Chapter 325
This startled the girl, and she involuntarily backed away.


"Your little girl raised Wanying, you're blind!"

A young man with a thin face and a piece of dog skin plaster on his head pointed to the broken porcelain on the ground, grabbed the girl's hair, and started to curse.

The girl's face was pale, as if she was frightened by the man in front of her. Even though Harold banned her, he never scolded her, let alone treated her so roughly.

Facing such a vicious man for the first time, the girl turned her eyes to Xu Tong in a panic.

However, Xu Tong drank the bean juice in his hand calmly, dragging the bowl with his hand, and took a sip along the edge of the bowl without chopsticks, um... yes, it was sour.

A sip of it, accompanied by a sip of the coke ring, although it tastes good, it is really not a blessing for me to enjoy it.

It's more like squinting and squinting.

Xu Tong didn't care, and the people on the street were more than happy to watch the excitement. Some people wanted to come forward to say something fair, but they were dragged back.

"Don't, what does it have to do with you? Why do you provoke him? It's not worth it."

After chatting with everyone, I found out that this man is called Taozi, an old bastard from the neighborhood. With the support of people from the martial arts gym behind him, he walks around the streets every day, asking for cards, and no one dares to provoke him.

A few years ago, I fell in love with someone else's wife and flirted with her a few times. The other man didn't like it, so he beat him up. As a result, in the middle of the night, Tao Zi brought people from the martial arts gym to the door, and beat him for half a year. bed.

When the people around heard it, they knew it was a tricky idea, and they couldn't stand it and didn't dare to say anything.

"You broke Lao Tzu's antiques. Selling your mother is not enough to pay for it. I will kill you."

Seeing that no one came out to recognize the child for a long time, Taozi was also angry, gritted her teeth and swung her hand to slap, with a bang, the girl's face became red and swollen at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The girl was in so much pain that tears rolled down her eyes. Seeing that the man wanted to hit her, she opened her mouth anxiously and bit Taozi's wrist.


Taozi let go of the pain, and the girl hid behind Xu Tong, and looked at her wrist, and found a row of red marks on her wrist.

Now Taozi's eyes turned cold, and when he saw the girl hiding behind Xu Tong, he first frowned, and walked in front of Xu Tong with suppressed anger: "Is this your child?"

If it were just one person, Taozi would have slapped him up long ago, but the boy in front of him was not dressed like an ordinary person, Taozi had a heart, so he asked a question first.

Xu Tong looked back at the girl and saw that she was looking at him pitifully, with hope shining in her black and white eyes, but Xu Tong stood up and waved open the girl's hand.

"I don't know, you continue."

As he spoke, he picked up the bowl in his hand and sat on the other side.

This time the girl was dumbfounded, she thought this man would save her, but she didn't want to just dodge it lightly, the indifference in her eyes made her feel a chill in her heart.

"Damn it, little girl, I'll kill you!"

Seeing that no one was guarding him, Taozi was even more impolite. He glanced around, grabbed the rolling pin on the display board beside him, and rushed over.

The girl's face turned pale with fright, and she was at a loss to hide back. Seeing that there was nowhere to hide, she suddenly heard behind her and said: "Other people are going to kill you, what's the use of running away."

As soon as the voice fell, I felt that something was stuffed into my hand, and before I had time to take a closer look, someone kicked me behind, and the man lowered his head and rushed forward, bumping into Taozi's arms.

Immediately Taozi froze, the rolling pin in his hand fell to the ground with a bang, and he looked at the girl who hit him in his arms in shock.

The girl seemed to have noticed something, opened her eyes to see it, and immediately sat on the ground in fright.

I saw an extra dagger in her hand at some point, and it was stabbing Taozi's lower abdomen, and the blood immediately dyed Taozi's clothes red.

The people around are also stupid. The murderer has seen it, and Caishikou lined up to behead their heads every autumn.

But it was the first time I saw a child killing someone in front of everyone.

A few breakfast eaters sat aside and watched and ate, winking at each other: "It's worth it, it's worth it, today's's worth it."

Just when the girl was so frightened that she burst into tears, a hand was placed on her shoulder.

"Why are you crying? If you don't kill him, he will beat you half to death. If you throw it on the street, you will stink before tomorrow. At that time, mice, bugs, and wild dogs will eat you until there are no bones left. Now, no one will avenge you."

As soon as the girl raised her head, she saw Xu Tong standing behind her, staring at him with indifferent eyes, without any emotion, so cold that it was unreasonable.

Not to mention she was a little girl, even the adults around her were taken aback. After all, it was a case that hurt people's lives. How come it came to this master's mouth, and it felt more like a beast ant.

"You... you wait... I, Taozi, will not die today, but I will kill your whole family."

Taozi clutched his lower abdomen, a short dagger naturally couldn't kill him, he stood up tremblingly, the expression of resentment on his face was as real as it was.

With a relaxed smile on his face, Xu Tong pulled the girl behind him.

Walking up to Taozi without rushing, Taozi's face changed drastically. Anyway, his cousin is from the martial arts school. He has never eaten pork, and he has seen pigs running. He can naturally feel the look on the young man's face in front of him. The casual and natural demeanor is not deliberately put on.

"What are you doing, cousin is from the Zhou family martial arts gym in Dongcheng,'t mess around."

The Zhou family martial arts gym is also a famous martial arts gym in the capital.

