Chapter 384

"Master, Tang Feng has already asked, and he said..."

"say what??"

"Say hell!"

Xiang Gongbao's voice became smaller and smaller, as if he noticed that his master's face was becoming more and more ugly, and hurriedly said: "Master, this matter is too strange, Tang Feng is also a killer we have trained for many years, and he hasn't been out for so many years." Chazi, you have seen the powerful master Taro Sai, but the death is not clear, and the kid surnamed Ma is probably not a fuel-efficient lamp..."


As soon as Qin Sui finished speaking, he was slapped across the face by Xiang Gongbao.

"It's up to you to say that."

Xiang Gongbao sat on the chair angrily, with two walnuts coiled in his hands. What he was most worried about now was not Ma Hongwen, but Ma Qi.

What is Ma Hongwen? ?

Xiang Gongbao watched him grow up, how could he not know that compared with his own son, whether it is Xiang Kecheng or Xiang Keding, both of them are eight blocks away from him.

But he sent two effective killers, one dead and the other crazy.

What Xiang Gongbao was worried about was whether Ma Qi secretly sent a master to protect his son.

This explanation is the most reasonable. After all, March is such a precious son, and he sent a master to protect him secretly so that the kid would not be assassinated again while walking on the street.

If this is the case, will my actions today be seen clearly by others? If Ma Qi guesses that he wants to use his son as an excuse to make trouble...

Thinking that Ma Qi now has [-] forbidden soldiers in his hands, Xiang Gongbao became extremely irritable in an instant.

"Go and prepare some gifts, and visit Ma's house tomorrow."

Xiang Gongbao, who made up his mind, waved his hand to follow.

"Master, Tang Feng..." Qin Sui cautiously probed.

"It's not enough to succeed, it's more than a failure! Drag it out and chop it up, and send it to Ma's house with the head tomorrow."

The follower lowered his head, silently regretting in his heart, after all, the killer who had been trained for many years was wasted like this.

Just as the entourage was about to leave, there was a sudden commotion outside.

"Bang bang bang bang..."

A bullet pierced through the door, directly smashing the teacup in Xiang Gongbao's hand into pieces.

"The old dog of the Xiang family came out to die..."

In the early morning of the next day, a large number of officers and soldiers searched and arrested again on the street.

Ma Qi also dragged Xu Tong to Xiang's house with his unhealed wound.

In front of the gate of the Xiang family, all the festive red lanterns were replaced with white ones.

Last night, Xiang's family suffered revenge from the New School. Xiang Gongbao was fine except for a hand injury, but his son was brutally killed by the thieves.

Wearing a white robe, Xiang Keding supported the coffin of his eldest brother Xiang Kecheng in the mourning hall, crying so hard that he was so sad.

Seeing Xu Tong, Xiang Keding limped and rushed over, crying heartbreakingly. Xu Tong could smell the strong smell of garlic on this guy's hands from a long distance away.

Ma Qi repeatedly complained to Xiang Gongbao. After all, Admiral Jiumen was responsible for the safety of the capital. If such a big incident happened, the blame would definitely fall on him.

On the way Ma Qi came, he was ready to be reprimanded by Xiang Gongbao, but unexpectedly, Xiang Gongbao didn't blame him for this matter, but asked that those new school disciples must be eradicated.

"My condolences to Uncle Xiang."

Xu Tong took the tea and sent it up, Xiang Gongbao took the tea and gave Xu Tong a deep look, but he still didn't say a word in the end.

Soon people came from the palace, nothing more than conferring the title of Xiangke City, allowing him to be buried as a first-class duke in an exception.

For others, these are rare honors, but for Xiang Gongbao, people are dead, so what's the use of leaving these false names.

Not long after, Prince Gong also came, personally offered incense to Xiang Kecheng, took Xiang Gongbao's hand and softly comforted him, speaking with deep affection.

March also followed to comfort him.

Xiang Gongbao felt very uncomfortable. According to his original plan, this scene should have happened in Ma's house, and the person lying in the coffin should be Ma Hongwen.

But at this moment, he didn't care too much. People cannot be resurrected after death. Although there are some discrepancies in the plan, the general direction has not changed.

