Chapter 347
In horror, monk Huiyuan suddenly raised his hand, and nine pagodas of pagodas appeared behind him. These pagodas of pagodas are not what people often see, but blood pagodas piled up with human heads.

As monk Huiyuan waved his hands and pushed forward, nine blood pagodas slammed into Zhao Xusen in front of him.


However, in the face of the nine blood towers falling head-on, Zhao Xusen sighed again, and just took a step back, distorting the surrounding space immediately.

The nine blood towers fell down, but they were only an inch away from Zhao Xusen, but they couldn't fall down no matter what, as if they were frozen there.

What's even weirder is that when Zhao Xusen retreated, even the surrounding environment seemed to be distorted and stretched.

"Grand Master!!"

Seeing this scene, Monk Hui Yuan exclaimed in disbelief.

Great masters are so rare. Looking at the current Datong, there are only a few truly recognized great masters. I have already reached the level of a half-step master, but after so many years, I have not even touched the threshold of a great master.

And this new student in front of him is actually a great master, how could Huiyuan accept this.

Could it be that all the years of self-cultivation have been cultivated on dogs? ?

Zhao Xusen ignored monk Huiyuan's indifference and just said it plainly.

"During Emperor Kang's reign, there was a method in the Western Regions called Fudo Ming Wang's Sad Karma Technique. Because the practice method was too cruel, it was not tolerated by the Central Plains. In the 13th year of Emperor Kang's reign, Shaolin took the lead in destroying the sect. You escaped and disappeared without a trace, you should be the remaining disciple of this sect."

Zhao Xusen told monk Huiyuan's background lightly, which made monk Huiyuan turn blue. This is an undisclosed secret, and after so many years, no one remembers the truth anymore.

"Who are you, who are you?? How do you even know this?"

Monk Huiyuan questioned.

However, Zhao Xusen shook his head: "Don't say it!"

After the words fell, Zhao Xusen made a move, and it was unclear what kind of trick he was using. He just flicked his fingers lightly, and the pupils of monk Huiyuan's eyes tightened. A silver needle passed through his eyes, and he froze there suddenly. He couldn't move at all, and for a moment, bright red blood dripped from his mouth and nose, and he was already dead.

The gap between a half-step master and a grand master is so large that it cannot be calculated with reason.


The corpse of monk Huiyuan fell heavily on the ground, and a thick layer of dust was formed on the ground.

After Zhao Xusen killed monk Huiyuan, he walked up to the monkey, pulled out the long sword stuck in the monkey's body, and touched the monkey's shoulder with his palm. The wound that had been pierced by the sword healed quickly.

The unimaginable method makes people talk about it, but Xu Tong feels extremely strong pressure at this time.

Zhao Xusen picked up monk Huiyuan's prayer beads, handed them to the monkey to play with, and immediately put the monkey on his shoulder: "I'm also curious, this monk learned the Fudo Ming Wang sad karma technique, which can counteract the illusion I arranged, you What? Why is it not affected at all?"

As he spoke, Zhao Xusen looked at Xu Tong who was standing aside.


Hearing Zhao Xusen's words, Xu Tong relaxed instead, stretched his stiff muscles, came out, put his hands together slightly, and arched his hands toward Zhao Xusen: "Junior, Ma Hongwen pays respects to senior."

As he spoke, he raised his hands high and naturally bowed down to Zhao Xusen in front of him.

When Zhao Xusen was about to speak when he saw this, his expression suddenly changed. The world in front of him went dark, a crack was torn open, and there was a sound of horseshoes running wildly behind him.

As soon as he turned around, he saw a cavalry rushing towards him.


For a brief moment of stupefaction, Zhao Xusen was not surprised but delighted, because it was the first time he had seen such a wonderful technique. Facing the cavalry rushing up, Zhao Xusen did not resist and let the cavalry rush past him.

He even closed his eyes and tilted his head, with an expression on his face as if he was carefully tasting a delicacy.

His brows were tightly knit together, his expression became more distressed, and he said to himself, "It's strange, it's Taoism, why does it feel like a spell?"

In just a short moment, Zhao Xusen had a deeper understanding of Baishankou, but it was this understanding that made him feel an unprecedented curiosity.

This magical spell, which looks like a sneak attack, actually coincides with the Taoist strange art. This is not something that ordinary people can create. Said to have such a skill.

Just when Zhao Xusen wanted to take a closer look, the crack in front of him disappeared.


When Zhao Xusen saw this, he was immediately very unhappy. Looking back, he found that Xu Tongren had disappeared, not only him, but also Li Xi and Yang Gongjing.

