Infinite script kill

Chapter 305 Taunting the Doll

Chapter 305 Taunting the Doll
But having said that, if an old man dies in a place like the sand dance hall, no matter how peacefully he walks, he is destined to not leave a good reputation, but everyone is dead, who cares.

Does Xu Tong care?He doesn't care.

Does the old man care?Apparently didn't care either.

Boss: "I care!!"

In fact, the boss also recognizes the old man's family. After all, the old man has been dancing here every day since his father's generation. He arrives on time almost every day, even more punctual than picking up his grandson.

For this reason, people from their family have come to look for it several times, but it has been like that for a long time.

At this time, the old man died here suddenly. He was not afraid of the other party's family making trouble, but after all, it was an entertainment place, and death would inevitably cause a lot of trouble.

The police will come for an autopsy later on. I'm afraid I won't be able to do business in the past few days. When I think of this boss, I'm cursing, and I think: "Master, I'll give you a kowtow, get up."

This is nonsense, if you really get up, you won't scare people to death.

Anyway, with the matter of the old man, everyone naturally couldn't continue playing. Gao Zhuo walked over with a depressed face, cursing and expressing that he hadn't played enough.

Xu Tong glanced at him: "There are plenty of places like this in the exhibition, you can play however you want, let's go!"

Gao Zhuo murmured softly after hearing the words: "Just kidding, in the exhibition, the scripts are collected, and the high-end ones are [-] points per hour, and the diamond-encrusted ones are not worth the price."

Isn't that right, if the twenty o'clock script points are placed in the script experience hall, they can be exchanged for about 500 grams of pure gold.

If he were to play in reality, and exchange 500 grams of pure gold for money, it would probably be able to empty out his big waist.

Although he has just finished a big script and has plenty of script points, he can't waste it like this.

After the two walked out of the sand dance hall, they didn't continue to go out. Instead, they walked up the abandoned stairs beside them. The stairs were dilapidated and smashed to prevent people from going upstairs without permission. But for Xu Tong This is not a problem with Gao Zhuo.

After the two walked up to the roof and pushed open an old wooden door, a familiar signboard appeared in front of them.

[Script Killing Experience Hall]

Pushing open the door, Xu Tong poked his head out to look at the front desk.

When he saw the familiar face covered with thick powder and slightly unnatural face, Xu Tong felt much more comfortable in an instant.

Ever since he met his eldest nephew's daughter-in-law, Xu Tong has never felt such a pleasing face for a moment.

"Come in, are you ready for me to invite you?"

A-mei picked up the mirror and trimmed her eyebrows a few times. She glanced at Xu Tong with her phoenix eyes and said angrily.


Xu Tong walked in stealthily, put his head on the table, looked up at the lovely young lady in front of him, and put a paper crane on the table with the other hand: "Last time our big script , wouldn’t it be you who helped us?”

According to the last big script, there would never be only a few people joining in later, it should be a few teams. Xu Tong thought about it carefully, even if it was a big script that he started, it didn't make sense to receive this preferential treatment. When I think about it, I think that maybe the young lady in front of me secretly took care of herself.

While speaking, Xu Tong did not forget to take out the gift he had prepared earlier. It was a glass bottle with an origami crane folded from gold leaf inside. Unlike many origami cranes, this origami crane was more lifelike. Every feather seems to have been carefully carved.

"Come on, I didn't help you. It's your own shit luck, just in time for another big script to start. Those teams seem to have colluded and entered another big script together."

A-mei put down the mirror in her hand and glanced at the gift from Xu Tong from the corner of her eye. Compared with the golden swan, she cared more about the ordinary paper crane on the table beside her.

"The exhibition is about to start, do you want to go in and have a hot pot together!"

Xu Tong squinted his eyes and continued to display his shameless excellent skills.

"Forget about the hot pot, I'll give you a piece of information, it's worth it."

Amei stretched lazily, took out a note and handed it to Xu Tong: "The things sold in this place are very strange, but the exchange needs the badge to settle, you can go and have a look, and remember to help me Bringing a bottle of Baihua Wan is my reward."


Xu Tong's heart skipped a beat, he stretched out his hand to take the note from Amei, and nodded to indicate that he had written it down.

Seeing this, Gao Zhuo couldn't help but feel sour in his heart, and urged Xu Tong to leave quickly: "It's almost time, let's..."

A-mei cast a glance at Gao Zhuo, her eyes swept up and down, making Gao Zhuo feel cold all over, she hurriedly retreated a few times behind Xu Tong, poked her head out: "Well, I'm not in a hurry, you guys keep talking, keep talking! "

"Can you do me another favor, if I want to find a player, or an ordinary person, I know his name, is there any way to find him?"

Xu Tong suddenly remembered something and asked Amei in a low voice.

