Chapter 306 Burning Knife
mocking doll
Active skill 1: What are you looking at! !
Consumes 10 script points. After activation, the doll will focus on itself and emit taunting sound waves, making the surrounding enemies unknowingly attract their attention to themselves.

(Note: If this was in the hands of the gentlemen in the north, this thing would have been dismantled long ago)

This doll seems to have a good effect, but neither the MTs in the team nor those self-proclaimed melee masters will never use this thing.

But any MT of a qualified team is definitely a good player in controlling the field, and he will not force himself to death.

After all, this is not an online game, there are a few nurses behind you who will give you unlimited blood.

If it is really on the battlefield, the role of MT is often more to protect the output of one's own side, rather than making big noises to add pressure to one's own side.

Moreover, this thing needs to be activated by the script, and it is not a brainless way to concentrate all the firepower. If you want to tie this thing to a wooden stake or a beast to help you attract firepower, don't even think about it.

So this thing will naturally not be popular at the exhibition.

The stall owner just put this thing on it as a top-up, and never thought that someone would really want to buy it.

Seeing someone asking, the stall owner's eyes lit up, and he hurriedly said: "Brother, you know the goods, I wouldn't even take a look at this thing, but you can see it as the owner of the goods."

The stall owner is also an old seller. First, he greeted him with flattery, and praised his baby by the way, and then changed his voice: "I think we are destined, so I will take away 200 script points."

"200??" Xu Tong is not one of those newbies who are easy to deceive, and shook his head: "It's too exaggerated, I only cost 40 script points for a trap, plus this thing will cost 240 points, how many can I make?" It's a trap."

The stall owner was taken aback when he heard the words, and immediately understood in his heart that the person in front of him seemed to be good at making traps, similar to a hunter or something.

"I'm afraid this kid didn't understand this item card, it can't be transferred to a dead thing."

The stall owner thought about it, hesitated for a moment and said, "Then 100, no less."


"If you sell it, sell it. If you don't sell it, I'd rather be an extra trap."

Xu Tong's persistent attitude caused the stall owner to feel a little tangled for a moment. It would be too bad to sell it, or not to sell it. This thing was pressed in his hands. After hesitating for a moment, he gritted his teeth: "60 You take it!"

Seeing this, Xu Tong took the doll in his hand, handed it to the stall owner for 60 minutes, turned around and left.

"Hmph, sometimes you cry."

Seeing this, the stall owner immediately knew that he had lost money, but the item had already been traded, and he had no way to get it back. He could only secretly curse the kid for failing in his trap and kill himself.

When Xu Tong got the doll, he was overjoyed. This thing is useless to others, but it is a treasure in his own hands.

At this moment, he is looking forward to the early start of the script world next time, so that he can verify his ideas.

After wandering around the Haitao District for a long time, Xu Tong saw another prop card called [Five Birds Capture Hand] at a booth.

As with its own melee combat technique, the bearer can use the five-bird grappling hand ability.

The price is 160 script points.

It is said that this kind of basic prop card, if you are exhausted, you can score 100 points in the script, but this prop card is slightly different in that it has a proficiency level, a full level of three, and there is a certain probability of increasing the whole body by 15% after the full level All qualities.

This is more attractive, so it is understandable that the asking price is high, but the stall owner is not at the booth, and all the items are on display. Xu Tong can only pick up the pen and ink on the side to leave a message, hoping that the other party can contact him.

By the time I finished shopping in the overseas shopping area, I already had a basic idea of ​​these prop cards in my heart, so I simply rented a booth, and took out all the basic books I had organized and put them on the booth.

It is not uncommon to have a complete collection of basics, but if Xu Tong put out so much in one go, it still attracted many people to stop and watch.

But if you take a closer look, this thing is quite interesting, such as carpentry, paper-cut painting, even intercourse and massage, a lot of weird things.

The prices of these basic encyclopedias are all auctioned, and the reserve price starts at 20 points and the scripts are sold separately. In fact, Xu Tong is already mentally prepared to sit on the bench.

However, unexpectedly, these basic encyclopedias are more popular than expected.

Moreover, the most competitive book among them was actually the basic book of carpentry. Xu Tong thought it would be about room art.

As a result, no one cares about the surgery in the room.

As soon as Xu Tong thought about it, he understood the reason in his heart. After all, as long as he is a player and his physique has been improved, there must be no problem in terms of endurance.

Men, as long as they have strong stamina, any skills are useless, and they are done.

As for women, there is no need for it. Real beauties don't rely on this thing to capture people's hearts.

In contrast, although these basic encyclopedias are mostly life skills, mastering these skills can completely use this skill in the script to complete the change or concealment of identity.

For example, if you pretend to be a carpenter, you must know some carpentry work. This work is not as simple as knocking. In the past, if you dare to use a nail, you can be knocked out of the door.

