Infinite script kill

Chapter 333 Three Trigrams

Chapter 333 Three Trigrams (Second Update)

"Mr. Chen, I said the day before yesterday that you had a bloody disaster, ranging from bleeding to the head, to ruining your family, but if you have a noble person to help, it may not be that there is no turning point. Now that the nobleman is in front of you, don't hesitate to come and thank the nobleman."

The old way's voice was soft and gentle, making everyone feel as if they were bathed in the spring breeze, and the anger in their hearts disappeared completely.

The only difference is that when Xu Tong heard the old man's voice, an evil fire rose in his heart involuntarily, as if his whole body was not strong.

The old Taoist also seemed to have noticed something unusual about Xu Tong, so he couldn't help but look at Xu Tong more, and continued to maintain that detached look on his face.

Chen Yuanwai didn't know why, but he heard the old god said so, and hurried forward to apologize to Xu Tong cautiously.

Member Chen was full of embarrassment, his nose was broken from the beating, and he still wanted to apologize to the other party and thank him, what kind of reasoning is this?


Xu Tong pursed his lips, probably looking up with his head up, as if looking at people with his nostrils, but in fact he took a look at this member Chen with the help of the eye of fate, and looked at the dark clouds above the old member's head, as the saying goes. On the night of the murder, this luck is already approaching disaster, which seems to be similar to what the old Taoist said.

As if he could see that Chen Yuanwai was still a little upset, the old man stroked his beard and said, "Don't worry about it, these three young masters are all dragons and phoenixes among the people, and they are all your nobles."

Chen Yuanwai was even more puzzled when he heard the words. He didn't understand the origin of these three people. He was the four richest men in the capital and had relatives inside and outside the court. Why did he still need to rely on the three brats in front of him to take care of them?

Xu Tong glanced sideways, and sure enough, the old man's voice fell. It was as if the fortune of this rich businessman had been gently pushed by a big hand, pushing away the black mist that had shrouded his head, revealing a full moon.

Golden words?

Xu Tong couldn't help feeling suspicious when he looked at it, but when he looked again, he found that the luck above the rich businessman's head was not rigid and dead. .

The old Taoist didn't explain anything to Yuanwai Chen, he just bowed his hands to Xu Tong and the three of them, and asked them to come in and observe: "The poor Taoist has been waiting for the three of you for a long time today, let's go in and talk about it."

Xu Tong and the three looked at each other, and they could all sense that this old man was indeed extraordinary.

Then he entered the Taoist temple.

After the three of them entered, two Taoist boys came out and said to the crowd: "It's not convenient for the immortal master to see guests today, everyone please go back."

After finishing speaking, he closed the door, obviously not intending to see any pilgrims again, which inevitably disappointed those pilgrims who came all the way.

"Why did the three of you look so familiar just now??"

Since they couldn't get in the gate, some people simply waited outside the Taoist temple. At worst, they could wait a day, and they could still see the gods tomorrow morning.

Being idle is also idle, so it is natural to discuss the identities of Xu Tong and the three of them, not to mention, someone really recognized them.

After all, Ma Hongwen and his gang did a lot of crimes on weekdays. There are many people in the capital who say they don't know them, but there are very few people who say they haven't heard their names.

When Chen Yuanwai heard that the person who beat him was Ma Hongwen, he rolled his eyes and almost passed out.

His relatives are officials in the court, so of course he knows that Ma Qi, the imperial guard, is a member of the imperial army. Even though his official position is still in the third rank and he is under the jurisdiction of the nine admirals, the power he holds is extraordinary. The military power is in his hands, which is not comparable to that of ordinary people.

After learning that the two sons behind Ma Hongwen were Xiang Keding, the young son of Xiang Gongbao, the governor of Zhili, and the son of Li Qian, the current minister of state affairs, Chen Yuanwai froze, and a whole body was born on Dadongdong's body. Cold sweat came out.

Now he finally understands why the old god said that he had a bloody disaster. If the old god hadn't come forward to stop his servants, if a fight really caused something to happen, let alone a mere businessman, even the relatives in their family would be afraid. Bad luck.

Thinking of this, Mr. Chen's dull brain finally started to get busy, and he slapped his thigh: "Quick, go home immediately!"

Not to mention Mr. Chen, when the three of Xu Tong walked into the Taoist temple, they found that a tea table, cakes and four futons had been prepared under a peach tree in the Taoist temple.

Looking at the hot water that has been boiled in the kettle, it is obvious that these things are not just prepared.

"Three gentlemen, please sit down, old man, I got up early this morning, and when I saw three magpies coming to the door, I knew there must be a distinguished guest."

The old Taoist stroked his beard with both hands, motioning for the three to sit down.

Xiang Keding sat in the middle, Xu Tong sat on the right, and Mr. Li naturally sat on the left.

The old Taoist personally poured a cup of tea for the three of them, and at the same time introduced himself. He claimed to be the Daoist Xunlong, who was a disciple of the Shangqing Shenxiao School. Now he came to the capital because he wanted to find an apprentice to pass on the true teaching.

