Infinite script kill

Chapter 364 Open the door! Check the water meter!

Chapter 364 Open the door! Check the water meter!
"Death in three days!"

Xu Tong turned the note over and looked at it.

There are four words behind it: "Live to death."

Seeing these four words, Xu Tong took out the elixir, probably because Taoist Xunlong was afraid that he would not know what it was for.

He also engraved the words [Fake Death Pill] on the pill.

Seeing this, Xu Tong casually threw it into the item book.

【Fake Death Pill】

Immediately after eating, the body's functions stagnate and fall into a state of suspended animation.

Duration: six hours
Cooldown: none
(Note: In the state of suspended animation, you can still move freely, but you can no longer use item cards and script points.)
Seeing the effect of this fake death pill, Xu Tong silently took out a mirror from the props book and took a picture of himself.

Good guy, Yintang is so dark that it turns purple, and two big hands, one black and one white, appeared in his fate.

The black hand held an axe, but the white hand stretched out a slender chain as if to bind himself.

The number of fates on the top of the head changed, and if it was just one person, he would have to be scared to death, but Xu Tong thought about it carefully.

Fate itself may be a powerful force that cannot be easily controlled by others.

I have the ability of Fate Eyes Qimen, it's almost as if I have opened a cheat in the Jinzimen industry.

He carefully observed the changes in the numbers above his head.

It was discovered that these two hands were not the same person, they seemed to be fighting each other, secretly competing, and he was caught in the cracks, which seemed dangerous, but in fact it was not a dead end.

As for more, he can't see it for the time being, but Xu Tong is not in a hurry.

Isn't it three days?

After tonight, his Qimen contribution degree should be increased again, and after another increase tomorrow night, it is almost time to upgrade.

After I have upgraded my Qimen to LV4, I will see what new changes there are. At worst, there is still a fake death pill.

At this moment, Taoist Xunlong, who had just walked out of the gate of the capital, was in a good mood, and suddenly his nose felt itchy.


There was a loud sneeze, as if a thunder had exploded, a gust of wind was blown up on the ground, and the surrounding vegetation also swayed for a while.

Taoist Xunlong rubbed his nose, only to feel that this sneeze made his head hurt.


Shaking his head, Taoist Xunlong looked back in the direction of the Xiang family in confusion.

Calculating with fingers, he muttered: "Hey, could there be another variable?"

After calculating for a long time, I didn't figure out who it was, as if something in the dark covered up my result.

"Hey, I don't believe it!"

Taoist Xunlong doesn't believe in evil, so there are things in this world that he can't figure out? ?
He took out copper coins from his sleeve and continued to count.

Six-line divination... didn't count.

I took out the baby turtle shell to bless it, but it still didn't count.

I took out a ruler again, counted and counted, and finally counted.

"Wait, what is this??"

Taoist Dragon Xun's eyes shone with a light blue light, as if he wanted to see through nothingness.

As a result, when he took a closer look, a huge black-haired Daheibiao rushed forward, aimed at Taoist Xunlong and took a bite.


Taoist Xunlong was startled, and he jumped back, almost falling over.

Hastily waved his hand to block, then looked up, the black buffalo had disappeared.


At the Xiang family's banquet, Xiang Keding, who had just gone to the latrine, returned to the wine table. Looking at his calm expression, he knew that Xiang Keding's kits would definitely not be too bad.

Xu Tong squinted his eyes, and it turned out that he had a lot of luck, and even faintly looked like a carp turning into a dragon.

Just as the two were saying this, Xu Tong suddenly shook his body and looked around suspiciously.

"what happened?"

Seeing that he suddenly stopped talking, Xiang Keding couldn't help asking.

"It's okay, why has Brother Li been away for so long and hasn't come back yet?"

Xu Tong casually found an excuse to fool him, but he was very strange in his heart.

Just now, the passive skill [Uncrowned King] of this item card was activated.

Although I don't know what happened again, I always feel that nothing is good.

"I don't care about him, anyway, he is familiar with this place, so I'm not afraid of him getting lost."

Xiang Keding said disapprovingly.

"Look, the singing and dancing have begun!"

Xiang Keding pointed to the dancer who came out in front, and his face turned red.

It's not just him, when the divas come out in costumes comparable to Venus.

The eyes of everyone present almost popped out.

A pair of white thighs, and a pink gauze skirt that is so thin that it can be seen with the naked eye.

Not to mention Xiang Keding, Xu Tong glanced at his father Ma Qi who was sitting at the front table, and saw that the wine in his hand was spilled, but he didn't know it.

