Infinite script kill

Chapter 295 Huge gap

Chapter 295 Huge gap

"Here comes the face!"

The owner of the stewed noodle restaurant personally delivered the noodles to Xu Tong. This bowl was twice as big as an ordinary large bowl, and one bowl could hold four bowls for an ordinary person.

This is a big bowl specially prepared for Xu Tong. Not only is the bowl bigger, but the boss also gave Xu Tong a bottle of good wine and two dishes of side dishes.

Why is the boss so enthusiastic? You can tell by looking at the sign [Eat thirteen bowls in a row]

Ever since Xu Tong and Shu Yuqing ate at the noodle restaurant last time, his business here has exploded, and many people came here just because of the name.

There are not so many advertisements in this era, and word-of-mouth is slowly accumulated from person to person.

Although Xu Tong and the others did not intentionally help with publicity, they also left a very strong impression on people invisibly. When the big guys went back and talked about it, the effect immediately rose.

The boss not only let Xu Tong come to eat for free, but also claimed that as long as Xu Tong is willing, he can stay in the restaurant. He is paid every month, and he doesn't have to do anything, just come to eat at the meal time.

After all, watching others eat deliciously, the noodles in my own bowl will also taste a little better.

For the boss's kindness, Xu Tong just laughed it off.

After eating a bowl of noodles, he got up and walked out of the noodle restaurant. Looking at it from the side, he saw that the stew restaurant had also changed its sign [eat another eight bowls]

He saw that the business was going well, the boss stood at the door and looked at him eagerly, and almost shouted: "Master, come quickly!!"

In the past, Xu Tong might go to his place to have a meal, but let's forget about it today.

It's almost enough to eat half full.

So under the disappointed gaze of the boss, Xu Tong walked east along South Street.

Occasionally see something delicious, don't forget to sell it to taste.

While walking, he took out the item book and glanced at the entry of the so-called fairy treasure.

【Fairy Treasure】Legendary Item

Its origin is unknown, and it was hidden in the Forbidden Palace by ignorant eunuchs. It was not until later that people knew the mystery of this thing, causing shocking chaos.

(Note: This is a legendary item, but this is not a legendary form, it's just the beginning of a legend!)
Passive Skill 1: Nourish.

Every 30 days it is carried, the overall quality will increase by 1 point.Whether the carrier is practicing or maintaining health, he can get a 3 times efficiency bonus.

(Note: Even if you use monstrous means, it is not as good as my eternal youth.)
Active Skill 1: ? ? ?
(lack of activation condition)
This item card, if you want to talk about the best, it is definitely super best, even if it only has a simple passive effect, but just by adding 30 point of physical fitness every 1 days, it is enough to make 90.00% of the players break their heads.

After all, it is normal for a dungeon to take less than seven or eight days, and half a year longer.

Coupled with the time in reality, at least one copy can increase the overall quality by 1 point.

The longer the time, the more terrifying the bonus, which is equivalent to earning money while lying down.

But if it's just that, then I'm really sorry for its reputation as a fairy treasure.

So he turned his gaze to the top of another item card [Source]. Ever since he got the fairy treasure, this item card has been frantically agitating all the time, shining brightly.

Those who didn't know thought the peacock was in heat.

Xu Tong is very aware of this restlessness, because Fa Cai also acted like this when he saw the Japanese zombie.

[Source] This item card is extraordinary. In addition to increasing the legendary probability by [-]%, it also comes with a task: to find the root and ask the ancestors
Mission Description: Find source fragments.

When there is a possibility of source fragments around you, this quest will be automatically activated and a certain reminder will be given.

At this time [Yuan]'s restlessness has already explained the problem, but now Xu Tong does not intend to swallow this thing for Yuan.

Because he still needs this thing as bait.

When he reached the Drum Tower, Xu Tong looked around and saw no one around, so he jumped onto the Drum Tower in three or two steps.

I found a clean place to sit down, took out my long-lost smoke pipe, looked at the low house in the distance as the sun set, took a deep breath, and watched his smoke dissipate, the deep eyes made people feel that he was thinking .

It wasn't until the shredded tobacco in the smoke pot was burned out that Xu Tong said to himself: "Such a beautiful scenery, why don't you come down and see it together?"

After finishing the words, it took a while to see a person jumping down from the tiled roof of the Drum Tower: "I'm afraid that if I appear too early, it will disturb your elegant mood."

The person who came was none other than the person who descended this time, Jing Shoucheng.

