Infinite script kill

Chapter 294 Congrats to the Master

Chapter 294 Congrats to the Master

[Source] This item card is very special, what is so special, Xu Tong can't explain clearly in a few sentences.

But now this [source] is abnormally restless, precisely because of the reunified fairy treasure in front of him.

I saw that after the fairy treasure was merged again, it emitted a misty green light, covering the whole fairy treasure, giving people a misty feeling.

When Xu Tong and the others were illuminated by this misty green light, they immediately felt an indescribable sense of comfort.

Even my own injury felt better all of a sudden.

"Good thing, it's a pity if the emperor knew that there was such a rare treasure in the Forbidden Palace, maybe..."

The master took the fairy treasure, thought about it for a moment, and suddenly sighed a little, there is no such thing in this world, the general trend, it has rotted from the root early in the morning, not to mention this fairy treasure, just take out the treasure of Daluo Jinxian , can't save a giant who is covered in rotten smell.

"Master, Qianshou and the others can prolong their lives with this thing, you..."

Xu Tong looked at the master with a bright light in his eyes.

The fairy treasure is very important to me, and it seems to be inextricably related to Yuan, but if it can prolong the life of the master for a hundred years and change his life against the sky, even if the master in front of him is just a projection, Xu Tong is willing to give this thing to the master .

What's more, this thing originally belonged to the master, and I was just borrowing flowers to offer Buddha in the end.

However, Xu Tong was disappointed.

Master shook his head, smiled, and unhurriedly lifted his clothes to reveal his belly.

When Xu Tong and Gao Zhuo saw the old man's belly, their expressions changed in unison: "Master, you..."

I saw that the master's belly had turned black and blue, with large and small spots, as if some kind of mold had covered the skin.

"Don't be nervous, you won't die for a while."

The master smiled, reached out to hold Xu Tong's hand, and put the fairy treasure on his hand: "My child, this is a thousand-machine poison, with thousands of formulas and thousands of solutions, but the person who eats it, the Da Luo Jinxian will also eat it." It can't be saved."

"Ci Min!!"

Xu Tong's eyes turned red immediately, and his face was full of murderous intent, wishing to tear that bastard Cimin into pieces.


The master grabbed him and said, "Don't blame him, I made him use this poison. This guy Li Xi has a complicated background. He was a eunuch in the Qin Tianjian, and he knows astrology best. If I don't feign death, what can he do?" Will fall for it."

It turned out that the master sent Xu Tong and Gao Zhuo away that day, leaving Cimin alone.

At that time, Cimin heard the master said to ask him to prepare some medicine, but Cimin didn't think much about it at that time.

But when Ci Min heard the prescription, his face turned pale, and he knelt on the ground with a plop.

There is no other reason, it is just because this prescription is exactly the poisonous, cold poison that he has given. The master read out this prescription, how could Ci Min not understand that his secret poisoning has already been noticed by the master arrive.

I thought that the weak toxin would not be detected, but I didn't expect the master to not only detect it, but even recite the prescription.

However, he thought that this time he was doomed, but not only did the master not kill him, but he changed the prescription a little and handed it to him.

Let him take the medicine according to the prescription, continue to poison himself, and promise that after the things are done, there will be a benefit promised to him.

Ci Min is not an idiot either, she immediately understood what Master's plan was, and after weighing the pros and cons, she finally gritted her teeth and took on this side mission.

So, the master himself inflicted this poison, of course it is impossible to say that it has nothing to do with Cimin.

"Son, do you understand what I did?"

Xu Tong was stunned for a moment, then lowered his head and thought for a moment: "You blame me for being too soft-hearted!"

The master stretched out his hand and patted the top of his head: "It was okay before, but not in the future. You can be kind, but you must not be kind, otherwise my life will be lost in vain."

The master's voice was very slow, but it sounded like a thunderbolt to Xu Tong's ears.

He knew that the master was teaching himself a lesson with his own life.

His nasal cavity suddenly became sour, and he looked at the old man in front of him with complicated eyes, opened his mouth not knowing what to say, and was so guilty that he didn't even dare to look at the master's face.

"I didn't teach you anything, I can only teach you a lesson, but don't feel guilty, I don't take this poison, and the destiny will kill me."

The master was worried that he was too guilty, so he spoke to comfort him.

The so-called destiny is indescribable, indescribable. When one truly reaches that level, one can feel the responsibility and fate that fall on one's shoulders in the dark.

