Infinite script kill

Chapter 375 The Eagle Dog

Chapter 375 Eagle Dog
Xu Tong went home and changed into new clothes. Seeing that he came back so early today, Grandma couldn't help scolding him a few words.

He just smiled at this, and didn't tell the grandma that the court was in chaos now, and that he had just sent the rebel thieves away and left work early.

Ordinarily, he had just returned from a trip to the gate of hell, so if he was alone, he should hide at home.

But Xu Tong didn't think so. On the way home, he saw many officers and soldiers on the street. It is estimated that the turmoil in the court has entered the final stage at this time.

It doesn't matter who wins, but those new students must be the loser, which is bound to set off a massacre.

I don't care about the life and death of these new school students. There are too many people dying every day in this world. Even if I am the merciful Avalokitesvara, I can't take care of so many things.

not to mention……

He is not.

Seeing that he was about to go out, Le Rou followed him up, "Master, I have stayed at home for so long, and I also want to go out for a walk."

Xu Tong didn't refuse when he heard the words, but just took Le Rou's little hand: "Then you have to take a good look at what this hell on earth looks like."

Lerou didn't know why, so she nodded blankly and followed Xu Tong out of the door.

As a result, the gate had just opened, and the street was already in chaos.

The common people didn't know what happened, they could only see the officials from the Patrol Battalion, Qianfeng Battalion, and Yingtianfu Yamen searching for something everywhere.

When the common people see official posts, they are instinctively afraid, and instinctively want to go home. It seems that no matter what the chaos outside looks like, home is the only haven.

"Young Master, let's go back, we're not afraid of [-], just in case..."

Looking at the messy scene on the street in front of her, Le Rou couldn't help feeling a little scared.

"Go back?? What are you going back for? Let me take you out for a walk!"

Xu Tong casually threw the orange into his mouth.

Le Rou is about to walk down the street, which frightens Le Rou.

It's not a joke to rush out in a mess, in case something goes wrong.

But Xu Tong didn't care about this. On the contrary, he was more worried about the porridge shed opened by Beston and Huo Wuji.

The more at this time, the more he can't make mistakes in his porridge factory business.

Taoist Dragon Seeker, Eldest Princess, and these people's methods have exceeded my imagination.

At their level, almost everything in the world cannot escape their eyes.

Taoist Xunlong gave himself a fake death pill, which on the surface looked like he was avoiding disaster, but in fact it was not the case at all.

If you really want to help yourself, tell yourself directly, don't enter the palace recently and it's over.

Give yourself a fake death pill, let yourself foresee the crisis in advance, but let yourself enter the gate and meet the princess.

Even if he didn't know anything, Taoist Xunlong didn't tell him anything.

But the eldest princess only needs to see herself, and then she can deduce the existence of Taoist Dragon Seeker according to her fake death pill, and she will understand everything after counting her fingers.

And as the messenger, he didn't understand what happened from the beginning to the end, and was completely kept in the dark.

Even if it was to send Wang Tan and the others out of the capital, Taoist Xunlong could wait for him there early, and when he came back, he knew that the cooperation had been reached.

I was in an extremely passive state from beginning to end, this feeling was simply terrible.

So Xu Tong's idea is very simple, to upgrade Fate Eye Qimen again as soon as possible, only magic can defeat magic, this may be the only way he can fight against people of this level.

Of course, if you want to be lazy, you don't have to be so complicated, just be a marionette obediently, and just exit quickly when the time is right.

But in this way, the joy of the script will be gone.

Not long after the two walked onto the street, they saw those yamen servants escorting all kinds of people towards the prison.

In fact, it is normal for the government to arrest students of the new sect when they commit chaos.

But slowly, the taste began to change.

When almost all the new students were arrested, the yamen servants did not stop, but continued to arrest people, completely indiscriminately.

Do you wear dioramas?Grasp!

Why are your braids so short?Grasp!
Why are you wearing leather shoes?Grasp!

If you are not pleasing to the eye, I will also catch you!

Anyway, the yamen servants arrest people whenever they see them, and would rather kill them by mistake than let them go. After all, it doesn't matter if they are caught by mistake, they just need to pay some money, and they will be released.

You heard it right, losing money is just the money you pay the yamen servants.

How much to pay depends on the mood of the yamen servants, and whether the recent pockets are enough for them to smoke drugs.

If you catch it correctly, it will be a great achievement, and you will be rewarded from above.

All in all, this is a solid deal.

