Chapter 370 The Day of the Hundred Ghosts
Xu Tong raised his head slowly, and the princess in front of her was only wearing a green shirt that was visible to the naked eye.

Fair skin, black hair draped vertically over the shoulders like a waterfall, and plump curves make it impossible to connect the beauty in front of her with a female corpse that has been dead for more than 200 years.

The eldest princess held the blood-stained nails in her mouth, although it is a pleasant thing to taste blood when she wakes up.

But the blood of the dead is an exception.

It's like waking up in the morning and a bowl of delicious beef soup is put in front of you, but when you are excitedly sitting at the table and ready to enjoy it, you find that the beef soup is already cold, and you lose your appetite instantly.

The eldest princess resisted the urge to suck the blood of the guy in front of her, at least not yet.

He picked up the chocolate that she threw back and put it into his mouth to suppress the newly revived sense of taste in his mouth.'s ok.

Although the taste of chocolate cannot be compared with hot human blood, but with a rich and silky taste and sweetness, I believe few women will refuse it.

Xu Tong lowered his head slightly, as if he was not surprised by this result. The effect of the fake death pill had already begun to work, and his body had already entered a state of death.

But the amazing thing is that when the body enters the state of suspended animation, he can still maintain the behavior of a normal person. If he insists on saying that there is any difference from when he was alive.

Hmm... That means he doesn't feel any pain anymore, the cut on his neck is still bleeding, and the feeling of dark red blood sticking to his collar makes him feel very uncomfortable.

"Welcome princess!"

The door opened, and the maids came forward and put the prepared clothes on the princess. The long hair was skillfully coiled up by the maids and fixed with gold hairpins.

From the beginning to the end, except for Xiao Lizi, no one noticed Xu Tong standing beside the eldest princess.

Seeing Xu Tong standing behind the eldest princess, except for a cut in his neck, he was standing there safe and sound, and standing beside the eldest princess, what is the situation? To Zhaoan? ?

From the beginning to the end, Xu Tong stood behind the eldest princess, never approached, but never took the opportunity to stay away, but kept a seemingly long distance.

"Sister, didn't you say that you would sleep for more than ten years, why did you suddenly wake up?"

The little girl walked up to the eldest princess, squatted beside the eldest princess, and put her hand on the eldest princess's thigh, with a flattering look, like the golden retriever from the next door.

"It was originally planned like this, but the dragon spirit of the Datong Dynasty is about to be exhausted. It is good to go out for a walk."

The eldest princess lowered her head and pinched the little girl's cheek dotingly, then lifted her head from her neck, hugged her in her arms and played with it: "Did you run out to play again while I was sleeping?" ?”

"No no……"

The little girl denied it again and again, but her voice became smaller and smaller: "It's just that the charm left by that old thing in the Qin Tianjian loosened, and the door opened twice by itself. We just went out to remind them."

"Well, you're so good, I'll reward you with a candy."

The eldest princess pinched the little sister's nose, and when the words fell, Xu Tong had already stepped forward and handed over the chocolate on the plate.

The eldest princess picked one up and threw it into the little sister's mouth, and put her head back together.

"Elder sister, you said that if the Datong Dynasty falls, will this country return to the hands of our Han people?"

"Perhaps, but there will be no new dynasty after the unification. This is Yuan Zhongche's approval document before his death. I don't know the details."

After finishing speaking, the eldest princess glanced at the troubled expression of the third sister: "Don't worry, no matter how much the dynasty changes, this is the ancient and unchanged capital, and God can't punish us here, even if we have caused a great disaster. , and there is no need to worry.”


Third sister nodded, this is true, when that old guy named Yonghuang was still alive, they went out of the palace on the night of Shangyuan Festival and caused a lot of disasters.

The eldest sister even broke into the forbidden palace, scaring Yonghuang half to death.

Colliding with the emperor is equivalent to shaking the fate of the country, not to mention these wandering ghosts, even the Taoist gods of the land will inevitably be beaten to death by the punishment of heaven.

But they hid in the palace, and finally the thunder and lightning just destroyed a few palaces.

No one could do anything to them, but after this incident, Qin Tianjian was moved outside the gate. The old guy gave up 30 years of his life and put a seal on the gate. It will not be so easy to get out from now on.

"Let's go, it's still lively outside, let's go out and join in the fun."

The Eldest Princess is the one who is afraid that the world will not be chaotic, so she raised her hand when she said this, a court lady was about to stretch out her arm to help, but at this moment, a hand took the first step and gently took the Eldest Princess's little hand.


Seeing that her job was taken away by others, the court lady glared at this new face with rounded eyes.

But Xu Tong directly ignored her displeased little eyes, and supported the eldest princess with a smile on his face: "There are many people in this palace, let me accompany you to identify and identify the princess."

The eldest princess glanced at him, and nodded with a half-smile.

Now the surrounding maids became honest immediately, the eldest princess nodded, and they didn't dare to make a mistake, and Xiao Lizi who followed was almost crying.

