Infinite script kill

Chapter 378 Missionaries

Chapter 378 Missionaries

In winter, the sun always rises later than in other seasons.

A heavy snowfall came quietly in people's dreams.

The heavy snow covered the silt on the street, the tiles on the roof, and at the same time covered the stained blood of the execution ground.

The village was very quiet, not a single sound was heard.

Even if a villager came out of the house occasionally, he stood in front of the door and urinated, and tremblingly burrowed into the room with his pants up.

The village of Wangzhuang is very dilapidated, but there is a house in the village that is extraordinarily well-built.

There are tall and solid walls and two stone lions squatting in front of the exquisite and magnificent gate. This is naturally the old house that March built for his family.

According to Ma Qi's official position, the old house has three entrances and three exits, which is much larger than the one in the capital.

Because Ma Qi has to enter the palace every day before dawn, so he never moved here, but recently, it seems that someone has come to the house.

Since the other party came, the whole Zhuangzi has not stopped for a day.

Every night at three o'clock, ghosts and wolves could be heard outside, and some people even saw the corpse crawling out of the coffin.

There are also female ghosts knocking on the door in the middle of the night, yelling to open the door and let me in and so on.

In short, during this period of time, the people in Zhuangzi were so frightened that they dared not go out. If it hadn't been for the heavy snow that made it inconvenient to travel, the people in Zhuangzi would have started to run away long ago.

The reason why so many troubles happened, in the final analysis, was because Gao Zhuo made troubles in Zhuangzi.

"Hey, look!"

At this moment, Gao Zhuo was proudly raising his palm, and saw that his palm turned black quickly, exposing sharp nails, and he cut it in half with a light swipe at the stone pier beside him.

Then after the palms returned to their original appearance, the palms actually gave birth to strange Buddha lights, and they waved their hands forward, which even made Xu Tong feel a strong sense of oppression.

Until Gao Zhuo put his hands down, the clothes behind him were torn apart, and a pair of rotten bone wings spread out behind his back. They were obviously rotten bones, but when the pair of bone wings spread out, Xu Tong found that Gao Zhuo was bathed in the wind and snow. There is a sacred and serene aura, and when people with weak concentration see it, they probably will kneel down to him.

"And this!"

Gao Zhuo didn't seem to be having fun yet. With his hands crossed, his breath suddenly increased, and his body gradually turned into a large area of ​​corpses. Xu Tong could clearly feel the terrifying aura emanating from Gao Zhuo's body.

The most weird thing is that Gao Zhuo is obviously turning into a corpse, but the breath on his body gives people a kind of holy and innocent simplicity.

As a dark physique, Xu Tong could clearly sense that the holy aura of Gao Zhuo was forming a strong struggle against his dark physique.

"Half-step master!"

No, it should be said that it is stronger than a half-step grandmaster, but it has not yet reached the standard of a grand master.

For a short moment, Gao Zhuo suddenly restrained the aura in his body, and after exhaling a long breath, his face turned slightly pale.

"Phew, no, no, this is almost reaching the limit, let me hold on for a while, I'm afraid I will lose control and enter a state of complete corpse, if I really do, I will be in big trouble."

He can transfer part of the power of the corpse to himself. The more he transfers, the stronger the process of corpse transformation will be. In the last script world, the mysterious foreign zombie, plus the half-step corpse that Xu Tong sent him Grandmaster, greatly improved his abilities.

But it also made his corpse transformation technique reach a bottleneck to a certain extent. Gao Zhuo had a strong premonition that he would face two choices next.

The first one remains like this, using the power of the corpse to the greatest extent, plus the zombies he cultivated, and chooses to become a player similar to the summoning route.

The latter is to break through this step with determination, but he can't guarantee what he will look like after the breakthrough, but what is certain is that after the breakthrough, he may no longer be able to be called a human being.

He told Xu Tong his worries and choices.

I hope Xu Tong can give him some advice, but to his disappointment, Xu Tong directly ignored the question.

Because this was originally a sub-question.

Think about the certified player last time, who can decompose his own body, transfer all the damage on his body, and even transfer toxins, can such a person still be called a human? ?

Even if it's him, with his dark physique, can he still be called a human?

What Xu Tong can be sure of is that there must be one of the standards for certified players, with three words [non-human] written on it

So the answer is already obvious, as long as they are still a player, then being non-human is the process they have to go through.

Maybe one day, they can achieve a return to basics, but that's just to make themselves look like a person.

Gao Zhuo was very clear about these principles, he was just still struggling with them.

Hmm... To put it bluntly, this is hypocrisy.

Although I am a qualified doctor, I am definitely not a psychiatrist, and I can't cure this thing.

"Stop talking nonsense, I haven't stayed here enough, get ready and go back with me."

Gao Zhuo's strength has greatly increased, and he happens to act as his...helper.

"Okay! This place doesn't matter what you want, just a few chickens, I'm about to throw up."

"By the way, how is your research on the corpse in the box?"

