Infinite script kill

Chapter 321 [Wishful Heart Pill]

Chapter 321 [Ruyi Xingxin Pill] (addition for the lord Ning Bai!! The fourth update, please ask for a monthly ticket)
There are two pills, one is blue and purple, with golden veins on it.

As soon as this thing came out, Da Ya and Fa Cai surrounded him and sniffed it vigorously, as if taking a sip made me feel like I was in high spirits.

On the other hand, the black pill was colorless and odorless, with a black light shining inside and out.

Da Ya hurriedly separated the two pills, and found that the black one was still warm, probably just made out of it, and this blue pill was made out at some time, and fell into the furnace, where it was kept for a long time. Not found.

Xu Tong was quite surprised when he saw this. He had studied the furnace several times, but he didn't find a hidden compartment underneath.

Quickly ask Da Ya to take out these two things and throw them into the item book for a look.

【Wishful Heart Pill】

Do whatever you want with me.

Those who eat it can get a special BUFF blessing.

Duration unknown, effect unknown.

Non-player consumption: You can obtain the effect of attuning everything, and randomly awaken an ability.

If the powder is mixed with rootless water, a simple chemical spring can be made.

Huashengquan: It has the ability to catalyze plants, and has a certain probability of making plants psychic.

After reading the introduction of this elixir, Xu Tong suddenly remembered it. He remembered that when he jumped into the jar in Biluotian, the Jade Ruyi in his arms turned into a puff of green smoke and got into the stove.

I searched the stove for a long time afterwards but couldn't find it. I didn't expect that this thing had turned into a pill.

After thinking about it, the boy said at the beginning that the jade ruyi could not be brought out of Bi Luotian, but now it seems that either the boy was lying to himself, or he was lucky, and Yu Ruyi was refined into a elixir In the end, Bi Luotian could be brought out instead.

Either way, it doesn't matter now.

This thing is a good thing, how to use it needs to be carefully thought out by yourself.

Look at another black mud pill.

【Little Man Pill】

The villain, the villain, the villain's ears come and go, the eyes of the people in the daytime, and the concubines in the empty house at night...

How to use it, crush it and ignite it. After inhaling the smoke cloud for 10 minutes, it will be blessed with negative fate, and the villain will cause trouble.

Needless to say, this stuff must be something that Duan Cheng's soul burned out.

Xu Tong pondered for a while, throwing the Little Man Pill in the item book first to eat ashes. Although this thing has no lethality, it is also difficult for ordinary people to detect the abnormality. Maybe it will come in handy when it comes in handy, so let's keep it for now.

As for [Ruyi Xingxin Pill], Xu Tong pondered for a while.

It's a bit wasteful to eat this thing by yourself. Although you can bless a BUFF, the BUFF is sometimes long. The most important thing is that you don't know what kind of BUFF you are blessing.

I don't know the effect after blessing, is it longer, thicker, or improved endurance?

That's annoying.

In contrast, it is better to choose to maximize the benefits and give the elixir to Da Ya and the others.

If you can awaken an ability, it is equivalent to adding a skill to yourself.

And he was very concerned about that thing called Huashengquan, don't forget, there was a fruit that he brought back from Biluotian back then.

The fool ate the fruit, and kept the rest of the core for himself.

If you can use Huashengquan to plant the fruit core, perhaps the benefits will far exceed your expectations.

After thinking for a while, Xu Tong waited in the room until Jixiang came back in the afternoon.

Although Ji Xiang has no fighting ability, he is good at finding out information. As the king of rats, all the rats will call him "Old Ancestor".

In this capital city, if there are more people than people, they are mice.

It only took a day for Ji Xiang to make these mice his eyes and ears, bringing a lot of news to Xu Tong.

For example, there is also Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon in the capital, and Jixiang was almost noticed by a young man halfway. Although the other party didn't see it, he glanced at the place where it was hiding, which made Jixiang startled. If he came to catch him, he probably wouldn't be able to escape.

Xu Tong doesn't find this strange. The current situation in the capital is more complicated than that of L City in the previous script. There are foreigners, reformists, and old-fashioned ones. The mess is like a hodgepodge.

Recently, murders have occurred frequently. According to those rats, a group of members of the White Lotus Sect burned down two dyeing factories and killed many workers in the name of expelling foreigners and protecting China.

In addition, there have been many foreigners in the capital recently, preaching everywhere, and seem to have conflicts with the monks of Fahua Temple, and they almost started fighting.

Xu Tong plucked peanuts, drank tea, and listened to Jixiang tell these things one by one, just like listening to a book.

When talking about the steam engine, Xu Tong specifically asked about Jixiang, and found that this era was not exactly the same as what he was familiar with.

Xiyang's enthusiasm on the steam engine far exceeded his expectations.

