Infinite script kill

Chapter 383 It turned out to be coming to me

Chapter 383 It turned out to be coming to me
"Don't kill me...don't kill me...why the hell isn't it here yet? Hey...I've been a little bit angry lately, and it smells a bit choking."

As a professional killer, Tang Feng has sufficient confidence in his methods.

But the long wait made him a little impatient, but recently he read a book called Self-Cultivation of a Killer.

It was rumored that it was a Western killer's creed book. Although it was all in foreign language, I didn't understand it, but I found someone who knew foreign language to read it to me every day.

There is a sentence in it that he deeply agrees with, "A qualified killer always makes the enemy not expect your appearance."

This sentence has become Tang Feng's killer creed, and he specially invited a foreigner to help tattoo this sentence on his back.

During the long wait, footsteps finally came from behind.

Tang Feng's ears moved slightly, and his voice became hoarse.

"Hey, are you alright?"

Hearing the concerned voice behind him, Tang Feng secretly let out a long breath.

Finally it was my turn.

According to this scene that he has practiced countless times, he turned around and said, "Don't kill me, don't kill me, I have nothing..."

Halfway through Tang Feng's words, he suddenly seemed to realize something, his scalp went numb, and after a brief pause, his lips began to tremble, and his breathing began to become rapid.

In the dim light, that face slowly lifted up, and reflected in front of Tang Feng, it was a face without facial features.

He instinctively lowered his head.

He saw his wet trouser legs.

I also saw a hand that didn't look like a human being at all. No, it should be called a claw, which is more appropriate. It has golden skin and bright red blood on the slender nails.

For a time,

Tears began to brew in Tang Feng's eyes, his nose began to feel sour, and it seemed that some snot was about to fall, and his facial muscles also had slight spasms.

There was a panicky emotion in the voice.


"Don't...don't kill me...don't kill me, I didn't see anything, don't kill me...ah."

If you can still turn your head in circles, you may shout two other words: "There is a ghost!!"

Finally, when he saw the claw slowly protruding towards his chest, Tang Feng's brain buzzed, and he finally collapsed and passed out.

Looking at Tang Feng who passed out, Fa Cai twisted a few times, and patted Tang Feng's face lightly in front of him. After confirming that he had passed out, he spit out his white tongue and licked off the tomato sauce smeared on his body , turned around and crawled back to the entrance of Xu Tongtang.

Xu Tong took off his mask, glanced at the newly added urine stain on the ground in distaste, stepped back half a step, and said, "Look, this is a serious performance."

They were still shouting to kill the assassin everywhere outside, but the shouts were getting farther and farther away from him.

Just when he was wondering why the guards of Xiang's family suddenly became so ignorant.

A ray of black light pierced in the darkness, reaching to the center of Xu Tong's eyebrows.


Xu Tong realized it later, but he didn't panic. He raised his hands, and magic flames gushed out from his palms. The dark blue fire light instantly illuminated the darkness, and a terrifying high-temperature fireball burst out towards the black shadow in front.


Accompanied by the sound of surprise, the masked man under the firelight whirled his body in the air, narrowly dodging the attack of the magic flame, lowered his body suddenly, and the blade that had just been unsheathed was quickly put into the scabbard.

This strange shape made Xu Tong feel the danger, so he rushed forward before the opponent drew his sword.

Facing this kind of master who is extremely good at killing, Xu Tong is not stupid enough to use five-animal capture and hand-to-hand combat to fight the opponent.

It is foolish to use one's own weaknesses to attack the enemy's strengths.

Not only will it not bring any benefits to yourself, but it will also make you fall into great passivity.

He tapped his toes, and the big girl on the entrance of the hall fell on him like a white rainbow, his speed increased instantly, and he rushed in front of the opponent almost instantly.

"court death!"

Seeing Ma Hongwen whose speed suddenly increased several times, the masked man let out a low growl, and turned his palm to the blade.


There was a sharp buzzing sound from the blade.

The sound of broken blades was like someone pulling over the erhu, and time also slowed down.

"Flying Sword!"

When the blade was out of its sheath, Xu Tong could see clearly that it was a dull black sword. The moment the blade was out of the sheath, the surrounding air suddenly paused, as if a kind of time was out of touch at this moment.


