Chapter 344
In the county government of Lianshan County, there was a strange atmosphere early in the morning.

New School, Qin Tianjian, Red Lantern Sect, White Lotus Sect, plus a group of strangers.

Sitting at the same dining table and eating, although there is no words between each other, the eyes between each other are full of various voices.

Even the five pigs like the Zhu brothers began to chew their meals slowly at this time, for fear of making any noise.

Xu Tong casually ate two mouthfuls of the so-called noodle cake and immediately lost his appetite.

After all, after tasting Lilith's volcanic beef river last night, eating these again instantly felt like chewing wax.

"I really want to eat again."

He couldn't help sighing in a low voice.

Li Xi was stunned for a moment, then looked at Xu Tong blankly: "What did Brother Ma say?"

"Hey!" Xu Tong grinned, without explaining anything to Li Xi.

"Cough cough!"

Yang Gongjing frowned, and gave Xu Tong a displeased look: "This is not the capital, and there are not so many delicacies from mountains and seas. If you don't want to eat, go and bring in the charcoal stove."

It was already winter, and even though everyone was wearing thick clothes, it was still very cold in the morning.


Xu Tong stood up, patted Li Xi with his hand, and motioned for Li Xi to follow him, the two went outside, carefully lifted the already hot charcoal stove up and carried it into the room, took a look at the hot flames in the charcoal stove, With a flick of the finger, a black lacquered pill was thrown in.

He winked at Li Xi and walked out the door.

Li Xi didn't know what Xu Tong was going to do, but he followed obediently.

The two walked to the corner, Xu Tong took out an apple and handed it to him, asking where he was last night?
Li Xi took the apple and quickly took a bite. Although he didn't know where the apple came from, it was a rare blessing that there were still apples to eat this season.

After taking a bite, I feel that the apples are sweet and delicious, countless times more delicious than the apples in the palace. I thought that the rich people would enjoy them.

After looking around, after making sure there was no one around, he whispered: "I always feel that this place is not safe, and that group of women is not a fuel-efficient lamp, so I quietly sent a message to my three brothers last night, let They came to meet me."

"You have brothers??"

Xu Tong's eyes widened and he looked surprised.

Li Xi couldn't help showing a bit of complacency and said: "Back when I was fleeing for my life in the rivers and lakes, I met them by chance. We hit it off right away, so we became brothers of the opposite sex. Don't worry, Mr. Ma, these three brothers of mine are all masters with extraordinary means. .”

"Oh, that's fine, that's fine."

With a relieved expression on Xu Tong's face, he couldn't help sneering inwardly, looking forward to seeing his old 'friend' more and more.

"Brother Ma!"

Li Xi gnawed on the apple, with a look of worry on his face: "We will go to Lianshan Temple later, although there may be nothing to do during the day, but I always feel uneasy in my heart."

Now that there are so many people here suddenly, Li Xi knows that the people of the new school are a bunch of idiots, and the county magistrate of Lianshan County does not seem to be a fuel-efficient lamp. Such a young county magistrate has only one person under him. They are powerful and powerful, and they look like a group of Lianjiazi.

If Li Xi said that he could still feel at ease in his heart, then he would be called hell.

Xu Tong knew what Li Xi was worried about, so he patted him on the shoulder and said, "Don't worry, you just need to help me keep Master Yang, and I'll take care of the rest."


Li Xi looked at Xu Tong, not knowing what kind of plans this Young Master Ma was planning.

However, Li Xi has seen the methods of this Mr. Ma, and it is definitely not as bad as the rumors in the capital, and it is not even an exaggeration to describe it as deeply hidden.

Seeing that he spoke so confidently, he nodded and agreed, promising to stay by Yang Gongjing's side all the time.

The two just finished talking here.

I saw Yang Gongjing and his group had already walked out of the front hall, greeting them and preparing to set off.

Xu Tong walked to the side of the crowd and took a look with the help of the eye of fate, and sure enough, he saw a small black figure on top of everyone's head.

The villain kept his mouth open, chattering over their heads.

Seeing the two men approaching, Yang Gongjing frowned immediately: "You don't mean to escape, do you? If you want to run away, even Ma Qi can't save your lives."

"Ah!! My lord misunderstood, we never have such thoughts."

Li Xi was taken aback by Yang Gongjing's words, thinking that this old man had taken the wrong medicine, if I hadn't risked his life to protect you that night, you would have been torn to pieces by those monsters long ago.

Xu Tong also hurriedly said that he would swear to protect the adults to the death, which made Yang Gongjing's complexion a lot better, and waved his hands to signal that he should hurry up and get ready to go on the road.

Li Xi looked blank, but Xu Tong squinted his eyes, he knew that the effect of the villain pill had begun to work.

Although Lianshan Temple has the word Lianshan in its name, it is still some distance away from Lianshan County.

Moreover, it was an abandoned temple, the mountain road was rugged and difficult to navigate, and it was not easy for vehicles and horses to get in.

After passing through the dense bamboo forest at the foot of the mountain, everyone was finally able to vaguely see a corner of the temple in front of them from the forest.

"Take a rest first, I can't walk anymore!"

Zhao Xusen, who was wearing glasses, sat down on the ground with sweat on his face.

He took out the sheepskin water bottle from his backpack and took a sip for himself, motioning for everyone to sit down and rest.


Seeing Zhao Xusen's rookie appearance, Gu Zibai and the others immediately looked at him with contempt. No matter whether Gu Zibai's Bailian sect headed by Gu Zibai or Yang Gongjing's group of strangers, the new student The people in the heart don't have the slightest favor.

