Infinite script kill

Chapter 293 The Immortal Treasures Gather

Chapter 293 Immortal Treasures Gather (This script is about to end, kill it!)
To say that this Zhang San is also a strange person.

He doesn't have great skills, but he is good at making money, but what he earns is not clean money, he is cheated and cheated, he can be regarded as a living, but he is just such a person, and he likes to study the law without anything to do.

How to study it?Every day at noon, turn on the radio on time to listen to the French popularization program.

It's okay to hold a book of criminal law and study it by myself. Zhang San is not good at studying, but the more he reads the book, the more he likes it. Why, all the ways to make money are written in it.

No, Zhang San came up with this idea after Xu Tong sold the treasure last time.

Find a tomb pit of a similar dynasty, and take people to search for treasures inside. The antiques inside are dug and bought now, and the so-called treasures inside are fresher than freshly baked sesame seeds.

When the person who bought the treasure came to his senses afterwards, he showed his signboard, Beiman Experience Travel Company, you are buying souvenirs, and they are selling travel services.

As for tomb robbery?I don't know what digging for treasure, we don't do anything illegal.

Look how loud the calculation is.

Just do what you say, anyway, there are all the most graves at the foot of Beiman Mountain, so if you look for it, you will definitely find it.

Who would have thought that they were lucky, and it didn't take long for them to find a tomb that met the standard.

A few people went in and took a look. The tomb happened to be in the Tang Dynasty, and it had been robbed by some seniors long ago, but they didn't care, after all, they didn't really come here to rob the tomb.

Just when they were about to leave, Zhang San suddenly discovered that there was a hole under the tomb, which seemed to have collapsed naturally.

But Zhang San felt something was wrong when he saw it. There seemed to be a tomb in the cave.

Hey, since it's a tomb within a tomb, they might have to go in and have a look, what if there's something real inside?
As a result, when we went down, it was broken. The inside was very deep and criss-crossed. When they walked, people got lost. In desperation, they thought of blowing up a hole with dynamite.

Zhang San is very opposed to this proposal. If the hole is blown up, they will all be buried here.

Although they were born in Suzhou and Hangzhou and buried in Beimang, none of them expected to see King Hades so early.

But the human heart is so deep that Zhang San obviously can't grasp it.

When it's really a matter of life and death, who cares whether you are Zhang San or Li Si, the following people have long been dissatisfied with Zhang San, and Zhang San's tone was a little bit heavier, and he was pushed to the ground and beaten by several people.

I can only watch them blow up. Fortunately, God bless, they didn't blow up the hole, but they just opened a big hole in front of Da Ya.

Hey, there are twists and turns in this world, things in the world seem to have nothing to do with each other, but sometimes they are inextricably linked, and no one can say that there will be such a coincidence in the world.

Da Ya was also dumbfounded, a fat man suddenly popped out of this place, those who didn't know it thought it was the Lord of the Land who had appeared.

But she quickly came back to her senses, at this time, she didn't care about where the fat man jumped out of.

"Go this way!"

With a shout, he plunged into the hole with his head stuck.

Fa Cai and Ji Xiang dragged Xu Tong to follow.

Zhang San opened his mouth wide and his eyes widened, and it took him a while to realize: "Oh, my grandma, this is a goblin!!"

While speaking, he looked up again, and saw angry faces glaring at him in the blood mist.

"This... that... I... I passed by!" Zhang San swallowed and spit, and wanted to run away, but it was too late. cry.

"Hey, is it Fatty Zhang's cry?"

The few people in the cave were still packing their bags, when they suddenly heard Zhang San's screams outside. The young man who had called his third brother to find him a wife raised his head and looked out suspiciously.

Seeing this, they were taken aback, only to see a white fox rushing in front of them suddenly.

Behind him was a huge white mouse, almost as big as a dog.

What's even weirder is that there is a person on the white mouse's back.

Seeing this, the young man was terrified, and wanted to run away. He didn't know why, but an inexplicable sense of fear suddenly appeared in his heart.

"Little chicken, what are you running!!"

The monkey grabbed him and said, "Don't run around, go out and see what happened to the third fat man."

They had a conflict just now, and the monkey was the most aggressive, kicking Zhang San's face hard. Hearing Zhang San's screams outside, he became worried. He was afraid that something might happen to Zhang San. is trouble.

"Go by yourself, I don't want to go!"

The bad premonition in the young man's heart became stronger, he broke free from the monkey's hand, bent over and ran away.

"Damn, you kid is against the sky!"

The monkey looked at the boy's back, cursed a few words, turned his head and squinted, pointed at the honest man and said, "Go and see what's wrong with the third fat man!"

After punching and kicking, now the monkey has a faint idea of ​​replacing the third fat man.

Right now is the time to stand up, everyone looked at each other and no one dared to disobey, but when the man stood up reluctantly, suddenly the man squinted his eyes and stared behind the monkey, carefully When he saw it, his eyes widened instantly, and his dark skin suddenly turned pale.

