Chapter 343

The capital, inside the Forbidden Palace.

"Cough, cough, cough..." The intense cough sounded like a blown bellows, echoing in Qin Tianjian's office.

Under the candlelight, Fu Anning, wearing a pair of reading glasses, was flipping through the books in his hands page after page, comparing the weather data from various places.

In addition to monitoring the strange people in the world, Qin Tianjian also needs to observe the sky, calculate the solar terms, formulate the calendar and other tasks. When Yang Gongjing is around on weekdays, he can help out, but now the burden falls on Fu Anning alone.

"My lord, have some hot tea."

A young eunuch brought the tea obediently, not daring to put it on the table, for fear that the tea would be stained with the official documents on the table by accident.

Fu Anning nodded, took the tea and put it on his lips to take a sip.

While Fu Anning was drinking tea, the little eunuch picked up a silver needle and gently moved the wick of the oil lamp a few times to make the light brighter.

While picking up the lamp, he asked: "My lord, there are foreign lamps installed in other places, why don't we install one, I see that the lights in other palaces are bright."

Fu Anning put down the teacup and glanced at the little eunuch, this little eunuch named Xiao Lizi was one of the few people who made him feel most comfortable.

Compared with the bright lights in the Ministry of Households and the Ministry of Rites, the surrounding area of ​​Qin Tianjian is pitch black.

Since foreigners' electric lights were used in the palace, the huge Forbidden Palace will always be as gorgeous as day every night.

But only Qin Tianjian has always maintained the habit of using candles.

The household department mentioned several times to help Qin Tianjian install the foreign lamps, but Fu Anning refused them all.

In the words of Emperor Datong, it means that he is obstinate and stubborn.

Fu Anning refused to accept the lights from foreigners, not because he wanted to save electricity for the emperor, nor did he look down on the lights of foreigners. He was not Yang Gongjing, he didn't have the concept of hatred for the West, he looked at Xiao Li and asked with a smile: " Let me ask you, what is the difference between a human and a ghost."

Xiao Lizi thought for a while after hearing the words: "People are alive, ghosts are dead."

Fu Anning nodded: "That's right, what's the difference between a demon and a human."

Xiao Lizi gave a dry laugh and shook his head.

"Hey hey hey..." Fu Anning smiled. In fact, when Fu Anning laughed, it still gave people a very comfortable feeling, but he rarely smiled on weekdays.

"Whether it's a human, a ghost, or even a demon, each has its own way of living. Humans live in the daytime, ghosts walk in the night, and demons hide in the mountains and forests."

After Fu Anning finished speaking, he glanced at the oil lamp beside him, and saw a moth flapping its wings around the oil lamp.

"Foreigners' electric lamps are good things, but not all of them are. Just like this moth, who is obviously afraid of fire, but always likes to lean around the lamp, but when it really touches the fire, it will be burned to death in a while."

Xiao Lizi lowered his head and pondered for a while. He was in a fog and didn't understand at all, but Fu Anning didn't continue to explain.

Although Xiao Lizi didn't understand the meaning of Fu Anning's words, his ability to observe words and expressions had reached the point of perfection. Seeing that Fu Anning didn't seem to have any intention of continuing, he immediately walked out with a cup of tea.

On the way out, Xiao Lizi was still pondering what Master Caifu's words meant just now. After walking two steps, a light suddenly hit him in the face.

"Hey, this is the goddamn..."

Xiao Lizi quickly raised his hand to cover his eyes, and cursed, when the light went out, two eunuchs ran out from behind the door laughing.

Xiao Lizi took a look and recognized the two little eunuchs, one was called Xiaostool and the other was called Xiaotable.

That doesn't sound like a name, does it?

But the eunuchs in the palace, to put it bluntly, they are no longer human beings.

The palace ladies can still be sent out of the palace when they are old enough to find a good family to marry, but when the eunuchs are old and go home, the family also dislikes them. If they don’t go home, they don’t even have a descendant. .

Those who have no family and roots will not be able to enter the ancestral hall after death.

Even in this palace, in front of those masters, they are tools, tables, stools, and pots are their names.

As for where these two little eunuchs are from, it is not anywhere else, but the treasure house with the most oil and water, the House of Internal Affairs.

Most of the treasures that were paid as tribute are kept in the House of Internal Affairs, which is the emperor's small treasury.

The country's annual taxes and property belong to the treasury, and the emperor cannot easily mess with it, otherwise the ministers in the court will not be happy.

