Chapter 379
The roaring train headed towards the capital all the way.

"Your generosity has moved me deeply, but I sympathize with your experience. If you wish, I can hold a god ceremony. Although it cannot change your physique, it can completely reduce the damage it brings to you. come negative effects."

On the train, Xu Tong tearfully stated that he had been cursed by the devil, but he never succumbed to the devil's despotic power, and has been trying his best to fight.

Anritat originally didn't believe this statement.

But when Xu Tong read the name that made the Holy See tremble, Anritat couldn't help but not believe it.

Satan Lilith.

That is the daughter of Satan, and it is the taboo that the Holy See is the last to mention.

Horrible nightmare, how did an oriental man who had never been out of this land know this terrible name?
"God of the great light, I dare to swear, I have searched all those monks and Taoists who claim to be extraordinary, but no one can save me, until the moment I walked into the church, I could feel the hope of salvation ,but……"

Making up a story always needs to be reversed, and the sentence "but" made Anritat's heart hang again.

"But those damn stupid bitches..." Xu Tong paused at this point, looked at Zhana, a woman who looked like a bear, and added: "Please forgive my wording, but believe me, this sentence is absolutely Including you."

Zhana nodded, not noticing that Gao Zhuo, who was sitting by the side, could no longer hold back the corners of his mouth. He squinted at Zhana who was still very useful, and was already complaining in his heart: "Of course without you, you This body of Gada meat can't be called a woman at all."

I just heard Xu Tong continue: "They burned the church, burned everything, and even killed the kind priest, Amen!"

Anritat's expression fell silent. The capital city is the capital of the country, and it is also the center of culture. He only received news some time ago that a well-run church in the capital city was actually burned down, and even the priest who presided over the church disappeared mysteriously. .

That's why he brought his assistants here in a hurry to rebuild the church. On the way, he was still worrying about how to raise funds for the church.

Now, all problems are solved.

It's just... there are new problems.

"Don't worry, after the church is built, I will personally preside over the purification ceremony for you and expel the evil power from you."

Anritat comforted Xu Tong.

But this is obviously not Xu Tong's goal.

"No, no, you may have misunderstood me. The church's funds are not a problem at all. I can build you a bigger and more splendid church. This is a silver ticket of 10 taels, which is enough to show my respect for God. pious."

A brand new silver ticket was taken out by Xu Tong and placed on the table.

Anritat looked at the numbers above, and his breathing became rapid. He has been in this magical country for a long time.

Naturally, it is possible to distinguish the authenticity of the banknote.

10 taels of silver, just this huge sum of money is enough to rebuild the church, and there is even a surplus.

But Xu Tong didn't take his hand off the bank note. Just like when he told a story, there was always another sentence after the ending.

"But... I can't wait, I have nightmares every night, dreaming that the woman threw me into the oil pan and tortured me repeatedly, so I need something that can make me sleep peacefully, such as something that contains divine power treasure."

As Xu Tong said, he aimed his eyes at the ring on Anritat's finger.

Finally revealed his fox tail.

Following Xu Tong's gaze, Anritat noticed the ring on his finger, and his expression changed instantly.

This ring is a divine ring that symbolizes the bishop's authority, and it is said to be a teardrop of an angel.

Naturally, it is impossible to give it to the other party.

"Ahem, what's this..." Anritat put his other hand on the ring with some embarrassment, and coughed twice, as if he was still thinking about how to deal with it.

However, Xu Tong looked at the cross shining with blue light on Anritat's chest again.

The meaning is obvious, the ring is not given, but the cross is fine.

But this cross is the fetish of Anritat's teaching and preaching. Without it, Anritat could not even make a serious prayer.

Seeing Anritat's dignified expression, Gao Zhuo couldn't help but began to cooperate with Xu Tong in singing the oboe.

"What do you mean, Your Excellency, this will not work and that will not work, we are pouring real money into it, why is it so difficult to ask for your help, young master, I don't think they really want to help us, let's go Come on, hum, foreign monk, go and find out who my young master is, and if he is unhappy in the entire capital, no one will feel better about it."