Just like the Taoist sages of the past dynasties, after many calamities, they became immortals and ascended, but the place where the master is going is not the sky, but the underground.

Poison or accident, any method is fine, except suicide.

This is the more annoying place, so strictly speaking, Cimin can be regarded as helping him.


Xu Tong looked at the mildew-like stains on the master's abdomen, and cried uncontrollably.

The master saw his thoughts, sighed and said: "I fulfilled my destiny this time, but my hands are covered with blood, this should be regarded as punishment."

There may not be only one way to complete the destiny, but the master chose the most straightforward and direct way, killing, and burying the dross of the entire old era together.

If fulfilling the Mandate of Heaven would be rewarded, then killing sentient beings would be punished.

Is it contradictory? ?There is no contradiction at all, as the so-called heaven and earth are not benevolent, treat all things as dogs, heaven has no emotion, rewards for meritorious deeds, punishes mistakes, and it is the same for anyone, even those who inherit the destiny of heaven.

However, there is still some flexibility in this. For example, it is always better to choose a painful process by yourself than to have God arrange it for you.

After the master finished speaking, he stood up and walked out.

"Where are you going!" Xu Tong hurried to follow, but the master flicked his sleeves, and a gust of wind pushed him away.

"Go and see, go for a walk, don't come back again, take care of yourself."


Xu Tong knelt on the ground, crying like an abandoned child, choked up and called out to his grandfather, knowing that this time we parted, he would never see him again, so he could only kowtow to the old man: "Master! Disciple Xu Tong! You kowtow!"

Hearing his heart-piercing cries, the master had a sore nose, took a deep breath, still gritted his teeth and walked away from Shangqing Palace.

Gao Zhuo stood aside, with tears in his eyes, followed Xu Tong and knelt down to bid farewell to the old man.

The two knelt for a long time, until Chang Miao came out from the vegetable garden at the back, saw the two kneeling, and hurried to help them, then they stood up.

"It's so cold, why are you kneeling on the ground?"

After Zhang Miao helped them get up, she turned around and walked into the room, saying that she was looking for a clean clothes for Xu Tong to rewash. After all, except for the dark black brocade robe, the clothes inside were already damaged. Looks good.

At the same time, both of them also received the news that the main task was completed.

The fairy treasure has been obtained, and the mission of the two in this big script world has been completed, and they can return to reality at any time.

"Hey, go back, I'm tired."

Gao Zhuo was in a bad mood, and he didn't even want to study the fairy treasure in Xu Tong's hands. After all, even though he knew the ending early, when he finally faced it, his heart still felt like a critical blow.

He just wants to leave this world immediately, return to reality immediately, turn on the TV, and watch CCTV news.

Xu Tong nodded: "Go back first, I still have some things to do."


Gao Zhuo glanced at Xu Tong and frowned for a while, but seeing Xu Tong's calm expression, he couldn't say anything, so he could only choose to return first.

When Gao Zhuo turned into a ray of light and gradually disappeared in front of Xu Tong.

As soon as Gao Zhuo left, Chang Miao gave Xu Tong a Chinese tunic suit he had picked up somewhere from the house, and Xu Tong was not polite and put the clothes on.

Not to mention, although the clothes are a bit old, they fit well on my body, and I don't feel uncomfortable wearing them at all.

He took out a thick stack of banknotes from his pocket.

"Huh?? Why do you still have money for this dress?"

Xu Tong pretended to be surprised and said.


Looking at the thick stack of ten-yuan bills, Chang Miao fell into self-doubt. He has washed the clothes three times, where did he get the money?

But Xu Tong didn't care about this, and put the money directly into Chang Miao's hand: "Next time when you do the laundry, remember to clean your pockets and leave. When you come next time, I hope you can repair the Shangqing Palace as soon as possible."

After Xu Tong finished speaking, he ignored the bewildered Chang Miao, got up and walked out.


Chang Miao felt strange for a while, when she looked back, the courtyard in front of her was quite lively a few days ago, but now that it was deserted again, she felt a particularly strong sense of loneliness in her heart.

This burst of loneliness made him very uncomfortable, he couldn't help sighing, and wanted to chant a poem: "The gathering of wind and cloud is finally over, Binpeng... eh... Binpeng..."

It's a pity that the little ink in Chang Miao's stomach couldn't read the next sentence, she shook her head and said angrily: "Forget it, fuck it."

After finishing speaking, he closed the gate of Shangqing Palace, went back to his room and continued to meditate on the scriptures he had figured out recently.

(End of this chapter)

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