Infinite script kill

Chapter 327 Black Boxing Arena

Chapter 327 Black Boxing Arena

Xiang Keding, the sixth son of the Xiang family.

Speaking of which, the relationship between their Ma family and Xiang family belongs to the upper and lower levels.

Xiang Keding's father, Xiang Gongbao, is the governor of Zhili that the imperial court relies on the most, and Ma Hongwen's father, Ma Qi, is Xiang Gongbao's subordinate. Later, on Xiang Gongbao's recommendation, he became a member of the imperial army. Location.

Now that Ma Qi has merged the Vanguard Camp and the Firearms Camp, and is entrusted with important tasks by the Empress Dowager Shengci, on the one hand, the Eight Banners are really dying. They want to stretch their hips more, smoke drugs, drink flower wine, basically a group of people Fight the five dregs.

Only then did the Empress Dowager Shengci start the idea of ​​recruiting Han people and retraining troops. Ma Qi followed Xiang Gongbao to the battlefield. The batch of soldiers and horses was handed over to Commander March.

It's a pity that Xu Tong, who has read the script, knows very well that the Empress Dowager Shengci has been in power for so many years, but there are times when she is blind...

Putting this aside for the time being, the Xiang Keding in front of him is the sixth son of the Xiang family, because they are similar in age to Ma Hongwen, and they belong to the kind of relationship between friends.

They were idle on weekdays, and they were involved in the messy things that Ma Hongwen did.

Thinking of the smile on Xu Tong's face, the three of them went to Zuixianlou to have a drink together.

During this period, another person surnamed Li came, and Xu Tong didn't know who it was. They exchanged cups and dishes, and Xiang Keding proposed to go to the casino to play.

At this time, the young man surnamed Li waved his hand: "What's so interesting about casinos, let's go to see Black Boxing, that's called excitement."

"Black fist!"

Everyone's eyes lit up. Today's Datong is a style of martial arts. There are martial arts gyms everywhere, but there are no real swords and guns to fight desperately.

Every year, the imperial court will hold a martial arts competition to commend the top [-] martial arts gyms and distribute the quota of raising martial arts silver.

The original intention was to compete for everyone, survival of the fittest. As a result, the major martial arts schools have now formed a tacit understanding. It was an unspoken secret that the so-called martial spirit turned into a business.

If anyone dares to break the rules, all the martial arts gyms will crowd out the other party and drive the other party out of the capital directly.

So if you want to see real kung fu, you have to watch black boxing.

"Brother Li has connections?"

Xiang Keding asked with a little surprise, Black Fist is very good-looking, but it is a pity that there is no way for ordinary people to find it. There used to be one in the foreigner's district, but a fire last night burned down that Black Fist. It is said that behind the black boxing arena is the stock of the nine admirals.

For black boxing alone, at least a thousand pieces of gold can be distributed every month. No wonder the chief soldier of the patrol battalion was raised to vent his anger.

I saw this Mr. Li drank a glass of wine calmly: "Of course."

"Okay, let's go see Black Fist!"

As the one with the best family background among the four, Xiang Keding put down a silver ingot as soon as he tapped the table, and led everyone to get up and leave.

The four of them wandered around and walked into an unnamed alley. There were guards outside the alley. Mr. Li was very familiar with the road, so he threw a silver ingot and led the three of them into the small door in the alley.

As soon as I entered the door, I heard a burst of applause.

Xu Tong looked around and found that it was a very large yard. The arena had already been set up in the yard, and the houses on all sides had been bulldozed long ago, and replaced with seats for people to sit and watch the battle.

At this moment in the arena, the two are fighting inseparably.

Both of them wore masks on their faces, and neither of them showed their true faces, but they punched to the flesh, and their moves were fatal.

Mr. Li led them to sit down, and said in a low voice: "This place was originally the official residence of a former prime minister, but it was abandoned later. I don't know who took it down, and now it has become a black boxing arena."

Everyone was relieved when they heard this, and Xiang Keding couldn't help frowning when he heard the words; "Hiss, the mansion is doing black boxing, if it is found out, it will be..."

Speaking of this, Keding stretched out his palm and wiped it on his wrist, making a beheading gesture.

Black boxing itself is explicitly prohibited, let alone using the official residence to fight black boxing. The power behind a person who can do such a thing must not be underestimated.

But Mr. Li disagreed and said: "Whatever he is, we are just here to watch the boxing, and we won't participate."

As soon as Mr. Li's voice fell, Xu Tong's face showed a strange look, because at this moment, he had received a reminder from the script world.

[Submission 2: Black Boxing Arena]

Mission goal: win five black boxing games.

Task time: none
Task reward: boxing proficiency +40
The mission didn't prompt for punishment, so it should be an ordinary mission, the kind that can be done or not, but when Xu Tong saw that there were rewards, he was a little tempted immediately.

I exchanged [Five Birds Grabbing Hand] at the exhibition, but I have proficiency, and if I complete the proficiency, it can be upgraded to LV3 at the most. After reaching the full level, there is a certain probability that the whole body will increase by 15%.

