Infinite script kill

Chapter 389 Chapter 71: God's Arrival

Chapter 389 No.70 Sheet: God's Arrival

Xu Tong followed Mr. Wen Yuan's gaze, and stood silently aside, neither comforting nor making fun of it, but just accompanied the old gentleman silently.

Yes, such a corrupt dynasty,

Such a person only knows how to exploit the people,

The country of Manchu nobles and slaves,
This ignorant and ignorant blockade country.

If it breaks, it breaks, so what a pity.

Xu Tong can think this way, because he stands in the future and knows how bright the new era in the future will be.

We know that in the future, countless unsung heroes will use their lives to catch up with the 100-year lag and re-realize the revival of Chinese civilization.

So for such an era, he does not recognize, understand, or like it.

So what if it's rotten, in the end he just patted his ass and left.

It's just that I can comment on history from the perspective of the future, although doing so is playing hooligans.

But Mr. Wen Yuan can't. He was born in this era and died in this era. He doesn't know what the future will look like.

Mr. Wen Yuan's life was very hard.

Obviously possessing the talents of the world and the world, he can make some achievements.

But just because of inadvertent making friends, he was wrongly sentenced to unjust imprisonment by the emperor and has since missed officialdom.

Ten years of studying hard in the cold window turned into nothing.

The most ridiculous thing is that even though the emperor later learned that he was wronged, for the sake of face and the so-called royal dignity, instead of rehabilitating him, he was never hired.

With such a dog emperor, Mr. Wen Yuan still needs to kneel down and thank the emperor for sparing his life.

Mr. Wenyuan, who has nothing, looks at those classmates who are not as talented as him, and they are all high school gold medals, but he is living on the street, making a living by selling calligraphy.

If he was not desperate, how could he be willing to play Mr. Ying for a bastard like Ma Hongwen.

Fortunately, he had amazing talents all his life, and after his death, he actually walked on the way of God in a daze.

This may be an unenviable opportunity in the eyes of others.

But for Mr. Wen Yuan, it was extremely cruel.

After his death, he couldn't sleep peacefully, and he could only watch helplessly as the country was destroyed and his family was destroyed, mountains and rivers were shattered, and he watched the great rule go to perish.

Mr. Wenyuan looked up at the distant sky, and a meteor fell from above his head.

The Forbidden Palace, which used to be full of dragon energy, is now eclipsed. Ever since the little emperor was abolished and imprisoned by the Empress Dowager Shengci, the thin real dragon has been completely shattered.

And so far the faint dragon aura hovered over the Forbidden City, but there was no way to gather a new dragon.

Mr. Wenyuan knew that the dragon was dead.

There will be no more real dragons in the world, and there will be no more emperors, and the Datong Dynasty will also collapse.

For a moment, Mr. Fan looked very helpless and bitter.

"You seem to be in poor health recently. I always feel that your blood is always weak."

After a short silence, Mr. Wen Yuan finally realized that there were more important things.

He looked at the black mark on Xu Tong's forehead, which seemed to be much heavier than before, which made him very worried about Xu Tong's safety in the future.

"Well, it's not a big problem."

Xu Tong touched his forehead and said with a smile.

"No! The problem is very serious. It's a matter of life and death. Don't take it seriously."

Mr. Wen Yuan frowned, his expression was very serious, and he didn't like Xu Tong's inconspicuous appearance.

Seeing that the old man was getting angry, Xu Tong hurriedly explained: "Sir, you are worried about me, of course I know, but the supernatural Taoist Dragon Xun has already said that this is my doom, and I can't escape it. "

"Then the Taoist Dragon Seeker said whether there is a solution?"

Because Xu Tong has been pulling Taoist Xunlong's tiger skin to cover himself, so at this moment, Mr. Wen Yuan doesn't know that the person he is cooperating with is actually his student.

If Mr. Wen Yuan knew that he, a student, had swallowed [-]% of the merit alone, he didn't know what expression he would have.

"Yes, he gave me a fake death pill, and said to take it when necessary, so as to escape by feigning death."

Xu Tong explained to the old gentleman sincerely.

"That's it."

Hearing Xu Tong's explanation, the big stone in Mr. Wen Yuan's heart finally fell to the ground.

But if that's all, he doesn't worry.

"I've been hearing a lot of bad noises lately, especially around the house, with a lot of messy people staring."

Since Mr. Da Wenyuan gained the incense merit, he was able to hear more things, and he was even free to go out as long as he wanted.

Because Fuxian's reputation is getting stronger and stronger, there are sculptures of Fuxian everywhere. Strictly speaking, he is no longer a house god.

It's a deity with a merit card and a temple, and the distance from the righteous god is only one imperial power seal.

So even if you stay at home, you can hear and see many things when you ask Mr. Fan.

"It's just some little guys, it's not a big deal."

Xu Tong said disapprovingly.

"Oh, you are so confident, could it be that Taoist Dragon Xun taught you some magical spells?"

Seeing Xu Tong's confident appearance, Mr. Wen Yuan couldn't help asking curiously.


