Chapter 373

"I'll talk about the politeness later, how do we go out now!"

Wang Tan interrupted the two to continue the courteous conversation, and his expression was not optimistic about the future.

Now that the gate of the palace is closed, just because they want to force their way out is simply a dream.

Once the chasing soldiers came to kill them, they still couldn't escape death.

But fortunately, the princess kept her promise.

As soon as Wang Tan finished speaking, he heard a burst of laughter from above his head: "The elder sister said, let me take you out."

Xu Tong took a closer look, and the girl who was called the little sister by the eldest princess appeared on the beam at some unknown time.


Seeing this, Wang Wu stared wide-eyed, and raised the big knife in his hand to strike at it, but Xu Tong hurriedly stopped him: "Don't do it, she is here to help us."

"Help us??"

Wang Wuyi frowned, looking at the half-eaten human heart in the girl's hand, he naturally couldn't believe that such a monster would come to help them.

"Yes, don't care what she is, believe me, she is indeed here to help us."

Xu Tong hurriedly explained.

"Wang Wu, stop arguing, listen to this little brother, we have reached this point now, there is no difference, as long as we can escape."

Wang Tan came out with the support of the crowd, and said to Wang Wu.

"That's about the same!" The little girl grinned and jumped off the beam: "Come with me."

As he spoke, he walked ahead to open the way.

Speaking of which, the Forbidden Palace was heavily guarded, but at this moment, Wang Tan and the others were able to go all the way unimpeded, and what was even more surprising was that there were no pursuers.

This can't help but make Wang Wu and the others feel a little unbelievable.

But if you think about it carefully, you will be relieved. The Hall of Supreme Harmony is in chaos. Most of the imperial guards must have rushed to the Hall of Supreme Harmony. The guards left behind may not be enough for my little sister and the former ghosts. Woolen cloth.

As for the chasing soldiers, a small cover-up is enough. For ghosts like the little girl and the others, it's all a matter of moving their fingers.

After passing through an inconspicuous palace wall, the little girl pointed to the puddle below: "You can get out from here."


Wang Tan and the others looked at each other, staring at Shuitan without saying a word.

This is obviously a drain in the palace. Logically speaking, the drain is often connected to the moat outside.

However, the river channels for the drainage of the huge Forbidden Palace are all specially designed, and it is impossible for people to get in and out easily.

Although this waterway is remote at the moment, it should be designed in this way. If you can't get out and get blocked by pursuers instead, even with Wang Wu's great ability, you can't escape death.

Xu Tong naturally saw the scruples in Wang Tan and others' hearts, but he believed what the little girl said, after all, this place belonged to them before the Datong Dynasty.

So after waving his hand to the younger sister to thank him, he jumped into the waterway first, and then followed the waterway to get into the culvert under the palace wall.

Sure enough, as the little girl said, after passing through the culvert, there is a moat. As long as you climb up from the moat, you will be in the Mingzhaofang area of ​​the capital. The streets there are complicated, and it is very difficult for officers and soldiers to hunt down.

After Wang Tan and the others crawled out of the water, they looked back at the huge Forbidden City, burst into tears, and knelt on the ground: "We are the ones who harmed the emperor and failed the holy grace."

After this battle, the emperor will definitely become the target of the Empress Dowager Shengci, not only the New Deal will be destroyed, but the country will no longer have a clear leader.

"They are the two lackeys of the Xiang family and the Ma family. We will definitely tear their corpses into pieces and cramp their skin!"

"Yes, if it wasn't for their betrayal, that old hag, Shengci, would have been placed under house arrest a long time ago. The world's soldiers and horses are in our hands, and the revival of Datong is just around the corner."

When everyone mentioned the Xiang family, their teeth itch with hatred.

Xu Tong stood aside and shook his head, not because he was March's son, but because he felt that these nerds were really ignorant.

I read their so-called New Deal in the newspaper.

It can only be evaluated in four words, it is stupid.

It is copied completely according to the Western pattern, without taking into account the national conditions at all. For example, the abolition of the imperial examination almost cut off the advancement of scholars all over the world, and even offended the entire civil official group.

It is also necessary to reorganize the army, abolish the support of the Eight Banners' children, and use the money wisely to build a new army. This will offend both the bannermen and the military.

Is it wrong to say that their thinking is wrong?
But it is not in line with the national conditions. There are too many entanglements of interests in it. It is not possible to re-establish a new order just by cutting the mess with a quick knife.

It's like you can't just have your heart removed because of a heart attack.

It can only be said that they think things too idealistically.

Xu Tong suddenly remembered that Mr. Wen Yuan had warned him not to mix with these new school students.

