Infinite script kill

Chapter 349 Knocking on Hell's Gate

Chapter 349 Knocking on Hell's Gate

"It's useless!"

Zhao Xusen's eyes were slightly lowered. To outsiders, he seemed to be engulfed by flames, but in fact, from Zhao Xusen's point of view, the flames were still a long way away from him.

Let alone burn him, he may not even be able to touch the corner of his clothes.

"Add this!"

There was a cold light in Xu Tong's eyes, and a gourd appeared on top of his head, and he didn't know when it appeared on Xu Tong's shoulder.

And Da Ya was holding a gourd in her hand. After opening the gourd plug, a very strong storm gushed out from the mouth of the gourd...


The wind borrows the power of the fire, and the fire borrows the force of the wind. Although the gale is cold and biting, a large amount of water vapor explodes under the baking of the magic flame. This undoubtedly increases the power of the extreme flame turbine, causing the flame to explode instantly to a terrifying level. Ultimately.

"I've said it all, but it's useless."

Facing such a terrifying demon flame in front of him, Zhao Xusen was still unmoved by it, but he felt a bad feeling in his heart.

"Is it really useless? Old guy, you can see clearly!"

Xu Tong's voice came from the flames. Following his roar, Zhao Xusen suddenly noticed from the corner of his eyes that the corner of his clothes started to move.

Although that was only a very small range, it still made Zhao Xusen's face change greatly: "This is impossible!"

No matter how small the swing of the corner of his clothes is, it means that his illusion has begun to fail. Even if it doesn't affect him, a young man can't do something that even a half-step master can't do. Arrived, this was completely beyond Zhao Xusen's cognition.

"When the false is true, the true is also false, if there is nothing, there is nothing, nothing is impossible."

Xu Tong was very aware of the fearsomeness of the great master, but it was precisely because he was so clear about the doorway that he gave him a solution. Even if it is a great master, what is false is false after all. The only problem is that his own Whether power can break through this layer of falsehood.


Hearing this, Zhao Xusen's face flickered for a while. He didn't expect that the mysterious grand master in the eyes of all living beings would be broken through by a brat.

What's more, he didn't expect this kid to have such a powerful explosive force after he became enchanted.

Under the horror in his heart, his eyes were even more murderous like knives. Even if the other party did not become a grand master, just based on these words, he must die today, otherwise a grand master will rise from the ground in a short time.

With this in mind, he pointed his fingers towards the void in front of him, and it was as if thousands of silver needles came out of the air, and Zhao Xusen waved the silver needles on his fingertips.

The sea of ​​flames in front of my eyes seemed to be torn apart by the dense rainstorm in an instant.

Although the silver needles are small, they are powerful enough to break through rivers. When Zhao Xusen killed Monk Huiyuan, Zhao Xusen only used one, but now facing Xu Tong, there were tens of thousands of them. what a threat.

It's just that what Zhao Xusen might not have expected was that Xu Tong also moved the moment the silver needle flew over.

With his hands crossed in front of his chest, he bowed heavily forward, as if he was waiting for this very moment.

Suddenly, a hole was torn from the crack in front of him, but this time, the gap was much bigger and stronger than the previous one. A large number of wandering souls gushed out from this crack, like a torrent, crashing into it overwhelmingly.

"Puff puff……"

The silver needle pierces through these ghosts, it only needs a hole no bigger than a sesame seed, and it instantly knocks them out of their wits.

Even the thaumaturgy of the world has not yet been perfected.

But this is not the end, just the beginning.

The first worship hurts human life, the second worship invites ghosts and gods, and the third worship knocks on the gate of Hades.

With the help of the rolling magic power on his body, Xu Tong bowed vigorously for the third time. Although he didn't know what the result of this bow would be, this might be his last chance to fight back.

Between fiction and reality, unless you are a great master with destiny and body like Shi Ye, the moment you make a move, your flaws will be exposed.

It's like a person who attacks with all his strength must give up part of his defense.

Accompanied by this prostration, Xu Tong instantly felt as if something had been taken away from his body. In the deepest part of the crack, among countless palaces and palaces, a pair of slightly drooping eyes slowly moved towards this place. Swipe over.

In the haze, on that blurred outline, there was a three-point expectation in the eyes, as well as a coldness.

It's a pity that Xu Tong is about to lose his strength now. After this prostration, he couldn't see the blurred outline under the crack, so he didn't notice the expectation for him in the eyes of the owner of the outline.

Unfortunately, Zhao Xusen saw it, but didn't expect it, only cold and ruthless.

With just one look, Zhao Xusen's face suddenly turned pale.