A piano piece from a foreigner's country was playing on the phonograph.

The dancers seemed to have gone through a rehearsal, stepping on just the right drum beats to bring out the protagonist Qiao Xiaofeng hidden in it.

This is already a very common style in reality, and even the pictures that can be seen frequently in short videos here naturally play a cross-age role. It is a model of the combination of Chinese and Western.

Of course, it also succeeded in maximizing the attention of all the men present.

"Brother Ma, don't rob this woman from me."

Xiang Keding swallowed a mouthful of spit, staring intently at the woman on the stage and said.

Xu Tong rolled his eyes at him: "Don't worry, I won't fight with you." After finishing speaking, he pointed to those sitting at the front table.

"But I'm afraid you won't be able to grab it."

Xiang Keding raised his head when he heard the words, his face suddenly became embarrassed.

Seeing that his father Xiang Gongbao opened his mouth wide, his eyes were about to pop out, and he was rubbing his beard with two fingers, and he almost rubbed his beard into hemp rope.

Knowing father Mo Ruozi.

How could Xiang Gongbao not know who his father was? ?

I'm afraid that after tonight, I should change my name to Ba Niang.

Thinking of this, Xiang Ke felt ashamed for a moment, sat down on the chair with a look of sluggishness on his face, picked up the wine glass and drank a lot.

Xu Tong wanted to comfort him, but Xiang Keding didn't know what to think of, so he slapped the table, turned around and left.

Xu Tong was also confused.

But the moment Xiang Keding stood up and left, Xu Tong could feel an unprecedented hostility gushing out of his heart.

The banquet was vigorous and vigorous, and it finally ended in the second half of the night.

Xu Tong helped Ma Qi back home, and after sending Ma Qi into the room, he was planning to go back to the room to rest. As soon as he walked to the yard, he saw old Mr. Wen Yuan standing in the yard waiting for him.


Compared with before, the incensed Mr. Wen Fan looked more real at this time, and his expression no longer gave people a dull feeling like before.

On the contrary, Mr. Wen Fan is more lively at this time, especially when he is sitting on the stool and looking at himself with a smile on his face. The subtle difference may be inconspicuous, but it gives people a completely different feeling.

"Come on, sit down."

Mr. Wen Yuan noticed Xu Tong's forehead, his eyelids trembled a few times, motioned him to sit down, glanced at his forehead, his expression gradually became serious, and he stretched out his hand to wipe Xu Tong's forehead a few times.

I just felt that Mr. Wenyuan's fingers were cold, and he wiped his forehead with his fingers, as if wiping with an ice towel.

After wiping it a few times, Mr. Wen Yuan frowned. Xu Tong could feel his fingertips becoming hot. He was trying to change his fate with incense merits.

Just tried it for a while, but it still didn't work.

"You'd better not go out these few days, hide at home, maybe I can keep you safe."

Mr. Wen Yuan frowned. Xu Tong's fate had changed suddenly. He was just a little house god, and he was far from being able to help him cover it up.

Unless one day he could incarnate as the Yang God, he could only save his life in this small old house.

"It's okay, I already have a way to deal with it in my heart."

Xu Tong waved his hand to indicate that he had a solution, but he didn't say what solution.

When Mr. Wen Yuan saw this, he didn't say anything else, he reached out and took out a dim yellow ball of light and handed it to Xu Tong.

"This is yours. If you have a little less, it may be useful for you to keep it on your body."

According to the rules agreed upon at the beginning, the incense merits will be divided into [-] points, and Xu Tong and Mr. Wen Yuan will share another half.

Although he was a bit dark, Xu Tong didn't intend to be a good person in vain in this matter, after all, what he was throwing down was real money.

Even if he has no concept of money, he can't work hard for half a day by himself, but he can't get enough benefits.

When the sky was getting dark the next day, Xu Tong took a pinch and walked into the gate of the Forbidden Palace before it was about to close.

Ma Qi explained to him last night that he will be on duty in the palace from today, but this time he is no longer a guard of the imperial army, but has become an apprentice of Qin Tianjian under the operation of Ma Qi and Fu Anning.

Although he is an apprentice, to put it bluntly, he is more like a security guard and waiter.

I don't know if Fu Anning did it on purpose, but Fu Anning was assigned to work the night shift on the first day of duty.

In fact, he still wanted to rest for two days to figure out what happened to Lerou, but he couldn't hold back March and knocked on his door early, so he had to go to the palace to be on duty in despair.

