Infinite script kill

Chapter 363 Died on the 3rd

Chapter 363 Died in Three Days
Fu Anning's words were eccentric, Xu Tong turned cold before he could open his mouth, since he returned to Beijing from the field, he had to return to the original duty immediately to obey the transfer, you have been on vacation for a few days, and you plan to rest until the Chinese New Year? "

As soon as these words came out, everyone around looked over.

After learning of Ma Hongwen's identity, they were all surprised that Fu Anning's way of reprimanding Ma Hongwen in public was too radical.

After all, even the supervisor of Qin Tianjian is only a third-rank official in the final analysis.

Ma Qi has now been promoted to the rank of Admiral of the Nine Sects, ranking as a first-rank member.

To put it bluntly, Ma Hongwen is now a veritable big yamen, and the officials under the nine admirals dare not give him face?
Besides, on this occasion today, the relationship between the Xiang family and the Ma family is strong, so doing this is not just a disappointment, if it makes the Xiang family unhappy, just because you are a third-rank official, just a name can make you hungry .

However, facing the strange eyes from everyone, Fu Anning didn't seem to feel anything strange.

It still gives people a condescending feeling.

Being scolded in public for no reason, no one would have a good face.

What's more, the role played by Xu Tong is the notorious Mr. Ma.

However, just when Xu Tong was about to explode, he suddenly heard a cheer coming from not far away.

"well said!"

A familiar voice, needless to say it was March.

Ma Qi came down and held Fu Anning's hand eagerly: "Brother Fu'an taught you the right thing. This rebellious son is really neglected by me. I will feel more at ease when I hand over to Brother Fu'an to discipline him in the future."

After finishing speaking, Ma Qi glanced at Xu Tong: "I just told Mr. Fu'an that after you enter the palace to report on your duties tomorrow, you can go to the inner hall of the Qintianjian to be a schoolboy. To be a schoolboy for Mr. is your blessing for eight lifetimes. Don't be disrespectful to Mister, be careful with your skin."

When everyone heard the words, they were immediately relieved.

No wonder he has such a tough temper. The relationship has been discussed with March. From now on, it will be the treatment of teachers and students. The teacher reprimands the students, no matter what background is behind you, they will listen obediently.

This has been a rule since ancient times, and no one can say anything.

Xu Tong's eyes widened, he stared at Ma Qi with round eyes, and then at Fu Anning, who looked a bit stupefied, and thought: "I believe you are a ghost, didn't you just come?"

But Ma Qi just stared at him, and Xu Tong could only sigh helplessly: "Teacher."

In his heart, he was thinking about why Fu Anning was targeting him inexplicably.

But after thinking about it, that's fine, after all, he is still full of interest in the mysterious place Qin Tianjian.

Ma Qi's meddling not only made Xu Tong at a loss, but even Fu Anning obviously didn't expect it.

But Fu Anning knew that this was Ma Qi giving himself a step.

Those thick hands were holding his arms, and with a simple and honest smile, Ling Fuaning actually smelled a hint of danger, and squinted to look at the cuffs.

Immediately, his pupils tightened, and he saw that March's other hand was holding a dark dagger under the wide cuff. The dagger was not long, only three inches.

But there were dark blue textures shining on the blade, and there was a faint light in Ma Qi's hand.

The corner of Fu Anning's mouth twitched, thinking: "Why is this thing in his hands?"

This dagger has a history, I remember that it seems to be a tribute from the Western Regions to Emperor Kang, and it cuts iron like mud.

At such a close distance, March really wanted to make a move. Although he was not killed in his current state, he would inevitably be pierced with blood holes.

Obviously, this step has to go down even if it doesn't go down.

But after thinking about it, this is also a good idea. After all, this kid has ruined his own affairs, and he is following under his nose. Is he afraid that he will not have a chance to deal with him?
So he grinned and nodded and said: "Master Ma, what's the matter, I think this child is extremely smart, so it's better to leave it to me."

"Then please."

March let go of his hand, took out an apple from the other sleeve, took a dagger and cut a piece into his mouth: "The banquet is about to start, let's go and wait."

Ma Qi was very happy now, and had long wanted to find someone to take care of this little brat, but when others heard Ma Hongwen's words, their faces turned green with fright.

How can I manage this for myself, this is clearly sending Bi Mawen to the Pantao Garden, just waiting to make a big disturbance in the heavenly palace.

As a result, when he saw Fu Anning scolding his son with a black face, Ma Qi was so excited at the time, he finally found Tang Seng who could recite the magic spell.