He must have noticed that they were doing this early in the morning, and it was bound to cause big trouble.

Even if it is explained by conspiracy theory, the Empress Dowager Shengci may not have planned to decentralize power from the beginning, allowing the emperor to make trouble with the new school students.

When the emperor has offended all the civil and military officials, he will go out and clean up the mess. He can not only gain the support of the civil and military officials, but also continue to monopolize power in a legitimate manner.

Of course, everything is his own conjecture, and Xu Tong has no way to explain the specific situation.

"Let's go, before the officers and soldiers react, we'd better get out of the city quickly."

What happened in the Palace of Supreme Harmony today was so sudden that the outside world didn't even know what happened.

So it is best to leave now, if you miss this time, it will be difficult to leave.

Wang Tan nodded. He was alone, so it was easy for him to leave, but it was not so easy for others to leave. They had to seize the time and leave quickly with their wives and children.

After the crowd dispersed like birds and beasts, Xu Tong took Wang Tan and the others to leave the capital through the east gate in disguise.

"There is no way to repay the hero's great kindness today, and I haven't asked the hero's name."

Wang Wu asked Xu Tong.

"Li Bo!"

Of course Xu Tong would not tell Wang Wu and his father Ma Qi.

In that way, I believe that the kind and amiable Wang Wu in front of me will instantly let himself understand what is dangerous in the world.

"Li Bo! Good name, Gujing Wubo, chivalrous and courageous, I, Wang Wu, will remember it."

Wang Wu took out a piece of uncut jade from his arms and handed it to Xu Tong: "This is a precious jade I got in the early years, and it is also because of this precious jade that I am lucky enough to be here today. This thing is useless to me, so I gave it to Brother Li." , please don’t refuse.”

Xu Tong's eyes were shining, how could he refuse.

From the words of the eldest princess, it is not difficult to know that Wang Wu is just a warrior who doesn't know how to practice at all, but he has become a grand master by accident.

This is not something that can be achieved by relying on talent and perseverance. If you listen to Wang Wu's words, the problem may lie in this uncut jade.

"Then I won't refuse."

Xu Tong took the jade and bowed his hands towards Wang Wu, Wang Tan and the others: "Everyone, if the green mountains don't change, the green waters will flow forever, so farewell!"


Wang Tan cupped his hands symbolically, and after bidding farewell to Xu Tong, he pulled Wang Wu away from this land of right and wrong.

After the two left, Xu Tong also received the news that the main task 2 was completed.

Picking up the uncut jade that Wang Wu gave to him just now, he put it in his hand and looked at it, only to feel that it gave people a warm feeling in the palm of his hand.

This thing has not been carved, Wang Wu just punched a hole in it, and put a rope on it for easy carrying.

Xu Tong played with it for a while and threw it into the item book.

【Yuanyang Taishan Marrow】

It is rumored that it is a piece of uncut jade formed from the essence of heaven and earth on Mount Tai for a long time. Uncut jade is not yet ready for use, but it has the ability to warm and nourish the soul.

Players can carry it with them to get a 15% increase in all attributes (there is a risk of being plundered)
(Note: This item can be upgraded, but requires a master-level engraver.)
When Xu Tong saw the entry for this thing, he couldn't help but smile knowingly, as if he had found a treasure.

15% increase in all attributes, this is a good thing that can be met but not sought after.

The most important thing is to continue to upgrade.

But what the hell is a master-level carver? Could it be possible that there is still a certain jade carving master whose craftsmanship has reached the level of a great master?

Carving jade can reach the Grand Master?What about carpentry?

Xu Tong remembered that he still had a money model in his props book. Does it mean that he needs to find a carpenter at the level of a master if he wants to restore that thing? ?
Thinking of this, he couldn't help laughing, if that's the case, wouldn't Grandmaster be a bad street.

Just as he was thinking about it, a burst of laughter came from behind him: "Good thing, this thing was made in heaven and earth, it can be called perfect, but unfortunately, it is so perfect that no craftsman in this world can carve it."

Hearing this, Xu Tong's face sank immediately, he tilted his head and looked behind him, and sure enough, he saw a thatched hut in the woods not far behind him.

Under the thatched hut, there was an altar, which was already filled with food, and a jug of old wine was still heating up.

Taoist Xunlong was sitting inside and looked at Xu Tong with a smile, as if he had been waiting for a long time.

This grandson thief!
Xu Tong clenched his fists, lowered his head and walked up slowly, and came to Taoist Xunlong.

slowly raised his head,

But the smile on his face was extraordinarily bright: "The old god is the old god. Without you this time, I'm afraid I will stay in the palace and become the son-in-law of the female ghost."

(End of this chapter)

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