After thinking about it, Xu Tong simply took out a piece of yellow paper in his hand, and folded it into a paper figurine in front of Mr. Wen Yuan.

With a light flick of his fingers, the paper figurine also danced on his palm.

Seeing Mr. Wen Yuan's mouth twitch a few times, he looked at Xu Tong expressionlessly.

It was useless to hide the disgust in his eyes, and he almost shouted: "That's it??"

Fortunately, Xu Tong followed his finger forward and saw the paper figurine flying out, leaving an afterimage in the air.

In the next second, the wooden stake with the thick mouth of a bowl in front of it was cut into three sections and slid down neatly.

Seeing this, Mr. Wen Yuan put away his contemptuous eyes.

"This technique can kill people!"

The five-word evaluation shows Mr. Wen Yuan's recognition of Xu Tong's ability.

"But not enough to protect yourself."

Immediately following the latter sentence, it shows his attitude.

In fact, Xu Tong still has more means, but it is really difficult to show them in front of the old man.

But when the old man said this, Xu Tong had a flash of inspiration: "Sir, Taoist Xunlong gave me a book, but I still can't comprehend it, so the ability to control paper is just so little, otherwise You give me pointers?"

As he spoke, Xu Tong took out the [Papermaker's Book].

Although the master said that this book should be self-study.

But do things in a hurry.

It's true to hold on to your life.

Mr. Wen Yuan took the book, read it carefully, and nodded: "It's not difficult, it's just..."

"Forget it, in troubled times, even if this book is full of side stories, it can still be regarded as a skill to save one's life."

It can be seen that the old man doesn't like the contents of the [Papermaker's Book].

In his opinion, the things recorded here are all unrefined tricks of the rivers and lakes.

It is obviously a little different from the high-end products such as Taoist magic that he imagined.

But after thinking about it, although those high-end products are good, they may not be suitable for Ma Hongwen.

Furthermore, the more authentic Taoism, the harder it is to get results early.

Now that the country is about to perish, it is still this kind of quick-acting and convenient practice of martial arts that works quickly.

Thinking of this, Mr. Wen Yuan signaled Xu Tong to sit down.

"Actually, the content of this book is easy to understand. Let me explain it to you paragraph by paragraph."

Mr. Wen Yuan's talent and learning are naturally not to be picked, and he has already accumulated enough teaching experience after teaching Ma Hongwen for so many years.

So when learning, Xu Tong not only did not feel strenuous, but also had a sense of enjoyment like listening to a master of classical literature recite poems for himself.

Even though Mr. Wenyuan used vernacular every time he translated, the combination of each word gave people a very comfortable feeling.

It doesn't take long to translate a book. After Mr. Wen Yuan translated the entire content of the book for Xu Tong to listen to.

Xu Tong's understanding of the paper craftsman's book immediately increased by leaps and bounds.

It wasn't until it was almost dawn that Mr. Wen Yuan closed the book and returned it to Xu Tong: "My child, you are stubborn by nature, but you are a lucky person. If you survive this disaster, you will have to start a new life in the future. .”

"Remember the teachings of Mr.

Xu Tong took the book and bowed to Mr. Wen Yuan.

Mr. Wen Yuan nodded, and with the rising sun and the crowing of roosters on the street, his figure gradually faded away in front of Xu Tong.

After Mr. Wen Yuan disappeared, Xu Tong re-read the contents of the paper craftsman's book before throwing it into the item book.

At this time, the [Paper Craftsman's Book] was flickering with light.

Xu Tong took another look and found that the entry of "Paper Craftsman's Book" had been upgraded.

【Papermaker's Book】

If you can't get the affirmation of the previous master, you can't get the things inherited from the eight miscellaneous studies.

Passive Skill 1: Blossoms on Fingers

Master all the basic skills of a paper craftsman, making the owner's origami skills a master.

(Art on your fingertips, but not enough...)
Active Skill 1: Paper Control
Consumes 10 script points. After activation, you can freely manipulate origami products, such as paper figurines, paper horses, paper cows, etc. The larger the target and the greater the number, the more energy will be consumed.

(Note: Please try the quantity by yourself.)
Each use consumes 10 script points, such as double paper figures, the consumption is doubled.

Cooldown: none
Active Skill 2: Enchantment
Consuming 5 script points, you can apply spirit enchantment to paper items, which not only greatly enhances the item's resistance, toughness, and strength, but also has a 20% chance of obtaining special bonuses.

The specific effect depends on the material (toilet paper is also OK!)
Cooldown: none
Active Skill 3: God's Descent
After consuming [-] script points and activating part of the sacrifices (guide money, ghost notes, etc.), you can start the god drop ceremony, and summon ghosts and spirits from the underworld (big kings and little ghosts) through paper figurines.

(Note: To summon a specific god, a specific token is required. If there is no specific token, it will be randomly summoned according to the sacrifice.)
Duration: Starts at 10 minutes, depending on the quality of the paperman and the mood of the god.

Cooling time: 2 hours.

The above is the effect of in-depth identification. If you want to improve your skills, please try to complete the elite identification.

(End of this chapter)

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