Chapter 324
Xu Tong didn't speak, and walked into the school room with this servant. The layout of the school room is actually similar to that of the study room. I don't know if the functions of the two are the same, so I took a homonym.

Xu Tong walked in front, and the servants followed behind. When he was wondering, Xu Tong, who was walking in front, suddenly stopped, and the servants almost bumped into him. Just as he stabilized his pace, he instinctively raised his head to see See what's going on ahead, why did the young master stop suddenly.

As a result, Xu Tong and Xu Tong exchanged glances, and when they looked at each other, the servant felt that the young master's eyes were filled with rainbow light, and the consciousness of the whole person became blurred.

This is the new ability that Da Ya awakened, the fox charm technique.

The servant stared in a daze, and before Xu Tong could speak, he said all the information he knew.

It turns out that this Mr. Wen Yuan has a different background. When he was young, he won the top three in the imperial examination.

However, the bad luck is here. It is said that the fraud case broke out in the examination room at that time, and one of his friends was caught. In the end, the friend dragged him, the number one scholar, into this dirty water in order to get rid of the crime.

Now things are troublesome, and things have gotten out of hand. After all, Enke has been the number one scholar since ancient times.It is for the emperor to choose among the top three and hand-picked him as the number one scholar, so the folks say that the number one scholar is the descendant of a Wenqu star. If the emperor's disciples say that it is really cheating, it is tantamount to slapping the emperor's face.

At that time, the first emperor was furious, and without waiting for the investigation to find out the truth, he put him in prison, and announced the abolition of Enke's re-examination at a later date.

Finally, after waiting for half a year, it was found out that this matter had nothing to do with Wen Yuan himself.

But at that time the number one scholar who re-opened the exam has already appeared, the emperor can't order two number ones, after all, this is related to the country, the royal face, not the KTV princess, white horse, you have money, you want to order a few .

In addition to the so-called golden words of the emperor, even if you know that you have been framed, you can't let the emperor admit your mistake. If the emperor is right, it is your fault.

As a result, the number one scholar who was supposed to be promoted in Zhongju was dismissed. It is said that he was in a daze afterwards, and some people rumored that he had gone crazy.

Just when Ma Hongwen was seven or eight years old, the Ma Qi family came to Beijing, and they saw Mr. Wen Yuan on the way. Ma Qi and Mr. Wen Yuan were both fellow villagers. After learning about Mr. Wen Yuan, they simply invited this homeless man The old beggar for many years became a teacher for Ma Hongwen.

From now on, I will live in Ma's house, with no worries about food and drink, and some money every month.

This Mr. Wen Yuan is very attentive in teaching. Although Ma Hongwen is arrogant and domineering, he still has some respect for this old gentleman.

Just two months ago, the old man passed away suddenly. Ma Qi was quite sad, so he asked someone to put up a sign in the school room, and asked his servants to offer three sticks of incense every day, and treat him as a member of the Ma family Similarly, even if people with foreign surnames cannot enter the ancestral hall, they still have a sense of incense after all.

After the servant finished speaking, his consciousness became clear, but he didn't have the slightest impression of what he said just now, and his memory was still at the time when he just entered the door.

Looking up, I saw Xu Tong holding three yellow incense sticks in the incense burner on the table.

There is also a sign behind the incense burner, which says the position of Mengshi Zhang Wenyuan.

"Hey, maybe I'm dreaming and miss Mr."

Xu Tong sighed, and dismissed the doubts in the servant's heart lightly with one sentence.

The servant's doubts were dispelled, but Xu Tong's doubts increased. Are you afraid of ghosts? ?No, ghosts are not afraid of themselves as miraculous.

But Mr. Wen Yuan stood there last night, and he didn't notice the aura of ghosts on the other party at all, but he was no different from a living person.

Thinking of this, he took a look at the whole room with his eye of fate, but he didn't see anything.

Simply go back to the room to change clothes.

The life of the rich is just different. When the two girls entered the door, they were shocked when they saw Xu Tong's whole body wet.

The eldest grandma reminded me thousands of times that the young master must take care of his wounds carefully.

Who would have thought that the young master turned himself into a drowned chicken in the blink of an eye, which frightened the two maids, fearing that the young master might do something wrong, they would also be beaten to death with sticks.

Oh, here is a word, the servants who can enter the mansion to serve others basically sign the contract, life and death are in their hands, even if they are beaten to death, the government will not take care of them.

So the two girls cooked ginger soup and boiled water, and helped Xu Tong take off his clothes and wrap them in a quilt.

Until the water is hot, come and wipe his body with hot water.

These two pairs of dexterous little hands touched his body, if Xu Tong said that he didn't respond, how could it be possible, he is not Bajie.

But the two girls are no longer surprised by this, and even blushed and praised: "Master, you are so innocent."

Rao Xu Tong is so cheeky, being so teased by the two girls, his heart is a little bit overwhelmed, but fortunately, he has not forgotten that his side mission has not been completed yet.