So a farce that had been prepared long ago began to be staged.

While the Xiang family's mansion was full of mourning, a servant hurried in and whispered a few words into Xiang Gongbao's ear, and Xiang Gongbao's face instantly darkened.

The others didn't know what happened, but Xiang Gongbao raised the teacup in his hand with a cold face, and said to Prince Gong, "Prince Gong, this humble minister is in charge of the court's soldiers and horses, and he only wants to protect his family and the country. I don't care who the new emperor is."

These sudden words made Prince Gong stunned for a moment, and the others present were also stunned.

All the people who came here to pay tribute to the funeral were ministers of the imperial court, all of them were fine figures, who would say what they said in the open? ?
Just like not long ago, the Minister of Household Affairs brought a group of veterans to find Prince Gong, apparently complaining that the new school of thought harmed the country and the people, and wanted Prince Gong to uphold justice.

What kind of justice can be presided over, and what identity should be used to preside over justice?
Don't forget that the man behind the new school is the emperor.

These words need to be understood by Prince Gong himself, and must not be said out loud.

We support you as emperor, as long as you kill the new school of thought.

After saying this, Prince Gong will be the first to kill the Minister of Household Affairs, otherwise he will be in big trouble if word spreads.

But now that Xiang Gongbao suddenly said this, Prince Gong's face was full of embarrassment, he didn't accept it, and he didn't accept it.

At this time, Prince Gong's butler also rushed in. As soon as the butler entered the door, he saw that the atmosphere was not right, and hurried to Prince Gong's side and whispered something in his ear.

Prince Gong wanted to get angry when he saw that the housekeeper was so ignorant, but he didn't see so many people staring at me, what are you chewing on?

But after listening to the butler's words, Prince Gong's face changed drastically in an instant.

"Brother Xiang, this matter has absolutely nothing to do with me. Someone must have framed it. Brother Xiang must learn from it."

Others also began to get news one after another. Just an hour ago, the government really caught an assassin.

The assassin was injured and went to see a doctor at the pharmacy. After the doctor found out that it was a knife wound, he thought about the search outside the government today.

So after fascinating the other party with anesthetics, he backhanded and reported to the official.

After the assassin was caught, it was natural that torture would be necessary to extract a confession. As a result, everyone ate a big melon, and this guy actually bit out Prince Gong.

Now the government's scalp is also numb, no matter how hard they beat the other party, they will not change their words. If they are killed, Prince Gong sent them to assassinate Xiang Gongbao.

It is said that Prince Gong has made the final plan. If the Empress Dowager Shengci does not abdicate, she will forcibly seize power.

Now that the news came, Prince Gong was also stupid, even though he had planned it in his heart.

At this moment, Prince Gong felt worse than eating a fly. It was hard to explain why the yellow mud fell off his crotch, so he could only try his best to separate the relationship.

But Xiang Gongbao just replied coldly that he was sick and went back to his room to rest.

Now Prince Gong could only leave Xiang's house with a dark face and a disheartened face.

Although everyone said that the assassin must have been framed by someone with a heart, but everyone knew that it was impossible for this matter to pass like this.

Empress Dowager Shengci would not miss this opportunity either.

After Xu Tong hurried home with Ma Qi, Ma Qi asked people to pack up their things, and asked everyone in the family to go out and hide in Wangzhuang first.

Ma Qi, who has always been very insensitive to politics, already smelled danger at this time, which indicated that the capital was about to change.

"Father, I can't leave, I have to go back to the palace to work."

Xu Tong stepped forward and said to Ma Qi.

"Go away, what trouble are you making at this time??"

March scolded with a black face, the person he was most worried about was his worthless son.

Surprisingly, Xu Tong did not show fear towards Ma Qi as usual today, but instead brought a cup of tea to Ma Qi with a smile.

"Father, everyone else can leave, but I can't. If I leave, everyone will see that something is wrong. Besides, at this point, do you think I can leave?? You are the only son. "

As soon as he said this, March was stunned.

Yes, anyone can leave, but this little bastard can't.

