Infinite script kill

Chapter 371 A bit of a loss...

Chapter 371 A bit of a loss...

Xu Tong froze for a moment, this sentence completely surprised him.

The eldest princess continued: "Do you know why I don't like the blood of the dead? Because their blood has a very strange smell. It is the smell that the body repels the soul after death. Your blood does not have this smell. "

The eldest princess narrowed her eyes into crescent moons, as if she was expecting to see a look of fear on this face.

However, to the princess's disappointment, when she pierced the layer of window paper, Xu Tong's face did not show the expression she expected.

On the contrary, it was more like letting out a long breath and relaxing all of a sudden.

"Then is it too late for me to beg for mercy?"

"Give me a reason not to kill you."

"I am handsome!"

The eldest princess nodded without denying it. After all, Ma Hongwen looked really good, with a high nose, big eyes, and thick lips.

Just this answer is obviously not enough.

Seeing the playful eyes of the eldest princess, Xu Tong could only helplessly spread his hands: "Then I really don't know what value I have to make you let me go."

"Don't rush to deny it, you will have it!"

The eldest princess stretched out her hand and patted Xu Tong's shoulder lightly, said with a half-smile, and pulled him out of the gate.

At the moment outside the gate, Fu Anning was caught between two women, but it was obviously not a happy thing.

Fu Anning's strength was unfathomable, and when Xu Tong saw this guy's methods, his guess was instantly confirmed.

Although there are many places that are still difficult to explain.

But this guy couldn't retain his strength at all under the attack of Xiaomei and Sanmei.

Between fiction and reality, the technique is unpredictable, and one against two is not at a disadvantage at all, and even the official uniform on his body is shining brightly.

The national strength is weak, but the official prestige is still there. The scary thing about the great masters is that they can create things out of thin air and turn them into reality.

But the two female ghosts in front of them are obviously not easy to provoke.

It's a pity that Xu Tong can't use the item book now, otherwise he can use the eye of fate to see what state these two are in.

When the eldest princess came out of the door, Fu Anning's expression changed drastically, and she stared straight at her.

"Impossible, who are you!!"

As a grand master, Fu Anning can naturally see things that ordinary people can't see. The woman in front of her is obviously not human, but when she walked out, the terrifying aura made all the gossip around her gossip in a mess .

It seems that there is something around the woman that is disturbing the order of Yin and Yang in the universe.

What's even more frightening is that he actually saw the dragon's aura on the woman's body.

"What kind of monster is this!!"

At this moment of distraction, the little girl had already sneaked behind Fu Anning, and raised the bone spur in her hand to strike at it. When Fu Anning realized something was wrong, she didn't panic at all, and slapped her palm on her chest.

I saw the crane on the patch of the official uniform flew out, and grabbed the little girl's forehead with its bright red claws.

But what Xian He and Fu Anning didn't expect was that the little girl's head was separated from her body at this moment, holding a ghost knife in both hands, she aimed at Fu Anning and stabbed fiercely, and this backstab landed.


Fu Anning dodged sideways, but he was slow after all, and was still pierced through the shoulder by the ghost knife. Under the pain, he could only slap the little girl behind him in time.


The third sister jumped forward, her limbs were like big spiders, she hugged Fu Anning tightly, opened her mouth and sucked hard at the wound.

The blood of the great master, the power contained in it is an excellent tonic.

However, after this bite, he actually sucked a loneliness.

Looking again, there was only a piece of skin left in Fu Anning's arms. Before she could recover, a rainbow of blood slammed on Sanmei's body.

"court death!"

Fu Anning's face emerged from the bloody light, with a stern murderous look in his eyes, he used blood to draw talismans, and the talismans condensed in mid-air without dispersing, igniting golden clouds and gossip.

"Ah!! Big sister save me!"

The third sister was illuminated by the firelight of the talisman, and the well-behaved beauty turned into a skeleton.

However... the eldest princess did not do anything.

After watching the third sister turn into ashes under the light of the talisman, she let out a sigh: "This may be your doom."

Xu Tong felt a chill in his heart, even if he could guess it, Fu Anning must have a trick, and even deliberately sold a loophole to wait for the eldest princess to make a move.

But she actually chose to turn a blind eye at this moment, and afterward, she even brought it up with a fluffy doom. This is the first time Xu Tong has seen it for the sake of being cold-blooded.

