Infinite script kill

Chapter 374 I'm Not Happy!

Chapter 374 I'm Not Happy! (third change)

To stay in the palace as a son-in-law is a beautiful statement.

If he really became a son-in-law, I'm afraid he won't be able to come back now. Xu Tong knew very well that he was being used by this old thief. Although he was angry in his heart, he only complained lightly.

A big princess is so powerful, what kind of means does Taoist Xunlong have? It is conceivable that Sapo throwing the table is a child's temper.

Especially when the strength of the opponent far surpasses him, this is not a wise choice. If he annoys the opponent, not only will he have no good fruit to eat, but even the last bit of value will be lost.

After all, outside the house, others are not as easy to talk to as parents.

Taoist Xunlong could naturally hear Xu Tong's complaints, and he grinned, revealing his neat and white teeth.

Pour a glass of wine for Xu Tong, and signal him not to be impatient.

"If you are willing to let you come back, it means that the person in the palace has agreed."

Xu Tong drank a cup of hot wine and continued to listen quietly.

This day of Lidong is terribly cold.

But the place that Taoist Xunlong was looking for happened to be leeward on all sides, and the sun was still shining here, giving people a warm feeling.

Take another sip of warm hot wine, and instantly feel extremely comfortable all over your body.

"The Datong Dynasty rose from outside the customs. After more than 200 years, it has lost all luck today. We old guys go down the mountain and walk around, just for one thing."

"Dragon vein?"

Xu Tong remembered that the eldest princess mentioned it to her other two sisters after she woke up.

"Yes! Dragon veins."

Taoist Xunlong nodded: "With the dragon veins, we have the possibility to go further. This kind of good thing was not our turn, but now there are new variables, so we moved our minds."

Xu Tong picked up a chicken leg and gnawed it in his mouth. The taste of the chicken leg was good, and it was definitely a green and healthy big stupid chicken.

After drinking a glass of warm wine, he asked, "What does this have to do with me?"

I don't cultivate Taoism or immortality, you cultivate in the sky, I cultivate underground, we don't stand next to each other.

"It has nothing to do with you, but it has something to do with it."

Taoist Xunlong squinted his eyes to look at Xu Tong up and down, those eyes seemed to see Xu Tong from top to bottom.

Xu Tong put down his wine glass and looked at the old man with displeasure.

Obviously this feeling is not comfortable.

"Hey, after taking the Feign Death Pill, the evil energy in your body will disappear. I can see it more clearly."

Xu Tong was taken aback, remembering that he was in a state of suspended animation, and all the item cards in the item book were in a gray state.

Without the blessing of the item card, he is now like a girl without clothes, with her thighs spread apart, naked in front of the old Taoist.

No wonder the old man stared at him with such lewd eyes.

"Don't be nervous, you should understand that I have no malicious intentions."

After taking a sip from the wine glass with a smile, the old Taoist found that the wine in the glass was already cold, so he poured it on. Before the wine had time to spill on the ground, a heavy rain suddenly fell from the sky.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa..."

This is winter, and it is the dry season. Suddenly, a heavy rain poured down without end. The two people in the thatched shed did not speak a word, watching the rain silently, drinking warm wine, eating side dishes, and having a mood.

The only imperfection is that the person sitting in front of him is Taoist Xunlong, a bad old man.

I only heard Taoist Xunlong continue to say: "Plum Blossom Zhouyi, Three Teachings and Nine Streams, Yinxing Meizhuang, Northeast Horse Fairy, young man, what you have learned is quite complicated, but there are many but not good. A deal, you help me, the old man, and I will help you too."

"How to help??"

Xu Tong frowned slightly, meaning two things in one sentence.

how can I help you?how can you help me

"Simple, Xiang Gongbao has a special personality. He has the image of a carp jumping over the dragon's gate. He is a lucky man. Your Ma family not only needs to support him and proclaim him emperor, but you also need you to secretly protect him until the day you proclaim him emperor."

Xu Tong picked up the wine glass and continued to drink, but he was thinking secretly, how could this be different from the script he knew.

I have seen the direction of the script, and the Xiang family did reverse in the end, but the time is two years later.

But according to Taoist Xunlong, it seems that he can't wait for two years.

"You have great powers over such a trivial matter. Why do you need me to flick your fingers?" Xu Tong picked up the fish on the table again and ate it directly in his mouth.

Taoist Xunlong shook his head, and said with a mysterious smile: "We can't directly intervene. Intervention is to influence the rise and fall of the dynasty. I can't bear the cause and effect of this old bone."

Xu Tong understood now, I dare say you both want to eat peaches but don't want to plant trees.

