Infinite script kill

Chapter 314: Treasure Land Copper Coffin

Chapter 314 Treasure Land Copper Coffin
Xu Tong turned his eyes to the front and saw that it was a withered forest, and there were still several coffins standing around the forest, all of which were tied with iron chains.

In the center of the woods is a place that looks like a quagmire. At first glance, it looks like an inconspicuous swamp.

Xu Tong looked through the door with the help of his eyes of fate, but it was still pitch black in front of his eyes, and the turbid and evil qi did not dissipate. If ordinary people walked around this place, they would definitely suffer from a serious illness when they returned.

"Back then, Mr. Xue once said that there are two eyes of yin and yang in the world. The yang eye mostly gathers on the dragon's veins, while the yin eye is hidden in the place of the evil cave. According to the burial scriptures, there are three auspicious and six evil. Among them, the error of yang and yin is one evil. The obedient one is the second evil, the little one who is strong is the third evil, relying on the power of fortune is the fourth evil, arrogance is the fifth evil, and the response to the strange is the six evils, but all the six evils have hidden evil eyes."

Speaking of Mr. Xue, Gao Tianfang admired him very much in his heart. It is really rare to see someone like Mr. Xue born in the Lower Jiuliu.

Not only is he proficient in astronomy and geography, but he also has extremely high attainments in Yin-Yang Feng Shui.

When I first came here, I saw that there are many places to raise corpses in western Hunan, and there must be a most dangerous cave in the world. If I can find it, I can help him and help him become enlightened.

It's a pity that fate tricks people, maybe it's because the heavens are not beautiful, or maybe it's because he is destined to have a big job. When his father brought Mr. Xue, the two of them almost turned the mountains of Xiangxi did not find.

Every time I go out, it’s either raining, strong wind, or even hailstones, and the mountains are always surrounded by clouds and mist. Not to mention Mr. Xue, an outsider, even my own father, a native of Xiangxi, is stunned to leave. Got lost several times.

Unexpectedly, in the end he found it by mistake.

"Do you think God likes to tease people very much?" Gao Tianfang asked Xu Tong helplessly.

Xu Tong couldn't help sighing in his heart when he heard about it, but thinking about it carefully, if the master didn't go to L city, if he didn't confront all the different people in Beiman Mountain, and no one took everything down, how could he have his own master, Mr. Song, and How can I have myself? ?

Maybe there really is a certain definite number in the dark.

Xu Tong remembered that there was a passage written on the title page of the book "Plum Blossoms" in his hand, which was called, "There are two meanings between heaven and man, and the truth is only in human beings."

How can gods have different morals, and the main thing to be able to obtain the Tao is to rely on yourself.

At this time Xu Tong noticed the coffins around him.

"Senior Brother Gao, these coffins are..."

"Oh, I haven't had time to tell you what's going on. I found this place back then, and used it to practice, and then I got the mountain button that I used to fight in front of you. Later, I made a small success in practicing it. It will become a serious disaster, so 72 copper coffins were used to suppress it here."

After Gao Tianfang finished speaking, he did not forget to add a sentence: "Of course, this 72 copper coffins are also the last details of my Gao family. If it is not a matter of life and death, I would never dare to invite it out easily."

Xu Tong understood the underlying meaning of these words, and nodded, "Then, Senior Brother Lao, please mobilize all seniors to take advantage of this precious place to practice for a while."

Gao Tianfang is very satisfied with Xu Tong's attitude, and some things should be clarified, even brothers have to settle accounts clearly, so that there will be no conflicts after clarification.

Gao Zhuo stepped forward, chanted the mantra with one hand, and took out three long needles connected with red threads from his pocket with the other hand.

"Substitute needles for incense, iron and fire are like orders."

Throw the silver needle into the soil with a wave of your hand, hold the red thread on the silver needle with your fingers, and pull it gently, and the three red threads are pulled straight.

"Blood instead of wine, invite the ancestors of the Gao family!"

When you touch the red line with your finger, you can see the blood coagulates and does not disperse. It falls on the three silver needles along the red line and ignites the blood.

"Blood Incense!"

Da Ya is worthy of being an old fairy of the Hu family. Seeing this, she immediately explained to Xu Tong: "This is the incense of the blood, not the direct blood. Otherwise, the Gao family has been operating in Xiangxi for many years, and it is by no means in decline as it seems now." ,

Xu Tong nodded, and saw that after the blood fire was ignited, 72 copper coffins rose up from the ground in front of him, lined up side by side, and then slowly fell to the ground to pave a road leading directly to the center of the swamp.

Xu Tong has the magical skill of Fate Eye, and the scene he saw is also shocking. The moment the copper coffin is pulled up, he can see strong evil spirits rising around him. There seem to be ghosts and evil spirits in the evil spirits Come out together.

However, they were obstructed by these copper coffins, and they were beaten back. Not only that, but even the surrounding evil spirits seemed to become a part of the copper coffins, forming a huge layer of sky, which was folded upside down, so as not to let The evil spirit that has been suppressed for many years has affected the Feng Shui of the surrounding mountains.

Hearing what Gao Tianfang said just now, the people in these 72 copper coffins are none other than the ancestors and relatives of their Gao family.

Seeing this, Xu Tong felt relieved. No wonder Gao Tianfang never put on airs in front of him, but he wanted to make it clear about this matter. It turns out that this place is now integrated with the 72 copper coffins. If the copper coffin leaves this place, the corpses inside may not last a whole day and night, and will be turned into ashes.