If he dared to go out of the city, he might be taken hostage the next day.

"Father, if I leave, no one at home will feel better about it. No one will protect me outside. It's better to be comfortable at home. Just send more people to protect me."

March frowned. Although as a father, he really wanted to reject his son's proposal, he had to say that this bastard, who was usually out of tune, said today that he couldn't refute.

"This...Master, let Hongwen stay alone? Then I won't leave either."

Grandma saw that Hongwen refused to leave, how could she, a mother, be willing to leave.

"Mother, you guys still have to go. I'm fine on my own. What's the trouble? If I hide by myself, the capital is so big, I can hide anywhere. If you guys stay here, I can't even run away. "

"My son is right. You, a woman, are causing trouble here. Hurry up and pack your bags and prepare to leave."

Ma Qi waved his hand impatiently, determined to send the family out of the capital today, even if the grandma cried, made trouble and hanged herself, it would not be easy.

Fortunately, the grandma thought about Xu Tong's words and thought it made sense. Coupled with Ma Qi's attitude, she got into the carriage with half push and half push.

Before leaving, he did not forget to ask Xu Tong to take good care of his body and so on.

Seeing the grandma wiping her tears, Xu Tong's envy for Ma Hongwen increased.

For some reason, he couldn't help but think in his mind: "What does my mother look like?"

Of course, this idea was quickly abandoned by him. He had never met his parents, and he didn't want to see them.

On this day, many people left the capital, even people who are not sensitive to politics can feel that something is wrong.

Because it has nothing to do with politics.

After Prince Gong returned to the mansion, he wrote a booklet and demanded that Empress Dowager Shengci Yancha repay his innocence, and he refused to go out after taking sick leave.

Empress Dowager Shengci's response was very simple, and asked Ying Tianfu to deal with it strictly, and at the same time asked the clan's government to investigate and deal with it.

However, the strange thing is that the assassin died that night.

He died inexplicably. According to the cell boss, they watched the assassin's head turn slowly, and finally twisted into a twist.

Now that there is no proof of death, everyone should be relieved, at least on the surface.

but no.

The atmosphere became even more tense.

This kind of tension is not only reflected in the court, but even ordinary people can perceive it.

To put it most intuitively, all the soldiers on the streets have been replaced recently. The Eight Banners soldiers who had been slacking off were replaced by soldiers newly trained by Ma Qi, and people who entered and left the capital were strictly checked.

Even the foreigner's district began to implement a strict curfew system.

As for the candidate for the new emperor, the court was still debating, but the shouts from Prince Gong's side became smaller and smaller.

"My lord, do you think Prince Gong will really rebel?"

Inside the Qin Tianjian, Xu Tong carefully served tea to the eldest princess.

After taking a sip, the eldest princess frowned, "It's not good. When I was alive, I liked to drink Dahongpao from Wuyi Mountain. There is an old tree there that tastes the purest."

Xu Tong curled his lips, thinking, good guy, one or two tea leaves have millions, you think this is still your Ming Dynasty.

However, what the eldest princess said reminded him that there are still many such good things in this era. For example, the flying dragons in the Northeast are not protected animals and can be eaten. Maybe they will have a chance to taste them in the future.

"Prince Gong doesn't have that fate. If he is sensible, he should obediently transfer out."

Xu Tong narrowed his eyes when he heard the words: "But he didn't, so whether it's the new emperor ascending the throne or the Empress Dowager Shengci continuing to be in power, he can't escape the result of being liquidated in the end."

It would be impossible for any person in power to tolerate his former competitor living comfortably without killing him.

What's more, Prince Gong is not a fuel-efficient lamp, he will not sit still, it is an inevitable result, but when he will rebel is the most intriguing part.

Xu Tong was engrossed in his thoughts, and suddenly noticed something, squinted and saw the action of the eldest princess licking the corner of her mouth inadvertently, and his heart skipped a beat: "I remembered, Li Xi, what I told you to do, how did you do it?" It's like..."

Saying that, Xu Tong stood up and walked out.

Do not!
It should be said to be running.