Ever since the late emperor, foreigners have repeatedly violated the border, and there has been a wave of martial arts among the people. Originally, privately spreading martial arts is a big taboo, and it is expressly prohibited.

But now and then, after the imperial court found out, not only did they not blame them, but they also took out a sum of money every year, called Yangwu Yin, which was specially allocated to these martial arts halls.

It's only been a few years now, and Datong is already full of martial arts gyms.

Taozi thinks that since he reported his backer, the young man in front of him will definitely worry about the strength of the martial arts school and retreat in spite of difficulties.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he finished speaking, Xu Tong nodded, and when he raised his legs, everyone felt a strong wind blowing up, and Tao Zi flew out backwards, and landed in the frying pan of deep-fried dough sticks impartially.

This fryer is also unlucky. He has fried fried dough sticks for half his life, but he never thought he could fry a living person once today.

The few diners in the back ate more deliciously, and this breakfast today is enough for them to enjoy it for a long time.

Xu Tong didn't care about Taozi's life or death, and stretched out his hand towards the girl: "Go home!"

This time the girl became obedient, and she held Xu Tong's hand with her head down, without any thought of running away.


Seeing this, the stall owner who bought breakfast hurried forward to stop Xu Tong: "You can't leave, you are committing murder in the street, can't leave."

The boiling oil, not to mention whether it was scorched on the outside and tender on the inside, this life will definitely not be saved. If I sell the early ones, I will be involved in a life lawsuit. If someone leaves, I will not be able to tell.

Hearing this, Xu Tong just thought it was ridiculous, ignored the stall owner, but took the girl's hand and pointed to the crowd around him: "Look, when they beat you just now, none of them stood up, but now they are going to come out to host It's fair, because you have no power or influence, and you have no support behind you, and when you die, you are just a piece of rotten meat on the side of the road, no one cares."

As soon as these words came out, the faces of all the elders turned red with embarrassment.

Someone said in disbelief, "You're making a fool of yourself. This kid smashed someone's belongings. What's the matter with him beating him up, but you killed him? That's not the same thing."

"That's right, murder pays for life, you can't go."

Seeing the support of the crowd, the stall owner became more confident, and at the same time sent someone to report to the martial arts hall.

Before the people from the martial arts hall arrived, the passing officials rushed over, pushed away the crowd and took a look: "Oh, this bomb, it didn't turn over at first glance."

Immediately, he glanced at Xu Tong, and his face became serious: "Who are you, dare to commit murder in the street!"

Seeing this, Xu Tong curled his lips and smiled, took the girl's hand and said, "If I have no power or power, I might have to pay for this guy's life today, or even destroy my family!"

The girl nodded half-understood, only to see Xu Tong raised his head, looked at the two officials, and stretched out his hands as if to handcuff them.

Seeing this, the officer took out the iron handcuffs and was about to lock him up, but the older officer at the side felt that something was wrong, so he hurriedly stopped him and said, "May I ask whose family you belong to, do you need to give me a handcuff?" Take a letter home."

Xu Tong bared his teeth and smiled: "Father Ma Qi!"

The guard stared at him, his heart skipped a beat, and he scolded himself for being unlucky. Why did he come across this ancestor, and his face froze there, as if he had been immobilized.

Xu Tong casually dropped a bag of money: "Take it and treat it as compensation. If there is too much, I will pay him as a lawyer's fee. Come and sue at any time, and I will be at home anytime."

After speaking, he took the girl and left.

"My lord, there are all the witnesses and evidence, so you just let them go?"

Seeing Xu Tong dragging the girl out in big strides, the stall owner approached him and asked in a low voice.

As a result, the faces of the two officials were all black, especially the one holding the iron cuffs just now, who looked violent, slapped the stall owner on the face, slapped him on the ground, and cursed: "You don't have eyes , Are your ears blocked by grass? Haven’t heard of it, Ma Qi, when you join the Imperial Guards, what are you, get out, and don’t let me see you here in the future, or you will be arrested and sent to prison.”

If it were a few days ago, the two servants would have to think about who Ma Qi is, after all, there are too many officials in the capital.

What's more, March is a member of the Forbidden Army, in charge of the Forbidden Palace, and ordinary people have no access to this level.

But two days ago, Ma Hongwen kicked a girl to death. It's not old news. The officials in the capital didn't say anything. When their master heard the news, he didn't even fart, and sent her away with a hum. up.

They had heard about Ma Hongwen's background a long time ago, and they were still discussing it during dinner these days.

I don't want to meet the rightful lord early this morning. If it was hundreds of years ago, when Emperor Yong was in power, let alone a third-rank official, even the son of a first-rank official would not dare to be so arrogant.

Today's world has changed, and Ma Qi is a popular person valued by the Empress Dowager Cisheng. I heard yesterday that the Qianfeng Camp and the Firearms Camp will be merged. This official position has not changed. The army in his hand is no less than 8 people. The Prime Minister Not as powerful as him.

This is not something their master can offend, squinting at Taozi who was fried to a shapeless shape on the ground: "Take them away, take them away, take them to their home, save them if you can, if you can't save them, you deserve to be in bad luck."

After talking, he didn't give the money, turned around and left.

The diner on the side watched, grinned, and gave a thumbs up under the table. This scene is really delicious, even more exciting than that in Liyuan: "Boss, two more servings of soybean juice!"

(End of this chapter)

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