These yamen servants may be able to restrain themselves a little on weekdays, but today they are ordered to catch thieves, they are really powerful lackeys, and they want to let the world know that they are also masters.

How do you scold me on weekdays, pretend I don't know!
Those wealthy businessmen usually have money to pretend to be uncles in front of me, right?
Don't worry, I'll let you know today, no matter how young I am, I'm still an official.

As the youngest head catcher in the yamen, Zhang Dagou feels that he has reached the pinnacle of his life today, he doesn't like anyone, he looks like a traitor.

Even a lame beggar on the side of the road, Zhang Dagou would go up and kick the broken bowl in front of the beggar.

Seeing his job being kicked away, the beggar raised his head and glared at Zhang Dagou: "Master, smashing someone's job, you will die!"

Zhang Dagou froze for a moment, then kicked the beggar's face with a stern face: "Bah, what the hell, something covered in bedbugs, you fucking have the guts to kill me."

"A cripple who can't even stand up, what are you doing alive, hahahaha!"

"Dare to stare. Believe it or not, I will arrest you and put you in a prison, and let you taste the taste of a water prison."

"Don't, just throw this trash in the water prison, and it still doesn't bubbly when you talk. If you don't know, you may think that our water prison is raising fish."


A few yamen servants behind Zhang Dagou taunted each other, seeing that the beggar was still unconvinced, they simply took off their pants.

"Come on, grandpa, give you a bath!"

Seeing this, the people around couldn't help shaking their heads, but no one dared to say a word of justice, so they could only pretend that they didn't see it, bowed their heads and hurried away.

"Head Zhang, look over there!!"

After urinating, a yamen servant pointed to the father and son passing by not far away. Some people recognized it as a barber on the street.

It is said that the craftsmanship is good, Zhang Dagou grinned and pulled up his pants: "Let's go!"

As he said that, he led people towards the father and son. As for the beggar with disabled legs, they didn't care.

"Father! Father! Please, please let my father go. He is a barber, not a traitor."

A child stepped forward and hugged Zhang Dagou's thigh.

Hope Zhang Dagou can let people go, Zhang Dagou squatted down, picked up a pair of shiny silver scissors: "Your father is a shave, and you use this Western thing to shave people's heads? What is it if you say it's not a traitor?"

"No, no, this thing was given to my father by a foreigner last time. What are you talking about... It's a gift from barbers."

The child tried to explain.

But Zhang Dagou didn't listen to him, and his face was stern: "You motherfucker can't understand people's words, money, I don't care where you got this thing, if you want people, take money!"

"We have no money."

The child cried out in anxiety, seeing his father being caught in the prison van, he could only continue to beg.

When Zhang Dagou heard that there was no money, Zhang Dagou became impatient in an instant, and kicked the person away: "Fuck you, if you don't have money, if you don't have money, you will pay for it with your life, get out! If you dare to pester me again, I will arrest you together!" "

"Baby, go home, go home, don't come out!!"

The man in his forties on the prison van held the prison van with both hands, shouted at the top of his lungs, and watched his son being kicked to the ground.

I was anxious and angry, and then I thought about the little food left at home, and watched the weather getting colder and colder. If I was caught, how would this child live?

The more I thought about it, the more worried I became, and a man in his forties couldn't help crying at this moment.


This scene happened to be seen by Xu Tong and Le Rou.

Looking at the scene in front of her, Le Rou covered her mouth and tightly clenched Xu Tong's hand with her fingers.

"Want to save?"

Xu Tong looked at her.

Lerou didn't nod her head, she was afraid that it would cause trouble for the young master.

It's just that those eyes never left the prison car.

"As long as you think about it, save it!"

Xu Tong pulled her up and said as he walked: "Remember what I said last time, as long as you have power and power, you can do what you want. To do what you want to do, you must have a gun in your hand!"

Le Rou watched as she got closer and closer to those yamen servants, her face turned pale with nervousness, her heart beat faster and faster, she didn't hear a single word of what her young master said.


Several yamen servants also noticed Xu Tong and Xu Tong who were walking towards each other. They looked at each other and raised their knives to greet them: "What are you doing? Why are you joining in the fun when the government is handling the case?"

After speaking, he looked Xu Tong up and down, and saw the star-eyed calamity-changing ring on Xu Tong's finger, and frowned: "Boy, what's the matter with your ring, what is your relationship with those rebels?"

As soon as the words fell, the servants around him also surrounded him.

