Infinite script kill

Chapter 296 The debt of favor should be repaid!

Chapter 296 The debt of favor should be repaid!


There was a huge explosion, and a terrible heat wave rolled up out of nowhere in the open space.

A figure in mid-air landed on the ground in embarrassment, rolled on the ground, and ran forward without looking back.

The fat man in the ghost state naturally couldn't bear such terrible damage. Xu Tong decisively chose the fat man to explode himself, and at the same time ordered the fat man to launch the active skill compression cannon to shoot himself out.

This is Big Fatty's only active skill. When it enters a violent state, it will spit out all the objects in its stomach towards the target in front, with a maximum range of 200 meters.

The distance of 200 meters is not too far, but the big fat explosion still slowed down Ling Jing's pursuit of the city and bought him a lot of time.

Seeing the gradual desolation in front of him, Xu Tong activated the leopard shadow cloak to increase his speed to another level.

Jing Shoucheng followed behind. Seeing this kid running faster and faster from a distance, his face darkened. He used special props and the privilege of authenticating players to forcibly interfere with the rules of the script world. It was definitely not without cost.

Once the time delays for too long, if the host finds out, although he can rely on his identity as an authenticated player to avoid punishment, he will definitely be cleared out of the script world.

In that case, if I paid so much for myself, it would be tantamount to being in vain.

Right now, he can only speed up to catch up. At the same time, he hopes that the host maintains a little more script worlds today, and he has no time to pay attention to the movement here.

However, what Jing Shoucheng might not have imagined was that his prayer was not successful, because at this moment, a pair of eyes were watching this life-and-death contest through a crystal ball.


Yanyun spat out from his sexy red lips, his eyes watched Xu Tong dodging left and right under the lightning spear of Jingshoucheng in the picture, and gradually raised his smile, as if admiring the appearance of this guy fleeing in embarrassment.


It was only with the sudden sound of the door opening behind her that the smile on the woman's face froze and she immediately turned around, but when she saw the angry sister standing at the door, the woman breathed a sigh of relief.

Put your palm on your chest: "When did you learn to be so impolite, don't you know that you have to knock when you enter the door?"

After speaking, he turned to one side of his body and quietly covered the crystal ball.

"What's the matter?? This is not the place you should come to. If the boss sees that you are not at the front desk later..."

"go away!"

Before the host could finish speaking, Amei rushed in with a hammer and hit the host on the head with the hammer. The host ran away in fright and screamed: "You are crazy, Bangzimi!" He didn’t even eat, so you help him like this!”

"You bastard, you obviously found out that the script was abnormal and still stood by. Believe it or not, when the boss comes back, I will sue you."

A-mei is not a good stubble either, she pointed to the crystal ball on the table and said.

When she heard that she was going to tell the boss, the host's complexion suddenly collapsed, and his slender fingers gently dragged his chin, and his resentful eyes looked at her: "Sister, how many years have we sisters been together? Is an outsider going to turn against sister?"

"Why, did you turn less??"

Seeing her raise her hammer again, the host quickly waved her hand: "Okay, okay, I'm afraid of you, I'll just kick him out now."

The host sat back in front of the crystal ball with a helpless face, and muttered in dissatisfaction: "I wanted to see how long this little man you fancy can struggle, but now I regret it."

"Nonsense!!" Amei's face darkened. Even the most basic certified players are masters with their own unique abilities. To deal with ordinary players who still need to rely on item cards to assist them is simply slaughtering. There was no chance of winning.

"That's not necessarily true. After all, there are so many good things on him, and some of them even make me greedy!" The host stared at the crystal ball with his pair of phoenix eyes, and suddenly raised his brows: "Wait a minute!" ! There seems to be something wrong with this kid!"

Hearing the host's words, the sister behind her also put down the hammer, and came up curiously to look at the crystal ball.

In the crystal ball, Xu Tong rolled towards the vegetable garden in front of him in a mess, and raised his hand to call out two paper figurines to block the attacking meat worms for him.

Immediately, his hands were put together, and a mountain bow was buckled towards Jingshoucheng.

"Bai Shan button!"

There was a strong wind in the void in front of him, a crack was torn open, and countless hands stretched out to pull towards the city of Jing Shou.


Faced with this hill-worship button, Jing Shoucheng's eyes turned strange, if Xue Gui did it himself, Jing Shoucheng turned around and left without saying a word.

But even though Xu Tong's Mountain Blessing Button had already taken shape, it still couldn't do anything to him. A trace of lightning burst out from his body, instantly shattering the illusion in front of him.

The mountain worship button was broken, and Xu Tong frowned. When the surrounding flesh worms attacked again, he threw two medicine bottles into the air, raised his pistol and hit the medicine bottle with a bullet.


The potion bottle exploded, and a large amount of dust splashed on the flesh worms.

In an instant, these meat worms were devoured.


After the meat worms swallowed the dust, they immediately began to become dull, but Jing Shoucheng just raised his eyebrows, opened his hand to take the meat worms back, and then a hole was opened in the palm of his hand, and a black meat ball was spit out from the opening , and throw it on the ground.

"It's useless. Even if it's the poison that seals the throat with blood, I can concentrate the toxins through reorganization. Let's put it this way, even if you point a gun at my heart now, there is no way to kill me." !"

What a mess!
Xu Tong stood up, looked at the Jingshou City, racking his brains in his mind to think of all possible ways.

