Chapter 320 Baolu Tudan
As for who the person in front of him was, Xu Tong never dreamed that this person was actually Li Xi.

Although Li Xi's appearance at this time is very different from when he was old, his eyebrows and demeanor are almost exactly the same. Looking at the luck on this guy's head, he looks like a black tiger cub curled up in the haze Trembling in the corner.

That's right, the official Heihu's fate is him!
However, compared to Li Xi in the last script, where the black tiger was fierce and roaring, Li Xi at this moment is still at the stage of a grasshopper.

A person with a little bit of power can crush him to death with one finger.

Seeing that the Young Master Ma in front of him was silent, Li Xi raised his eyelids slightly, and tentatively said, "Young Master Ma...are you also interested in Yi Xue?"

"Hey, just kidding with you."

After finishing speaking, he glanced back at Fuwen, and raised the corner of his mouth: "I think this father-in-law is right. From tomorrow onwards, you can go to the backyard to clean the toilet."


Fu Wen, who was still full of joy just now, immediately collapsed when he heard this, the happiness came too fast, he was kicked into the hut before he had time to taste it carefully.

The other servants secretly laughed when they saw this.

A young master is a young master after all, and they couldn't learn the speed of turning faces in eight lifetimes.

Xu Tong doesn't care about Fuwen's mood, he only cares about the improvement of task completion.

Looking up and down at Li Xi in front of him, he asked with a smile, "Where does the little eunuch work? Why do you still have the heart to study this stuff?"

Li Xi had heard earlier that Ma Hongwen was moody, but he didn't expect that this guy's turning his face was as unpredictable as juggling on the street. He heard that he was assassinated yesterday, and now he was standing in front of him alive and kicking, showing off his power.

Bah, it's true that good people don't live long, while evils last for thousands of years.

Li Xi cursed inwardly, but he didn't dare to offend Ma Hongwen, if you changed to another official, he wouldn't have to be so humble.

I am from the palace, so what if you are an official.

However, Ma Hongwen's father is Ma Qi, who is in charge of fifty thousand imperial troops. Apart from the masters, he is the most powerful man in the palace. Killing him is a matter of flicking your fingers.

Today, Guanshi Pan came to deliver the decree. It is said that it was the Empress Dowager Cisheng who ordered Ma Qi to annex the Vanguard Battalion and the Firearms Battalion to expand the army and train troops.

You must know that there are only a handful of people in the Han family who can sit in this position since Taizu entered the pass.

Immediately Li Xi didn't dare to be careless, and hurriedly said: "Young master, the young one is now working in the performance office, and will be transferred to the Qin Tianjian in a few days. I am afraid that the matter will be delayed, so I just hold my feet and show off in front of the young master. Damn."

In fact, the Zhouyi gossip does not say that the people are not allowed to learn, but many things are taboo.

At least if Gongli learns this, he might be labeled as a deceitful rumor.

But Li Xi hurriedly explained that he was going to work in Qin Tianjian immediately, which was an excuse for himself.

Of course Xu Tong knew that this traitor from Maoshan was probably more than just cramming, but he didn't want to expose him. After hearing his words, his heart moved: "Qin Tianjian, this place is not simple."

According to the master's wishes, Qin Tianjian is in charge of the weather, divination, and formulating the calendar, and even holds the roster of strangers in the world, but all the strangers who are named must be obedient and obedient.

Even if they were all liberated later, there are still some old things that never change. They regard the orders of the Qin Tianjian as imperial edicts and dare not disobey them.

Otherwise, how could Li Xi and Qian Shou summon so many old guys.

Before the two had spoken a few words, Xu Tong heard the servants calling the master's name one after another.

Looking back, I saw Ma Qi and the eunuch coming out of the door. Ma Qi saw his son, and his face suddenly darkened: "Nie Zong, you don't stay in the backyard, and you want to go out and make trouble!"

As soon as Xu Tong saw Ma Qi, he immediately shrank his head, stood aside and lowered his head, not daring to speak.

Ma Qi glared at him, turned around and cupped his hands to the eunuch beside him and said, "The dog is rude, I made Eunuch Pan laugh."

After finishing speaking, he scolded in a cold voice: "What are you doing standing there? Why don't you come to salute Eunuch Pan?"

When Xu Tong heard this, he quickly lowered his head and saluted this Eunuch Pan.

"Hehehehe~ It's really a tiger father without dog son. Your son is really a good-looking talent. According to our family, he will definitely be a pillar of the country in the future."

"Thank you, Eunuch, for your compliment."

Xu Tong hurriedly clasped his hands in thanks, his eyes rolled around, wondering what the hell he was thinking.

"Eunuch Pan, you're being polite. When this child enters the palace, he doesn't know the rules. You should remind me more." March said, holding Eunuch Pan's hand kindly.

Xu Tong's eyes were real, and with just such a handshake, the two big gold ingots fell into Eunuch Pan's cuffs without a sound.

"Hey, this..." Eunuch Pan raised his eyebrows and was about to say something.

Ma Qi pressed Eunuch Pan's hand, with an expression that I understand the rules: "Etiquette is always necessary."

"Oh, okay, okay, if that's the case, our family will not be polite."

After Eunuch Pan finished speaking, he took the whisk of the little eunuch beside him and swept it lightly: "Let's go!"

When the group of eunuchs left, Ma Qi looked at Xu Tong with a dark face: "Don't come in with me yet."