The name of Shangqing Shenxiao Sect, the Second Secondary School, is not very impressive at first glance, but in fact there is such a school. The difference from Quanzhen and Zhengyi School is that this school is very complicated and has no restrictions. Sanqing, only for heaven and earth, pays attention to the law that everything is thunder.

Xu Tong and the three listened with different expressions. Xu Tong must not believe this old man's words, because he has read the script and knows very well that the capital will be in chaos soon.

The strength of this bull-nosed old man is unfathomable, probably even higher than that of his master, Grandmaster Xue. How could he not know that when he came out and said that I came to recruit apprentices, it was either a cover or a deliberate attempt to make a big deal for them.

Thinking of this, he glanced sideways at Xiang Keding and Mr. Li, and sure enough, Xiang Keding was sipping the tea in his cup, his eyes flickering, wondering what he was thinking about, while Mr. Li's eyes were shining, and he couldn't wait to ask: "The Taoist priest sees the three of us, do you have this opportunity?"

The old Taoist smiled and said nothing, but looked at the tea in the cups of the three of them.

"Pindao has three hexagrams a day. The three of you are here today. I'll use your teacup as a joke. If you don't allow the three of you, don't mind."

"Okay, okay, we've heard that the old god's skills are superb, today just opened my eyes." Li Gongzi has liked this kind of mysterious magic since he was a child, and it's rare to see it. Of course, he wants to try it.

As for Xiang Keding, he just smiled and said nothing, but still glanced at the teacup.

Only Xu Tong's face was indifferent, perhaps because of his dark physique, he didn't have any good feelings for this old man.

The old Taoist first took a look at Xiang Keding's teacup and the remaining tea in the cup, and nodded: "Your highness is unparalleled, and there is no danger in the near future, just judging from the hexagrams, he has the authority of a sword."

Hearing this, Xiang Keding raised his brows slightly, picked up the teacup on the table and drank it down in one gulp, and put the cup on the table so hard that there was a crack on the foot of the teacup: "How can this be solved!"

Seeing this, the old Taoist's expression darkened: "Young Master Guaxiang already has authority, but now he drank it all in one gulp. I'm afraid the authority won't hold for long. When I put the cup just now, the corner of the cup cracked... a lame state It seems like, young master, it’s best not to go out recently.”

"Hehe, what nonsense!"

Xiang Keding curled his lips, not believing a word of the old man's words.

My father is about to return, and then he will be the Minister of Military Affairs, who will be in charge of the world's soldiers and horses. Of course, I will be reused for training. Anyone with a little bit of thought about this kind of thing will definitely be able to find out why there is no need to play tricks like this.

"What about me, what about me?"

Mr. Li widened his eyes and urged the old man.

The old Taoist took a look, hesitated for a moment and then shook his head: "Not good, the water level in the young master's tea is not high, there is a shadow covering the cup, the water does not see light, it is as dark as a dry well, I am afraid there may be disasters in the near future."

After finishing speaking, the old Taoist took out a talisman paper from his sleeve and handed it to Mr. Li: "Wear this talisman on your body, it can save your life at critical moments."


Mr. Li waited for a long time, but he couldn't help being disappointed when he got such a result, but he still took the talisman paper over.

The old Taoist finally focused his gaze on Xu Tong, and when he looked at Xu Tong, the old Taoist grinned: "The hall master is originally a camp, and the hall masters of each family are in it, and there will be no soldiers, nothing will happen, and there will be soldiers but no generals. .”

The old Taoist first recited a passage of poetry thoughtlessly. Xu Tong's face was blank and expressionless. This poem naturally alluded to the hall behind him, but this old Taoist's strength is unfathomable, what's the point of seeing his own hall Strange.

"Little brother is very lucky. After returning home, there must be great joy. It's just that there will be a sign of traveling in the near future. I will give you sixteen words from the poor road. If the road ahead is difficult, stop when encountering water, and don't light the lamp at night." The door won't listen."

Xu Tong didn't say anything when he heard the words, but he was puzzled, he didn't plan to travel far recently?But the old Taoist said it so confidently, he obviously concluded that there was such a thing, besides, he only counted the things in front of the three of them with full confidence, and it was clear that he wanted to put a long line to catch big fish. How to catch big fish?
Xiang Keding was unhappy, and Mr. Li was even more unhappy, so the three of them didn't stay long, and after leaving in a hurry, they bid farewell to each other and went home.

As a result, as soon as he entered the house, he saw the grandma coming over: "Oh, my little ancestor, why are you coming back? Hurry up, there are guests, go back to the room and tidy up."

Xu Tong was startled when he heard this, it turned out that the guest had nothing to do with him, but the grandma had already dragged him back to the room without any explanation, asked the maid to change her into a new dress, and led him to the hall.

As soon as he entered the hall, Xu Tong couldn't help staring: "Huh?? Why are you an old bastard!"

 The third is faster and will be posted in half an hour.

(End of this chapter)

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