But when he saw the ball of meat that Jing Shoucheng threw on the ground, he felt powerless for a moment, and had to admit that the gap between the two was as huge as a chasm.

But this does not mean that he intends to catch him without a fight. He looked at Jing Shoucheng himself with his black and white eyes and said, "This should not be the ability of the item card, so according to the principle of equivalent exchange, you may lose more than that." It's that small piece of flesh, it should have a great load on your body, if I have enough poison, does that mean that I can use your meat worms to continuously cause harm to you?"


Hearing this, Jing Shoucheng was taken aback for a moment, then laughed dumbly for a moment and said: "You are very smart, but being smart can't save you!"

The more Jing Shoucheng smiled, the more murderous his heart became.

The guy in front of him was calm at first, and now he is running for his life all the way. Although he looks embarrassed, the calmness on his face has never changed. Those attacks are more like a temptation to himself.

Although what he said just now was not completely correct, at least half of it was correct. If this kid is allowed to continue to grow, perhaps the person who will be hunted down next time when we meet may be himself.

Thinking of this, the smile on Jing Shoucheng's face turned cold again.

Seeing the subtle changes on Jing Shoucheng's face, the corners of Xu Tong's mouth rose slightly: "Looks like I guessed right, you must be thinking about how to kill me now, why not make a bet, I bet you can't kill me today, do you believe it?" !"

After finishing talking, Xu Tong tidied up his clothes, coughed twice, cleared his throat and said loudly: "Master, you always owe me a favor, should you pay it back?"

It turned out that the reason why Xu Tong was not in a hurry or slow and lazy before was because he hadn't forgotten that there was still a supreme expert hidden in the White Horse Temple.

The reason why he didn't come here at the beginning was because he was afraid that Jingshoucheng would notice something, and he dared to lure him here until it was dark.

Jing Shoucheng raised his eyebrows when he heard the words, and glanced around, only to realize that they had fled and chased, and unknowingly came to a temple.

A few steps away, there is a dilapidated and dilapidated temple. In front of the dilapidated gate wall, stands a white stone horse. On the gate are written three words [White Horse Temple]

"Is there any reinforcements!"

There was a cold light in Jing Shoucheng's eyes. He had already collected a lot of information from Cimin and Qianshou, and he had never heard of anyone else who could help Xu Tong.

While wondering, a gust of cool wind blew in front of the two of them, and the smile on Xu Tong's face gradually became embarrassing.

Seeing the subtle change in Xu Tong's expression, Jing Shoucheng curled his lips, and said with a half-smile: "Why, the master you mentioned doesn't seem to be planning to help you, anyway, let me send you to the West Heaven sooner."

Speaking of that, the black spear was once again held by Jing Shoucheng.

The corner of Xu Tong's mouth twitched, and he was thinking about it for a moment. Suddenly he took out a tape in his hand, and shouted to the nearby temple with a dark face: "Master, all your words that day were recorded here. You want to kill the donkey." , borrowing a knife to kill someone, then I won’t keep this tape for you either!”

As soon as the words fell, Xu Tong felt his shoulders sink.

"Amitabha, the poor monk has always been there, the little benefactor's words have wronged the poor monk."

Without waiting for Xu Tong's reaction, he quickly took the tape in his hand and stuffed it into his cuff.

"Reality!" Xu Tong smiled without saying a word.

Seeing the monk who suddenly appeared, Jing Shoucheng frowned. There was no such monk in the information. Looking at the monk, Jing Shoucheng found that he couldn't see through him.

But he is not afraid, even if it is a so-called great master, Xue Gui is the protagonist of the script, with the blessing of destiny, he really can't beat him, but other people don't have this destiny, even if he is a great master, he is not afraid at all .

Thinking of this, Jing Shoucheng waved his arm, threw the spear in his hand, and cut a bolt of lightning in the void, piercing the monk in front of him.


The great monk put his hands together and recited the Buddha's name. Xu Tong's skin tightened, and he felt as if his whole body was burned. When he looked up, he saw a three-foot golden body behind the monk, and a Buddha sitting cross-legged behind him.

The thunder light dissipated when the Buddha waved his hand, and the spear turned into ashes. Jing Shoucheng's expression changed drastically. He didn't care about the spear he felt sorry for, and turned around to run away. The difference from when he was chasing and killing Xu Tong was that Jing Shoucheng The city seemed to activate some kind of prop, and the figure disappeared without a trace in an instant.

On the hill about five or six kilometers away, the figure of Jingshoucheng reappeared, and he was relieved immediately, thinking: "It's not the end of the Dharma era, how could there be such a terrible old monster sitting in the town, White Horse Temple! This reputation is not obvious It is not easy to have such a person in a small temple."

Don't blame Jingshoucheng for being so surprised. In fact, even in the era of highly developed information networks in reality, many people don't know what the three words Baima Temple represent without deliberately searching.

When Jing Shoucheng secretly scolded Xu Tong for being treacherous, and there was such a big boss sitting behind him, he suddenly noticed something, raised his head suddenly, and saw a golden Buddha's palm, like a hand covering the sky.

"Boom!" The sound of the explosion awakened the surrounding villagers who had already turned off their lights. They hurried out to take a look, but they didn't see anything. They only felt a strong wind blowing, and there was a faint smell of blood in the strong wind... …

(End of this chapter)

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