He borrowed the donkey from the slope and took care of the matter, what if this guy doesn't give face!Then see if I hit you or not, and you're done.

"Congratulations, Brother Ma." Mr. Li congratulated from the side: "Although Qin Tianjian is not seen by the Holy One, it is a good place that only those with real talents and real learning can enter."

"That's right. Since ancient times, the officials in Qin Tianjian have been passed down from father to son. Outsiders are not allowed to enter except under special circumstances."

Xiang Keding agreed.

Xu Tong pretended to be sad on his face, and began to think about the good or bad of this matter in his heart.

The banquet in the front hall was already on the table, and Prince Rong arrived late.

Xu Tong glanced at it from afar: "Eh??"

He took a closer look at this Prince Rong, and couldn't help being a little surprised. Without him, isn't this prince the one who killed Father Yang on the pier before? ?
Is this really a prince? ?

Just as I was thinking about it, I heard a hey in my ear, and a figure sat directly on the empty seat beside Xu Tong.

And said in a low voice: "The hypocritical flood dragon will not have that life after all."

Xu Tong took a look, who else could this be Taoist Xunlong.

"Old fairy!"

Mr. Li admired this old fairy extremely, and this time even Xiang Keding's attitude towards this Taoist Dragon Seeker has greatly improved.

Obviously, right after Xu Tong left the capital, the divinations given to them by Taoist Xunlong were almost fulfilled one by one.

Xiang Keding was indeed entrusted with a heavy responsibility by his father, and he will soon report on his work.

Li Gongzi was stunned when he said that, he accidentally fell into the water when he was drunk, he was good at water, and he was not afraid of falling into the water.

But what Mr. Li never imagined in his dreams was that when he just fell into the water and struggled to swim to the surface, he was shocked to find that a thick layer of ice had formed on the water above his head.

Although it was about to enter winter, it wasn't so cold that the lake was frozen, and it didn't freeze when I fell.

He kept swimming and trying to find the exit, but the ice surface was boundless. At the moment of life and death, thanks to the talisman given by Taoist Dragon Seeker, it shone brightly and melted the ice surface in front of him, so Mr. Li died. escape.

When he climbed out of the water and took a look, there was no ice, it was just ordinary water.

He was so frightened that he became seriously ill for several days before recovering. After inquiring, he found out that people always drown in the water for no reason at this time of year.

Some people even watched the other party fall into the water, instead of going upstream, they desperately plunged their heads into the water, and finally drowned themselves in it.

According to the older generation, there is something in the water, and every year a few people are arrested and buried with them.

In any case, after this battle, Mr. Li admired this Dragon-seeking Taoist to the point of admiration.

Xunlong Laodao raised his wine glass and took a sip, looking at Xu Tong: "Little friend, we saw each other last time, I don't know if the hexagram I calculated for you is correct or not."

Xu Tong glanced over and found that this old Taoist had added another flower bone on the top of his head after not seeing it for a while, and now it was only one flower away from the top three flowers.

"The master has calculated everything, so you might as well make another calculation for us."

Xu Tong said with a smile.

This is what you brought to your door. Since you want to install 13, don't blame yourself for using you as free labor.

Sure enough, Taoist Xunlong didn't expect Xu Tong to be so shameless. According to common sense, shouldn't he be grateful to me? ?
But since he came, he was naturally prepared.

It's just that the effect is worse than what I expected.

He took out three kits and handed them to the three of them.

"These three kits, you take them apart after you go back, but don't say what's inside, no one can say, this thing is related to the future of the three and even..."

Speaking of this, Taoist Xunlong squinted at Xu Tong, and there was a trace of inexplicable meaning in his eyes full of deep meaning.

"Wealth and life!"

As soon as these words came out, a gust of cool wind blew on the bodies of the three of them, even Xu Tong couldn't help shivering, and looked at the kit in his hand.

His expression became serious for a moment.

"Immortal, you... Huh?? Where's the Immortal??"

Mr. Li came back to his senses, and was about to ask Taoist Dragon Xun what it was that thing he encountered in the water last time, but when he looked up, Taoist Xunlong had left without knowing when.

"I'm going to the hut!"

Xiang Keding looked at the kit in his hand, stood up abruptly and walked back, Mr. Li hesitated for a moment, then stood up: "My father is over there, I'll go and have a look."

Both of them left, Xu Tong silently opened the kit, inside was a pill and a note, Xu Tong didn't look at the pill, first took out the note in his hand, opened the note, There was only one line written on it: "Death in three days!"

(End of this chapter)

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