He walked to Xu Tong's side, looked this guy up and down, saw that he was surprisingly quiet, and couldn't help showing a little curiosity in his eyes: "I thought that you would definitely try your best to escape, or follow you closely It's right behind that master."

Xu Tong threw the water pipe in his hand into the props book, and spread his hands innocently: "If you don't let me go, it's useless for me to escape to the sky. As for my master, I want to follow, but my master doesn't want to." I'm dead, what can I do?"

In fact, although I and Gao Zhuo received the reminder to complete the task at the same time, my own reminder is obviously different from Gao Zhuo.

"You have completed the main mission, but due to the interference of some force, you are temporarily unable to leave the world of this script."

"Warning! You are disturbed by a special force and cannot leave this script world. As compensation, you will get privilege compensation. In this script world, the cooldown time of all your skills will be reset."

"Warning! You are bound by special powers and cannot leave the world of this script. As compensation, you will be given a privileged choice after your return."

He didn't tell Gao Zhuo that he couldn't return for the time being, because he could guess who was doing it by thinking about it with his toes.

Speaking of Beijing Shoucheng, Xu Tong was also very puzzled at the beginning. Although this guy came to the script space this time, it was clearly aimed at Xianbao, but he never did it himself from the beginning to the end.

Even in front of the Shangqing Palace, she was still unmoved by mocking him like that.

Until the dust settled this time, this guy hadn't done anything, and he didn't finally understand until he was reminded from the script world.

It turned out that Jing Shoucheng was always staring at him silently.

In other words, he is like a vulture hovering above your head, no matter whether you hate him or want to kill him, he never takes the initiative to attack you, just circles around your head.

You can't eat, you can't beat, and in the end, you have to be alert to his every move. If there is any trouble, you will be startled first.

It won't run down to eat your flesh until you're exhausted and lying on the ground with no strength left.

In terms of patience, Sima Yi directly called the experts.

This time he didn't want to involve Gao Zhuo again. Seeing that he was already very tired and wanted to leave, it would be better to let him return first, and he would stay and take a good look at the certified players around who wanted to pick peaches. s method.

Seeing Xu Tong answer so freely, Jing Shoucheng frowned for a while, and glanced around inadvertently from the corner of his eye.

After confirming that it was not Xu Tong and Xue Gui who were cheating, they gradually relaxed.

"Then are you planning to make peace with me, or are you planning to fight me desperately, or surrender after desperately?"

Xu Tong scratched his head: his gaze was at the same level as that of Jing Shoucheng: "If I have to choose, I will choose the fourth one, and if you beat me, get the hell out!"

"It's up to you!"

This answer was not among the choices given by Jing Shoucheng, and his eyes immediately became unkind.

Xu Tong didn't speak, and the conversation between the two suddenly fell into a subtle silence.

Until the last ray of light in the distant setting sun dimmed, and when the sun fell from the faces of the two of them, Jing Shoucheng suddenly raised his hand and grabbed Xu Tong's shoulder.

Xu Tong tilted his body, activated the melee combat technique, clasped his fingers like a grab, and grabbed Jing Shoucheng's wrist, trying to grab his veins.

"It's too slow." Jing Shoucheng smiled disdainfully, his voice very contemptuous!Then his figure swayed suddenly, avoiding Xu Tong's attack, kicked forward suddenly into the air, and then covered it from top to bottom as if Mount Tai was pressing down on the top.

The opportunity was fleeting, Xu Tong had no choice but to retreat decisively, raised his toe and kicked at Jing Shoucheng's heart.


Xu Tong and Jing Shoucheng's fists collided, and the two of them came and went, although neither of them took the initiative to use their abilities, they were just testing each other.

But anyone with a discerning eye can see that although Xu Tong is constantly attacking, the rhythm has been completely controlled by Jing Shoucheng.

It's not that Jingshoucheng's methods are so powerful. On the contrary, Jingshoucheng was passively defending throughout the whole process. It was not in a hurry to defend the city tightly. No matter whether he had the upper hand or whether he had a chance to kill with one blow, he did not take the initiative to attack at all. , On the contrary, it is strictly guarding against death.

It was such a simple strategy, which was brought into full play by Jing Shoucheng, and it even felt like a cat-and-catch game.

Seeing that he couldn't attack for a long time, Xu Tong's eyes sank, and he suddenly activated the power of magic, and swung the magic flame up, hitting Jing Shoucheng's arm heavily.

Immediately, the magic flame immediately ignited the entire arm.