It is said that the buildings in the Forbidden City do not use a nail from top to bottom. Using nails is a shame to this craft, and amateur carpenters are not counted.

Therefore, this basic book of carpentry was finally sold at a price of 120 script points, which was really beyond Xu Tong's expectations.

It didn't take long for these basic books to be sold out, but Xu Tong had to pack them up and deal with them at a low price except for the home surgery and massage skills.

But in general, the harvest is quite rich, almost 600 script points, combined with the script points in my hand, it has already broken through the [-] mark.

With such a large amount of money, Xu Tong's waist naturally became stronger with his body. Now that his waist is stiffer, he will naturally go to the place that his sister has guided him to take a look.

In the northwest corner of the exhibition, Xu Tong really found the tavern that Amei was talking about. The name of the tavern is quite special, it is called "Go to bed with three cups"

Go in and take a look, there are all kinds of wine vats and barrels inside, and there are some old wines on the shelves. Xu Tong picked up a bottle of Moutai and looked at the price above. Let him be a little startled.

This bottle of Handi Moutai actually costs 300 script points.

The taunting doll I just bought was only 60 script points, so a bottle of wine would cost 300 script points? ?

I glanced at the entry posted above, and it was just a bottle of Moutai, without any additional effects at all.

Xu Tong put the wine back on the shelf, and looked at the other drinks. When he saw that the black and white clay pot in the glass cabinet was asking for 30000 script minutes, Xu Tong instantly felt that his waist was not so straight. , said to the boss: "What is the price of the fire knife?"


When the boss heard the name, the finger that moved the abacus paused slightly, and looked up and down at Xu Tong. Although Xu Tong was wearing a mask on his face, he couldn't see his real face, and even his voice was changed by the mask, but the boss did Having been in the wine business for so many years, he can tell at a glance that Xu Tong is a young man.

He laughed immediately: "It's cheap, you get a bottle at 3 o'clock, but I don't recommend you to drink it."

Xu Tong's biggest problem was curiosity. Hearing what the boss said, he couldn't help wondering, "Why, is this wine blended?"

"Hey, even the cheapest wine here is genuine, and I'm not as good as you."

After speaking, he took out a rough porcelain wine bottle from under the cabinet, opened it and poured a small glass for Xu Tong. Suddenly, a strong smell of alcohol came over him. The smell was pungent and pungent.

The boss grinned: "If you finish this glass of wine and don't vomit, I'll sell you."

In fact, the boss didn't say anything, Xu Tong also wanted to taste the taste of this wine, so he picked up the wine glass and drank it all in one gulp.

Although the taste of the wine was very pungent, it was not as pungent as imagined when it was in the mouth. Xu Tong thought it was nothing more than that, but when the wine entered his throat, his whole face suddenly turned red.

The blue veins on his forehead tensed up. As soon as the wine entered his throat, it seemed to be on fire. It was hot and spicy, like a red-hot knife being stuffed into his throat. Even people like Xu Tong His physique surpassed that of ordinary people, and beads of sweat appeared on his forehead after a while.

It was hard not to spit it out, and when the wine was in his stomach, even Xu Tong, who didn't even have a full stomach after eating a few bowls of stewed noodles, felt like being punched hard at this moment. The facial features under the mask were almost distorted.

Standing in front of the cabinet, his fists were clenched.

Fortunately, there is only this small glass of wine, and the power of drinking will dissipate after a while.

"Hahahaha! I just said, this wine is not for you to drink."

The boss pinched his beard and laughed.

However, although he meant to laugh at Xu Tong, he kept his word and took out a box of wine from under the container, which contained seven bottles in total.

"No change, just give me 20."

Xu Tong felt that his throat was going to be hoarse at this time, so he nodded and bought the wine directly.

But he still asked the boss curiously: "Why do you conclude that I can't drink this kind of wine?"

"Hey, because you are young."

The boss did not hide anything, fiddled with the beads with one hand, moved two more beads on the top of the account, and said slowly:
"The tea cakes are fragrant when chewed, and there are thousands of words in the glass of wine, saying that people who drink tea should be smart and rich. This is nonsense, but they don't know that there are thousands of things in the world without wine. There are conspiracy deals on the tea table. , the one on the wine table is having a heart-to-heart exchange."

After finishing speaking, he pointed to the burning knife on the table: "Don't think this wine is cheap. I will lose 8 script points when I sell a bottle. The reason why I have to sell at a loss is because of this wine, isn't it? For ordinary people, people who have not experienced the vicissitudes of life will not be able to taste the taste, and the leisurely look you have when you enter the door is not a person who drinks this kind of wine.”

 Add more changes, and today's three changes guarantee the bottom line.

(End of this chapter)

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