Not only trains, but also used in all aspects of life, such as steam cars, steam guns, and even steam single-person aircraft, which looks like a steampunk era style.

However, when he remembered the prompt he got when he entered the script, [Please do not take your seat correctly] he felt relieved. Obviously, in this magically modified script world, using the original history as a reference itself is a wrong idea.

"Then have you found any news about Gao Zhuo?"

Xu Tong asked again about the news he cared about. This guy doesn't know what's going on now, and he needs to find him as soon as possible, so that he can take advantage of his current status.

Jixiang said that all the rats in the city were looking for them, and as long as Gao Zhuo showed some clues, they would be able to find Gao Zhuo immediately.

Gao Zhuo couldn't find it, but Jixiang said that he found another player's identity.

"Oh!" Xu Tong frowned.

This is an unexpected harvest. This time it is only a four-person script, and the script should not be too difficult, but I don't know what the situation of the other two is.

It would be great to know the identity and background of one of them at this time.

After careful questioning, Xu Tong was a little surprised. This player is now in Xiangyue Building, and she is also a popular girl in Xiangyue Building, Qiao Xiaofeng.


Xu Tong rested his chin in his hand, wondering if he should join the party tonight.

But my old man was afraid that he would go out, so he watched closely. From time to time, there was a sound of walking outside the door, and the girl knocked on the door after a while, asking if he wanted more tea and water, or if he wanted to tidy up the bedding , and almost shouted: "Open the door, Madam let me in to warm your bed."

So if you want to go out, you have to wait until later.

"Just right, this elixir is divided into four parts, each of us will get one share. As for whether it can awaken your abilities, it depends on your own luck."

Since idleness is idleness, it is better to solve the problem at hand first.

[Ruyi Xingxin Pill] He doesn't plan to eat it, he divides it into four parts, keeps one part for himself, and makes Huashengquan, and distributes the other three parts to the three of them.

"Thank you for teaching!"

Da Ya and the others were very excited now. It is said that this kind of treasure should be given priority to the head teacher. The stronger the head teacher, the stronger the teacher will be.

But Xu Tong is not an old fairy, and he doesn't need any incense. Instead, he can feed them incense on weekdays. [Ruyi Free Heart Pill] has little effect on him. Eating it by himself is equivalent to opening a random BUFF blind box, so it's better to give them three.

Anyway, he has already made up his mind, even if he can't awaken any ability, at least he can increase his strength, which is always more affordable than opening the blind box.

These three guys also have different eating appearances.

Da Ya held the elixir, spit out a mouthful of blue light, wrapped in the elixir and slowly refined the properties of the medicine. According to her, this can ensure that the properties of the medicine will not be lost, and can be fully absorbed by his inner alchemy instead of being simply absorbed by the body. Absorb a large part.

Auspicious is more flamboyant. He took a small pot, collected the candles in the room together, and made a wax oil hot pot. He took a knife, cut off a piece, rinsed it in the pot a few times, wrapped it Stuff wax oil into your mouth.

Obviously he was taking drugs, but he was stunned by this guy who made him feel like eating western food.

Among the three, the one I admire the most is naturally getting rich, simple and rude, and eating ginseng fruit is a virtue like Zhu Bajie, without even having the process of chewing and tasting.

Perhaps it was because of the lack of potency after the pill was cut, none of the three had awakened any new abilities.

But Daya grew a new tail, and Ji Xiang's physique became smaller. In a short time, she lost her white hair and grew new hair. Although most of it is still white, there are some black hairs mixed in. hair.

At first glance in the middle of the night, I thought this guy had turned into a national treasure, one piece of black and one piece of white, which is quite worthy of his name.

As for making a fortune, it has increased by two levels, but it is a pity that it is only one level away, and you can get another ability.

Xu Tong thought about it, and simply cut the piece in his hand into four parts, leaving only a small part for himself, so he didn't have to deal with the sense of ceremony, and finished the job one by one.

Although he admitted that he had something to gamble about, he never expected that he would succeed in betting.

After Da Ya ate this small portion, she really awakened a new ability, the charm technique.

After Jixiang grew a few more black hairs, a pinch of flames sprouted from the tip of his tail.

As for making a fortune, this guy was unlucky and didn't awaken any abilities, but after being upgraded by one level, he reached level nine. In addition to the original skill splitting and mimicry, he also gained an overall hardened defense ability.

Generally speaking, the harvest is not bad, I left a little less, but it is enough to make my own Huashengquan.

With the help of the auspicious hot pot, the pill was sealed with wax, and after carefully tidying up, Xu Tong guessed that it was almost time, so he tiptoedly opened the door and poked his head out to check, after making sure there was no one there, he was about to go out on tiptoe Walk.

However, just two steps away, when he reached the door of the school room, he suddenly heard a sneer from behind him: "Master, where are you going!"

 gone tonight
(End of this chapter)

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