"Oh, slippery!"

Zhao Xusen laughed, but his face became darker and colder with a smile. If this kid ran away alone, he might let him die because of his love for talent.

But if he took Yang Gongjing away, that would not work.

Zhao Xusen walked out of the hall slowly, turned around and gently closed the door, and soon there was a loud bang, and the Buddhist hall collapsed immediately.

"Go, according to the agreement, I will return your freedom."

Zhao Xusen untied the bells from the monkey's feet, put the monkey on the ground, and waved for the monkey to leave.

The monkey took a few steps forward, scratched his head, and looked back at his old master, but when the monkey turned back, Zhao Xusen had disappeared.


In the woods, I saw the fat figure flickering and moving quickly. Xu Tong sat on the shoulder of the fat man, looking around from time to time: "Headmaster, what's going on??"

The big girl at the hall asked, she seemed incomprehensible, didn't she come to find some holy son, why did a great master pop out suddenly.

"I don't know, but I can be sure that this is a game."

Xu Tong's complexion was unusually heavy, not everyone could perceive the changes on the entire chessboard when he understood himself as a chess piece.

As a player in the game, it is difficult to figure out the other party's purpose, but one thing is certain, since the main task asks him to protect Yang Gongjing, it must have a certain connection with Yang Gongjing.

But at this moment, Xu Tong didn't know what to do. After all, the person he was facing was a grand master, a master of the same level as the master.

Even at this moment, he already felt the invisible pressure behind him slowly approaching him.

Looking back, even if there is nothing, it gives people a feeling of being everywhere.

However, because of this strong sense of oppression, Xu Tong's eyes shone with an indescribable light. It was a very complicated emotion. If I had to describe it, I could only say it was excitement.

Being able to fight against the great master is not only the thrill and tension of facing danger and the unknown, but also has another layer of excitement to challenge yourself.

It's just that to achieve this step, he must be fully prepared. At least at this moment, head-to-head confrontation will definitely not be a good choice.

Besides, it is still daytime, and the advantages of my dark physique cannot be used. The best way to do this kind of adversity is naturally to run.

As for Li Xi and Yang Gongjing, they were thrown into Big Fatty's stomach, and Big Fatty's ghost form is most suitable for walking in this kind of dense jungle.

Just when Xu Tong was thinking about how to get out temporarily, his mind moved, and he suddenly seemed to feel something.

Looking back, the dense forest behind him is empty, but at this moment, the surrounding forests and vegetation are emitting strong fluctuations, a suffocating sense of oppression, getting closer and closer.


With such a strong sense of oppression, even the three big girls who were hiding at the entrance of the hall couldn't help but start to shiver, especially big girls.

Ever since the last script world, when her original host's overreaching delusion competed with Shu Yuqing, but she was killed by Shu Yuqing's sword, Da Ya had a psychological shadow on the great master.

Being hunted down by a great master at this moment undoubtedly made her inner shadow more intense.

"Little brother, walk slowly, the road ahead is difficult, don't accidentally slip on your feet, it will be bad if you fall."

Zhao Xusen's voice came from nowhere. The hoarse voice didn't look like a young man at all, but more like an old man, calling his grandson not to run around and to be careful of wrestling.

The corner of Xu Tong's mouth twitched, and silently raised a middle finger behind him.

However, at this moment, Big Fatty suddenly stopped. Xu Tong was stunned. Looking back, he saw a river appearing in the white mist.

Now Xu Tong was dumbfounded, the river was so huge that he couldn't see the edge at a glance.

"It's over!"

The big girl knelt down on the ground with a plop, didn't she run to a dead end?

Xu Tong didn't expect that there would be such a big river in this ghost place? ?
But looking at the river in front of him, he suddenly remembered the sixteen words of Taoist Xunlong: "The road ahead is difficult and you will stop when encountering water, and you will not light a lamp or knock on the door."

Thinking of these sixteen words, the latter paragraph has been fulfilled, and thinking of what Zhao Xusen said just now, Xu Tong suddenly had a different feeling in his heart.

Divination is something that is sometimes very psychological, which is just a feeling.

Even ordinary people in reality often inadvertently have a premonition of the next moment, or even a few seconds later. When this premonition comes, it will give people an extremely strong premonition.

If you suddenly have such a feeling about a set of numbers when you are buying a lottery ticket, don’t hesitate to buy it. Ephemeral and elusive.

Xu Tong was different. When this strange feeling struck, he instinctively used his eyes of fate to look towards the water. In the dark waves, a different light appeared in his line of sight...

(End of this chapter)

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