"50 script points!"

A-mei stretched out her hand towards Xu Tong, as if she didn't intend to give Xu Tong a chance to prostitute, Xu Tong could only obediently pay the money, and then heard A-mei say: "In the note I gave you just now, there is this place, Find it yourself."


The corner of Xu Tong's mouth twitched, and he paid the money for nothing.

Seeing Xu Tong's deflated look, a smile gradually appeared on Amei's face: "You won't get your money back, but just to remind you, it's best to buy a few bottles of Huo Shao Dao at the winery in the northwest corner before you go. "

"ok, I understand."

Xu Tong looked suddenly enlightened, turned around and pulled Gao Zhuo inside.

After the two walked into the gate leading to the exhibition, there was a questioning voice suddenly from behind Amei: "You smashed your sister's head just for him??"

Hearing the sound, A-Mei lay lazily on the bar, picked up the paper crane and put it on her fingertips to look at it for a while, then threw it away, and the paper crane fell into the glass bottle under the table.

Then he took the glass bottle in his hand: "Didn't you say that you have to have hope in life? I really want to see if he can fill this bottle up one day."

Seeing her staring at the paper crane in the glass bottle in a daze for a while, the shadow behind her sighed and disappeared without a trace. After a while, a sentence came: "Sister's head will not recover for a while, you first Take charge of being the host, and leave the front desk to Lei Ya."


A-mei pursed her lips and played with the bottle in her hand, but she couldn't help but think of that figure a hundred years ago...

On the other side, Xu Tong and Gao Zhuo, who had re-entered the ghost market, looked at the scattered exhibition streets in front of them. They looked at each other, agreed on a time and a meeting place, and then separated.

Xu Tong walked to the phone booth and dialed the familiar number.

But when I called, no one answered.

"Eh??" He couldn't help being a little surprised, Yang Zixuan didn't answer the phone, something must have happened to this guy.

Although he and Yang Zixuan are not particularly good friends, he still likes Yang Zixuan's style, but it's a pity that there can be two tigers in one mountain, this guy is too ambitious, and he doesn't like being controlled by others.

If it is in the script world, I believe that the first thing in the mind of the two when they meet is to kill each other. Even so, Xu Tong still hopes that there will be no accidents with this guy. After all, such an interesting enemy is not easy to meet.

Since Yang Zixuan didn't answer the phone, Xu Tong could only wander around the exhibition by himself regretfully for the time being.

Or go to the overseas shopping area first.

There are all kinds of things here, and Xu Tong first took a look around to see if he could trade some valuable item cards.

But what disappointed him was that there were all kinds of item cards here, but there were very few of them that really caught his fancy.

For example, he saw a card called [72 Character Judgment Disha Divination], and tentatively asked about the price. As soon as the other party opened his mouth, he rushed for [-] script points, and Xu Tong left on the spot.

[-] script points, when script points are Chinese cabbage, even if I have [-] script points in my hand, I still have to deduct them when I spend them. If I have [-] script points, I still come to this ghost place? ?
In fact, I can't blame others for selling it expensively. In this kind of place, buying and selling are all asking for a lot of money and paying back the money.

In addition to divination prop cards, there are not many in number and they are very rare. On the one hand, those who master them need to have some professional knowledge; To be able to be one step ahead.

Of course Xu Tong knew this truth, but the price offered by the other party was too outrageous, and he had no real intention of making a move at all.

It felt more like fishing.

So he planned to continue shopping around. There were still many special item cards at the exhibition that deserved people's attention. Even if they were not for sale, it would be beneficial to visit them.

For example, a pair of straw sandals may look inconspicuous, but they actually have the ability to find directions and divination.

What do you mean, just say where you are going, and you suddenly get lost on the road. At this time, you take off your shoes and throw them hard...

Hey!Just hang on the tree.

It looks like you threw it too hard, that’s how this straw sandal is used, but you have to watch it carefully, don’t let it hang on the tree, throw it on the ground and see if the toe of the shoe is facing that direction, go in that direction.

I don’t know if this is a superstition. Anyway, the entry on the straw sandals can point you in the right direction, so you can’t go wrong.

There is also a thing called [Moe-changing Ring], which Xu Tong likes very much. It is said that wearing it can make you become cute.

Originally, he planned to buy it if it was not expensive, but when he asked the price, well, this thing actually costs 400 script points, so Xu Tong could only yell at a profiteer, turn around and leave.

"and many more!"

Just two steps away, Xu Tong paused, squinting at a prop card with a very special name on the side booth [Mocking Doll].

"Boss, how do you sell this thing?"

Xu Tong looked at the doll, and the more he looked at it, the more he liked it. It is useless to put this thing on others, but it seems to have a good use for him.

He looked at the doll's entry, and couldn't help but have a bold idea in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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