Seeing Xu Tong start to use the power of the item card, Jing Shoucheng raised his thick black eyebrows like lying silkworms, and laughed twice, the voice was very contemptuous!
The muscles on the arm squirmed, and the mouths actually opened, swallowing Xu Tong's magic flame.

"I'll give you one more chance, surrender or die!" Jing Shoucheng said with a haughty attitude and demeanor overlooking the world.

Xu Tong's strength was already clearly seen by Jing Shoucheng before the Shangqing Palace. In all fairness, I still don't want to kill him. At that time, this kid could no longer be said to be a certified player.

If I met such a guy by chance, I don't mind being a good person and selling him a favor to support him.

But not now, each legendary item not only has a unique special ability, but also has information closely related to the legendary golden item card.

The strength improvement of certified players is too slow. Only this kind of powerful and unique item card can quickly improve their strength.

Xu Tong didn't answer, and raised his hands, the space-defining mirror appeared in his hand, aiming at the Jingshou city in front of him, and activated the skill of space-defining.

However, there was a scene that surprised him a lot. A layer of gray mask actually offset the mirror light, and at the same time, Jing Shoucheng finally activated his true strength.

People like Jing Shoucheng either don't make a move, or if they do, they will kill the opponent.

As soon as he raised his hand, countless meat balls split open on his body. These meat balls quickly opened their mouths and split in situ, forming a terrifying swarm of insects in an instant and eating towards Xu Tong.

Xu Tong didn't care about it at first, and casually called out the magic flame thrower and threw it on it. What surprised him was that his own magic flame was swallowed up by the swarm of insects.

You must know that with the addition of Darkness Physique LV4, the power of your own magic flame has not been increased by a single star. Even an old guy like Qian Shou dare not take it hard, but now these meat worms are not only not afraid, but devour them all.

"It's useless, unless you have the exclusive skills of a certified player, all abilities can't cause me a little harm. I'm sorry to know you in this way, and I'm helpless to send you on the road in this way. Rest in peace! "

Jing Shoucheng looked at the full moon above his head, and seemed to be very confident in his worm swarm. Whether it was Xu Tong's magic flame or other prop card abilities, his own swarm of flesh worms could completely devour and immunize him directly.

In an instant, Xu Tong's figure was engulfed by the flesh worms attacking in front of him, but Jing Shoucheng frowned, squinting, and saw that the engulfed figure was not Xu Tong, but the large paper man.

The paper figure flashed, and the figure escaped from the flesh worm. It was Fatty in ghost form. Xu Tong was hiding in Fatty's belly at the moment. narrowly escaped.

As soon as Fatty landed on the ground, his figure flickered rapidly, and he jumped off the Drum Tower and ran frantically for his life all the way.


This scene was beyond Jingshoucheng's expectation, but it was also reasonable. There was a smirk on the corner of his mouth, and countless fleshy worms refused into a ball, which turned into a war horse in an instant. Jingshoucheng jumped on it and immediately catch up.

The speed of the war horse was not fast, but Fatty couldn't get rid of Jing Shoucheng's pursuit.

Fortunately, Fatty's flickering can ignore the terrain, otherwise he would have already been overtaken by this time.

Thinking of Jingshoucheng's method, Xu Tong frowned immediately. He just wanted to test how far the gap between himself and the certified players was, but he didn't expect that when Jingshoucheng really made a move, he had no chance to resist at all.

When he was thinking about the gap between himself and the certified players, he suddenly felt a strong uneasiness in his heart. When he looked back, his pupils were constricted, and he saw Jing Shoucheng riding on that horse, but he didn't know what was going on in his hand. When did he take out a pitch-black spear.

The spear looked black, like an inconspicuous firestick, but when the spear was lifted up by Jing Shoucheng, a dazzling thunder burst out from it.


Seemingly aware of Xu Tong's gaze, Jing Shoucheng grinned, the muscles on his arms squirmed, and it was clear that every inch of his muscles seemed to be mobilized, and he waved at the erratic figure of the fat man.


Terrible thunderclaps resounded through the night sky, and a glaring ray of light illuminated the night into daylight for a moment. When Xu Tong came back to his senses, the spear with flashing lightning had already struck in front of Big Fatty, and he could even see it. The silver lights on it danced, and the aura of death covered every pore of him...

(Note: I'm sorry, I may have eaten something wrong today, which caused my blood sugar to soar, and I was so dizzy that I couldn't open my eyes. I'm going to sleep for a while now. Good night everyone.)
(End of this chapter)

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