Just as she was sighing in her heart, as soon as she reached the gate of Qin Tianjian, she saw Yang Gongjing standing there with a dark face.

Seeing Xu Tong coming, Yang Gongjing glanced at him with a cold face: "Be on duty, remember here, talk less and watch more, what skills you learn depends on your own fate."

After speaking, he took off a waist badge and handed it over: "Some time ago, one of the little eunuchs of the Qin Tianjian got lost. During this time, you should take over his work."

As Yang Gongjing said, she called Li Xi and asked him to take Xu Tong to the Qin Tianjian to take over Xiao Lizi's work.

"Congratulations, Marco."

Li Xi dragged Xu Tong inside, with an indescribably happy expression on his face.

He took Xu Tong for a walk, and explained all these things in Qin Tianjian in detail. In fact, Li Xi blocked most of the work on him.

Xu Tong was left with some lighter tasks.

"Brother Ma, you are on duty tonight. Take the time to sleep in the first half of the night, and you won't be able to sleep again when you hear the golden rooster crowing in the second half of the night. In addition, I have prepared snacks for you."

Li Xi was very well prepared, apparently after learning that Xu Tong was going to come to Qin Tianjian as an apprentice, he started preparing after he finished the news.

The things were ready, Li Xi was about to leave, just took two steps, suddenly remembered something: "Hey, Brother Ma, there are other things to discuss, but you can listen carefully to the first thing. Don't go into the attic, it's the secret scroll room of Qin Tianjian."

Xu Tong looked up and saw a very inconspicuous staircase leading to the roof along the partition wall.

Although I don't know what is on it, but it can be put into the Tantric room, it must not be an ordinary thing.

"What about the second one??"

Xu Tong asked curiously.

Li Xi took his hand and pointed to the scarlet door behind Qin Tianjian: "If there is any movement inside at night, please don't open the door, and don't go in."

Speaking of this, Li Xi lowered his voice: "It is said that it is full of...dirty things. The former Emperor Chong ordered to kill all the female officials in the palace before his death, and all the bodies of those female officials were thrown into it. It is a murderous place. Our little means It may not be able to survive.”

Emperor Chong of the former dynasty saw the country ruined and his family destroyed, and he would rather order that all the court ladies be killed than let these court ladies be abused by the banner people.

Among them were Chongdi's queens, concubines, princesses, etc. After killing them all, they went to the back mountain and committed suicide.

There were too many corpses of those concubines and maids, and those who couldn't be dealt with were all thrown into this yard.

As a result, the courtyard became more and more evil later on, and it was not without reason that Qin Tianjian was built in this position.

In short, the previous disappearance of Xiao Lizi could not be related to this incident. After all, some people said that they seemed to have seen Xiao Lizi wandering in early in the morning, and never came out since then.

Hearing this, Xu Tong took a look through the door through the strange door of his life eye, and at a glance, the place was completely dark, and he couldn't see anything.

"There are really so many evil spirits!"

Xu Tongneng's heart skipped a beat, isn't this a sleepy gift of pillows? He was worrying about how he could continue to improve, and ended up in such a good place? ?

"In short, you must pay attention to it, and don't touch that door unless it is absolutely necessary."

Li Xi reminded him again and again, for fear that this master artist would be bold and rush in to have fun on a whim.

After giving instructions, Li Xi left with peace of mind.

After Li Xi left, special eunuchs and imperial guards locked the gate of the palace one by one in a short while.


The vermilion gate slowly closed, and the entire courtyard gradually became quiet.

Xu Tong was lying on the chair, and after making sure that there was no one outside, he jumped up from the reclining chair as soon as he rolled over.

First glance at the attic above your head.

This place is a treasure trove, but they are not in a hurry to explore it. Instead, they are quite interested in the vermilion door that Li Xi said.

He walked over and glanced inside through the crack of the door, only to see that the inside was overgrown with grass and dilapidated, and it didn't look like someone lived at all.

Seeing this, he tried to knock on the door.

"Boom blah blah..."

The door made a dull roar, and just as the sound fell, a sentence came from inside: "Who is it!"

The voice was very lazy, and it sounded like a woman's voice.

Xu Tong squinted at the crack of the door, only to see that there was nothing behind the crack of the door, but there was a foul smell in the air.

Seeing this, he took half a step back and shouted towards the door: "Open the door, check the water meter!!"

 I feel sick to my stomach today, so let’s start with another chapter.

(End of this chapter)

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