Ma Qi brought Xu Tong to the living room, took a sip of the teacup in his hand, and said, "The doctor said that your injury is not serious, rest for a few more days, and you can go to the Ministry of War to report on your work."


Grandma didn't know when she was standing behind the door. When she heard this, her face almost turned black.

Ma Qi frowned, and could only say: "Don't worry, when the time comes, let him go to the Qin Tianjian to do an idle job, as long as he wants to die, there won't be any trouble."

Hearing what Ma Qi said, the grandma finally put on a good face, ignored Xu Tong's winking expression at her, sat on a chair, and thought for a moment: "It's okay, it's okay, although it's the imperial army, but in Qintian The prison is on duty, and it is far away from the harem, so I don't worry about making any trouble."

After speaking, he said to Xu Tong with a somewhat questionable tone: "Son, you are old and young, and you should also go to have an errand to be the emperor's entourage for you. I am afraid that you will break the rules with careless hands. You can't keep your head, your father's position, how many people below are staring at you, don't be fooled."

"Mom!! I don't want to go."

Xu Tong pursed his lips, his face full of displeasure, but he had already started to think in his heart, Li Xi was also in the Qin Tianjian, it just so happened that the last time the account had not been settled, this script continued to be settled with this guy.

I don't know if I can meet Qianshou, but if I do... Hehehe...

Just as he was thinking about it, Ma Qi waved his hand and threw the teacup over: "What's the matter, don't go, just go into the forward camp with me, just as I want to expand the army, I will pull you in first, and let you see what military law is like a mountain. "

Seeing her son pale with fright, the grandma slapped the table: "What are you shouting about, this is not your barracks."

After finishing speaking, he pulled Xu Tong and walked out, making Ma Qi's face turn blue and white with anger.

The grandma took Xu Tong back to the room, found two little maids for him, and gave him 200 taels of silver for him to spend.

While enjoying the rapid increase in the completion of the task, Xu Tong looked at the real gold and silver in his hands, and the two beautiful little maids, and couldn't help shouting from his heart, it's good to have a mother.


As soon as the eldest grandma left, someone called him outside the door. Xu Tong took a look and remembered that this was Duan Cheng, his follower.

There are not many memories about him, but every bad thing behind Ma Hongwen has his shadow.

Xu Tong watched intently, this guy had good luck on his head, but there was a black-headed grimacing kid hidden in his luck, the kid had small eyes and big mouth, hiding on top of this guy, and when he saw Xu Tong, he babbled like what are you talking about.

As soon as Duan Cheng entered the door, he signaled the two servant girls to go down with his eyes, and then walked to the door, making sure that there was no one outside, and then closed the door.

The man came to Xu Tong's side and said, "Young master, the boy who assassinated you yesterday has been put in prison. I have arranged for someone to kill him tonight."

Xu Tong didn't bother to pay attention to Ma Hongwen's previous nonsense, after hearing Duan Cheng's words, he just frowned and hummed.

But this um, Duan Cheng was stunned for a moment, and looked at Xu Tong suspiciously: "Master, you... what's wrong with this?"

"Mission Completion -5"

When Xu Tong heard the prompt, his eyes turned cold in an instant, and he squinted at Duan Cheng. Seeing this guy looking at him suspiciously, he grinned and said, "Duan Cheng, you've done a good job. Come on, I'll reward you." You have one thing."

Duan Cheng's eyes lit up, he leaned his head forward, and rubbed his palms back and forth: "Is this what I should do, you..."

Before Duan Cheng could finish his words, Xu Tong stretched out his hand suddenly, his fingers were like hooks, and pinched Duan Cheng's throat. Duan Cheng was shocked and instinctively wanted to struggle.

But who would have thought that the young master who usually has no strength to restrain a chicken, his wrist is like an iron hoop, making him unable to move, followed by a twist of his wrist: "Crack!".

Duan Cheng's eyes widened and he stared at Xu Tong, as if seeing a stranger, his neck was tilted to the side weakly, completely out of breath.


Xu Tong dared to say that the person who knows Ma Hongwen best in this world may not be his cheap parents, but this little follower who is inseparable and takes Ma Hongwen to eat, drink, whore and gamble.

This guy knew Ma Hongwen's habits too well, even better than Ma Hongwen himself.

You think, there is such a person all day long, in order to get benefits, he doesn't do anything all day long, just follows you to figure out your preferences, can he not understand you?

Such a person, Xu Tong doesn't want to stay by his side.

Xu Tong threw the body on the ground, and he was still worried after killing him. After all, this era has not yet entered the era of the end of the Dharma, and there are all capable people in the rivers and lakes.

Otherwise, the script world will not remind itself that once the mission fails, it will be life-threatening.

To be on the safe side, Duan Cheng's soul was also drawn out by him, and the body was thrown in the item book. The soul...

Xu Tong raised his head and glanced at the hall above his head, and threw it in as garbage. Even if you have great powers, you can't break into my hall to look for it.

However, at this time, something he didn't expect happened. Duan Cheng's soul was thrown into the entrance of the hall, and a puff of green smoke rose from the golden furnace in the entrance of the hall. Duan Cheng's soul was sucked into the furnace.

Then there was a loud noise in the stove, as if something had rolled down, Da Ya followed the sound and looked under the stove, and found an inconspicuous hidden compartment under the stove, after opening it, there were two more Danmaru comes...

(End of this chapter)

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