Infinite script kill

Chapter 332 Old Immortal

Chapter 332 Old Immortal (Part [-])
The first day of duty is basically a process of getting acquainted.

Where to enter and where not to enter.

For example, the Ministry of Households in front of Qintianjian and the Ministry of Punishment on the side are not allowed to enter.

In layman's terms, they are equivalent to security guards, the people in this house are the employees of the company, and the boss of the company is the emperor, no, the empress dowager.

Three shifts, basically four hours a day, is actually quite easy. The two-day holiday every month is actually a fake for Xu Tong. If he doesn't want to come, the foreman won't care. too much.

For example, the relatives of the princes and nobles were arranged to come in, put on a name, and disappeared the next day, and received a sum of money every month. The foreman had never seen what kind of person he looked like.

In fact, this is also very good for these foremen. After all, those are all here to be uncles.

However, Xu Tong was obviously an exception. In the next few days, he arrived at work on time every day, and he was never even late.

If he didn't know that he was the son of the March family, who would have thought that there is really any son who can come here to suffer.

When Xu Tong came home that day, it was almost dark, but as soon as he entered the door, his old mother stared at him, stepped forward and grabbed his arm and asked about the jade bracelet. Xu Tong shook his head again and again to express that he didn't see it. .

After the grandma confirmed it again and again, she left with a depressed face.

After finally dismissing the grandma, Wang Zheng put down the stone lock in his hand and approached Xu Tong expectantly.

Those little eyes clearly said, where is my master? ?Okay, why hasn't there been any movement these days?
"That's the champion of martial arts, not a cat or a dog on the street. It's so easy to find."

Before Wang Zheng could speak, Xu Tong rolled his eyes at him and spoke first.

In fact, he also inquired in the past two days, but there was no news about Wu Guodong at all.

Other martial arts champions are now officials at the lowest level, and the next level can also open a martial arts gym, and the worst one can also get a job in the palace.

But Wu Guodong was different. After this guy won the champion of Wu, he disappeared mysteriously without any news.


Although he was very disappointed, Wang Zheng was not dissatisfied. In fact, this place is much more comfortable to live in than the Black Boxing Arena. He took a sixty-jin stone lock in his hand and played with it casually, and immediately looked at Wang Zheng with admiration.

It means that Wang Zheng's monthly money is doubled, even if it is worth raising such an idler for nothing.

Delicious food and drink are served, of course Wang Zheng is not in a hurry, anyway, his side mission has failed, and it is said that people in the black boxing arena are still looking for him.

When Xu Tong returned to the room, he just wanted to take a rest, just took off his clothes, and was about to open his mouth to eat the pancakes handed by Le Rou, but before he had time to enjoy the happiness of the rich, the servants came to report, saying It's the young master of the Xiang family.

"Xiang Keding?" Xu Tong frowned. He didn't know what this guy was doing here, so he hurriedly changed his clothes to welcome him out.

"Brother Ma, didn't you agree to buy us a drink? Why haven't I seen you in the past few days?"

As soon as Xiang Keding entered the door, he joked.

It wasn't just Xiang Keding who came, that Mr. Li also came last time. After the two teased Xu Tong, Xiang Keding dragged him out: "Quick, let's go see a strange man today."

"A strange man?"

Xu Tong didn't understand why, but Mr. Li explained, "You don't know, I heard that a strange man came to Taoyuan Temple. He is not only proficient in divination, but also has superb medical skills. He is called a living fairy. How can we not take a look at the excitement."

Hearing Mr. Li boasting so much, Xu Tong couldn't help becoming interested.

Ordinarily, it is far from being as depressed as the Dharma-ending era. Even for many heretics, this era of Datong is like a fish in water. The chaotic and corrupt government has made the people miserable, and it has given the three religions and nine streams a rich soil for development.

But after coming here for so long, the stranger I really saw was Li Xi, the scourge.

So upon hearing Mr. Li's words, Xu Tong immediately became interested.

The three went straight to Taoyuan Temple.

The four got into the carriage, and when they arrived at the foot of Fengxia Mountain, they saw many pilgrims going to Taoyuan to offer incense. Besides many wealthy families, Xu Tong found that there were also many ordinary people among them.

The irony is that these ordinary people, whose clothes are patched, sallow, emaciated, and malnourished, did not hesitate to travel such a long way to come here to offer incense with their only savings.

"Brother Xiang, I heard that your lord is ready to return to Beijing. This time the imperial court will transfer him back, and I am afraid that he will be entrusted with another important task."

