Chapter 348
way out!

When he saw a light representing the way of life getting closer among the ripples on the water surface, Xu Tong couldn't help flashing a bright light in his eyes.

Only at this time, the strong sense of oppression came from behind, and a strong sense of anxiety urged Xu Tong to instinctively throw his body forward and fall to the ground.

A palm appeared out of thin air, but only one palm appeared, as if it had been severed out of thin air. Before the palm could grab onto his shoulder, Xu Tong dodged it sideways.

But the palm didn't stop, and he grabbed it forward again, but this time Xu Tong was already on guard, and the hostility in his eyes instantly became stronger!

After rolling on the ground, he raised his hands, and with a mountain-worship clasp, he clasped it towards the severed hand. Suddenly, the space in front of his eyes was split, and the void changed. Pairs of palms protruding from the nether world were densely grasping. On this broken hand, pull it directly into the crack leading to the underworld.

Looking at the missing severed hand, Xu Tong was not at ease, because it was not Zhao Xusen's real palm, but just a small trick of his.

Sure enough, with the disappearance of the severed hand, Zhao Xusen could be seen chasing up from a distance. The posture of strolling in the garden, the steps of disrespect, every step seemed to announce the approach of death.

"It's a very unique technique. It uses art to approach Taoism. It can open the door of mystery, open the nether world, three points of Dao Qi, three points of skill, and a little bit of earthly energy. It's amazing. It's really amazing."

Zhao Xusen's face was full of joy. After another test just now, he concluded that what Xu Tong used was not an idle technique, but a technique close to Taoism. The kingly way, means is just a process.

Naturally, this kind of thaumaturgy could never be created by a brat.

"such a pity!"

Zhao Xusen's face was full of regret at the thought of this, and he looked at Xu Tong with an extremely complicated expression in his eyes.

It's a pity that there are many complicated emotions in it.

If it was three years earlier, and I met such a young man, I would definitely point out a bright way for him.

If it was three years earlier, I might definitely visit this young master's family in person, and meet the great master who created this technique.

There have never been rumors of this technique in the Jianghu, and this great master must have created this technique not long ago.

However, I didn't get the slightest news about this, which shows that this great master must also be an expert who is dedicated to reclusiveness.

If the two can meet, maybe they will become bosom friends.

However, with this pity, Zhao Xusen knew that all of this was impossible.

After this incident, people all over the world will focus on Lianshan Temple, and I will be able to leave smoothly according to the next plan without any accidents. It will only take three months. Fleeing overseas, no one can find themselves again.

Xu Tong stood up slowly, glanced sideways at the ripple on the river, but found that although this vitality was strong, it did not overlap with him.

This is like you obviously searched for the other party's WIF signal, and it is still full, but you can only stare blankly without the password.

Xu Tong felt this way now. In front of him was Zhao Xusen who was pressing every step of the way. He didn't have the right time and place, and there were even two comatose oil bottles beside him.

Facing such a great master in peak condition, if he wanted to survive, the only way to survive was that ray of life.

But life is right in front of him, but across the vast river, he can't go swimming, at least Xu Tong doesn't think it's a good idea.

"My child, you have amazing abilities that reach the sky, but you are still too immature. Let's go as soon as possible."

Zhao Xusen is not a sentimental person. On the contrary, he has already planned to abandon his family and even his heirs for this plan, not only to abandon them, but even if his plan does not go wrong, they will soon become the ones thrown by him. Next bait.

As the voice fell, Zhao Xusen's eyes sank slightly, and a figure appeared in front of Xu Tong out of thin air from more than ten meters away in an instant. There.

Between reality and reality, there is a clear disconnection between him and the world around him.

During this time, he couldn't do anything, he could only watch Zhao Xusen's hand pat down on his Tianling cover.

Is this the end? ?

Xu Tong slowly closed his eyelids, as if he was ready to die, but the moment he closed his eyes, many figures suddenly appeared in his mind uncontrollably.

There is Gao Zhuo, there is the master, there is the master, and the old man in the lunatic asylum and his good brother and so on.

"No! This is not the end!"

In just a short moment, every clear face came to his mind. He is not afraid of death, but he must not die here. At least he does not want to die in a daze until he has seen all the scenery of this world. In a strange world.

He couldn't accept such an ending.

Thinking of this, Xu Tong took a deep breath, and a cold light flashed under his slightly closed eyelids: "Hey, it's time for you to come out and pay the rent!!"