But after thinking about it carefully, I feel that this is not an accident. After all, I have learned from the mural that this woman's life seems to have no emotion in her eyes except for herself.

The third princess is probably just a dead soul brought back by her to relieve her loneliness. In her eyes, she is not even considered a tool.

In fact, Fu Anning was also very surprised. After looking back at this woman, he grabbed his skin and planned to leave this place of right and wrong, but... he hadn't had time to find what he wanted.

But Fu Anning couldn't care about that much anymore, the woman gave him only two words.


Seeing that Fu Anning was about to run away, the eldest princess finally said, "You can leave if you want to, but I like this skin very much, so give it to me."

While speaking, Xu Tong obviously felt that the time around him suddenly stopped, and immediately after he saw around the princess, the world began to distort obviously.

Between fiction and reality! !
This should be the unique power of Grand Masters and above, but when a female ghost uses it, it gives people an even weirder power. A black ripple rises, turning all the surrounding powers upside down.

Xu Tong even felt that the power of the feign death pill in his body was being forcibly reversed, and the wound on his neck even felt a faint tingling sensation.


Amidst the surging blood mist, Fu Anning finally couldn't bear this terrifying force. He tried to use the gossip escape technique to leave, but the yin and yang directions in front of him were all confused, and one foot fell on the ground, as if stepping into the endless hell in an instant , There was a sea of ​​blood in front of Shura.

Going any further is a dead end!

"Give you!"

When she realized that if the other party really made a move, she might have to stay here forever, Fu Anning was finally afraid.

He remembered that his father once said that the things in this door are very evil, so don't provoke them rashly.

It's just that at that time he only felt that his father was too weak, but now he understands that the horror of this woman has gone beyond the scope of a great master.

The most troublesome thing is that she is not a living person, and her lifespan is almost equal to eternity. Maybe one day, she can really be like the immortals in the myth.

Gritting his teeth, he threw out the human skin in his hand.

The eldest princess didn't make things difficult for him. After taking the human skin, she restrained her strength and let him go.

Holding the human skin in her hand, the eldest princess shook her hand a few times as if she had gotten a new dress: "You are a student of Qin Tianjian, and from today onwards, I will be your immediate boss. "

After speaking, he actually tore off the clothes on his body, and put this piece of human skin on his body.

"Ahem, you don't plan to go back??"

Xu Tong looked at the brand-new Fu Anning in front of him, and began to murmur in his heart, if this girl doesn't go back to lie down, is she going to take Fu Anning's class?

"Do you think that if I go back, you can run?"

The eldest princess looked back at him.

"No, I think it's more promising to work under your command. After all, you need a competent subordinate to help you with things, and I'm definitely the best choice."

"It is indeed the best choice. Go back and tell Taoist Xunlong that we will share the dragon veins of Datong equally, and you have to report every day."

"You can run if you want, just don't let me catch you."

The eldest princess pointed to Xu Tong's shoulder.

Xu Tong saw that there was indeed an extra handprint on his shoulder. Although he couldn't check his status through the item book, it was not difficult to guess from the words of the eldest princess that this thing should have the effect of a tracker.

His complexion suddenly became ugly, not because of this handprint.

But he was obviously put on by Taoist Xunlong.

Feign Dan!Hehe, damn it, this old guy is really bad!

"Let's go, there is a lot of fighting ahead, let's go and have a look."

The eldest princess raised her head to look at the sky, she could obviously also see the so-called luck dispute, which obviously also ignited her curiosity.

After finishing speaking, he still did not forget to say to the little girl who just picked up the head behind him: "Are you hungry, go find something to eat by yourself, and come back before the sun sets."

The little girl put her head on her neck and looked back at the third sister who had turned into ashes on the ground, feeling sad in her heart, but upon hearing this sentence, the little girl's eyes suddenly had a different look.

He nodded and led the maids behind him into a gust of wind, rushing into the palace in one swift motion, looking for delicious prey.

"Bang bang bang..."

The Shenji Battalion, the Eight Banners Battalion, and the Qianfeng Battalion are already fighting in full swing.

The ministers obviously didn't know how to stand in line at this time. If Xiang Gongbao suddenly jumped back, the overall advantage was naturally in the hands of the Empress Dowager Shengci.