I thought to myself, I am familiar with the palace too, why am I being beaten every day when I come here.

Fortunately, Xu Tong did not forget him, and glanced back at Xiao Lizi: "Xiao Lizi, hold this thing, don't let it go."

As soon as Xu Tong called him, Xiao Lizi cheered up, and trotted all the way to follow, took the box for Xu Tong, and followed behind.


The door that had been silent for many years was slowly opened.

Looking at the messy books in front of him, Fu Anning's eyes gradually became hot, and he walked quickly to the bookshelf to search.

Having been a supervisor for so many years, what he really wanted was hidden here, hanging above his head, but he could only stare blankly at it.

Qin Tianjian set the rules early in the morning, even if the supervisor wants to retrieve the above information, he must go through at least one supervisor present.

There are two keys, positive and negative, both of which are indispensable, one of which is in his own hand, and only the three assistant supervisors know who has the other key.

Moreover, the documents and materials to be consulted require the approval of the emperor.

It is under these damn restrictions that I have wasted so many years in this ghost place.

Fortunately, although Yang Gongjing was not killed last time, but this time the palace was in chaos, he took advantage of the chaos to kill Yang Gongjing, and the rebels would only be held accountable in the end.

I got the key, and no one can stop me from entering or leaving this place.

Next, I just need to plan carefully, how to draw out the last dragon vein and take away the dragon vein, and everything will be done.

Thinking of this, Fu Anning felt extraordinarily comfortable, with a sense of understanding.

But just when Fu Anning was about to rummage through to find what he wanted.

A strong rancid smell hit the air, making Fu Anning's hands freeze in mid-air.

"not good!"

After finishing speaking, Fu Anning's figure flashed, and the next moment he appeared downstairs.

But when he saw the vermilion door that was pushed open, Fu Anning's expression turned ugly instantly: "Damn it, why is it at this time."

Billows of black mist poured out from the gate, followed by those palace maids who were wearing the costumes of the former court unexpectedly came out.

It's not dark yet, and these evil spirits are actually appearing out of thin air in broad daylight!
"Presumptuous, get the hell out of here!"

Even though Fu Anning was not loyal to Qin Tianjian or Datong, he knew in his heart that if he really wanted to let the things inside come out, he would also be finished.

There was an extra piece of talisman paper on the tip of the finger, and with Fu Anning's angry shout, the talisman paper turned into golden fire, and the moment Fu Anning threw it out, a thunderbolt struck the ground, instantly smashing the maids into ashes.

It's just that this didn't end. Inside the gate, a white and thin palm stuck out and reached out to grab Fu Anning.

The slender nails on the fingertips turned into twists and turned into bloody mouths, gnawing down on Fu Anning.


Fu Anning's pupils tightened, and he moved forward instead of retreating. The official uniform on his body was shining brightly, and the peacock on it seemed to come to life. The feathers behind him trembled, and red clouds lit up the bloody mouths in front of him. stand up.

"Hahahaha, a third-rank official of the Qintian Supervisor, even ghosts and gods would have to walk around in the past, but now there is only this little official power left, it's really pitiful."

The palm behind the gate slowly retracted, but there were bursts of taunting sounds from across the gate.

In the heyday of the Datong Dynasty, the official aura of officials represented the fate of the country.

Even if it is seen by ghosts and ghosts, you have to go around.'s so far away.

"Even if the fate of the country is declining, it is more than enough to deal with a subjugated soul like you."

Fu Anning shook the patch on her chest clothes, and sneered.

"Princess, it's him. He is Zhengfu Anning, the supervisor of Qin Tianjian, who is in charge of blocking you here."

Xu Tong stood beside the eldest princess and said.

"This old guy is thinking about how to seal this door forever, and he also said... he also said that sooner or later, you and these remnants of the previous dynasty will be drawn out and lit, so that they will not be reborn."

"This old guy is courting death!"

Before the eldest princess could respond, the little sister and the third sister beside her were about to explode in anger. The country was ruined and the family was destroyed. After all, it was the scars in their hearts. How could they bear it if they were exposed like this.

Immediately rushed out.

The Eldest Princess didn't stop her, she just glanced at Xu Tong and said, "Why do you have any grudges?"

"Blood feud!"

Xu Tong gritted his teeth and nodded: "This old thief killed me!"

Do you have any grudges against Fu Anning?
Is there?have it?At least he couldn't explain how this old fellow Fu Anning came back from the Hall of Supreme Harmony.

No? ?After eating the fake death pill by himself, he couldn't use the abilities in the item book for the time being, and couldn't use the eye of fate to see the details of this old guy.

Maybe it was someone's luck, and they escaped with shit luck.

But these are not important, what is important is that the eldest princess has a grudge against him.


The eldest princess nodded with a half-smile, lowered her head and put her ear next to Xu Tong's: "So, he taught you the method of feigning death?"

(End of this chapter)

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