Seeing this, Xu Tong slowly raised his fist: "It's bad luck for you!"


A few yamen servants didn't understand the meaning of these words, and a huge fist hit the face of the first big dog.

Even without the blessing of the item card, Xu Tong could clearly hear the sound of the broken nose bone when he punched down.


Seeing their boss being blown away and falling to the ground like a broken sandbag, the others froze for a few seconds before finally recovering.

He raised his knife and slashed at Xu Tong.

Xu Tong's fingers became claws, and he used the five-bird grasping hand, grabbed the wrist of a yamen servant and turned it outward, and the five fingers of the other hand were close together to form a chicken beak, and poked at the yamen servant's armpit like an iron cone.

With a light touch, the yamen servant fell to the ground, half of his body seemed to be falling apart.

Xu Tong kicked him up, knocking him unconscious on the spot, and it was the same for the other yamen servants. His fists were like a torrential rain.

Backhand grab!Inch thrust!The Great Ape Holds the Lantern!Double shape of tiger and crane!Golden Snake Silk Hand!Monkey stealing peaches!All kinds of moves hit these yamen servants in one go.

Punching to the flesh, hitting the vital points, these yamen servants fell to the ground vomiting blood, begging for mercy again and again.

The common people around were dumbfounded, their mouths were stunned, their throats seemed to be strangled, and their round eyes stared at these yamen servants motionlessly, as if petrified.

The concept that the people do not fight with the officials has long been imprinted on these unpretentious ordinary people. These government servants are not just things, they also represent officials.

Let alone beating them on weekdays, even if they call them animals behind their backs, when they see it, they have to respectfully call them poor.

Today, this group of mad dogs arrests anyone they see. They dare not speak out, they dare not speak out, and they will be beaten to the ground in a blink of an eye, crying for their mothers and fathers in pain.

Such a scene is much more exciting than watching street performers.


After finishing one set, the yamen servants on the ground could no longer get up, Xu Tong vented all the sullenness in his heart, and took a look at his proficiency in Qimen, which actually increased a little.

He didn't know whose fate he changed by beating them up, but he didn't care about this kind of little guy.

At this moment, when he saw the key to the cage dropped by the yamen servant on the ground, he glanced at the blushing child next to him from the corner of his eye, grinned, and kicked the key under his feet.

Then she pulled Lerou behind her and left.

"Rebel... Rebel..."

Zhang Dagou fell to the ground and couldn't even get up. He stared at Xu Tong's back with resentful eyes. He must remember this person in his heart. When he returned to the yamen, he must report to the adults. thief.

Zhang Dagou secretly swore in his heart that he must ruin this guy's family and kill his wife, daughter and mother.

However, Zhang Dagou was thinking about it, when the other party knelt in front of him, watching the scene where their brother played with his wife and fucked his old mother.

Suddenly a foul smell wafted over, probably because of the swollen nose. It wasn't until the smell was particularly strong that Zhang Dagou smelled a trace of the smell and looked back.

He is stupid.

I saw the beggar who was bullied by them just now crawled over at some point, with a thin and fierce face exposed under the disheveled hair.

"You! What are you doing!"

Zhang Dagou was stunned, then suddenly stared at the beggar with a dagger in his hand.

"Hey, you are the first person I want to kill since Lao Tzu's legs were broken."

The beggar's eyes were ruthless. If Xu Tong looked carefully at this person, he would definitely find that he was the boxer who was replaced by him in the black boxing arena, Zhao Ting.

It was also his bad luck, Xu Tong pushed him, wearing his mask, messed up the black boxing arena.

Although the manager died, Zhao Ting was retaliated afterwards. He was beaten with a sap in the alley, and his legs were broken alive.

From then on, Zhao Ting, a master of match-fixing in the black boxing arena, suddenly became a stinky beggar who was shouted and beaten by everyone on the street.

He is not a kind person. He has been mixed up in this way in this life, and it is a pain to live.

He didn't expect that at the last moment, he could experience the feeling of getting his revenge. It can be considered that God has treated him well.


Zhang Dagou screamed and wanted to push the beggar away, but Zhao Ting was no ordinary beggar, his legs were crippled, but his upper body skills were not for nothing.

He raised his fist and punched Zhang Dagou in the chest, causing Zhang Dagou to vomit blood on the spot, followed by the shiny dagger... A few knives pierced Zhang Dagou's chest into a hornet's nest, and died on the spot.

(End of this chapter)

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