had already received a notification that the main task was completed.

And the main task has reminded them that as long as they get the fairy treasure fragments from Qianshou, they can return to life with the master.

In other words, it doesn't matter to the two of them whether the yin and yang path is opened or not.

"No, maybe there is still a chance."

Xu Tong looked at the whirlpool, he didn't know what he was thinking in his deep eyes, turned around and walked to Qianshou's body.Resisting the stench from Qianshou's body, he groped around his corpse, and found the remaining piece of fairy treasure from the small cloth bag in his heart.

The remaining two are in the master's hands, and the other is on Li Xi's body. Right now, he only needs to bring back the fragments of the fairy treasure and synthesize the fairy treasure. His script world this time is considered complete and he can return at any time.

As for the next thing, whether it is thousands of ghosts coming out of Yin and Yang, or the ending that the master will face next, in fact, strictly speaking, it has nothing to do with him.

But if he really left like this, it would definitely not be Xu Tong's character.

He wasn't going to go, at least not right now.

When Gao Zhuo saw that he was silent, his heart skipped a beat. What does this lunatic want to do? ?

"Don't mess around, this is just a scripted world, which is not the same thing as reality. The scripted world is just a projection of reality. Even if you risk your life to change the ending of this world, you can't affect reality!!"

Gao Zhuo pulled his arm, afraid that this guy would mess around.

But if he could really persuade Xu Tong, he wouldn't follow Xu Tong into this world of big scripts.

"No, there is really hope!"

Xu Tong stared into the depths of the whirlpool. He knew that there might be infinite evil spirits under the whirlpool, but he knew better in his heart that there was still a person under the whirlpool at this moment.

Gao Zhuo's heart skipped a beat, and he immediately understood what Xu Tong meant by hope. He frowned and said, "Don't be stupid, look at it, can that idiot survive?? Now there may be no bones left."

Xu Tong didn't make a sound, but handed him the fairy treasure fragment.

Then he took a step and wanted to go forward, Gao Zhuo held his hands tightly, and said with a dark face: "Have you ever thought about what to do if you jump off and never come back?"

Hearing this, Xu Tong tilted his head to look at Gao Zhuo, and grinned: "If I can't come back, then I won't come back. If I die below, I may regret it, but if I don't go down, I may regret it for the rest of my life."


Gao Zhuo pointed at Xu Tong cursingly, let go of his hand, and took out the ink fountain just now from the props book: "Writing the script with you is really bad luck for eight lifetimes, if it weren't for the old man and our family , if it weren't for the relationship between the two of us, I wouldn't take this risk with you."

Gao Zhuo expressed reluctance in every possible way, but his hands never stopped. He took out a red thread from the ink fountain and tied it around Xu Tong's waist, and took out three copper coins from his other hand, but he didn't see what he was using. The trick is to touch the copper coin on the red line, and it is magically buckled on the red line.

"Remember, if the three copper coins start to break, no matter what is underneath, you should come back quickly. When the third copper coin is destroyed, I can't pull you up."

Facing Gao Zhuo's serious face, Xu Tong could only put away the cynical attitude on his face, and nodded heavily towards him: "I promise, although I never mean what I say."

After finishing speaking, Xu Tong jumped suddenly, and his figure disappeared into the red vortex in front of his eyes.


Once entering the vortex, the world in front of my eyes is full of blood red, and I can't see what is in front of me. It is strange to say that the blood water looks like a river, but it is actually just a thick layer of blood mist.

Although I can't see it clearly, I have been here twice, and I walked deep in the direction I remembered, and the impact was not great.


A bleak scream echoed in the bloody water, and the sound grew louder as he walked down, making his eardrums hurt. At this moment, Xu Tong suddenly felt his arm sink, as if something grabbed his arm .

Looking down, it was a skinny bloody hand pulling Xu Tong. A blurred face gradually became clear in the blood mist. When he saw this face, Xu Tong frowned. This person is He didn't recognize anyone, but this face was very familiar.

Think about it carefully, isn't this one of the five old people whose head was beheaded by Qianshou?

"Thousand hands lied to me!!"

The old man opened his mouth and roared at Xu Tong.

It turned out that Qianshou had explained to them that opening the Yin-Yang Dao required all of their blood, but he never said that even the soul would be sacrificed together.

When they realized it at this moment, they had already reached the point of no return.

"Go away!"

Xu Tong broke free from the bloody hands, who knew that there were more and more bloody hands around at this time, and those who chose to be sacrifices were actually entangled at this moment.

"We are finished, you have to come and accompany us!"

"Zhao Kuangmo, pay for my disciple's life!"

"Kill him, let him live with us forever."

Someone recognized Xu Tong and shouted to tear him to pieces.

Seeing more and more blood shadows pouring over, Xu Tong's face turned cold. He felt sympathy for these old guys, but also hated them.

What I sympathize with is that they were ruthlessly abandoned under the constraints of the times, and I hate them for not being up to date and self-styled.

If they are willing to let go, perhaps relying on their unique skills, they may not be unable to find a world of their own in the new era.

Even an actor in Xia Jiuliu can become the quintessence of the country by virtue of his own skills.

Why can't they?
In the final analysis, it was just selfishness. In their eyes, what they lost was not only incense, but also status, class, and people's awe of their profession.

Walking to such a field step by step, they are not bound by themselves.

Thinking of this, Xu Tong really couldn't feel sorry for them. Seeing the blood shadows rushing, Xu Tong took out the [Demon Bell] in his hand and shook it lightly.

This enchanting bell is one of the 32 treasures of the eight sects, and it is also the most precious treasure of their seven sects. It not only has the ability to restrain souls, but also has the voice of evil spirits. It is the nemesis of ghosts and ghosts.

