Chapter 334 Field Work (Third Change)

"Hong Wen!"

As soon as the words fell, Ma Qi almost smashed the wine glass over, Xu Tong immediately lowered his head, and hid behind the grandma as if admitting his mistake.

Ma Qi put down the tea cup in his hand with a dark face, smiled and said to the staff member beside him: "The dog is rude, brother Chen is not to blame."

"No, no, a hot-blooded man like Mr. Ma is exactly the kind of blood that I rarely see in a man of the same class today, and he is a pillar."

Chen Yuanwai's flattery made Ma Qi smile silly.

But after the smile, he turned his eyes and glared at Xu Tong: "Hurry up and make amends to Yuanwai Chen!"

Xu Tong stepped forward with a reluctance on his face, apologizing to Mr. Chen, but he was more like an outsider in his heart, silently watching the expressions of the five people in the hall.

Why five people?In addition to himself, Ma Qi, and the eldest grandma, there are also Chen Yuanwai and the girl beside him.

The girl was blushing from the beginning to the end, with her head lowered, and she sat on the chair very stiffly. Xu Tong looked from top to bottom and found that the girl's feet were surprisingly small.

Member Chen also chatted a lot. Seeing that he had said enough, he took the girl to say goodbye and left. Before leaving, he glanced at Xu Tong with a smile on his face. That cheap expression made Xu Tong really want to punch him again. .

Xu Tong didn't ask the grandma until the people left, but the grandma covered her mouth and smiled: "You are not young anymore, it's time to find a marriage for you, and take care of you when you get married, so that you don't have to go out and fool around every day."

It turned out that Chen Yuanwai hurried back after thinking about it in front of the Taoyuan Temple Gate, and came back in a hurry, not for anything else, but because he wanted to get married.

The Xiang and Li families can't afford it, but the Ma family is different. Although Ma Qi is a third-rank official, he is a Han Chinese after all. Otherwise, how could the Empress Dowager Shengci only give him real power but refuse to promote him? Woolen cloth.

So I thought of Ma's family, just to eliminate the misunderstanding just now through the marriage. In fact, the conditions of Ma's family are also good, but whoever makes Ma Hongwen too worthless is willing to marry his own girl.

Chen Yuanwai was obviously determined to climb up to the Ma family, not only for the power of the Ma family, but also to prevent his family from being retaliated by Ma Hongwen in the future.

Although Ma Qi didn't like Chen Yuanwai's identity as a businessman, he had no choice but to give too much to Chen Yuanwai.

He needs money, the imperial court asked him to annex the three battalions, but refused to allocate money to him, how to train troops without money, was worried, Chen Yuanwai came.

The two had their own needs, and they hit it off immediately, and the matter was settled before Xu Tong came back.

After Xu Tong heard about it, he could only smile wryly. He didn't expect that he was teasing Gao Zhuo not long ago, but now that the feng shui turns so quickly, it's his turn.

But Ma Qi had already made a decision on this matter, and there was no need for him to touch his brow. Anyway, he left after completing the main task, so he didn't take it seriously.

However, this old man's calculations are quite accurate, and it seems that there is indeed something, but at this time, such a person suddenly ran to the capital, and Xu Tong felt a bad feeling in his heart for a while.

Early the next morning, Xu Tong took the prepared things and waited at the gate of Qin Tianjian.

Ministers often have to work until half the afternoon to finish their day's work. Xu Tong waited early, just waiting for someone.

After waiting for a while, he saw an old man in official uniform coming out of the gate of Qin Tianjian. Xu Tong had already found out that this person was exactly the one he was looking for, so he hurried up and said, "See you, Gong Jing!" gentlemen."


The other party was stunned for a few seconds, then looked at Xu Tong suspiciously, convinced that he did not know the guard.

"I am Mr. Wen Yuan's disciple, Ma Hongwen. Mr. Wen Yuan has mentioned Mr. many times, saying that the two of you are close friends, and today I specially visited Mr. on behalf of my teacher."

"You are Ma Hongwen!" Yang Gongjing was surprised when he heard this, and glanced sideways at Xu Tong, with a bit of annoyance in his eyes.

Xu Tong looked at his words, even if Yang Gongjing quickly hid this disgusted look, how could he escape Xu Tong's gaze, Xu Tong was not surprised at all.

After all, Ma Hongwen's reputation is really... stink.

If his father hadn't been March, he would have been beheaded by now for what he did as an ordinary person.

"Oh, it turned out to be a student of Wenyuan. Okay, you can tell him for me. I haven't seen you for a long time. I'll have a drink with him after a few days when I'm free."

Yang Gongjing deliberately described his disciple as a student, obviously he never recognized Ma Hongwen from the bottom of his heart.

After saying this, he was about to leave. Although he and Wen Yuan had been friends for many years, he didn't like him at all as a student.

However, just after taking two steps, he suddenly heard sobbing behind him.

Yang Gongjing turned her head in confusion, and saw that the tears on Xu Tong's face had already dripped down on the ground, and said in a choked voice, "The master... passed away two months ago."


Yang Gongjing was taken aback when he heard the words, and stepped forward to grab Xu Tong's arm: "Two months ago, why didn't you notify me now!"

Xu Tong doesn't know why.

