Infinite script kill

Chapter 381 Almost sucked dry

Chapter 381 Almost sucked dry
Early the next morning, Xu Tong came to the gate of the Forbidden Palace.

After these few days of chaos, the court finally resumed its administration.

And today is the first day that Empress Dowager Shengci officially goes to court.

This time she did not sit behind the dragon chair, but sat on the dragon chair generously.

It seems that he wants to take this opportunity to declare his status.

But the effect was not satisfactory. Although the ministers were very affirmed by the empress dowager Shengci's abolition of the emperor, they were very dissatisfied with the empress dowager's ass sitting on the dragon chair.

Even if you have supported three emperors before and after your old age, even if the real power of the court is always in your hands.

But your ass really can't just sit on this chair.

Therefore, in the court hall, no matter how the Empress Dowager Shengci led the topic, the courtiers who controlled the public opinion just refused to pick up the fight, and instead kept pushing Prince Gong to become the new emperor.

This is probably something that Empress Dowager Shengci never expected.

But can it be done? ?Of course not, when you Prince Gong came to power, I will be thrown into the cold palace for the elderly, this is absolutely intolerable to Empress Dowager Shengci.

So the content of today's court meeting is naturally complicated and boring as one can imagine.


Xu Tong pushed open the door of Qin Tianjian, and ran into Li Xi who was cleaning the room.

The two met each other and stared at each other. Li Xi was stunned for a few seconds, and the tears in his eyes rolled down his cheeks involuntarily.

"Brother Ma!!"

This is Brother Ma, but the enthusiasm is no less than seeing his own father.

"younger brother!!"

Faced with Li Xi's enthusiasm, Xu Tong also wept with joy. Although there were no tears on his face, his trembling voice was choked and hoarse, as if there was a picture of a surging river in his chest.

For a moment, the two of them stood in a crowd, their faces filled with the joy of their reunion after a long absence.

This is not only superficial, even the voices in the heart are almost the same unity.

"Why isn't this guy dead yet??"

Not only Xu Tong was depressed, but even Li Xi was very upset.

But the excellent acting skills of the two made the guards patrolling around deeply moved by their brotherhood.

"Cough cough!"

At this time, an untimely cough interrupted the two of them crying.

Looking back, the two stared at each other, Xu Tong was taken aback, and Li Xi was so frightened that his face turned pale: "Fu...Master Fu!"

The person walking in front of him was Fu Anning.

"What's the point of crying and crying, all the work that should be done is done??"

Fu Anning reprimanded in a cold voice.

Neither of them dared to look up, Xu Tong squinted his eyes and stared at Fu Anning's shadow.

I couldn't help wondering whether the person in front of me was the eldest princess or someone else.

But one thing he can be sure of is that this person is definitely not Fu Anning.

"Your Excellency Yang was killed by traitors. Now Qin Tianjian is busy with work. You two must work harder in the future, and you must not be sloppy."


Fu Anning nodded, glanced at Xu Tong and said, "Come in with me."

After speaking, he walked into the Qintian Palace first, Xu Tong walked in, and closed the door carefully.

I saw Fu Anning sitting on a chair, looking up and down at Xu Tong: "Did you bring everything I asked you to bring?"

I don't know why, when Xu Tong heard this sentence, he felt more at ease, and nodded: "I brought it, but..."

"But what??"

Fu Anning frowned.

"But I didn't say anything. I was just a little unhappy when I heard you said that each person has one share of dragon energy."

Xu Tong said in a low voice, and couldn't help swallowing after speaking.

With two eyes, he silently observed the changes in the expression of the eldest princess in front of him.

This is a kind of temptation. These two people are already all-reaching figures. It is not an exaggeration to say that they are land gods.

But Xu Tong wants to try whether the two of them really know everything as rumored.

After reading through the Plum Blossom Yishu for so long, even the Fate Eye Qimen has been promoted to LV4 level, but even so, I still need to calculate the result by myself.

So he concluded that even land gods like the eldest princess and Taoist Xunlong couldn't be considered omniscient and omnipotent in every detail.

If this is the case, the two of them don't need to communicate with each other through their little guy.

The eldest princess was silent for a while, and finally said: "Understood."

As the eldest princess walked to Xu Tong's side, Xu Tong could feel a pair of eager eyes staring at his neck, and he could even hear the sound of swallowing.

"Help us do things, and we won't treat you badly."

The eldest princess casually threw the two keys on the table: "The things on the second floor are all good things, go and see for yourself."

After speaking, Xu Tong felt a heat on his neck, and when he lowered his head, he realized that his neck had split at some point, and blood was flowing out from the wound, soaking half of his collar at some point.