However, the texture of the blade was as hard as metal, and Xu Tong, who had swooped towards him, was replaced by a huge paper figurine.

"not good!"

Jiro Saii realized that he had missed a knife, so he swung his sword and instinctively stood behind him.

But it's too slow.

Xu Tong watched the sword slash head-on without avoiding it until it hit the ground with an ear-piercing sound of collision. He raised his hand and a golden spear pierced straight through Taro Sai's throat at a distance of two meters!

Blood trickled down the barrel of the gun like a curtain of red beads.

Sai Taro opened his eyes wide and stared blankly at Xu Tong, who was two meters away from him, his chest heaved violently, as if he was still thinking where did this guy pull out such a long spear? ?

"Sorry, one inch is longer and one inch is stronger, obviously I am stronger than you!"

The corners of Taro Sai's mouth twitched a few times, as if he wanted to curse, but he still collapsed on the ground powerlessly.

"This way!!!"

The hurried footsteps of the guards outside came.

When the torch was raised high to illuminate the room, Xu Tongren was sitting on a chair, holding a snack on the table in one hand.

A masked corpse lay on the ground.

"Hongwen! Hongwen!!"

At this time, Xiang Gongbao hurried in in his pajamas, and after seeing Ma Hongwen sitting there eating snacks, he glanced at the masked corpse on the ground, and his expression suddenly became strange.

"Hongwen, are you okay?"

Xiang Gongbao ignored the corpse on the ground and walked to Xu Tong's side and asked.

"It's okay. The lights went out just now. I heard someone shouting outside to arrest the assassin, so I sat here and didn't dare to move. After a while, I heard the sound of fighting in front of me, and then you came..."

Xu Tong stuffed the piece of snack into his mouth innocently.

Not to mention, the taste of dim sum is really good. The bean paste filling does not have the taste of saccharin in reality, but the bean paste is very finely ground, and the outside is a layer of pastry with ghee. One bite, the salty fragrance relieves the greasy, after eating Finally, there is a kind of aftertaste that lingers on the lips and teeth.


Although Xiang Gongbao didn't believe these words, he still breathed a sigh of relief: "It's fine, it's fine, you are the last only seedling of the Ma family, if you have any problems, I can't get along with your father." Tell me."

After speaking, he looked sharply at the corpse on the ground and the guy pretending to be a servant in the corner.

"These two people must be killers sent by the new school students. This group of new school students is really a shame to the country. I will go to court tomorrow morning, and it is bound to make all localities step up their efforts to uproot them."

Xu Tong had an expression on his face that you mean what you say. After all, although Xiang Gongbao has a high position and authority, he is really not a person who is good at acting.

At least in front of Xu Tong, his acting skills are only slightly better than the one lying in the corner.

After something like this happened to the Xiang family, Xiang Gongbao didn't want to keep Xu Tong any longer, and sent some soldiers and a carriage to personally escort Xu Tong home.

The carriage was not comfortable, but fortunately the distance between the two families was not far. Xu Tong asked the soldiers to take the carriage back after getting out of the carriage. He stood alone at the door of the house, took out the hookah pipe, and squatted at the door to smoke.

Are those killers really here to kill Xiang Gongbao? ?

If yes, why didn't they go straight to the backyard, instead of ambush in the front hall, if not, then who are they going to kill? ?

Thinking of this, Xu Tong suddenly remembered that what Xiang Gongbao said just now, he was the only son of the Ma family.

"Oh! It turns out that they came running after me."

Xu Tong curled his lips, and stood up slowly, saying that those who make big things don't care about small things, and it's really amazing to do what Xiang's family has done.

In Ma Hongwen's memory, since he was able to speak, he called him Uncle Xiang and used himself to sacrifice the flag. Is this a human thing?

Thinking of this, Xu Tong's heart skipped a beat, and he called out Ji Xiang: "Go and tell Gao Zhuo to let them do it tonight, cleanly."

Jixiang nodded, turned into a white light and disappeared into the mouse hole beside him.

Looking at the disappearing back of Jixiang, Xu Tong snorted coldly: "You are the first grader, and I am the fifteenth grader, all for the sake of adding a yellow robe to your body. Whose son will die if he dies."

(End of this chapter)

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