Infinite script kill

Chapter 330 Wang Zheng joins the team

Chapter 330 Wang Zheng joins the team
South Hengshun on Qianmen Street is a mutton restaurant with a long history in Beijing.

Lamb mutton is their signature dish.

Instant-boiled mutton can become a signature at any time, but don’t say it, the mutton in this restaurant is different. In reality, it’s mostly machine-cut, but now it’s hand-cut mutton. Whether it tastes good or not depends entirely on the hands of the chef.

The so-called high-carbon stove in copper pot with clear soup, fresh lamb with sesame sauce, sugar and garlic.

There are still many sayings about hot-boiled mutton, first boiled, second-boiled and three-stewed, so the mutton should not be too thick, if it is too thick, it will still be raw, if it is too thin, it will be gone.

This is a test of the master's knife skills. Only with good knife skills, the fresh meat cut out will be cooked in a pot, so that people can experience the soft and crispy taste of the mutton itself. That is the most coveted delicacy for young and old in the capital in autumn and winter.

"This way!!"

Xu Tong had been waiting here a long time ago, and when he saw Gao Zhuo walking upstairs, he waved at him.

Gao Zhuo was not too polite, he just ate after sitting down, obviously he had suffered a lot in the martial arts gym during this time.

Gao Zhuo ate a big plate of meat first, and then Gao Zhuo began to scold the street: "Don't fuck his mother, this gang of grandsons is really not a thing, I almost jumped up and gave these bastards two chestnut shells!"

Gao Zhuo was obviously really out of temper, and this time he even uttered his dialect.

It turned out that his identity and mission was an apprentice in the martial arts school. Not only did he have to do handyman, but he was also often bullied.

If the item book hadn't reminded him that this was his main quest, he would have slaughtered all these bastards and turned them all into zombies!
"So there is already a main mission?"

Xu Tong was very surprised. He had only completed two side missions now, but he had no clue about the main mission.

Gao Zhuo nodded, then looked at Xu Tong suspiciously: "Why, you haven't received the main task yet?"

"No, but it should be soon." Xu Tong picked up the chopsticks, put a piece of mutton in his mouth, and couldn't help thinking that he was going to work in the Qin Tianjian soon.

He handed the script to Gao Zhuo to read it. In fact, the script only had a general direction, but did not explain any plot details. Of course, there was no martial arts gym where Gao Zhuo was in.

However, his identity mission was taken as the main mission, indicating that there should be some important clues hidden in this martial arts gym itself. Xu Tong suggested that Gao Zhuo should use his identity to investigate this martial arts gym.

Gao Zhuo's face was depressed, especially when he learned of Xu Tong's identity, his eyes almost turned green, and his face was full of envy and hatred.

Why do I want to eat yellow noodles, you eat big fish every day,

Just like this, Xu Tong didn't have the nerve to tell him that his family is usually equipped with a girl who warms the bed, for fear that Gao Zhuo will not eat well after knowing it.

After the two of them had exchanged a few words, another person came up from downstairs. Xu Tong took a look and waved quickly, "Here!"

Gao Zhuo looked back, seeing that the person was so big, he felt that the person was not an ordinary person, so he looked at Xu Tong suspiciously.

Xu Tong motioned Wang Zheng to sit down first, and briefly talked to Gao Zhuo about the black boxing arena.

Regarding the side quest of the Black Boxing Arena, Wang Zheng also said that he had triggered it before and had already completed it, which made Gao Zhuo feel a little sorry. Obviously, the Black Boxing Arena should be a triggering side quest, even if he has no boxing proficiency , but there should still be rewards.

It's a pity that this black boxing arena is now discovered by the government, so it will naturally be sealed up.

At least on the surface, it will not be opened again in a short period of time, which is different from breaking the law or not breaking the law.

In this era, it is not uncommon to break the law. For example, if a prince or aristocrat beat someone to death, the robbers outside would let him kill someone.

On the contrary, it is those things that are not visible that attract people's most fear, such as selling illegal salt, buying and selling people, red lantern sects, black boxing rings, strikes in steam factories, etc. Some of these things may not break the law, and some may break the law. But if it falls in the court, it will inevitably become a weapon of party struggle and be criticized by others.

In the final analysis, it is the reason why this country has been completely rotten to the root.

After Xu Tong briefly introduced himself and Gao Zhuo, he said: "As you can see, I chose this script, and I enjoy privileges here, not only wealth, but also a certain range of power, but the two of us There are too few individuals, and it is difficult to maximize the advantages.”

Wang Zheng picked up the plate, poured all the mutton into the copper pot, and ate it with big mouthfuls, while listening with his ears pricked up.

He is not a fool and he can naturally understand that this is throwing an olive branch to himself.