But as soon as he ran to the door, he didn't even have time to pull the door. One hand grabbed his collar and pulled him back hard, pulling him back.

As soon as my body sank, I felt that I had bumped into something soft and cool, and when I turned around, I saw that the eldest princess had exposed her pair of sharp fangs.

"Oh, I'm afraid of pain if you bite me lightly..."

"Ton ton ton..."


Xu Tong was thrown on the ground, as weak as a 40-year-old man after being forced ten times overnight, while the eldest princess wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth contentedly.

"It's still your blood that tastes good, is pure, and has no impurities. It really makes me want to squeeze you dry!"

The eldest princess stared at Xu Tong's body. For her, with a special physique, not only the taste of blood is excellent, but also the dark power with extremely high purity, which is simply the best tonic for her.

But this kind of top food, although delicious, can't be greedy. Last time, I accidentally inhaled too much, which almost cost Xu Tong half his life. Fortunately, the ginseng whiskers stolen by Li Xi were boiled into soup, so that he was relieved. angry.

So this time, she tried her best to control her desire, for fear that if she couldn't hold back once, she would directly squeeze people dry.

After all, there is a meal and a full meal, this shallow truth, the princess still knows it well.

What else can Xu Tong say, he doesn't want to say anything...

The eldest princess is obviously the kind of scumbag who wipes her pants and leaves.

After patting his belly, he swaggered home and lay down in the coffin to sleep, leaving Xu Tong lying on the ground for several hours before he managed to recover with the resilience of his dark physique.

When he climbed out, it was almost dark outside.

After calling out to Li Xi, he realized that Li Xi had asked for leave today.

Looking at the time, it was still early, Xu Tong walked towards the other direction of the palace gate.

Most of the imperial guards can't get to the harem, not to mention that they are not imperial guards now, but there is a small tea room at the Huayang gate, and people visiting relatives can wait here.

Xu Tong walked into the tea room, gave the guard a silver melon seed, and asked him to go in and pass it on. After waiting for more than half an hour, he saw a court lady poking her head out of the door surreptitiously.

"How about it, are you still used to it here?"

"It's okay, the food is better than outside, and Eunuch He takes care of me, no one bullies me."

The little maid said in a low voice, her eyes rolled around Xu Tong's body, and she stood in the farthest corner as soon as she entered the door, as if the man in front of her was a tiger that eats people but does not spit out bones.

This little maid is Yang Qi, the thief sent into the palace by Xu Tong.

The eunuch He she was talking about was the old eunuch who brought her into the palace. At that time, Xu Tong gave the old eunuch a full 2000 taels of silver in order to send her into the palace. Could he not take care of him?
After hearing what she said, Xu Tong nodded: "It's good if you can survive, but I didn't send you in to live. Do me a favor."


Yang Qi looked at Xu Tong warily.

I saw Xu Tong take out a piece of paper from his sleeve, on which a square metal box was drawn.

There is also a map at the back, which depicts the situation of the Treasure Building of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in detail.

There must be organs and guards inside, but Xu Tong believes that these things will not be difficult for Yang Qi, who claims to be a thief.

"Bring me this box and its contents. You'd better hurry. Time is running out."

"You told me to steal??" Yang Qi's head was like a rattle: "This is the palace. If I go stealing and get caught, I will die."

Xu Tong knocked on the melon seeds and said with a smile: "You don't have to steal it, but you must give it to me, otherwise..."

Having said that, Xu Tong's smile grew stronger: "I'll report you now and ask the guards to search your room. I think there will be unexpected gains."


Yang Qi was angry and anxious when she heard the words. As an excellent thief, such a good place in the palace is full of treasures. It is not too much to pick up some things that others don't want.

"That's it, you help me get the things, I'll give you a lot of money, and send you out of the capital by the way."

"Remember, it's best within this week."

After finishing speaking, ignoring Yang Qi's angry little eyes, she patted her ass and left.

However, compared to the scumbag who likes prostitutes like the eldest princess, he kindly left Yang Qi with 200 taels of silver as a reward.

 I'm sorry, I'll make an update today, but it's just a big chapter. I'll add more when I recover.

(End of this chapter)

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