Infinite script kill

Chapter 326 Apprentice Gao Zhuo

Chapter 326 Apprentice Gao Zhuo

The servants of the Ma family saw the girl running out early in the morning, and within two hours, they saw the girl come back obediently holding the young master's hand.

Regarding this, these servants exchanged glances with each other, with an ambiguous expression that the young master is the young master.

Xu Tong put the girl in his own home, without asking her about her background, or why she was put in a sack by a foreign priest before.

She liked to talk about the past, and it didn't make sense to ask herself, so she gave her a rather pertinent name, Le Rou, and she would be the maid in his room from now on.

During this period, the grandma came over. Although she couldn't hide the disgust in her eyes, who made Ma Hongwen her good son? She called the housekeeper to sign a contract for the maid, but Xu Tong sent him away with just one word.

"No, I didn't treat her as a servant. If I want to serve here, I will keep it. I don't want to give her a sum of money at any time, and go wherever I want."

The housekeeper did not dare to say that he disobeyed the master. After all, the master at home was not around. Who would dare to disobey what the young master said? If he got in a hurry and beat someone to death, he would be punished by the master to kneel in the ancestral hall at most, but the unlucky people were all dead.

The eldest grandma didn't take it seriously when she saw this, knowing that her son was very playful, it might be a novelty for a while, and the enthusiasm disappeared after a while.

Tell him to rest well, and he will report to the Ministry of War in a few days, don't let his temper mess around.

As soon as the grandma left, Xu Tong went out on the back.

The reason why he left the house in such a hurry was because Jixiang's younger brother had reported that he had found Gao Zhuo's trace.

It is in a small alley behind Dashilan in the capital.

The mouse can only find people, but it can't tell what Gao Zhuo's situation is now, but as long as he finds people, the rest are small problems.

As soon as I walked to Qianmen Street, I heard a burst of gongs.

Under the escort of the officers and soldiers, two prison cars followed, with a white-haired man in front and two women in chains behind.

"Who is this person??"

Some ordinary people didn't recognize him, so they asked around and found out that this man was the commander-in-chief of the patrol battalion. Didn't this mean that many people were killed by the red light sect in the foreign area last night? The patrol battalion was responsible for patrolling. One was pushed out to take the blame. It is said that he was put on death row and asked to be executed after autumn.

Speaking of which, this guy is wronged. They are not allowed to enter the foreign area, and the patrol camp can't control them. How did those people from the Red Lantern Sect get in? What does it have to do with their patrol camp?
But who told them that the patrol battalion is the Han army? If you don't blame you for this, do you still count on those bannermen? ?
As for the two women in the back, it is said that they were caught by the infantry battalion and sentenced to Ling Chi.

Xu Tong stood aside and took a look. The two women looked sluggish and out of luck, but they didn't look like the fanatics in the Red Lantern Sect at all, but after thinking about it again, they understood what was going on.

The patrol battalion is the Han army, and the infantry battalion is the bannermen.

Although they are both subordinates of the nine admirals, one of them did not fulfill his duty, and the other caught the prisoner. Everyone understands what that means.

"Hey, ha, hey ha!"

Dashilan is a relatively prosperous commercial area in the capital, with many shops selling everything. Behind the gray wall, you can hear the sound of boxing in the morning.

There are several martial arts gyms nearby, and the boxing techniques taught are also varied.

For example, Xiao Zhouquan, Huaquan, Baguaquan, etc., because of the support of Wuyin, these martial arts are doing well, and the imperial court has also promoted martial arts in recent years, advocating martial arts.

Many people who have achieved success in their studies have joined the army, and they can be given official positions regardless of size.

If you want to make money quickly, you can go to the black boxing below the foreigner area, and you can get a lot of money after three or two matches.

Xu Tong originally thought that Gao Zhuo's identity might be a boxer in a certain martial arts gym.

Finally, I found Gao Zhuo and saw that this unlucky guy actually wanted to play an apprentice,

The so-called apprentices are different from formal apprentices. People pay money to come in to learn skills. You don’t have money to come in to do odd jobs. You will be given a dozen copper coins every month. Practicing martial arts depends on the mood of the martial arts master.

Those with high EQ are work-study programs, and those with low EQ are auditors.

As soon as Xu Tong entered the door, he saw this guy sweeping the floor. He had a thin face, and his body was so skinny that no flesh could be seen.

Naturally, Gao Zhuo didn't recognize Xu Tong. Seeing someone coming, he immediately leaned forward and introduced him enthusiastically: "This brother is here to learn boxing, so you have come to the right place. Our Hongjia Boxing Gym is here." It is the first of the five major styles of boxing in the South..."