The corpse Xu Tong mentioned was the corpse escorted by the group of bodyguards when they returned from Lianshan. They could speak and even have independent thinking, but they were not zombies.

"Well, I'm about to talk to you about it. This corpse is very interesting. I can't explain clearly in a few words. I'll talk to you slowly on the way back."

While the two were talking, Gao Zhuo had already packed his things, and it happened that the snow outside had stopped, so he went out to have a look.

Some children have started running from their homes to play in the snow on the village streets.

Looking around, there is a vast expanse of whiteness, fog in the distance, and green smoke rising from the chimneys of every family. This harmonious picture may no longer be seen in reality.


At this time, Xu Tong raised his ears and looked towards the west of the village.

"That's... the sound of a train??"

Gao Zhuo obviously also noticed the sound in the distance, but there seems to be no train nearby? ?

It is said that foreigners built a steam train station in Tianjin, but the rails have not yet been extended to the capital, but the sound of the train is indeed getting closer.


A steel behemoth with billowing steam appeared in the sight of the two of them.

"Monster!!" The villagers screamed and fled in all directions.

The steel behemoth billowed white smoke and made a sound of moving again and again, completely ignoring the snowy and slippery ground along the way.

The huge wheels rolled out two deep ditches on the ground.

"Is this a train or a tank, such an exaggeration!"

Gao Zhuo widened his eyes and looked at the giant steel beast walking in front of him, although he knew that the use of steam engines by foreigners in this era had reached a level beyond reality.

But when Gao Zhuo saw such a huge steel monster for the first time, Gao Zhuo couldn't help being surprised.

The giant beast stopped slowly in front of the village.

A gust of warm water vapor gushes out from the fumaroles on both sides, blowing the surrounding snowflakes into icy mist, and even melting the snow on the ground.

cack cack...

The heavy metal door opened slowly.

Accompanied by the strong water vapor, a woman stepped out of the steam car first.

With golden hair and a body as strong as a bear, it is enough to make a muscular tough guy like Schwarzenegger feel ashamed

This can't help but remind Xu Tong of Zarya's appearance in a certain game in reality.

But compared to the woman's tall and mighty figure, Xu Tong and Gao Zhuo paid more attention to the metal gloves on the woman's arms.

"Ka Ka Ka... Squeak..."

The black gears rotate rapidly on it, and a delicate silver cross gyroscope can be seen on the back of the glove, which keeps rotating rapidly.

Such an alternative punk machine style, it is really a green dragon knife inserted into the buttocks, which is eye-opening.

Seeing that Xu Tong and Gao Zhuo were staring at her intently, the woman raised her head proudly, with a bit of disdain on her lips.

In her eyes, these two skinny yellow-skinned monkeys can crush them to death with just one finger.

But today's protagonist is obviously not her, so Zhana naturally stood aside, waiting for the protagonist to appear.

Unexpectedly, the person who came out of the steam car was a white-haired old man wearing a dark red priest's robe, and a sapphire the size of a cat's eye on the silver cross reflected a kind of Strange colored light.

The old man got out of the car, his blue eyes looked at Xu Tong and Gao Zhuo, and they both felt a strong sense of oppression at the same time.

Obviously, this old man's strength is also unfathomable.

However, when the two of them were surprised, the old man's eyes also showed a strange expression, as if few people could look directly into their own eyes like this.

What made him even more surprised was why he could feel a trace of familiarity from that short and thin man.

"Mysterious oriental nobles, hello, please allow me to make a brief introduction. As the bishop of the Holy See, Anritat, I am very happy to meet you two in this place."

The old priest spoke casual Chinese and introduced himself to Xu Tong.

Why are you so polite? It’s not because of the clothes on Xu Tong’s body. As Ma Qi’s only son and a well-known dandy in the capital, Xu Tong’s clothes are made of high-quality silk, with gold rims on the cuffs, and even the boots. Inlaid with a jade buckle.

As an old priest who knows China very well, Anritat knows very well that in the strict and strict court, those who can wear such clothes are definitely nobles.

And the nobles are precisely the main objects he wants to preach.

As an excellent preacher, Anritat has prepared a set of irresistible rhetoric and an exquisite gift in his heart. I believe it must be a great surprise for these savage yellow-skinned monkeys. You will be happy to submit to God's guidance.

However, just as Anritat was about to speak, Xu Tong stepped forward, gracefully put his hands on his chest, leaned slightly, and spoke to him in fluent English.

"Welcome, my lord bishop. Under the guidance of God, I have been waiting for you here for a long time. Your arrival has added a new flavor to this place."

"Oh, what's the smell??"

Anritat was surprised that the other party could speak his mother tongue fluently, and the standard gentleman's etiquette was perfect. If it wasn't for his skin color and hair, he would even have the illusion of returning to London.

Xu Tong lowered his head, staring straight at the ring on Anritat's finger that shone with a sacred aura, and quickly concealed the greed in his eyes: "That is naturally the smell of God."

(End of this chapter)

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