Infinite script kill

Chapter 313 Qimen LV2 Tianli Resonance

Chapter 313 Qimen LV2 Heavenly Resonance (Second)

Under this wonderful feeling, Xu Tong could clearly feel the trajectory of the surrounding raindrops when they fell, and the sound of ticking, ticking, and water droplets came into his ears, forming a strange ripple in front of him.

These ripples echoed in the air and intertwined with each other, as if weaving a large net in the air.

Qimen LV2, heavenly resonance.

Divination, easy to learn, is itself an ability to figure out the number of days and observe the laws of all things.

From ancient times to the present, I don’t know how many capable people have been unable to see the way of heavenly principles throughout their lives. Only a few masters of Yi Xue can feel the resonance of heavenly principles.

At this time, Xu Tong has actually been able to feel the subtlety between nature and people.

Although he is just an elementary school student who hasn't even mastered Yi Xue, but the Fate Eye Qimen seems to have equipped him with the psychological feeling of a great master of Yi Xue.

This luxurious configuration is enough to make countless leaders of Jindian in the world envy and hate. With this ability alone, his innate starting point is countless times higher than those ordinary people or even the descendants of the Jindian family.

This is only Qimen LV2 level, if it can be raised to another level, I don't know what effect it will have.

However, it is obviously not so easy to advance to another level.

Because it takes as much as 3 points to upgrade to Qimen LV1000 proficiency.

If I follow my current speed, I don't know how long it will take to brush up.

After Xu Tong woke up from this miraculous realization, the sky outside had already started to turn pale. Sister Hong might have been too frightened and stimulated, so she couldn't wake up at this time.

After all, when she was scratching her head and posing, it was her husband who turned around, or someone who had been dead for several years, and no one could stand it.

Xu Tong couldn't control whether she would catch a cold or not, so he hurried away while there was no one outside, otherwise he would be misunderstood, and he would have yellow mud falling off his crotch, and he couldn't explain why.

Although it ruined Director Wang's spring encounter, it saved Lao Wang's life after all. Even calling 120 in advance may not be able to save him.

After coming out of Sister Hong's house, the cleaners and aunts wearing reflective clothing on the street have already started a new day's work.

Xu Tong looked over and found that the rainwater swept up by these uncles and aunts formed strange textures in the air, and some of the textures subtly resonated with the luck of these uncles and aunts.

It seems that every action of a person has more or less influence on his own fate, even work is no exception.

It was almost dawn, so Xu Tong went straight back to the company for a morning meeting. He wondered if Lao Wang came home too late last night. Director Wang, who was never late and early, unexpectedly absent from work today for the first time.

After the morning meeting was over, Xu Tong didn't go for a stroll outside, and went back to rest early.

As soon as he entered the door, he called Gao Zhuo's father, Gao Tianfang, who just came back from the outside. When he saw Xu Tong, Gao Tianfang stepped forward with joy on his face: "Mr. Say, you've been worrying about Bai Shankou recently."

The corner of Xu Tong's mouth twitched, Gao Zhuo is really a father's treasure, why did he tell his father about this.

However, since Gao Tianfang asked, Xu Tong did not hide his intentions. After all, strictly speaking, the relationship between the master and the Gao family is extraordinary, and Gao Tianfang was instructed by the master, and even taught him to worship the mountain. , even if it is only superficial, the two can be regarded as brothers of the same school.

Besides, Gao Tianfang was really kind to him. During the days when he came to Gao's house, Gao Tianfang didn't treat himself as an outsider at all, and he took care of every detail.

Although Xu Tong complained about Gao Zhuo as a precious boy in his heart, he was still quite moved when he saw Gao Tianfang looking at him with such concern.

He nodded and said, "That's right, it's just that I've got the basics of this mountain bow, but I'm still thinking about how to improve as soon as possible. I don't have a clue about this matter yet."

Now I have nothing to learn, but I can't do it. They say that if you practice martial arts without practicing kung fu, you will be useless when you grow old.

My current situation is exactly the opposite of this sentence.

The inability to increase the power of Baishankou is partly related to one's own accumulation, and the other part requires one's own hard work.

"Hey, this matter, I have a solution."

Gao Tianfang patted his chest proudly and said, but when Xu Tong asked him what he could do, Gao Tianfang didn't say anything, but kept it a secret: "Let's eat first, after lunch, I'll Take you to a good place."

"I bought two fresh fish at the morning market today, eat them while they are hot, and don't let them get cold." Grandma Li's voice seemed to always be so warm and kind.

As soon as the two entered the door, they saw that Grandma Li had already prepared the meals early.

Although Gao Tianfang would not speak harshly to Grandma Li like Gao Zhuo, his attitude was also very blunt, and the smile on his face was suppressed. He said "Yeah!", and sat on the table without looking at Grandma Li.

Xu Tong didn't like this, he smiled and nodded to Grandma Li to thank her.

But when he glanced at Grandma Li, he was suddenly taken aback.

In the past, he could still see Grandma Li's top luck, just ordinary, no different from ordinary people.