After Gao Zhuo gave an enthusiastic introduction, he saw the young man in front of him looking at him strangely. Although his face had changed, Gao Zhuo recognized those playful eyes at a glance.

Immediately froze for a moment, tentatively asked: "How did you find this place?"

"Of course I'm here to look for you. What else can I do?" Xu Tong said angrily. Fortunately, when the foreigner's street was on fire last night, this guy sneaked into the foreigner's street and released zombies to kill a few people. He happened to be watched by a mouse. arrive.

Otherwise, I don't know how much effort it will take to find this product.

Gao Zhuo looked him up and down, and said, "Okay, look at your outfit, you're doing well."

Just as Xu Tong was about to speak, a figure came over and urged Gao Zhuo impatiently: "Zhou Quan, what are you doing? I didn't see that the water tank in the firewood house is almost out of water, hurry up and fetch water."

"Hey, okay, let's go, let's go."

Gao Zhuo blinked at Xu Tong, then hurriedly walked towards the kitchen with his head down.

For this guy who disturbed himself and his teammates to reminisce about the old days, Xu Tong didn't have the slightest affection for him. He glanced at him coldly, only to see a rogue-headed guy in a gray coat, only 1.6 meters five in height, and half a head shorter in front of him.

"Young master, do you want to learn boxing?"

The other party didn't notice the impatience in Xu Tong's eyes, and asked politely.

"Not learn!"

After Xu Tong finished speaking, he turned his head and walked away, making the other party look dazed. When he reached the corner, he tossed a paper crane with his fingertips, and it flew into the courtyard.

Seeing this, Gao Zhuo hurriedly picked up the paper crane and put it in his arms, as if nothing had happened.

"Hey, what did you just say? Why did he leave? It must be because you didn't make it clear. How many times have I told you that when others come to learn boxing, you have to invite them in first. Why are you so stupid?"

The man who had just urged Gao Zhuo to fetch water came to Gao Zhuo's side again, waved his hand and beat Gao Zhuo's head, and cursed loudly.

Gao Zhuo lowered his head with a look of resignation, which provoked ridicule from the martial brothers around him.

Even the owner sitting on the chair was full of cynicism: "It's ridiculous to practice boxing with such a waste."

Everyone looked down on this little worker, but no one noticed that Gao Zhuo's face with his head lowered had a murderous intent.

Xu Tong didn't go home, he made an appointment with Gao Zhuo, waiting to have dinner at Nanhengshun in the evening.

It's still early, just looking at the customs of this era, in reality, I have no chance to go to the capital, but now I have the opportunity to be an uncle in the capital, if I don't enjoy it, it will be a blood loss.

Speaking of the interesting places in Beijing, there are many, and the most interesting one is of course the Bada Hutong, where there is a whole stream of eating, drinking, playing and singing.

But he doesn't like to go, if it's fun, it can be more fun than the sand dance hall, if it's service... Just find a bathing center, a set of 998 will let you experience what it means to be eloquent.

Dashilar sells everything, and of course red and white things are indispensable.

Xu Tong passed by a birthday material shop and went in to have a look. The craftsmanship was surprisingly good. The difference between this era and the previous script is that those old traditions are flourishing, and even these handicrafts are also exquisitely crafted.

As soon as Xu Tong inquired, it turned out that these shops had professional craftsmen, and he specially introduced Xu Tong to the master chefs in their shops.

As a result, at first glance, the other party was just an ordinary person, and he lost interest in an instant.

In fact, this is also a matter of course. In today's world, although there are many real strangers, if it is not necessary, they will not hang around in places like the capital.

Without the edict of Qin Tianjian, they would not leave their place rashly.

It's not easy for me to meet one or two strangers on the street.

Most of them are just a mess.

"Hey, isn't this Brother Ma?"

At this moment, Xu Tong suddenly heard someone calling him from behind, and when he turned around, he saw a group of young people.

These people were well dressed and well-dressed, and they seemed to have a lot of status, but I had no impression of this group of people.

When he was stunned, the other party had already walked up, especially the young man who was the leader, grabbed Xu Tong's arm and said, "Oh, I heard that Brother Ma was assassinated not long ago. Our brothers They all said they would come to visit, but they were busy with work and were unable to get away for a while, so I didn't expect to meet you here, what a coincidence."

It was a polite remark, of course Xu Tong didn't take it to heart, but he still put on a very happy expression on his face: "Thank you for your concern, but it's just a little thief and not worth mentioning."

"Today is really a coincidence, Brother Xiang, Brother Ma, we finally met. When I call Brother Li, let's go to Zuixianlou for a drink together."

As soon as the young man on the other side opened his mouth, a memory suddenly appeared in Xu Tong's mind, his eyes flashed, and then he looked at the young man in front of him and suddenly realized: "So it's him!"

(End of this chapter)

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