Li Gongzi said while shaking the fan in his hand.

Xiang Keding's face was flushed, and his face was full of pride. This time when his father returned to Beijing, the imperial decree had already been sent home before he came back. The position of Minister of Military Aircraft was already a certainty.

Xu Tong sat on the sidelines and watched coldly, looking out of the car window from time to time. When he saw an old woman holding a cane and limping with a child walking up the mountain, he couldn't help but think of the old monk at the White Horse Temple in his mind. if.

The three people's chariots and horses came to the Taoist temple, and there was already a sea of ​​people outside the Taoist temple. Many people came here to visit after hearing about the strange man, wanting to witness what a living god looks like.

But looking at the expressions of many people walking out of the Taoist temple, it should be a big disappointment.

After inquiring, the three of them found out that the house was not seen by anyone, they had to draw lots, and only those who got the lottery could go in to see them, and those who couldn't be drawn couldn't get in no matter how much money they got.

"Pretend to be a ghost!"

Xu Tong pursed his lips, strode away the crowd and walked inside.

This naturally caused dissatisfaction among many people. A wealthy businessman glared at Xu Tong and said, "What are you in a hurry for? Reincarnation!"

Xu Tong turned his lips to look at the wealthy businessman with a half-smile, "Are you here to tell your fortune?"

The wealthy businessman snorted coldly, and said with a look of disdain: "What does it have to do with you!"

"Oh." Xu Tong nodded thoughtfully, and walked up to the wealthy businessman: "Your not good, there is a bloody disaster."

The rich merchant was startled for a moment, and his heart skipped a beat. In fact, he had already visited the old god the day before yesterday, and the old god said that if he stayed in the capital, he would surely suffer bloodshed.

The wealthy businessman went back and thought about it for a while, but he didn't understand where the disaster came from. He was said that again today, and he couldn't help muttering in his heart. He looked at Xu Tong and said, "Where did the disaster come from?"

"From me!"

Xu Tong swung his fist and hit the wealthy businessman in the face. How could the wealthy businessman, who was pampered and pampered, dodge this punch?

Seeing this, Mr. Li and Xiang Keding couldn't help shaking their heads helplessly, knowing that Ma Hongwen had this kind of temperament and was used to being arrogant and domineering.

But the two of them didn't think it was a big deal. If a businessman hit him, he would hit him. In their identities, no one would dare to do anything.

Everyone's expressions changed when they saw this, and they were surprised whose son was so overbearing, and the servants next to the rich businessman were about to make trouble when they saw this.


Suddenly someone shouted, and when everyone looked up, they saw an old Taoist walking out of the Taoist temple.


When everyone saw the living god coming out, they all shouted the name of the god, and even knelt on the ground to kowtow to the old Taoist.

"Teacher be careful!"

The three big eyes were sitting at the entrance of the hall watching a play, but when they saw the old man, they ran to the entrance of the hall and shut the door heavily.

Xu Tong looked up, and couldn't help but thump in his heart. Although his face was expressionless, his heart was full of shock: "Is he really a living fairy??"

Walking out of the Taoist temple, the old Taoist has a white-haired childlike complexion, his complexion is like jade, even though his head is covered with silver frost, but the energy of the whole person makes people look, and there is a natural sense of affinity.

Looking at the top of the old Taoist's head, it turned out to be a lotus pond. In the lotus pond, there was a lotus flower that seemed to be blooming at any time. There was a faint mist, and there was a spiritual light.

"Three flowers gather on the top?"

Xu Tong stared blankly at the top of the old Taoist's head. Apart from the Theory of Adjusting the Spirit, he had read a lot of other miscellaneous studies, and occasionally browsed them casually.

I remember seeing this saying in a book on the introduction of inner alchemy. This three-flower gathering at the top is a term in inner alchemy.

In ancient times, "Hua" and "Hua" were connected, and "Hua" was the original character of "Hua".So Sanhua refers to Sanhua, which means the glory of the human body.The so-called "gathering at the top" means that the energy, energy and spirit are mixed together and gathered at one orifice of the entrance.

This point is also corroborated in the theory of adjusting the spirit.

Of course, the old Daoist in front of me is far behind the old nose from the Three Flowers Juding, but it has already taken shape, and one of the lotus flowers is already ready to bloom.

It is not an exaggeration to say that he is a character who has stepped half of his foot into the gate of the fairy.

(End of this chapter)

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