Infinite script kill

Chapter 292 The brave man is so nameless.

Chapter 292 The brave man is so nameless.

"Hey, when did you bring this thing down!"

Looking at this fruit, Xu Tong murmured in his heart, thinking that he would not be able to bring it down, but he did.

But he didn't think too much about it, after all, it was a fruit from the sky, and eating it would definitely be better than ginseng and carrots.

But no matter what it is, even Xu Tong, the golden elixir in Laojun's gossip furnace, would be willing.

He stuffed the fruit into the fool's hand: "Eat it quickly, it's good!"

The idiot didn't recognize this thing, but he was really hungry, so he gnawed on the fruit with one hand.

Needless to say the taste of the fruit, Xu Tong had eaten it before, it was not bad, sweet and sour, the fruit was eaten clean by the idiot in two or three mouthfuls, and finally spit out a core, which was not ordinary.

The shape is like a pill, the quality is like jade, and the whole body has fire patterns.

The idiot handed the core to Xu Tong, and Xu Tong casually took it and threw it into the item book.

【Huang Dan】(Pipe)

It is rumored that on an unknown fairy mountain, someone saw a tree by chance. The tree was as tall as a mountain. Its color is bright yellow, and its taste is like apricot and plum. It can be refined with magic medicine to make magic pill.

There was no entry for this thing, only an introduction of its origin, and it didn't even mention the effect of eating it. Xu Tong didn't have the heart to study it at this time, so he temporarily threw it into the item book to eat ashes.

After the idiot finished eating the fruit, his whole body really became refreshed. Even though the fruit was small, the idiot even hiccupped after eating it, and patted his belly contentedly.

Seeing this, Xu Tong hurriedly took out a [Ling Rou Huoxue Pill] and gave it to the fool to eat.

The wounds on the fool's body began to heal, and he was no different from his usual self except that he was naked and his skinny body looked weak.


There was a muffled sound at the Bone Gate at this moment, Xu Tong looked vigilantly, and saw those restless eyes looking at him, some of them were cold and stern, as if they were complaining that Xu Tong was meddling in his own business.

Xu Tong didn't care about this, he moved his brother, even if the trouble came to the Palace of the King of Hades, he would drag these evil spirits to be buried with him, and immediately took out the Meiling.

This thing is the ghost buster. Seeing Xu Tong take out this bell, those huge eyeballs behind the door immediately sensed that something was wrong.

"Little ghost, you have nothing to do here, leave quickly, I will wait for you."

A faint voice came from behind the door, warning Xu Tong to leave immediately.

Xu Tong rolled his eyes, as if he didn't hear me.

"Hmph, waiting for my birth will be of great benefit to you. Now that the yin and yang have opened, it's not the two of you who can stop it. Let's leave quickly, otherwise..."

"Otherwise what!" Xu Tong sneered with a slanted face.

"Otherwise, it will be difficult for you to sleep peacefully in this life." The voice behind the door gradually became annoyed.

Behind them are thousands of evil spirits, who are about to be born right now, but they are blocked in this place.

Xu Tong picked out his ears with his fingers, flicked his fingers, and wrote lightly: "I don't believe it!"

The contemptuous tone and arrogant attitude made it impossible for the evil ghosts behind to sit still. There was an angry roar from behind the door: "You have the guts, tell me your name. I won't kill the nameless ghost."

Xu Tong was not afraid of this, so he sneered and said, "Then you should remember, if you are going or sitting, you will not change your surname, Li Bo!"

"Kill it out!"

The voice behind the door fell, and a black shadow rushed out from behind the door.

Before Xu Tong could speak, the idiot had already rushed forward with a knife in his hand. The idiot didn't have any special skills, but after being possessed by an evil spirit, he would slash horizontally and vertically with the big knife in his hand. into two halves.

But there are also fish that slip through the net. After these wandering souls crawl out, they don't kill fools, but desperately want to pull the door open.

It turns out that the five evil gods can only open the door a crack, and if there are more, they have to rely on the evil spirits inside to find a way to open the door.

And this door cannot be opened from the inside to the outside, it can only be opened from the outside to the inside.

This is also the reason why, up to this moment, the real big evil spirits behind have not been able to escape.

Seeing this, Xu Tong didn't shake the bell for the first time, but turned the star-eyed catastrophe on his finger. After spending 20 script points to unbind it, he changed the blessing of the star-eyed catastrophe to the charm On the ability of Zhiyin.

After all, to deal with these evil spirits, Qi Meiling is better.

After finishing the blessing, Xu Tong began to shake the bell in his hand. When the bell rang, the clanging and powerful bells were so piercing that it made one's scalp tingle.

For a moment, it overwhelmed all the voices, and there was really a feeling of silence, but the sound of Yu Zhongpan.

When the evil spirits who were pushing the door heard the sound, they all croaked, and after a while they couldn't hold on, and turned their heads to rush towards Xu Tong.

It's a pity that before Xu Tong could deal with them, the three people behind him rushed out ahead of time.

Da Ya and the others are also helpless, with such a desperate head teacher, if they don't work hard at this time, they will be finished later.

Fortunately, the level of evil spirits in Yin Yang Dao is calculated according to their body size.

These little ghosts who can only rush out through the cracks of the door are just food-like existences on weekdays. Not to mention big boys, even white mice can be easily dealt with. Pounce on it and eat it.