But today, after I upgraded my Qimen, I couldn't see the top luck of Grandma Li. After being sensed by Qimen, I found that Grandma Li had a very strange aura. This aura was like a wall, blocking own peek.

This was either done by Grandma Li on purpose, or the luck she had seen before was not true. In short, this Grandma Li seemed to be far more than just an old lady who was willing to do her best in the Gao family.

But thinking about it again, my heart is relieved.

Gao's family is located in western Hunan, and has been a corpse chaser for generations. It is not only a corpse chaser, but also a host of funerals and marriages. It has a high reputation among the people and the rivers and lakes.

Grandma Li has an extraordinary relationship with the Gao family, which can be understood by ordinary people.

As soon as he thought of this, Xu Tong didn't think about it any more.

"Where's Gao Zhuo?"

Xu Tong didn't see Gao Zhuo's figure, so he couldn't help asking.

"He is busy in the backyard, you can eat at ease, I have prepared meals for him, and I will send them to him later."

Grandma Li put the cooked fish on the table, said to Xu Tong with a smile, then turned and went into the kitchen and started to work again.

When Gao Tianfang heard the words, he put down his chopsticks and shouted to the kitchen: "No need, you pack up and go back early. You can't enter the backyard, so don't make fun of yourself."

Hearing this, Grandma Li smiled kindly. Although her words were not pleasant, she knew it was for her own good, so she cleaned up, gave some instructions with a smile, then turned and left.


Gao Tianfang curled his lips, looked up at Xu Tong who looked a little embarrassed, and sighed: "Don't mind, Aunt Li is not a bad person, but... Forget it, it's all old things, don't mention it, drink!"

Gao Tianfang raised his wine glass and took a sip, not knowing what it was like.

At the end of the conversation, Grandma Li was carrying a small bamboo basket, and just walked out of Gao's house, the smile on her face suddenly cooled down, she pinched a leaf with her fingers, and threw it behind her backhand.


The seemingly soft leaves pierced into the bushes beside them like flying knives.

"Get out!" As soon as Grandma Li finished speaking, a thieving dwarf crawled out of the bushes and kneeled down, with a bloodstain on his face.

"It's urgent, a message from Feiyun Temple."

The dwarf took out a letter and handed it to Grandma Li. In this day and age, people still use envelopes to send messages, which is also very weird.

Grandma Li picked up the envelope and didn't look at the contents, and threw the envelope into the basket casually: "I said, I don't want to see you around Gao's house, just forget it this time, and I will kill you next time. roll!"

"Get it, get it."

Cold sweat broke out on the dwarf's forehead, and he knew that Grandma Li was a man of words, and she said exactly what she said, she didn't mean to kill him just now, otherwise she would have been a corpse by now. Grass, the figure disappeared without a trace.

After the dwarf left, Grandma Li opened the envelope, and when she opened it, there was a cold and murderous look on her normally kind face. With a shake of her hand, the envelope burst open immediately, her eyes gleamed coldly, and she said through gritted teeth: " Well, you come here, you want to die, no wonder the old man is so ruthless!"

After lunch, Gao Tianfang drove the car and walked up the mountain along Sanzhong Slope.

"In the past, there was no access here. To go to that place, let alone a day's walk, it is much more convenient now."

Gao Tianfang drove the car all the way, lamenting the benefits of advanced modern technology and convenient transportation.

Hearing this, Xu Tong suddenly thought of the master for no reason, and sighed in a complicated mood: "Indeed, it's so convenient!"

When the car entered the deep mountain, Gao Tianfang took Xu Tong to walk along a small path into the deep mountain. This walk took more than an hour, and after turning over the undeveloped area, no entry sign.

Gao Tianfang pointed with his hand: "Have you seen that mountain? Turn over and you will be there."

Xu Tong looked around and found that the surrounding mountains were surrounded by five peaks that echoed each other, and their heights were orderly, like a big hand protruding from the ground.

Although he doesn't know Feng Shui, but at this moment with the help of Mingyan Qimen, he found a pocket-shaped airflow faintly formed between the five mountains, and this airflow seemed to be held in the palm of his hand.

Gao Tianfang took him forward and walked for another half an hour, explaining to Xu Tong as he walked: "The old man of your family came here to find a natural treasure to practice kung fu, my old man followed him We searched together, but you also know that the two entered the Yin-Yang Cave by mistake, and although they escaped completely, my old man lost his life and has not yet found it."

Xu Tong nodded, he didn't know the previous things, but he already knew the latter things from Gao Zhuo.

"They didn't find it at the time. Later, I went into the mountain to look for the Yin-Yang Cave in order to get back my soul for the old man. Instead, I found the treasured place for practicing kung fu that they were looking for back then. Do you think this is good luck tricking people?"

Gao Tian sighed in relief, if the two old men had found this place, Mr. Xue would not have taken over that fate, he can only say that good fortune tricks people, and God's will is unpredictable.

But now that Mr. Xue's descendants have found him, maybe this is a blessing in the dark.

Xu Tong was very curious about what kind of practice place it was, but Gao Tianfang couldn't explain it clearly, so he just waited for the place and pointed forward with his hand: "That's right there!"

(End of this chapter)

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