Lifting a girl's chin with her fingers, she squinted her eyes and glanced at the girl's neckline: "You only see my skin is fair and tender, but you don't know that young master, I also feel pity for the beauty and tenderness."

As he spoke, he picked up the girl's hand and rubbed it back and forth in the palm of his hand: "Can you master dance skills and music?" The girl's face was flushed by his rubbing, and she nodded with a smile on her face.

After speaking, Xu Tong suddenly looked towards the door, and seemed to sigh: "Okay, okay, it's going to snow soon."

Hearing this, the girl shuddered and suddenly remembered that last winter, when those girls were frozen into ice sculptures, their complexions suddenly turned pale.

Xu Tong squinted at her trembling body, with a smile on his face, stroking her head with his hand: "Unfortunately, young master, I will go to the palace to work soon, you can go back to grandma to serve her tomorrow. I don't support you two idlers, get out!"

Hearing the words, the two maids rushed out of the room carrying the water basin as if they were about to receive an amnesty. When they got out of the room, the girl who was held by Xu Tong just now burst into tears.

When the servants passing by saw this, they were already familiar with it. How could they not know the virtues of their young master? Except for Duan Cheng who can figure out the young master's preferences, no one else knows the young master's next second when facing the young master. what mood.

When the two girls were gone, Xu Tong immediately received a reminder from the item book.

[The side mission has been completed, and a temporary status bonus has been obtained, please choose one of them. 】

1: Wealth bonus: After choosing, you will get a windfall every once in a while.

2; Luck bonus, after the bonus, your luck will temporarily increase.

3: Official luck bonus, get official luck after the bonus.

Xu Tong didn't even think about it, he just chose the bonus of luck, he didn't lack money, and his wife gave him 200 taels of silver notes, so their family was destined not to be short of money, and he had no interest in being an official, although luck was temporary, But not bad either.

"Headmaster, you don't want these two juicy little maids, it's a pity."

Da Ya leaned against the door frame of the hall and watched, giggling.

Xu Tong ignored Da Ya's ridicule, put on his clothes and said, "You guys saw it last night too, it must not be a ghost, so what should it be?"

"Nine times out of ten, it's the house god."

Da Ya is worthy of being the woman behind Xu Tong, she has seen a lot, and she has been an old fairy for many years, so she can determine the identity of Mr. Wen Yuan at this time.

There is a house god in the family, and the descendants of Fuze.

This house god is a bit like a god, but it is not a god. Strictly speaking, it should be a yin god.

"I think this old scholar has some talent and aura. He has been favored by your family all these years, and with your family's incense, he has become a yin god by chance."

Da Ya is a bit tasteful, human beings are the masters of all spirits, and they are inherently superior to beasts like them. Even the ancestors of the Hu family did not have this blessing. As a result, a nerd became a ghost in a daze.

"That's it."

Xu Tong understood it, and after a while, the two maids came back again, carefully placed the food box on the table, and brought in the little girl that Xu Tong had brought back.

The little girl was only six or seven years old, hiding behind the two girls, looking at him fearfully.

But soon, she was attracted by the food on the table.

His eyes were wide open, looking at the food on the table, his stomach was already growling uncontrollably.


The girl walked carefully to Xu Tong's side and whispered something in Xu Tong's ear.


Hearing the girl's words, when Xu Tong looked at the little girl again, his eyes were slightly strange: "Okay, you go down, go to the cashier to get ten taels of silver, and just say I rewarded it. Besides, this matter..."

"We don't know anything."

The two girls were just scared by Xu Tong, but now they are much smarter, for fear of offending the young master again.

Xu Tong nodded in satisfaction and waved his hands to let the two of them go down. Then he circled around the girl, brushed the girl's hair with his fingers, and saw that there were dense blue and purple scales growing on the girl's neck...

"What is this??"

When the maid said it just now, she subconsciously thought it was ichthyosis, but when she saw it, it was really scales.

Sensing Xu Tong's gaze, the girl immediately backed away and hid in a corner with a vigilant expression. After rolling her eyes around, she grabbed the fried dough sticks on the table and ran outside.

When the servants saw the girl running out, they reached out to stop her, but they heard Xu Tong's voice from a distance: "Don't stop her, let her run!"

Looking back, I saw that Xu Tong was following behind in a leisurely manner, as if he was just strolling, not worried about how far the kid could run.

The child also seemed to notice that no one was stopping her, and ran out of the gate in one go, heading towards the crowded place.

"Huh? She's quite thoughtful."

Seeing that the child knew how to use the surrounding environment to gain an opportunity to escape at such a young age, Xu Tong found it even more amusing, and followed him at a leisurely pace, intending to see where the child could run.

People in this era still have a regular schedule, rising at sunrise and resting at sunset.

Although it was just dawn, there were quite a few people on the street.

The girl looked back from time to time while running, and was relieved when she realized that no one was chasing after her.

But when I turned around, I saw Xu Tongren sitting in front of the breakfast shop in front of me, looking at her with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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