After all, this guy treats them as charlatans as soon as he talks, and no one will have a good temper with him.

If it was another time, anyone present would be able to kill him with a single finger.

But now the situation is special, this guy came here with an order, and the women behind him are protecting him, so no one can do anything to him.

However, there will inevitably be a burst of sarcasm on the lips.

Xu Mao took out a piece of paper, shook his hand, and saw a small house appear out of thin air: "My lord, I know you are weak, the mountain is windy and the ground is cold, why don't you go into the house to rest."

Xu Mao's technique naturally caught everyone's eyes. It was rumored that the Shadow Paper Man was a great skill in Caimen during its heyday, but it was lost for a time. When they came to the suite, they were all amazed.

Of course, Xu Mao didn't have such good intentions. Seeing that Zhao Xusen was really going to go into the house, Xu Mao shook his fingers, and the house in front of him turned into a thin piece of paper again.

Suddenly Zhao Xusen was there in a daze.

Seeing his stunned appearance, everyone immediately burst out laughing.

Obviously, Xu Mao deliberately used this to humiliate Zhao Xusen, telling him that your so-called new learning is nothing more than that.

However, Zhao Xusen was in a daze for a moment, pushed his glasses, squatted down and took a closer look at the painting on the ground, and then took out a notebook from his pocket.

I saw that after drawing a pass on the notebook, he took out the scissors and carefully cut some pieces of paper, and then unfolded the notebook for everyone to see.

There was a small house drawn on the notebook, which looked ordinary, but with a slight twitch of Zhao Xusen's hand, a note was pulled out from the paper.

As Zhao Xusen pulled the note with his finger, a magical picture appeared.

The small house that was originally drawn on paper actually stood up, and a house was born out of thin air on the paper.

"This is your shadow paper? I admit that it is an amazing craftsmanship to create such an effect on such a thin piece of paper, but...the principle is actually not very brilliant."


Xu Mao's expression froze for a few seconds, as if he never expected that someone could easily discover the key secret of the Shadow Paper Man. He was shocked and angry for a moment, and the muscles on his entire face trembled.

But Zhao Xusen didn't seem to notice Xu Mao's face, and continued: "Your magic is amazing, but when I was studying in the West, I once heard a saying that even the most powerful magic can only be done if you break through the window." Paper, nothing unusual."

Zhao Xusen said it lightly, but it made Xu Mao's eyes turn red. In front of so many people, he exposed his family's background, and he was determined to kill this guy.

However, the women behind him silently put their hands on the handle of the knife.

The five brothers of the Zhu family looked at each other and stood silently behind Xu Mao.

As for Gu Zibai and the others, they stood silently and sneered, wishing they would fight.

I don't know what's wrong, ever since I was having breakfast, I've felt very uncomfortable in my heart. Seeing that these two groups of people are going to fight first, I don't think of the so-called big orange in my mind. Instead, I think of the two groups of people yesterday How did you insult yourself and greet your ancestors.

If Xu Tong looked at the top of Gu Zibai's head at this moment, he would definitely see that villain, who was kneeling beside Gu Zibai's ear, whispering constantly.

It's not just Gu Zibai, except for Xu Tong and Li Xi, everyone has a villain beside their ears.

Even the monk Huiyuan was listening to a villain, chattering endlessly.

Everyone looked at each other with unkind eyes, and even Yang Gongjing's eyes were flickering at the moment. He hated this kind of new student who admired foreigners and xenophobia to the bottom of his heart, and couldn't help thinking in his mind, should we take advantage of the present? kill them.

When the time comes, push the matter to Bailian Shengzi, saying that he himself doesn't know the heights of the heavens and the earth, what does it have to do with him being killed by the Yin soldiers, and he can take the opportunity to attack Xinxue.

Once this idea was born in my mind, it was like a flood, and it was out of control.

Xu Tong threw the villain pill into the stove, and wanted to have a try to see the effect.

Unexpectedly, the effect is surprisingly good.

Now that I originally planned to secretly instigate a turnaround, I don't need it anymore, I just wait for them to fight, and I can pick up Yang Gongjing and leave.

That's right, this is his plan, what Lianshan Temple, one can tell at a glance that the place is not a good place.

An old bone like Yang Gongjing with perfect scores in theory and zero in actual combat would not dare to say that he would take care of him even if he tried his best. Since the task is only to explain to himself to protect Yang Gongjing, why would he go into Lianshan Temple and knock him out? Wouldn't it be more delicious to take away.

Thinking of Xu Tong staring at Yang Gongjing's neck, he almost couldn't help but make a move.


Suddenly, a bell rang, and came from the direction of Lianshan Temple in the distance.

Xu Tong was taken aback, he didn't expect that the ringing of the bell would break his little man's pill.

There was no villain in their ears, and with the sudden sound of the bell, everyone calmed down at once, and suddenly felt that they were too impulsive just now.

Especially Yang Gongjing, remembering her own thought just now, she almost gave an order to fight with the other party with red eyes, and she felt a sense of fear in her heart.

Just when everyone secretly regretted the impulsiveness just now, there was a sound of singing in the distance.

"A gust of yellow wind and a gust of sand, there are no homes for thousands of miles, the snow disappears when you look back, the three-eyed monk blinds the horse, the stone man has one eye, and stirs up rebellion in the Yellow River."

(End of this chapter)

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