So this is to find someone who will plant trees for you.

"Discover side mission 3: [Seize the Dragon] Accept?"

Mission description: Datong's vigor is almost exhausted, but there is still a breath left, and the battle to seize the dragon officially begins.

Mission Objective: Protect Xiang Kung Pao
Task time: two months
(Note: This task has a high risk, please carefully consider whether to accept it, once the acceptance of the task fails, the main task will also be judged as a failure).

At this time, Xu Tong also received a mission prompt from the item book.

As I guessed before, the difficulty of this script is not high, but the conflicts in the plot will become more and more intense as time goes on, so the risks of side missions will become stronger every time, but the corresponding main missions will be much simpler.

"So, how long do I need protection?" Xu Tong asked the last sentence knowingly.

Taoist Xunlong held up two fingers: "Two months, just when the old and the new are changing, it is an auspicious day for the zodiac."

"Then what are you going to do to help me?"

"Help you break through the grand master!"

Hearing this, Xu Tong frowned slightly, obviously he couldn't refuse this temptation.

Once he became a grand master, he could quickly become a certified player in the shortest time by relying on the Mountain Blessing button.

If you want to let yourself grope to climb up step by step, if you are unlucky, you may need to go through at least two to three script worlds to complete this step.

Taoist Dragon Xun certainly didn't know this, but he was confident that no one could refuse such a bait.

The temptation of these three words, Grand Master, is too strong.

Even though it has not yet entered the Dharma-ending era, the number of great masters has become increasingly scarce.

It is said that at the end of the Yuan Dynasty, the number of great masters was only in the official records, ranging from hundreds of people.

And there are countless great masters who have not been officially recorded.

Up to now, there are very few great masters, and those who can be officially recorded may not even have a double digit.

As for the number of those that are not recorded in the book, Taoist Xunlong is not sure, but what is certain is that there will never be more than ten.

This in itself is a characteristic of the decline of the world's vitality, and the next step is the age of the end of the Dharma. I believe that by that time, the word "Great Master" will become a legend, or even withdraw from the stage of history.

Just as Taoist Xunlong expected, Xu Tong drank the wine in his cup and happily chose to accept this task.

He had no choice at all.

Do you dare to say, after refusing, can Taoist Xunlong let himself survive?
Ever since Taoist Xunlong was waiting for him here, he had already been tied to this broken boat.

Perhaps this in itself is a way of spatial balance. Having obtained the identity of wealth and power, it will naturally be crowned with risks and responsibilities that need to be borne.

"Then how can I become a great master? You don't always draw a big cake for me first, let me go back to dream, right?"

Xu Tong squinted his eyes and asked.

Xunlong Taoist unhurriedly took out a box from his arms and threw it to him.

Inside the box was a pill sealed with wax, and a piece of parchment.

"Longhu Mountain's Righteous Qi Haoran Pill, this thing is a stepping stone to break through the Grand Master for others, and it is no less than a deadly poison for you, but on the day of capturing the dragon, the world will be turned upside down, you can place twelve pills according to this picture. Candles, recite the mantra silently, and then take this elixir, and you will be safe and sound to become a grand master."

"Thank you, old fairy!"

Xu Tong looked at Dan Wan, his eyes became greedy.

"Of course you can, go back, but from today onwards, you have to go to the palace from time to time. If the man in the palace has something to say, you can write it on a piece of yellow paper, find a place near the southwest corner, and burn it. Just read the name of my Taoist Dragon Xun."

Taoist Xunlong said, and stood up unsteadily, at this moment the heavy rain outside had stopped.

"and many more!"

Xu Tong called Taoist Xunlong to stop.


"I forgot to tell you. The one in the palace agreed to join forces with you, but she said that the dragon veins belong to their family. If you are willing to be a helper, she is also willing to share your dragon spirit."

Taoist Xunlong slowed down when he heard the words, the foot was lifted in the air and did not fall down, Xu Tong couldn't see the expression of Taoist Xunlong, he could only watch his back slightly slow down.

After a while, Taoist Xunlong said lightly: "Understood."

It was a very flat voice, and people couldn't hear the joy and anger in it.

But Xu Tong didn't care about this, he pinched the pill with his fingers, looked at this inconspicuous little thing, and his greedy desire was unabashedly revealed on his face.

But what he was looking forward to in his heart was not just such a small sweetness.

Tilting his head to look in the direction where Taoist Xunlong left, his black and white eyes revealed a long-lost cunning, and shook his head for a moment: "Old guy, anyone can get the dragon's veins, but you can't."


I am not happy!
 There are two more tonight

(End of this chapter)

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