"Demon had arrived!"

The black hair and eyebrows ignited loudly, black flames burst out from every pore on his body, one after another terrifying black flame explosion ripples one after another.


A sound of surprise came from an extremely distant river.

I saw a lone boat moving slowly in the Taotao River. No matter how rough the river was, this lone boat was always as stable as Mount Tai. No matter how big the wave was, it disappeared invisible around the lone boat.

And on this lonely boat, there is neither a boatman nor a fisherman, only a drunkard, but at this moment the drunkard suddenly raised his head, squinted at the distance beside him, his brows moved slightly, which made the surroundings twitch The waves were instantly quiet.


The drunkard said something strange, and was about to fall down and continue to sleep, but just as he lowered his head, he started to toss and turn again, and finally cursed: "I can't even sleep peacefully, fuck him."

As he spoke, he raised the sword in his hand, jumped out of the boat, and the figure stepped on the river.

At this time, Zhao Xusen was also surprised.

Looking at the black fire burning on his palm, his eyes once again revealed a look of surprise.

Looking up, he saw Xu Tong half kneeling on the ground, gasping for breath, and the bright red blood dripped down from the wound on his chest, but before it touched the ground, the blood was burned into a wisp of blue by the flames. cigarette.

Bad news, he was injured, and very badly.

But the good news is, he's still alive.

Although he was embarrassed, it was indeed good news to be able to survive under the hands of the great master.

"You idiot, why did you wake me up during the day!"

The difference from before was that at this moment, Xu Tong could hear extremely anxious cursing in his ears. It seemed that the demon king did not expect that Xu Tong would wake him up at this time.

Even if the power of magic has no effect during the day, the negative effects brought by the full-level dark physique will still bring some damage to his soul.

Before Xu Tong could explain in the future, the voice of the Demon King sounded again, but this time the taste changed.

"Huh??? Which guy left the mark on you?"

In the sharp voice, there was shock and anger, as well as a smell of... catching rape in bed.

Xu Tong rubbed his shoulders helplessly, threw a Lingrou Huoxue Pill into his mouth, and said in a teasing tone: "If you don't want my soul to be a trophy for her to show off, then help me, at least... Let me live!"

"Bastard, I'll settle the score with you later." The devil finally realized the seriousness of the situation. Oh, the seriousness didn't refer to Zhao Xusen in front of him, but someone who dared to pick peaches under his nose.

However, he quickly extinguished the anger in his heart, let out a deep and strange laughter, and the laughter became more and more crazy.

Because he suddenly realized that this damn guy didn't know when he started, but he actually had such a strong desire, the desire to live. This is what he likes to see the most. If there is a desire, there is a need. Only when there is a need, can he get it More tributes.

"Very good! I feel your sincerity, so be prepared to pay the price." As the voice of the Demon King disappeared, the flames on Xu Tong's body suddenly rose.

Xu Tong raised his head and watched Zhao Xusen wipe the magic flame in his hand a few times before extinguishing it, his eyes were as sharp as a falcon, and his expression was full of rebellion for a while.

"Kill!" With the word kill, Xu Tong came towards him with a black light with a strong fishy smell, and he waved his fists, which was the close combat technique Xu Tong was familiar with.

A brat who didn't even reach the half-step grandmaster actually took the lead in facing a great grandmaster at this moment. If this kind of scene is seen by outsiders, their jaws will definitely drop in shock.


Sensing the wild and demonic nature of Xu Tong, Zhao Xusen's expression became unusually serious, and he stepped back half a step, and the distance between the two was infinitely lengthened with this retreat.

Between reality and reality.

The ability that only great masters can comprehend, even half-step masters, if there is no great opportunity, they may not even be able to break through to this level of doorway in their entire life.

That's why, facing Zhao Xusen, monk Huiyuan had no power to fight back and was easily killed by Zhao Xusen.

But what Zhao Xusen probably didn't expect was that the brat in front of him, who was not even a half-step master, happened to have a very high understanding of the great master, and even once came to this place with the help of the master. field.

Facing Zhao Xusen's falsehood, Xu Tong did not back down. Instead, he opened his hands and decisively activated the [Ember] skill, Extreme Flame Turbine. At that moment, the black magic flame exploded, and a large blade of corrosive fire burst out.

For a moment, the soil under his feet was instantly ignited by the flames, and the terrible flame storm began to spread wantonly towards the surroundings.

(End of this chapter)

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