How can mortals look directly at the gods!

Even if it was only for a short moment, Zhao Xusen's head seemed to be hit by a dull hammer, and the thousands of silver needles he summoned disappeared in an instant. What's worse, in such a short moment of distraction, a large number of innocent people The ghost, like a torrent, hit Zhao Xusen's body.

"Ah!!" Zhao Xusen let out a muffled scream. He probably never dreamed that he would lose, to a brat who wasn't even a half-step master.

In fact, in terms of strength, Zhao Xusen's strength must be higher than Xu Tong's, but this is not a data fight in an online game after all, and the outcome depends entirely on the data.

He is too small. The energy that this fluffy boy in front of him can burst out, even if it is within the scope of his understanding, if he makes a serious move, he has already lifted this kid up to the sky.

He even underestimated the hard work that Xue Gui, who was entrusted with the destiny, put in on Xu Tong, his disciple, and even... the backhand left behind in secret.

With a scream, Zhao Xusen was violently pushed to the ground by this force, and blood spilled from the corner of his mouth, his face full of disbelief.

Fortunately, Xu Tong was already out of strength, and this bow almost drained all his strength.

The item book is frantically sending out reminders.

[Warning! You are using power in violation of regulations]

【warn!Illegal use of power will rapidly overdraw your lifespan]

[Warning! Lifespan -10]

These reminders are no longer important to Xu Tong, and the power of the devil's arrival has reached a critical point. With the disappearance of the power of the devil, pain hits like a tide.


Zhao Xusen spat out a mouthful of bloody phlegm. Looking at the figure lying on the ground, there was a hint of fear in his eyes.

At this moment, Xu Tong fell on the ground. At first glance, he looked like a charred black skeleton with bloody flesh. His hideous wounds were cracked everywhere and seeping white smoke came out. Not only the flesh, but also the internal organs suffered huge damage.

However, what is strange is that new and tender granulation sprouts grow on his body at a speed visible to the naked eye. If you look closely, you can even see these granulation sprouts, like bean sprouts growing from the soil, which adds a bit of weirdness to him and the smell of horror.

But even if the kid in front of him has no possibility of fighting anymore, this fear is still lingering in his heart and cannot be dispelled.

"Do not!!"

Being seriously injured by a kid who wasn't even a half-step master, even hurting his vitality, was simply a shame for a master, and Zhao Xusen couldn't help feeling a strong sense of frustration in his heart.

Zhao Xusen, with red eyes, looked at the guy who was lying on the ground. He could only breathe out but not breathe in. Finally, he couldn't help the anger in his heart. He reached out and planned to turn his head off. Only when this kid died completely could he calm down the anger in his heart. Frightened and restless.

But as soon as he stretched out his hand, there was a strong smell of alcohol in front of him, and he heard a burst of laughter from behind: "Hahahaha, a great master, he was beaten to vomit blood, it's rare, hahaha, it's really rare! "


Zhao Xusen was startled, and when he raised his head, he saw a drunkard beside Xu Tong at some point, reeking of alcohol, standing there swaying, holding a broken sword in his hand.

"Who are you??"

Zhao Xusen retreated quickly, but the other party staggered up immediately, as if he was stuck in Zhao Xusen's arms, and hiccupped Zhao Xusen with his mouth open.

"You know so many things, why don't you know who I am?"

Zhao Xusen's pupils tightened: "Who is your Excellency!"

"Hey, I won't tell you. Let's fight. I'll tell you if you agree." The drunkard said and reached out to grab Zhao Xusen.

Grabbing with callused palms gave Zhao Xusen the illusion that the world is so big that there is nowhere to hide.

Zhao Xusen yelled in his heart that it was not good. He glared at Xu Tong unwillingly from the corner of the eye, gritted his teeth, and turned around to run away.

"Hey don't go!"

Seeing that Zhao Xusen was about to escape, the drunkard reached out and grabbed his shoulder. It was just that the grip felt light and light, so the drunkard took a closer look.

Only then did I realize that what I was holding in my hand was just a loose set of clothes. When I looked down again, the drunkard smiled: "I ran in such a hurry, I didn't even need shoes and trousers, and I am a great master with you. What a shame."

As he spoke, the drunkard shook his hands, and saw a piece of human skin shaking out from under his clothes...

 I'm sorry, it's so late today, the power outage at home, I live on the 27th floor, I waited for an hour and still haven't received a call, so I can only take my girl and wife, and go out with luggage to find a hotel, and it took me half an hour to climb downstairs ( Mainly holding things and hugging my daughter, I wasted a lot of time, sorry.)
(End of this chapter)

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