"Shut up!"

Xu Tong interrupted Gao Zhuo, sighed, and continued to speak to Anritat in fluent English: "Some time ago, something happened in the palace, and now the court is very disgusted with Westernization. Rebuild the church..."

These words already sounded a bit threatening, but Xu Tong was not at all worried that Anritat would turn his back on him.

If the text is not good, then come to the martial arts.

I've said all the good things, you're still not obediently giving me your baby, and you're still waiting to build a church. When your church is built, I will be dragged into a small dark room by the princess and squeezed dry.

"What do you mean, Your Excellency?"

Zhana stood up slowly, her burly figure, like a mountain, gave people a strong sense of oppression.

It's a pity that Xu Tong has no interest in her flamboyant biceps.

"The meaning is very simple. Those who follow me will prosper! Those who oppose me will perish!"

Xu Tong said to Zhana in Chinese very bluntly.

Anritat frowned, with anger already showing in his eyes.

If he could, he could beat this ignorant villain in front of him to a handful of ashes right now.

But doing so is not a sensible thing to do.

On the way here, he did see an unprecedented resistance to the Westernization Movement, which is not a joyful thing for missionaries.

At this moment, the atmosphere has become cold.

At this time, the steam car stopped slowly. It turned out that the car had already entered the gate of the capital, but was stopped by soldiers. The driver in charge ran over and explained to Anritat.

Xu Tong put down the teacup in his hand and signaled the driver to open the window.

Then I poked my head out to have a look, happy.

This is not Jiang Canling, the last time I didn't expect to meet so soon, I saw a smile on the face of my acquaintance Xu Tong.

Jiang Canling obviously also noticed Xu Tong, and the two met face to face, Jiang Canling was stunned immediately, still wondering in his mind, why is he everywhere? ?
Just in a daze, Xu Tong has already started the classic national curse, greeting the eighteen generations of women led by Jiang Can.

Soon, the door was reopened, Xu Tong returned to his seat, picked up the cup of coffee again, and said earnestly:

"Father Anritat, I don't mean to make things difficult for you. No matter what, I need God's guidance and protection. Maybe this is the meaning of our meeting somewhere.

Even if you don't want to help me, I'm still happy to donate this money to you.

It's just that I'm worried that I may not live to see you come to preside over the day. "

As he said that, Xu Tong stood up and said goodbye with a face full of regret, and got out of the car with Gao Zhuo.

Anritat was stunned for a while when he heard the words, then looked at the 10 taels of silver note on the table, picked it up with a complicated expression, and silently put it into his pocket.

"10 taels... 10 taels... You're just like this, are you in vain?"

After getting out of the car, Gao Zhuo said with a face full of disbelief.

It is obvious that Anritat is about to give in, as long as Xu Tong is a little tougher, things will be settled.

But at this time, Xu Tong suddenly chose to leave, which made Gao Zhuo somewhat incomprehensible.

"Don't worry, just wait."

Xu Tong seemed to be very patient, but his fingers rubbed together involuntarily.

"Wait...wait for"

"Wait a minute!!"

Zhana's voice came from behind, Xu Tong frowned, turned around, and saw Zhana stepping forward, handing the ring to Xu Tong's hand: "Master Anritat asked me to tell you , this item is yours, and he hopes to gain your friendship."

The ring fell into Xu Tong's hand, and Xu Tong immediately threw it into the item book: "Please tell Bishop Anritat, if there is anything you can't solve in the capital, just tell the other party that you are friends of my Ma Hongwen." gone."

What Xu Tong didn't know was that because of this sentence, Archbishop Anritat was almost beaten to death by those ordinary people in the slums with feces and rotten eggs.

But these are things for later. Looking at the sparkling ring in the props book, Xu Tong couldn't bear the ecstasy in his heart. It was just a trial. He never thought that Anritat would really put this ring Ring for yourself.

The function of this ring is just a simple shield of the holy words and the damage enhancement of the sacred system, but for Xu Tong, he doesn't value the function of this ring at all. What he needs is a medium to let himself break through in advance The opportunity of the great master.

(End of this chapter)

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