"Thank you seniors!"

Xu Tong clasped his fists in both hands, saluted obediently, and followed Elder Song himself, he didn't learn all the skills, but he didn't miss any of these proper etiquettes.

"Okay, go in along the copper, go as far as you can, remember not to be greedy for merit."

After Gao Tianfang finished speaking, he sat aside and rested. He had been ill in bed for a long time. Although he recovered now, he was no longer what he used to be. It took a lot of effort to light the incense.

Xu Tong tried to step on the copper coffin and walk forward. At first ten steps were fine, but after twenty steps, there were already many evil spirits rushing out from the evil spirits, trying to drag Xu Tong into the swamp.

Seeing this, Xu Tong was not polite. Since he came to practice, he didn't have the slightest mercy to these evil spirits who came to his door.

Suddenly, the dark wind surged in front of the eyes, and a crack in front of him was torn open out of thin air. Through this gap, one can see the layers of palaces and palaces behind, densely packed palms poked out from the crack, grabbed these evil spirits, and killed them in an instant. Catch it.

Looking at Gao Tianfang from a distance, he murmured in his heart. He could only walk ten steps back then, but he couldn't take it anymore. Now that Xu Tong is younger than him at that time, it seems quite relaxed. He is really the back wave of the Yangtze River. Push forward.

But after thinking about it, my son is not bad. Not only has he restored the family's unique knowledge, but he can also set a new high. The future is just around the corner.

Thinking of this, Gao Tianfang was immediately relieved, which also made Gao Tianfang feel that marriage must be done as early as possible. Now that the date has been set, it is time to start making arrangements.

Try to enter the bridal chamber this year, and give birth to a big fat boy for yourself next year.

Gao Tianfang was engrossed in his thoughts, but when he came back to look at it again, he was shocked. Xu Tong didn't know when he had walked into the deepest part of the swamp.

Seeing this, Gao Tianfang almost stared out of his eyes, and quickly touched his chest and said in relief: "Father Tiger has no dogs, and a famous teacher produces a good apprentice. After all, it is the true biography of Mr. Xue!"

In fact, even at the deepest part of the swamp, Xu Tong still didn't feel too much pressure, but there are endless evil spirits here, and he keeps being dragged into the hell he created. Slowly, Xu Tong can feel the power of his mountain bow It seems to be increasing little by little.

There is also a little more understanding in my heart.

False and false, the hell created by Bai Shankou must not be real, but it may not be completely false.

The theory of ghosts and gods is illusory, but it doesn't mean they don't exist.

As the saying goes, if you believe it, you will have it or if you don't believe it, you will not have it.

This is true of ghosts and gods, and so is Baishankou. Sending these evil ghosts who cannot be reborn to hell is a merit in itself, which is much faster than the merits that I slowly developed in the Niu Zha Tang Restaurant.

Xu Tong practiced hard here until it was getting late, and then left with Gao Tianfang. In one afternoon, the hole that his mountain worship button could tear had increased by a few centimeters.

Don't just focus on your grades, if you change to other places, you may not have so much even if you accumulate it for a few months. After all, Baishankou itself is not a quick success.

On the contrary, it is a unique skill created by the master by combining Taoist classics and relying on a large amount of knowledge. If it is really discussed, it is not at all inferior to Taoist Xuanmen Kung Fu.

Gao Tianfang led the way today, but there is no need for it in the future. Not everyone can step on the copper coffin pavement, and Gao Tianfang doesn't need to be so troublesome to open and take it back every time.

Next, Xu Tong went to the company during the day, and occasionally met some unlucky people, so he brushed up his proficiency.

What?How about some good luck?
Such good luck must be exchanged for Yangshou. A good person like myself needs to be supported no matter what. It’s not good to live a few more years.

I went into the mountains at night to practice worshiping mountain buttons. The last time I went there was during the day, and it was not when the evil spirit was at its worst. It was only at night that it was lively. Xu Tong estimated that one night was almost equal to his progress in four afternoons.

Of course, running at both ends has caused his recent performance in the company to decline, but even so, the company's quarterly champion this month is still firmly sitting on his ass.

Similarly, he spent less and less time at Gao Zhuo's house. Every time Gao Zhuo asked, he didn't tell Gao Zhuo about the copper coffins, but said that he had found a good place to practice.

This was Gao Tianfang's intentional explanation, and this brat should not be allowed to know these things too early, for fear that he would be too young and too reckless.

After Gao Tianfang helped him, Xu Tong firmly supported Gao Tianfang and wanted Gao Zhuo to marry Fengxia as his wife as soon as possible.

He patted his chest and assured Gao Tianfang that if this guy dared to run, even if he ran to the ends of the earth, he would personally catch him back and marry him.

In this way, time passed day by day, until half a month later, Xu Tong finally took two days off, and asked the company for leave.

In the past half a month, Xu Tong lost a lot of weight and became darker.

But the progress can be regarded as rapid. Now the power of Baishankou is not the same as in the past, and it is worth the hard work.

The reason why he asked for leave and spared time was for one thing. Tomorrow was the wedding of his good nephew Gao Zhuo. How could he miss it as an uncle? For this reason, Xu Tong even prepared gifts for Gao Zhuo. A drop of his wedding night... Bah, I will never forget it.

(End of this chapter)

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