Infinite script kill

Chapter 331 You are a good brother like me

Chapter 331 You Are Like My Good Brother
When they were far away, Da Ya and the others dared to poke their heads out from the entrance of the hall.

After all, it is a yin god. Although it is only a house god, it is also an orthodox god. Compared with them, these old fairies are not on the stage at all.

"I've heard that in the land of Baiyue, some big clans have enshrined house gods for hundreds of years. That's scary. Compared with this old gentleman, it's not a star."

When Daya talked about what he had heard, Xu Tong couldn't help asking; "The old man is a Yin god, what should I do if I want to further become a Yang god?"

"This..." Da Ya grinned, playing with her fluffy tail and said, "It's hard."

Shinto is no better than immortality, cultivating into a yin god is only the first step, if you want to cultivate into a yang god, you have to be conferred by the imperial court and announced to the world.

Since ancient times, how many people have been able to have this kind of treatment, for example, when Emperor Jiajing of the Ming Dynasty was in power, Wudang Sanfeng Zhenren was granted the title of "Yulong Sixth Patriarch Yinxian Yuhua Xuwei Pudu Tianzun"

In addition, Yuan Shizu of the Yuan Dynasty also conferred the title of Quanzhen School Qiu Chuji as "Changchun Yandao Bishop Real Man" and so on.

However, these bigwigs have too many names, and it is completely icing on the cake that an emperor will add them on a whim.

In history, there are only a handful of other people who have been chased.

Unless there are some particularly moving deeds introduced to the court, which arouses the exclamation of the court and the emperor, it will be granted posthumously.

As for a yin god like this old gentleman, it is just a flash in the pan. When the Ma family falls and the world looks at it, it will disappear in a daze, and it will not even be eligible to enter the cycle of reincarnation.

There are countless cases like this.

Xu Tong listened to the big girl chattering a lot about the practice of gods at the entrance of the hall, opened the door and walked into the room.

After closing the door, I turned around and saw that Le Rou had fallen asleep beside the bed. Although Xu Tong wondered what the scales on the girl's body were, Le Rou couldn't explain exactly how the scales on her body came from. .

Seeing that she was already asleep, Xu Tong put her on the bed. Anyway, the bed was big enough, and it would be very spacious to sleep one or two more.

There was nothing to say all night, and the next morning, when Xu Tong woke up, he saw Le Rou lying in his arms, and he didn't know what delicious food he had dreamed of, and he smiled naively from time to time.

The slap on her face yesterday made her face look flushed, Xu Tong took out some anti-inflammatory medicine and applied it on, put on new clothes and went to the main hall to have breakfast.

Said it was morning, but at this time it was about three o'clock in the morning and almost four o'clock in the morning.

Don't think that the gentlemen in the feudal era were really idle. In fact, they need to go to court at the fifth watch, which is equivalent to the current time from 05:00 to 07:00.

The morning time is adjusted according to the season, 06:00 in spring and winter, and 05:30 in summer and autumn.

Although this is the working time of the emperor, the ministers are much earlier.From 3:5 am to [-]:[-] am, the ministers have to wait outside the Meridian Gate.

So it was already morning for Ma Qi, and while eating, Xu Tong called Wang Zheng over: "Father, I saw that he was very good at fighting yesterday, so I recruited him to be my bodyguard. question."

The corner of Ma Qi's mouth twitched, thinking that you will soon be a dignified imperial guard, and you still have the nerve to ask for bodyguards, do you think your father doesn't embarrass enough?
But Ma Qi didn't open his mouth, and the grandma beside him immediately responded, and gave her husband Ma Qi a hard look: "There should be a bodyguard, the war is chaotic, what if something goes wrong."

After speaking, he asked the accountant to pay Xu Tong 300 taels of silver on the spot, which was regarded as the monthly money for Wang Zheng.

"Besides, dad, I still want to practice martial arts, can you find me a master."

Xu Tong happily took the money, and continued to speak with a sullen face.

Hearing this, Ma Qi's face finally improved a lot. After all, he is a member of the imperial army, and his son can't be an idiot. He was about to invite a teacher from the imperial army, but Xu Tong grabbed the grandma's hand and said: "Mother, I heard that there is a martial arts champion named Wu Guodong who has a good skill. I want to learn it."

Naturally, Xu Tong didn't know Wu Guodong, but Wang Zheng did. He got a remnant of boxing in reality.

It's just strange that there is no information about Wu Guodong at all.


Ma Qi's face darkened, he waved his hand to put the bowl on the table, and stared at Xu Tong with an unfriendly expression: "Even if you let Tong Zaitang, Zhang Sanjia and others come to teach you, I can invite them, but he can't." .”

Xu Tong was surprised to find that even the grandma, who was always energetic, lowered her head at this moment and refused to speak.

"Is there any hatred between our family and him?"

Seeing Ma Qi's panic-stricken appearance, Xu Tong asked carefully.

But Ma Qi curled his lips, didn't pay attention to him at all, picked up his official hat and left, as for the grandma, she said sadly: "Son, you can call anyone a master, but this person can't, your father He is a martial arts student of the same age as him, but he is the number one scholar, your father is not."

Xu Tong suddenly realized, but he didn't believe it at all in his heart. He looked at the grandma's expression that was red to the earlobe, and raised his brow slightly: "Oh, so that's what happened, mother, then why are you blushing?"

The eldest grandma stared, and quickly covered her face: "The soup is hot!"

Xu Tong blinked his eyelids and continued: "Then why is it white again?"

"I sweated too much, and the powder fell off." The grandma wiped it off a few times in a hurry, and Xu Tong had a smirk on her face: "Then why is it yellow again?"