But this did not affect his performance, on the contrary, he said more sadly: "Mr. has been poor all his life, and he spends most of his life with a book and a blue lamp. He rarely mentions the past with outsiders. Don't preach it loudly, don't make a big fuss, I don't know the reason, but I don't dare to disobey the teacher's order."


Yang Gongjing had mixed feelings in his heart. He knew that Wen Yuan was good at everything, whether it was literary talent or knowledge, he was several times better than himself.

It's a pity that the fraud case back then has become a stain that will never be wiped away. Now that the court is complicated, it must be because he has concerns about his identity, so he refuses to inform himself.

"Brother Wen Yuan, why are you bothering? Yang is already a gray-haired old man, so why would he care about the eyes of outsiders?"

Yang Gongjing was still silently moved by himself, the corner of Xu Tong's mouth twitched, knowing that if the old guy continued to cry, his business would not be able to be done.

So she curled her lips and cried more bleakly than Yang Gongjing, finally awakening Yang Gongjing from her self-movement, seeing Ma Wenhua crying with snot and tears in front of her, although Yang Gongjing didn't like this dude in her heart Younger brother, but at last he stopped treating each other coldly.

He stretched out his hand to pull him up and said: "Forget it, the dead are long gone, and the living are like husbands. Looking at your clothes, aren't you also on duty in the palace?"

Xu Tong wiped away his tears and nodded: "I happen to be a guard here at the Qin Tianjian."

"Oh, that's fine. Your teacher and I are also close friends. If you have anything to do in the future, please tell me."

Yang Gongjing's words were originally just to be polite, but Xu Tong raised his head and said, "There is one thing, I want to ask Mr. Yang to help me."

Yang Gongjing stared, thinking: "Are you so direct? I'm just being polite, nothing else."

It was just the words that were said and the water that was poured out. Even though Yang Gongjing hated Ma Hongwen even more in his heart, he still asked, "Let me try it."

Xu Tong never thought of winning Yang Gongjing's favor at all, and immediately explained that he wanted to find Wu Guodong.

Although Yang Gongjing was surprised, this matter was not a big deal, so Xu Tong was told to wait here for a while, then turned and went into the Qin Tianjian, after a while, he came out again, and handed a note to Xu Tong. Tong: "Actually, you should go to the Ministry of War to find him. This man was once the number one scholar in military affairs, and the Ministry of War has his own file."

Xu Tong took the note and smiled, "Hey, every family has scriptures that are difficult to recite."

"Hmph, can you also understand what is difficult?"

Yang Gongjing was full of sarcasm, and then ignored Xu Tong and strode away.

Open the note with an address written on it.

In fact, I really can't go to the Ministry of War to find Wu Guodong, not to mention that the Ministry of War has no acquaintances, let alone let my old man Ma Qi know about this matter, and I still don't lose my skin.

And this time he was just trying to test whether Qin Tianjian had such unpredictable abilities as rumored. He didn't expect Qin Tianjian to find someone so easily.

This can't help but make him more interested in the Qin Tianjian in front of him.

Just as he was about to leave, there was a sudden sound of panicked footsteps behind him, causing him to turn his head.

At first glance, it was Li Xi.

Seeing Xu Tong, Li Xi quickly grabbed him and asked, "Have you ever seen Deputy Supervisor Yang?"

"Just left!" Seeing his nervous expression, Xu Tong pointed at him casually. Li Xi didn't care about thanking him, and quickened his pace to catch up.

Not long after, Yang Gongjing, who had just left, hurried back with the support of Li Xi. Xu Tong was planning to leave, but just after taking two steps, he heard from a distance: "Imperial decree!"

Xu Tong could only stand aside obediently along with the crowd and wait.

It was the old eunuch who came to proclaim the decree. The old eunuch held a roll of yellow silk and walked into the Qin Tianjian. It took about a stick of incense to come out. He didn't notice Xu Tong, who came and went in a hurry.

When everyone left, Xu Tong was also ready to run away.

Unexpectedly, just two steps away, someone behind him shouted: "Who is that, Ma Hongwen, quickly, go and call your foreman, get ready right away, and follow me out of Beijing!"

Yang Gongjing anxiously wanted to call someone, but in a hurry, she didn't know who to call. When she saw Xu Tong, she said without thinking.

Seeing this, Xu Tong had a premonition that something serious was about to happen, so he hurriedly called for some foremen.

"You go out of Beijing with Deputy Supervisor Yang, remember not to alarm anyone, and don't reveal your identity unless it is absolutely necessary."

The man who spoke was the supervisor of Qin Tianjian. Xu Tong stood below and looked at him. The supervisor looked like he was in his forties, with a Chinese character face, big eyes, and a loud voice that shook his ears.

When he finished speaking, Xu Tong also received a prompt from the item book at the same time, and the main mission that he had been thinking about for a long time finally came.

[Main task 1: Going out of Beijing for field work! 】

Mission description: Qin Tianjian discovered a special event, which has already alarmed the court, and may even affect the current government, and specially sent Yang Gongjing to investigate.

Mission objective: protect Yang Gongjing's safety.

Mission penalty: Extremely severe.

Xu Tong received the main quest, but he couldn't help but think of the words of the Taoist who looked for the dragon in his heart, a flash of light flashed in his eyes, it seemed that he had to take the bait...

(End of this chapter)

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