These foods are usually stolen, and it takes a lot of effort to catch them and eat them if you want to make a fortune. He would not miss it now that he took the initiative to come to the door.

Originally, a fool was causing them a lot of headaches, and they managed to get rid of it quickly, but who knew that another person would intervene and revive the fool with full blood.

Now adding Xu Tong and his gang, the huge eyes behind the door became more and more angry, but there was nothing they could do. If they were really asked to go out, even one hand could crush this gang to death.

But now let alone a hand, even a finger can't be stretched out, so I can only watch helplessly.

Fortunately, there are endless evil spirits in the Yin-Yang Dao, and they rush out continuously following orders, and it is only a matter of time to rush out.

Xu Tong also obviously noticed this problem. The Meimei bell in his hand rang louder and louder, but the script score also continued to drop. Fortunately, he killed the Feihong assassin named Di An by surprise, and took away the He has a lot of script points, otherwise he really can't afford to spend like this.

If so, these evil spirits are killing more and more, and some of the same kind as making a fortune have begun to appear among them. Although the level is not high, these guys are no longer just simple evil spirits, but have the protection of a similar body. , not only immune to the evil bell, but also pushed the door desperately.

"Teacher, find a way to leave, I can't hold it anymore!"

Da Ya reminded again.

Xu Tong glanced at the door: "Is there a way to close the door." This is no way to go on like this, if it goes on like this, they will all die here.


Da Ya shook her head. The door can only be opened from the outside to the inside, but to be closed it can only be closed from the inside to the outside: "Unless, one person rushes in and finds a way to close the door." Da Ya hesitated for a moment and said.

This method is equivalent to not saying, not to mention whether the door can be closed, even if it is closed, he will be trapped inside, isn't that equal to courting death?

The best way right now is to escape, but the problem is that he ran away, what about the fool?

Xu Tong looked at the idiot in front of the gate with a complicated expression, gritted his teeth, and made up his mind that no matter what, even if the idiot hated him to death in the future, he would rush out with him no matter what.

Thinking of this, Xu Tong narrowed his eyes, and walked behind the idiot calmly, but just when he was about to take the idiot away forcibly, suddenly the idiot turned his head, and there was a strange smile on that blue-faced and fangs face, as if he had been Waiting for Xu Tong to approach him, he opened his mouth and exhaled a puff of black smoke.

The black smoke covered Xu Tong's head, his vision immediately became blurred, his whole head became dizzy, and his heart tightened, knowing that something was wrong.

What he thought, maybe it was what the fool thought, and he immediately understood what this big fool was going to do.

"Fool!!" he called out to the idiot, and was about to grab it with his hand.

However, the idiot raised his leg and kicked Xu Tong's lower abdomen. This kick not only made Xu Tong's eyes go dark, but also his head became dizzy, and he couldn't use his strength at all.


Seeing that the head teacher was recruited, Da Ya didn't care so much, let Fa Cai and Jixiang pull Xu Tong to run out, Da Ya followed behind, seemed to think of something and looked back, only to see that at this time the fool was already holding a knife, one step away Step into the gate.

There was no farewell, no heroism, only a thin back. Seeing the idiot disappear behind the crack of the door, Da Ya felt very uncomfortable in her heart. She raised her furry paw and bowed towards the direction where the idiot disappeared.

An old ancestor once told her that most of the brave men in the world are unknown people.

Da Ya couldn't understand this sentence since she was a child. If she was really a warrior, how could she remain silent.

It wasn't until this time that they realized that the real brave men didn't care about those fames at all. They lived in the darkness and kept the darkness firmly out of the world's sight.

Compared with this, what are the five great fairy houses, what are the five great halls in the northeast, they talk about keeping the family safe, but the one behind their backs is not a scheming person.

No wonder, most of the brave men in the world are unknown people.

After bowing deeply, Da Ya turned around and left, but within a few steps, Da Ya's expression changed.

I saw that the rope tied around Xu Tong's waist had broken at some point, and the three copper plates on it had been lost somewhere.


Without the sound line to guide the way, there is a vast red fog in front of my eyes, and I can't tell the east, west, north, south, how can I run out.

What worried Da Ya even more was that those sneaky shadows in the red mist seemed to have sensed that Xu Tong was injured and were slowly moving towards them.

One step further is death, one step back is death, Da Ya felt a chill in her heart, secretly said: "Could it be that we are all going to die here today?"

When Da Ya was hesitating in her heart, suddenly her fluffy ears moved slightly, and her blue eyes looked suspiciously at the mountain wall beside her.

She vaguely seemed to hear a human voice, just when she was about to listen carefully to where the source of the sound came from.

"Bang!" There was a sound.

I saw a big hole suddenly exploded on the mountain wall, and after the explosion, there was still a pungent smell of gunpowder in the air.

"Damn it, I've said it all, don't blow it up, don't blow it up, are you pig-headed, you finally found a tomb, you blow up such a big hole, it's over after seeing it, how can you lure those businessmen into the bait! "

There was a burst of yelling and cursing, and Zhang San waved his hands, and came out of the hole with a disheveled face. After a closer look, he was face to face with the big girl, and Zhang San was stunned: "Huh? What a big fox?? "

(End of this chapter)

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