Looking back again, I found that the eldest princess was gone.


Li Xi poked his head out from the door: "Brother Ma? Brother Ma?"

Just after shouting twice, he suddenly saw Xu Tong's face, and was shocked instantly: "Brother are still alive."

Xu Tong came out from the shadows, but a morbid paleness appeared on that face.


As soon as the words fell, Xu Tong's eyes darkened and he fell to the ground.

In my sleep...the familiar wailing sounded again.

A door full of rust opened head-on.

The guy with the exact same face as himself sat gracefully in front of the piano, tapping the keys lightly with his fingers.

"You are in danger now."

He raised his head to look at Xu Tong, and with a complaining tone, lifted his cuffs, only to see a scorched scar on his gray arm.

"This is the price for helping you last time. You shouldn't have summoned me during the day."

Xu Tong licked the corner of his mouth, feeling that his throat was so dry that he wanted to breathe fire. When he saw the glass of wine on the piano, he knew that this place was not real, so he still walked up to the front and drank it clean in one gulp.

"If I didn't do that, I would be a rotting corpse now, oh yes, even my soul might end up on someone else's dinner plate."

After speaking, he raised his wine glass: "Have some more, it's delicious."

"I don't care about what happened last time, but I don't want to have a next time. Your current body cannot fully inherit my strength, so..."

The Demon King moved his face closer, and his face gradually became ferocious: "So, please, you little guy, find a secluded corner and just live on your own terms."

"Can I understand that this is your kind reminder??"

"No! You should understand that this is my last warning!"

When the devil finished speaking, he snatched the wine glass from Xu Tong's hand and pushed it fiercely towards his chest. The next moment, Xu Tong's consciousness gradually began to recover.

"Brother Ma, Brother Ma!!"

The urgent shouts in his ears made him slowly open his heavy eyelids.

As the blurred vision began to focus, Li Xi's face appeared in front of Xu Tong's eyes.

"Phew, Brother Ma, you've woken up. You didn't know that you almost scared me to death just now."

As Li Xi said, he quickly picked up the soup bowl on the side: "Hurry up, drink some more. The people from the Tai Hospital came just now, saying that you are anemic, and prescribed a lot of medicinal soup for you. I..."

Li Xi checked his left and right sides before saying in a low voice: "I also stole a hundred-year-old mountain ginseng root from the imperial hospital, and added it to it, so it will be a great tonic."

Xu Tong nodded, picked up the bowl without hesitation, and drank it. He was sure that this thing was a great tonic, after all, Li Xi's nose was still bleeding.

After a large bowl of medicinal soup entered his stomach, Xu Tong felt much more comfortable.

Stretching out a hand to wipe his neck, he found that the wound had healed.

"How long have I been asleep??"

"Two hours."

Xu Tong nodded, scolding the princess in his heart for being a crazy bitch, almost sucking himself dry.

If I smoke this once a day, even if I have a dark physique, I can't handle her being so bad.

Li Xi looked at Xu Tong who had woken up, and opened his mouth to say something, but he didn't open his mouth as he seemed to have not fully woken up.

He just asked Xu Tong to take a good rest and walked out with the bowl.

After Li Xi went out, Xu Tong rested his chin in both hands, thinking about his current situation.

My current situation is already besieged on all sides. I am not only in the cracks and may be easily crushed to death by the other party at any time, but also find a way to seek the possibility of a comeback.

Thinking about it, Xu Tong sighed, and turned his eyes to the two keys on the table.


The iron door twisted slowly, and when the door was pushed open, a musty smell of books flooded into the nostrils. This is the second floor of the Qin Tianjian.

It is also Qin Tianjian who keeps the most confidential documents in the world.

Normally, it would be impossible for Xu Tong to come in with his identity, but now both keys are in his hands.

"Xiangxi...Yin Yang Cave..."

Looking at the geographical tags pasted on the file shelf, Xu Tong began to look for them.

"found it!"

Finally, on the left side of the bookshelf, Xu Tong found the location of Xiangxi. Anyway, it was a worthwhile trip to come up and find the information he was looking for.

However, just when Xu Tong was about to reach out to get the file above, his expression froze suddenly, because he saw a bloody hand pressing on the file first.

"If I were you, I wouldn't go to get this file, at least not directly like you are doing now."

The familiar voice made Xu Tong's scalp tense for a moment, and he turned around slowly, and a bloody outline in the shadow gradually became clear.

That person is none other than Fu Anning who has gone and returned, Mr. Fu!
(End of this chapter)

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