But right after Prince Gong brought people to kill him, anyone with a discerning eye could tell that Prince Gong was here to pick peaches.

But in the final analysis, no matter what the final result is, this is the family matter of the emperor's family, and no matter how you stand in line at this time, you may not be able to get it right.

The three parties fought together, and the focus was naturally on the gang of new school students who made trouble.

The Emperor's Shenji Battalion was no match for it, Xiang Gongbao and Ma Qi's Imperial Guards, together with Prince Gong's personal guards, suffered heavy casualties.

However, even so, the imperial army will have nothing to do with these helpless new school students for a while.

Because there is still a big sword Wang Wu in the middle, and a big sword is rampant.

Whether it was firearms or steam guns, they couldn't pose any threat to Wang Wu at all.

The big knife, which seemed to give people a heavy weight, seemed to have no feathers of any weight in Wang Wu's hand.

Wherever he passed, blood flowed like a river, and there was almost no enemy.

If it weren't for the great master who needed to protect the group of students behind him, he might have already successfully escaped by now.

Xu Tong watched from a distance the force that Wang Wu's blade burst out at the moment it flashed by, and unconsciously brought himself in, trying to think whether he could hold the blade.

However, soon, Xu Tong got a result that made him feel cold all over his body. Even if he used the power of the Dark Lord to push Bai Shankou with all his strength, it seemed that he was no match at all.

The knife in Wang Wu's hand gives people the feeling that it is overwhelming and overwhelming.


The Eldest Princess and Xu Tong felt completely different. The scarlet tongue licked the corner of her lips: "There are very few people in the world who can enter the Grand Master with the sword technique, but it can only go so far."

"Could it be... is there anything else to say here??"

Xu Tong asked curiously.

The Eldest Princess seemed to be in a good mood, and glanced at Xu Tong: "Yes, Dao and Fa can understand the profound, and the focus is on the last mysterious word. There is Tao first, and then there is Dharma. Both of them are connected, and you are still far away. But you still have a chance, although his saber technique is close to Dao, but he has no way, can't understand both, and finally can only stop at this step."

Xu Tong thought to himself, he could understand the first three words, but how should he explain the word Xuan in the end? ?

Just when Xu Tong was thinking about what is Xuan and how to interpret the word Xuan.

Suddenly, a reminder sounded from the item book.

[Main Mission 2: Rescue Wangtan]

As the leader of the new school, Wang Tan, who has returned from studying in the West, has seen with his own eyes the tall buildings, powerful weapons, and advanced ideological constitutions abroad. Apart from envy, he is also ashamed of the old style of the Datong Dynasty. Although the reform he presided over The way is too extreme, but it also opened a corner of the wave of the new era.

Mission objective: Take Wang Tan out of the capital.

Task time: within 10 hours.

Looking at the main task that suddenly appeared, Xu Tong felt a little troubled. Looking at these people who were protected layer by layer by those new disciples, it would be difficult for him to rush in now, let alone save people in full view.

What's more, I'm still in a state of suspended animation, all the abilities of the item cards can't be used, and Da Ya and the others are not around, which makes me think too highly of myself to save people in full view.

One must know that a great master like Wang Wu has not been able to bring people out, so can he be better than Wang Wu?

Thinking of this, Xu Tong raised his head and glanced at the eldest princess beside him.

"Is something wrong?"

Sensing Xu Tong's eyes looking at her, the eldest princess squinted her eyes and asked.

"I need to save someone."

"Yes, but to save one is to kill one."

"Kill who?"

The eldest princess held her chin with one hand and turned to look at Xu Tong.

"Well, I suddenly don't think he's that important."

Xu Tong silently took a step back.

Although he knew that the princess in front of him wanted to kill him, which was as simple as crushing an ant, but keeping a distance from her would give him a little sense of security psychologically.

"Who to kill... I haven't thought about it. It can be your parents or your friends. As long as you are willing to pay the price, I will help you."

"Could there be another way?"


Xu Tong straightened his clothes and messy hair: "Actually, the doctor told me that I have a bad stomach and can only eat soft food since I was a child. I think I can sacrifice my appearance."

After speaking, Xu Tong glanced at the princess's chest, and couldn't help complaining in his heart: "It's a bit of a loss..."

(End of this chapter)

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