"What are you looking at, are you not convinced, hurry up!"

Seeing that he was not moving, the monkey became even more impatient and urged him sharply.

However, not only did the man not move this time, but he raised his finger tremblingly: ""

"Hiss! What? I can't command you anymore!"

The monkey yelled cursingly, but at this moment, several people beside the man also stood up slowly, staring at the back of the monkey with pairs of eyes, and everyone's expressions became weird.

At this time, the monkey finally realized that something was wrong. Its body did not move, its head tilted down, and its eyes squinted to look behind.

Looking at it, the monkey's blood turned cold immediately, and there was a person standing behind him, it was Zhang San. If it was the usual Zhang San, the monkey would not be afraid, after all, he had just beaten him, but at this moment, looking back, the Sanzheng raised his arms high and raised his head in the air.

The two hollow eye sockets were still bleeding, and he grinned at the monkey: "Hey, I'm back!"

Speaking of both ends, when Xu Tong woke up, he had already been carried out by Da Ya and the others.

When he learned that it was Da Ya and the others who forcibly brought him out, Xu Tong stamped his feet, not caring about trying to settle accounts with them, and started to walk towards Yingyun Peak.

The three big girls looked at each other without stopping, and followed behind with their heads down.

When he arrived at Yingyun Peak, Xu Tong was dumbfounded. Yingyun Peak was gone, and most of the small mountain that used to look like an eagle had collapsed now.

Looking down, the cracks in the mountain stream under Yingyun Peak are gone.

Gao Zhuo was still there, and when he saw Xu Tong coming back, he immediately patted his chest and said thank you.

It turned out that after the rope broke, Gao Zhuo was walking back and forth on it, and it didn't take long before he heard a booming sound from below, and soon he found that the entire Yingyun Peak began to tremble.

Gao Zhuo didn't care much at that time, and hurried back, but just as he ran down, the entire Eagle Cloud Peak collapsed.

This Yingyun Peak seemed to be a big hand that covered the sky, directly filling up the crevices in the mountain stream below, and the blood mist disappeared without a trace, and all traces were covered.


Xu Tong's face turned pale, and he sat down on the ground, staring blankly at the buried ravine below. In the end, he still failed to rescue the fool, which made him feel pain, guilt, and deep frustration sense.

"This is life!"

Gao Zhuo sat beside him and comforted him; "There was a saying among the players, don't try to change the ending of the script, that's asking for trouble."

Whether it's a master or a fool, everyone's fate has been decided long ago.

Perhaps this is the best ending for a fool, he sacrificed his life for benevolence, completed his last thing in the world, and protected the person he wanted to protect.

Xu Tong didn't listen to a word of Gao Zhuo's words, turned his head for a moment and said with disgust, "I found that you are really not good at comforting people."

Gao Zhuo: Oh! !
Fortunately, Xu Tong didn't continue to be depressed here, because there was another person waiting for him at the foot of the mountain.

The two walked down the mountain slowly and returned to Shangqing Palace.

I saw that Master was already sitting in the Shangqing Palace waiting for them to come back.

As for the bones outside, the master had sent Chang Miao to bury them in the vegetable garden behind Shangqing Palace.

"Sit down!"

Seeing that Xu Tong came back and there was no fool, the master knew what was going on, but he didn't comfort Xu Tong, he just took out six copper coins and threw them on the ground.

Fiddled with his fingers a few times, frowned, and then divination, ding ding ding... The sound of copper coins sounded, and he was a little surprised to see Master Guaxiang.


The master's surprise made Xu Tong's ears move immediately, and he quickly looked at him.

Seeing that the hexagram changed again, the master immediately relaxed, and looked back at Xu Tong: "Don't worry, although it is a hexagram, it is not a hexagram of death. When I saw that child last time, his merits and virtues were almost complete. This I won't explain the hexagram, but your fate with him is not over yet."

Hearing the master's words, Xu Tong's eyes lit up, and most of his depressed mood was swept away immediately. Although he was still struggling with the life and death of the fool in his heart, but listening to the master's words, maybe he might see a fool in the future.

You see, if you say that you are old and mature, the master's words are much better than Gao Zhuo's nonsense. As for whether it is true or not, Xu Tong will not care about it. As long as a person has an idea, it is always better than nothing.

At this time, the master stretched out his hand and took out three pieces of jade, and looked at Xu Tong.

Gao Zhuo hurriedly took out the shards of fairy treasures in his hands and handed them to the master. Everyone looked forward to it, from the time when Xiao Qiang was troubled and many evil ways sneaked into the forbidden palace to seize the treasures, to this last carnival in the doomed age.

This shattered fairy treasure seems to be insignificant in this script, but it plays a vital role. If it were not for this treasure, there would be no subsequent Fenglailou, nor would Qianshou and Li Li Xigou has lived for so long.

After the master slowly put the pieces together, there was a bright blue light in front of his eyes, and Xu Tong suddenly felt a strong restlessness in his item book, it was nothing but [source]...

(End of this chapter)

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