Infinite script kill

Chapter 380 Squad Assemble

Chapter 380 Squad Assemble
10 taels of silver in exchange for a ring.

Maybe this is not a good deal, but for myself, it is definitely worth it.

Because it is impossible for me to return to reality with 10 taels of silver, and the item book does not have so much space for me to put silver in it. If I go back with a silver ticket, that thing may not even be worth 5000 yuan in reality.

The most important thing is, what do you do with so much money back home? ?Although it is processed into silver foil, isn't gold foil better?

In contrast, a ring can give oneself an opportunity to become a grand master in advance, which is worth more than 10 taels.

After watching the steam car drive slowly into the foreigner's area, Xu Tong was not in a hurry to go back, and took Gao Zhuo to have a good meal first.

While eating, Gao Zhuo chatted with Xu Tong about the corpse in the box.

Very strange corpse, Gao Zhuo is sure that this guy is a bug, although it is a corpse, but during the process of dissecting it, Gao Zhuo found that although the flesh and blood of this guy has been rotting, it has been growing again, but the growth The process is too slow, and it is difficult to find it without careful observation.

"You mean, he's not dead?"

"No, he died completely, but the death is not over. If you can give him some energy, he may be reborn quickly."

Gao Zhuo was ecstatic about this discovery.

If he can unravel the secret, maybe he can also achieve this state, even if he is corpse, he can still maintain the characteristics of a living person.

Of course, all of this must be determined to be a boy with a target after his wife is pregnant.

Gao Zhuo recalled that his shoulders were still shouldering the great responsibility of the Gao family's blood, and immediately felt that the responsibilities on his shoulders were much heavier.

After the two had eaten and drank enough, they went to find Wang Zheng.

This guy has been practicing there for so long, it's time for him to come out and work.

When he arrived at the place, Xu Tong found that both Wu Guodong and Wang Zheng had disappeared: "Fuck, these two won't elope, right?"

Gao Zhuo went into the house and searched around, but couldn't find any trace of the two of them, so he couldn't help complaining.

Xu Tong glanced at the time, and first calculated a hexagram using plum blossoms. From the hexagram, it was unrealistic for the two of them to wait here for Wang Zheng to come back.

However, it is not difficult to find Wang Zheng. Xu Tong activated the Eye of Fate, lit a ray of incense merit, and silently recited Wang Zheng's name in his heart.

Wang Zheng was soon found by a pool.

"It's outside the city, let's go and have a look."

Not knowing what the two of them were up to, Xu Tong simply took Gao Zhuo over to have a look.

At this moment, there was already a vast expanse of white snow outside the city, and the two walked forward with shallow and deep footprints.

The slippery ground made it extremely difficult for the two of them to walk on it, and Gao Zhuo even fell down.

As soon as he looked up, he saw Xu Tong grinning.

"why are you laughing?"

Gao Zhuo asked.

"Don't you think it's better to be a human being? Isn't that what it is now?"

Gao Zhuo was stunned for a moment and didn't understand what it meant, Xu Tong stretched out his hand to pull him up: "Only people can slip and fall in the snow, have you ever seen that fairy and monster fall?"


Gao Zhuo understood, he immediately laughed, and patted the snow on his buttocks: "That's true."

"Birth, old age, sickness and death are normal, but if there is a choice, no one is willing to die. That's why there are gods, immortals, demons, demons, ghosts, and monsters. Instead of passively adapting slowly, it is better to actively accept it."

This is Xu Tong's answer.

I hope that Gao Zhuo will not get entangled in such trivial details. Gao Zhuo scratched his head: "If you want me to stop being a human?? I always feel weird..."

Xu Tong curled his lips, if Gao Tianfang hadn't promised Gao Tianfang not to tell Gao Zhuo the secret of the Gao family's ancestral grave, he really wanted to complain at this time: "Your Gao family has become a lot of people."

"According to what you mean...then what do you choose to do?? Be a ghost?? Inherit Mr. Xue's property??"

Gao Zhuo asked Xu Tong back.

Regarding this question, Xu Tong just smiled mysteriously, exhaled hot air in Gao Zhuo's incomprehensible line of sight, watched the exhaled breath turn into cold frost in the air, and said with a smile:
"If I could, I would jump repeatedly!"

"Repeatedly jumping sideways??"

Gao Zhuo scratched his head, he didn't know what he meant, Xu Tongren had already gone far away in just this moment of stupefaction.

"Hey, wait for me!!"

In winter, a layer of ice has already formed on the surface of the water. In such a horrible weather, even a rabbit knows that hiding in a hole and sleeping is the best choice.

Just at this time, a man was shirtless, stepping on the ice to practice boxing.

"Cannonball Nanshan, with legs like a horse, elbows and vertical splits, arms like a bow!"