"You little bastard, you made fun of your old lady."

Grandma patted the table and shook off Xu Tong's hand, covered her face and left.

Xu Tong watched his cheap old lady leave, grinned, and saw that the jade bracelet that was always inseparable from the grandmother's hand was taken off by him at some point.

Anyway, I have already agreed to learn boxing, and as for the matter of my father and mother, I can't take care of it so much.

As for where is Wu Guodong?Don't worry about this, when I enter the Qin Tianjian, I'm afraid I won't find anyone else.

I went to the Qin Tianjian to report today, so naturally I didn't have to go so early, the Ministry of War hadn't gone to court too early, and it was almost noon before Xu Tong wandered to the Ministry of War to report.

Ma Qi has already said hello to this matter, and the lord in charge of the military department naturally took Xu Tong's hand with a friendly face, gave the green light all the way to arrange all the procedures for Xu Tong, and sent Xu Tong to Qin Tianjian went.

Sure enough, there are people in the court who are good at being officials. This saying is not false at all.

The foreman of the imperial guards of the Qin Tianjian also knew that this was the gilded uncle, so he didn't dare to neglect, so he personally took Xu Tong around the entire Qin Tianjian.

In fact, this place is for idle work, the masters of Qin Tianjian are usually old otaku who stay at home.

The work of serving them is naturally done by the eunuchs. The guards can just take a walk here, drink tea, and patrol a bit.

Of course, this is Xu Tong's treatment, and ordinary imperial guards are naturally not so leisurely.

"Trash, you can't do this well, it's all trash!!"

As soon as the two of them reached the entrance of the main hall, they heard a roar of thunder coming from inside. Several eunuchs scrambled and scrambled back to hide, chessboards, tables, bronze mirrors and other messy things were thrown out of the gate.

Some eunuchs couldn't dodge and were smashed to death.

Immediately, the foreman pulled Xu Tong to hide aside and watched, pointed to the main hall and said: "From now on, when you come to this place, take it easy. Our supervisor is named Fu Anning, and he has a weird mood all day long. Turning your face is worse than turning a book." Quick, let's hide when we see it."

Xu Tong nodded and wrote down the name.

At this moment, a eunuch was kicked out, his foot slipped, he rolled on the ground, and fell right in front of Xu Tong.

As soon as the eunuch looked up at Xu Tong, Xu Tong also looked at the eunuch, and their eyes met. The smile on Xu Tong's face gradually became wider: "Hey, little eunuch, we meet again."


Li Xi squinted his eyes, thought for a while, and then suddenly remembered the identity of the young master in front of him: "Oh, it's Mr. Ma!"

Li Xi didn't care about the cut on his face, and quickly stood up.

Xu Tong gave him a hand, pulled him to his side, and pointed to the person in the hall who was angry: "What's wrong with this lord?"


Li Xi hurriedly lowered his voice and said in a low voice: "I don't know, it's like eating gunpowder in the past few days. It was just that someone knocked over the teacup just now, who would have thought that he would suddenly lose his temper."

"Let's go, this is not the place to talk, the supervisor is afraid that he will lose his temper for a while."

The foreman waved his hand to signal everyone to get out of the way quickly. When the supervisor's temper dissipates, everyone will serve again.

Xu Tong grabbed Li Xi's wrist and said, "Your head is broken, I just brought medicine with me, find a place and I will apply it for you."

Li Xi hesitated for a moment on his delicate face, but Xu Tong didn't give him this chance, he dragged him to a secluded corner and began to bandage his wound.

While bandaging, he said: "It is said that we are acquaintances once we are born and acquainted the second time. In fact, when I saw you, I felt that we were very close. You are like a good brother to me. Unfortunately, his life is not good, he died Old miserable."

Li Xi's eyes rolled around, and he smiled flatteringly and said, "Young Master Ma, you are joking. Our slaves dare not follow you. If you like this slave, it will be the slave's blessing if you use it more often in the future." gone."

Xu Tong's face was full of disapproval: "Hey, what you said is as if I deliberately lied to you, besides who is not a slave, my father is also a slave when he said it, everyone is a hard-working person, don't laugh at anyone gone."

What Li Xi said in his heart seemed to be touched by something. He stared straight at Xu Tong. Seeing that his expression was sincere and not at all fake, he felt an inexplicable sense of familiarity in his heart. Thinking that after so many years, besides his old teacher, there are still people who can regard themselves as individuals.

Li Xi was still silent in the midst of grief and grief in his heart, Xu Tong had already bandaged the wound skillfully, patted Li Xi on the shoulder and said, "Come to me later if you need anything, let's go."

After speaking, without even having a chance to thank Li Xi, Xu Tongren had already walked away.

Seeing that Xu Tongren had left, Li Xi's expression flickered for a while, he looked left and right and saw no one around, so he secretly took out six copper coins to make a fortune for himself.

After taking a look at the hexagram, he went up to the hexagram and exchanged it for Ze.

Seeing this, Li Xi's eyes showed secret joy, and he hurried back to continue his errands.

Little did he know that just after Li Xi left, Xu Tong leaned his head out from the corner, and the smile on his face became colder and colder: "Hey, don't worry, let's settle the score slowly!"

 Sorry, the recent update is not stable, and it feels a little watery. It is also because my father was hospitalized with a cerebral infarction. I have been busy running up and down the hospital these days. The time is really not stable. Fortunately, there is no major problem, and I can do it tomorrow After being discharged from the hospital, we will resume the third shift the day after tomorrow. This dungeon is not big, and the foreshadowing is almost done, and we will soon enter the main line.

(End of this chapter)

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