Isn't this a good opportunity right now?
In the arena, the two have already fought from fists to weapons. Black boxing is a life-and-death struggle. On the stage, even if it is a father and son, only one can survive. Looking at the dark red blood stains on the arena, you know that this restaurant has just opened It didn't take long for the black boxing arena to be covered with blood.

The man in the black mask chose a dagger, while the painted face on the opposite side chose a broadsword.

"Short sword against big sword, there is no chance of winning!"

Xiang Keding frowned. After all, he was his father and a veteran in the battlefield. Even though he was now competing with guns and cannons, Xiang Keding still had a basic understanding of martial arts.

If a short sword meets a spear, it may still be worth seeing, but if it meets a fierce and swift broadsword, it is purely courting death.

But what happened next was unexpected.

The black-faced mask covered the short sword with one hand, and his legs were slightly bent together. Facing the attacking sword, there was a harsh friction sound under his feet. The figure seemed to be off the rabbit, and rushed past the painted face.

The opponent's knife didn't even have time to cut it off, and the short sword had already pierced a hole in his chest.


Everyone was stunned at this moment. After being shocked for a short time, there was a burst of exclamation and cursing in their mouths. It seemed that they didn't expect that just now they were fighting back and forth with bare hands. How could it be over with just one move with a weapon?
This layman watches the excitement, while the insider watches the way. The real martial art is like this, one move will kill you, if you can't kill it with one move, either you are evenly matched, or both of you are good at picking your feet. .

Those with embossed faces threw out their gambling tickets and cursed one after another, while those with black faces danced with joy.

"Eight Cutting Knife, that's right, this person uses Wing Chun!"

Mr. Li obviously has a deep knowledge of martial arts, and he couldn't help but exclaimed when he saw this.

Although Heimian used a short sword instead of the Butterfly Knife of Ba Zhan Dao, he was absolutely right, it was Wing Chun's Ba Zhan Dao, the horse step sword.

What does this move look like? It's similar to Ye Wen's form of driving a wooden stake in the movie. It's the same way of practicing on weekdays. It looks stupid, but when it's time to kill people, it can show its real power.

"Wing Chun? Never heard of it?"

Xiang Keding scratched his head, he was very unfamiliar with this boxing technique.

Mr. Li explained: "I once saw a person using Tianjin's small boxing style. I asked and studied it, but I didn't succeed in it."

Mr. Li is obviously very regretful to mention this matter.

Xiang Ke made a sound and didn't care, seeing that the scene was about to end, Xu Tong said to go to the toilet, but everyone didn't care, they just told him to go early and come back early.

Leaving the stands, Xu Tong looked left and right, and went straight to the yard on the other side, but was stopped before he entered.

"What are you doing, you can't enter from behind!"

Two burly men stopped in front of Xu Tong and said with tiger faces.

"You two, if I want to fight, how do I sign up?" Xu Tong asked, cupping his hands.

"You! Punch??"

The two looked at each other, and immediately laughed: "Don't say whether you can fight, but anyone who wants to fight with us must be a master with a name and surname in the capital. You don't come here whenever you want, get out!"

The two men said they were going to wave Xu Tong out, but they didn't want to wait for them to do it, Xu Tong had already bowed to them with both hands.

Immediately, the eyes of the two of them blurred, and they felt as if countless hands were pulling themselves behind them. They didn't even have time to turn the corner, and they lost consciousness.

Xu Tong threw the two corpses into the props book and walked towards the small courtyard.

As soon as they reached the corner, they heard two people talking.

"Zhao Ting, you can be regarded as an old man in our field, and the old rules will still be followed later, understand!"

"I understand, don't worry about it, but..."

"Oh, I know your concerns, don't worry, the ones fighting you are also our people, so we have a sense of measure, and when the three rounds are over, you can just fall to the ground."

Two people behind the wall were talking, one was wearing a tight military uniform and the other was wearing a white coat. When Xu Tong heard that he could still punch fake punches?
But if you think about it again, what a normal thing, anyway, wearing a mask, no one knows him, and he can be used repeatedly if he plays well.

This martial artist is obviously not the first time to do this twice, he must be an experienced master.

After the steward left, the martial artist sighed, he couldn't run away today after the beating, let alone go back and lie down for half a month, but at least he won't run for nothing, and he still has money.

Thinking of this, he was about to reach for the mask, but just as he turned around, Zhao Ting's ears moved, and he sensed someone behind him, and without even thinking about it, the prodigal son turned his head and raised his hand to punch him.

Unexpectedly, the opponent seemed to be deliberately waiting for his punch, and when he raised his hand, the palm clasped on the wrist, and first pulled back to relieve the force of his fist.

Immediately after twisting his five fingers, a piercing pain hit him, and he felt that the other party's body was already stuck to his chest in a strange way. In an instant, Zhao Tingren flew up with a sweeping leg, and a click could be heard all over his arm. rattle.


This thought flashed through Zhao Ting's mind, but the other party didn't give him a chance at all. He knelt on his neck with one knee and knocked him unconscious with a punch. The whole process was as fast as lightning. , He was thrown to the ground without even seeing the other party's face clearly.

(End of this chapter)

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