He thought that the master let him come, on the one hand, it was because he had a dark physique and was not affected by the blood mist, and on the other hand, it was probably because the bell was in his hand.

"Jingle ding bell..."

As soon as the bell rang, the blood shadows around immediately scattered and fled. Although they fell into such a field, they still retained some consciousness of living people. Seeing the bell in Xu Tong's hand, they immediately guessed what it was and were surprised Shouldn't this thing stay in the Wang family's lineage? Why did it fall into Xu Tong's hands.

After all, as far as they know, Xue Gui's apprenticeship is not from the Wang family.

Even if it is inherited from the Wang family line, this bell is a token of the head of the sect, so if he didn't hold it himself, why would his disciples hold it instead.

But at this moment, they couldn't figure out these problems either. After triggering the 10% Soul Flying Soul Scattering effect under the enchanting bell, several blood shadows immediately fell apart and disappeared completely.

When the other blood shadows heard the ringtone, they covered their ears and fled as if cut into pieces.

After these blood shadows scattered and fled, most of the blood mist in front of them dissipated, revealing a trail for Xu Tong.

Xu Tong was very familiar with this road, but when he ran over it, the cave he was familiar with was no longer in front of him, but a gate made of bones.

The door is full of skeletons and bones, clinging to the door as if alive, wriggling back and forth. At this moment, the door has been slowly opened with a gap, and huge eyeballs are squeezed in the gap to look out.


Xu Tong didn't pay attention to the origin of the gate, his eyes turned red when he looked at the figure in front of the gate.

The thin figure stood in front of the gate, the clothes on his body were gone, and he just stood there naked, his thin body was covered with scars, some had scabs, and some were still dripping with blood.

He is just a fool, a fool who takes the sky as his cover and the earth as his bed. He has no one to rely on, so he holds a knife and confronts thousands of evil spirits in the Yin and Yang Dao.

Not to mention Xu Tong, even if it is a person watching it, it will feel distressed.


Xu Tong stepped forward gently, opened his mouth and softly called the fool.

Hearing his voice, the idiot shook his body a few times, and turned around slowly. When those black and white eyes looked at Xu Tong, the plain eyes instantly made Xu Tong's nose sour. He saw half of the idiot's face It has already been torn open with two big openings with deep bone visible.


The fool grinned, and opened his mouth: "Hungry!"

Xu Tong was stunned: "Yes, yes, there are all kinds of delicious food."

As he said that, he hurriedly called out the item book, took out all the edible things, tore open the packaging bag and wanted to hand it to the fool.

However, the strange thing is that when these foods come into contact with the air, they quickly deteriorate and become moldy at a speed visible to the naked eye, and even the fruits quickly rot.


Looking at Sha Qima whose hands were already covered with mildew, Xu Tong's eyes tightened, he threw it away, and picked up another bag of food without giving up, but the result was still the same.

"Why, how did this happen." Xu Tong opened a bag of compressed biscuits, but even the compressed biscuits without a little moisture still couldn't last for a few seconds and would deteriorate and grow hair.


The three big girls stood at the entrance of the hall and watched carefully. The usually taciturn Fa Cai seldom opened his mouth, but what he brought to Xu Tong was the news that made his heart sink to the bottom of the valley.

"The yin and yang path is a filthy place. These foods are simply inedible here."

Getting rich means coming out of the Yin and Yang path. He looked at the huge eyeballs behind the gate in fear. He believed that there were already countless terrifying monsters piled up behind the gate. They never came out. Perhaps it was because of this Naked boy.

But how long can this boy last? ?

Whether it was Wangcai or Da Ya, even a white mouse could tell that he was already on the verge of collapse and couldn't hold on for too long.

"Is there no other way??"

Xu Tong's eyes were red with anxiety, he had never been in such a bad mood for a moment.

Immediately he raised his head, looked at the fool, slowly stretched out his hand, and said softly: "Go, go home, brother will take you to eat delicious food."

However, the fool still just shook his head and refused, glanced at the spoiled food on the ground, squirmed his mouth a few times, then turned around, and refocused his eyes on the front door.


Xu Tong rushed forward and stretched out his hand to pull him. This time the idiot didn't call out the body protector Yinshen and let Xu Tong hold his arm, but Xu Tong found that he couldn't pull him away.

I thought about gritting my teeth, knocking me out and taking me away.

But when he saw the fool looking at him, Xu Tong found that he couldn't do it.

He knew that this was the fate of a fool, perhaps from the day he was born, the ending of this day had already been doomed, just like the fate that the master carried.

The only difference is that the master has a choice, but he doesn't.

Seeing the idiot's eyes, Xu Tong let go of his hand unconsciously: "You really don't want to leave?"

The fool shook his head, and looked at the door in front of him again.

"Damn it, I will accompany you if you don't leave! At worst, we two brothers will risk our lives."

Xu Tong gritted his teeth, and simply stood beside the fool, not intending to leave, he also wanted to see what kind of scenery in the Yin Yang Dao.


The big girl behind them was dumbfounded when they saw this. It was the first time she saw such a head teacher who didn't take life seriously. Of course, after all, it was also the first time he saw someone come to be the head teacher.

Xu Tong stood aside, groping in the item book without giving up, trying to find something to eat for the fool, even a bottle of water would do.

But no matter what it is, it will deteriorate when you take it out, even if it is a bottle of pure water, the moment the bottle cap is unscrewed, the water will emit a pungent stench.

Just when he was distressed in his heart, he subconsciously touched his chest, was taken aback for a moment, and put his hand into his bosom to touch it suspiciously, only to see a golden fruit appear in his hand.

(End of this chapter)

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