The man's fist was vigorous and strong, and every step fell, it was as stable as a mountain, but if you look closely, you will find that the thickness of the ice surface is so thin that you can squeeze a cold sweat, and you can step on a hole with a little force.

If the attainment of lightness kung fu has not been practiced to a certain level, let alone punching on it, even if one steps on it, one will fall into the cold pool.

"It's here!"

Two figures walked over with the help of the wind and snow, Wu Guodong frowned coldly, and said with displeasure, "Why are you?"

As he spoke, he slowly put down the crossbow in his hand.

Peeking at others practicing boxing is a taboo in the industry, and it is not an exaggeration to kill the other party.

It's just that after seeing Xu Tong, Wu Guodong still put down the crossbow in his hand, knowing that this guy didn't come here to steal his teacher.

"Hey, it's freezing cold, here I bring you a pot of hot wine to warm you up."

Xu Tong casually took out a bottle of fire knives and handed it to Wu Guodong. Wu Guodong took the wine and his expression improved a lot.

But he still said bluntly: "Don't come here, what are you doing here, just say it."

Xu Tong didn't respond, but just looked at Wang Zheng: "How is your boxing?"


Wu Guodong nodded. Although it was a very low evaluation, Wu Guodong's eyes already showed his approval for Wang Zheng.

At least this is the most talented one among the apprentices he has taught.

none of them.

"That's good. I'll bring you the money you asked for, and I'll take it away today."

Xu Tong handed Wu Guodong the money agreed at the beginning.

Wu Guodong took a look, took the silver, and called out to Wang Zheng. Wang Zheng, who was concentrating on practicing boxing, just turned around and responded, but the strength of his feet changed slightly.


Wang Zheng's heart skipped a beat, but it was too late to dodge, he stepped on the ground with one foot, and fell into the water with a thud.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

If it were an ordinary person, they would be seriously ill if they didn't die, but Xu Tong and Gao Zhuo laughed heartlessly.

Wang Zheng crawled out of the water, with steam billowing from his body, and he gave the two of them an annoyed look.

But seeing Gao Zhuo also came, Wang Zheng frowned: "Is there something wrong?"


Xu Tong nodded.

Wang Zheng was also unambiguous. Although he was very happy practicing boxing here, knowing that Xu Tong and Gao Zhuo came together, it meant that there was going to be a big move next.

Turning around towards Wu Guodong, he clasped his hands together and saluted deeply.

"Go, don't forget, what you promised me."

Wu Guodong sighed: "Practice this boxing method for a few more years, and when you are done, don't practice it anymore. Find a monastery, be it a monk or a Taoist priest, it's always better than being a martial artist."

Others can't understand this, even Wang Zheng doesn't understand, how can he be a monk or a Taoist priest after practicing boxing by himself.

Xu Tong at the side could hear clearly.

This is Wu Guodong reminding Wang Zheng that after a few more years of training to become a grand master, he can no longer practice martial arts blindly.

Just like what the princess said when she commented on the Great Sword King Wu: "There is Tao first, and then there is law. The two are connected, and you can get into the mystery."

Obviously, after becoming a great master, if you want to make progress, you must study the Fa.

Wang Zheng didn't understand, but it didn't prevent him from writing it down. He bowed deeply to Wu Guodong again, then turned around and left with Xu Tong and Gao Zhuo.

Seeing the backs of the three leaving, Wu Guodong lowered his head, glanced at the bag of silver, then looked at the steel crossbow beside the silver, hesitated for a moment, and silently took his hand to the silver.

"So, the Xiang family is about to become emperor?"

The three of them walked along the muddy snowy road on Qianmen Street, and Xu Tong explained the affairs in the palace to the two of them, including the matter of the eldest princess and Taoist Xunlong.

Hearing that someone was actually better than the master, Gao Zhuo's eyes became hot.

The master didn't give him a chance to take Li Xi's body away, otherwise he would have taken off early with the corpse of a great master.

But having said that, I didn't have the ability to use corpses at the time, so I didn't expect this.

Now hearing that the next script will be so intense, Gao Zhuo's little Jiujiu inevitably becomes active.

"Then what do you mean, you want us to protect Xiang's family??"

Wang Zheng said in a deep voice.


Xu Tong shook his head: "It's like this under normal circumstances, but... I like to play abnormal things."

"It's over!"

Gao Zhuo covered his forehead, he knew that Xu Tong was about to fall ill again, he squinted his eyes, and sure enough, there was a frantic look in this guy's eyes, and even his breathing became short of breath.

Wang Zheng was obviously still too unfamiliar with this temporary captain, and didn't understand what this guy wanted to play, so he asked curiously, "Then what do you mean..."

Xu Tong stopped and raised his head slowly.

Wang Zheng and Gao Zhuo followed his gaze, only to see a plaque hanging on the high threshold in front of Gao Gao, with the four words [Prince Gong's Mansion] written on it flying and dancing.

(End of this chapter)

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