After hesitating for a moment, he asked directly, "Then what benefits do I have?"

Xu Tong likes Wang Zheng's character very much, it's straightforward enough.

"What benefits do you want?" Xu Tong asked back while eating the mutton.

Wang Zheng thought for a while, then frowned and said, "You said just now that you are rich, I want you to invite someone to teach me boxing. If you can do it, I will give you the 400 script just now, and give you another 200. Script points."

As soon as Xu Tong heard this, it was interesting. After inquiring, he found out that Wang Zheng is an otaku. The difference is that his otaku is not at home, where he spends all day in the game and the happiness of the teachers in the island country.

According to Wang Zheng, he is a martial arts idiot, and he doesn't have any decent electrical appliances at home, but sandbags, boxing gloves and other messy equipment are his must-haves.

For such a martial idiot, his greatest wish to become a script killer is to be able to learn the boxing techniques of those masters in all ages.

Of course, this is not an easy task. He has experienced the script killing world four times, and has seen those masters, but there is only one who is really willing to teach him, and he still hides it.

The reason why he fights black boxing in the black boxing arena is also because someone promised that if he promised 10 rounds, he could help him give a message to the above.

Regarding this condition, Xu Tong nodded and agreed on the spot. Considering the strength and prestige of Ma Qi and Xiang Gongbao in the imperial court, it is not difficult to think about it.

To Wang Zheng a temporary joining contract.

The three of them were full, and Gao Zhuo went back to the martial arts hall with a gloomy face. Presumably, Wang Zheng was going to follow Xu Tong back to enjoy the blessings, so his luck was not so good.

At night, Xu Tong returned home, and after setting up Wang Zheng, he had to go back to his room to rest.

As soon as he walked out of the courtyard, he heard a shout behind him: "Master, you are back."

Xu Tong looked back and saw Mr. Wen Yuan, who was wearing presbyopic glasses, standing in front of the door and looking at him.


He has already learned from the big girl that this old gentleman is already a yin god, equivalent to half a god.

This is not comparable to crappy things like the Five Evil Gods.

Xu Tong stepped forward and bowed his hands to the old gentleman in front of him: "Just came back, sir, are you still resting?"

Wen Yuan shook his head: "I slept for too long, I got up and read books, I am already old, I can't sleep enough during the day, and I can't fall asleep at night."

After finishing speaking, he said to Xu Tong: "In the past, the clerk at home delivered a newspaper every day. Recently, I got up late and haven't read the newspaper for a long time. I don't know what new things have happened in the court recently."

Xu Tong was stunned for a few seconds, and immediately responded: "Sir, wait, I'll get it right away."

He went to the study, looked for the newspapers of the last few days, took them out in a hurry, and handed them to Mr. Wen Yuan.

Wen Yuan picked up the newspaper, without needing to use the light, and glanced at ten lines at a glance. He glanced at the date of the newspaper first, frowned and shook his head: "Why am I getting more and more confused recently, and it will be the beginning of winter in a few days."

Xu Tong didn't talk to him, but stood aside and waited patiently. He understood that Mr. Wen Yuan might not realize that he had passed away until now.

The content of this newspaper is not very nutritious, it is more about promoting the implementation of the new coup d'état law.

Wen Yuan read it for a while, then folded the newspaper casually and put it in his hand: "Is there any transfer of the master recently?"

"No, but some time ago, Empress Dowager Shengci ordered my father to annex the third battalion and retrain the army."

Hearing Mr. Wenyuan's frown frown slightly, a three-point sneer appeared on his face, as if he was talking to himself, he said: "It's still too young, a group of ignorant and wild people, delusional to turn things around, it's ridiculous."

After speaking, he acted like a strict teacher and warned Xu Tong: "It's been a mess outside recently, don't go out and cause trouble, especially those who praise foreign things, you must not touch them."

Xu Tong could hear that this was a warning to himself, so he quickly shook his head and said, "No, tomorrow I will report to the Army Department and go to the Qin Tianjian for duty."

Hearing that Xu Tong was going to Qin Tianjian, Mr. Wen Yuan was a little surprised, but nodded for a moment: "Qin Tianjian, it's a good place, it suits you very well, I haven't been out for a long time, after you go to report tomorrow, go visit Mr. Gong Jing, I have some old relationship with him, and I can help you if I think about it."


Xu Tong memorized the name, and didn't continue to chat with the old gentleman. He was sleepy after speaking, and went back to the room to rest.

After Xu Tong left, Mr. Wen Yuan took another look at the newspaper in his hand, and when he saw a line on the newspaper saying that the new coup d'état law was written to strengthen the country, he sneered a few times: "Mediocrity misleads the country and seeks death... "

(End of this chapter)

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