During the festivals and festivals, rewards are given out, clothes are added to the various concubines, and the messy expenses have to be paid from the House of Internal Affairs.

These two young eunuchs are from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and they have a good relationship with Xiao Lizi, but today they secretly took out the emperor's treasure.

"Quick, show you this baby."

I saw a small table, holding a flowerpot-like thing in my hand, and there was a mechanism under it. After twisting it, light shot out of it.

"This is a hand lantern that Westerners paid tribute to the Lord Long Live. You can see that it is on, but it can only be on for a while before it goes out."

The little table introduced the origin of this hand lamp to Xiao Lizi.

Xiao Lizi saw that it was really true. The light shone through, and the whole road was lit up.

"Hey, this thing is rare." Xiao Lizi held the lamp and couldn't put it down.

"That's right, be careful not to break it. If it breaks, we won't have enough heads to chop off."

The little stool reminded.

At this time, Xiao Lizi didn't know what to think of, and turned around and handed the teacup to the small table: "I'll borrow this thing for a while, and I'll return it to you tomorrow morning."

"Hey, I'm afraid this is not good."

The little table's expression changed slightly, and he hurriedly stopped him.

But Xiao Lizi waved his hand: "What's wrong, Long Live Lord will only be fresh for a while, after the freshness, he will throw it away, and then he will return it to you long ago. In broad daylight, what are you afraid of? If it's really bad Yes, it’s also because the things made by foreigners are not strong.”

"This..." The table and the stool looked at each other, but Xiao Lizi didn't care about that much, he waved them back and ran back holding the lamp.

He tiptoed into the gate of Qin Tianjian.

As soon as he entered the door, he heard Fu Anning's voice: "Little Li, what's the matter?"

"Hey, my lord, you really see all directions and hear all directions. I came in on tiptoe, and you can hear it too."

Xiao Lizi hurriedly flattered her, and then brought over the lantern in her hand: "My lord, I'll show you a treasure."


Fu Anning was also happy, put down the pen in her hand, and leaned forward to see what kind of treasure it was.

"Look, my lord!"

Xiao Lizi grinned, turned the switch on the base of the lamp, and suddenly a beam of light shone on the dome of Qin Tianjian.

There are eight large mirrors hanging on the dome of the Qin Tianjian, which are said to be used for divination. No one knows how to use it, but the light will shine.

Immediately, the whole Qintianjian was brightened up, and it gave people a feeling that the sky was bright.

"My lord, My lord?? My lord??"

Xiao Lizi turned his head and saw that Fu Anning, who was standing behind him just now, had disappeared, and now Xiao Lizi was stunned, why did such a good-looking person suddenly disappear? ?
Puzzled, Xiao Lizi suddenly felt that he had stepped on something, and when he looked down, he was dumbfounded. He saw that the adult was gone, but the clothes on the adult were scattered on the ground.

This is to go home, and there is no need to take off so clean.

Xiao Lizi stayed for a while, when a gust of cool wind blew over, making him shiver uncontrollably, and he suddenly became afraid.

"My lord, my lord!!"

He yelled twice more, but no one was seen, Xiao Lizi panicked instantly, and yelled twice outside the door: "Come on... Come on!!"

As soon as the words fell, the lamp in his hand went out. Just after experiencing strong light, it suddenly became dark again. Xiao Lizi felt that his eyes suddenly went dark, and he couldn't see his fingers.

Xiao Lizi trembled in his heart, and wanted to run out, but suddenly a hand came from behind, grabbed his braid, pulled back hard, and Xiao Lizi sat on the ground facing his head.

Rubbing his eyes and taking a closer look, he saw that Fu Anning, who had just disappeared, reappeared in front of him at this time, and he even got his clothes on.

It's just that the face that was kind to him on weekdays was terribly cold at the moment.


Xiao Lizi's scalp went numb, and his heart skipped a beat, the more he thought about it, the more he panicked.

"Hey, little Lizi, you didn't understand a single word of what I just said."

Fu Anning sighed, slowly squatted down, reached out and patted Xiao Lizi's shoulder: "Forget it, in the next life, be a complete human being."

After finishing speaking, Xiao Lizi's eyes widened, and when he heard the footsteps of the imperial guards outside, he was about to call for someone, but when he opened his mouth, the world in front of him instantly spun.

With a sound of "Poof!", a head fell to the ground, and when it rolled, Xiao Lizi's eyes widened. Perhaps it was because of his death. In his blurred vision, there was no such thing as Mr. Fu. In front of his corpse, it was clearly a piece of human skin...

(End of this chapter)

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