Infinite script kill

Chapter 390 Opening

Chapter 390 Opening

The in-depth appraisal effect of the paper craftsman's book can upgrade almost all skills in all directions.

Not only that, but also added a divine descent technique.

This reminded him of the old man in the first script world, in order to save his son Zhong Nan, he used two paper figurines to summon the big brothers Xie Qi and Fan Ba.

Of course, there must be the effect of his own ghost note.

Now after completing the in-depth appraisal, I also have this ability, and it seems to be much more convenient to use than the old man.

Follow the explanation in the paper craftsman's book.

I only need to use a specific item to call Xie Qi and Fan Ba, the two big bosses. I didn't explain what this specific item refers to.

But don't forget, I have a spiritual card in my hand that can directly contact them.

This spirit card may be the opportunity that Anritat said.

Hmm... No, it should be part of the opportunity, because just having a spirit card is useless, and these two bosses are not masters that I can use at will.

When people appear on the stage, they have to pay an appearance fee.

Coincidentally, this is exactly what I don't have.

Thinking of this, Xu Tong couldn't help but feel extremely resentful in his heart. He had a mold of Mingchao in his hand, but there was a hole in this stuff.

The master once said that in their era, no one could repair this thing.

Adding the words of Taoist Xunlong, Xu Tong can be sure that if he wants to repair this coin model, he must find a carpenter at the level of a grand master.

He glanced at the entry in the paper craftsman's book again.

After the in-depth appraisal of this thing, it can also be evaluated by elites. I don't know if there will be any new skills updated by then.

But that was obviously not an easy task.

"Master, you are right, the saint is in this kid's house, it's just..."

Outside the gate of the Ma Mansion, a group of people stood in the corner. After several days of scouting, they could already confirm that the saint they were looking for from the White Lotus Sect was here.

"Just what..."

Seeing the appearance of his subordinate Zhizhi Yuyu, Gu Changfeng, the leader of the White Lotus Sect, couldn't help frowning.

"It's just... that Ma Hongwen is a well-known beast. We have inquired about it and heard from the servants in the mansion that the saint is already the servant girl of that beast."

When the elders of the White Lotus Sect around heard this, their eyes widened.

What does the housemaid do?Simply put, that is the young master woman.

The status is the same as that of Xiren in the Dream of the Red Chamber.

According to the current standard of three wives and four concubines, the master is often old and physically weak, and when having sex with his concubines and wives, he often needs a maid to push the master behind.

When necessary, I even need to touch the gun for the master.

So the meaning of these words is to worry that the saint has been defiled by Ma Hongwen, a beast.

When Gu Changfeng heard this, he couldn't help but thump in his heart.

Once the saint's holiness is defiled, the spirituality of her body will disappear, and it will be useless for them to invite the saint back.

Thinking of this, Gu Changfeng hurriedly made up his mind and calculated carefully.

It took a moment for a frightened smile to appear on his face.

"It doesn't matter, the saint is still a perfect body."

After hearing the words of the leader, the elders finally breathed a sigh of relief.

After waiting for a hundred years, the leader of the sect died three times, and finally survived until the saintess was born. If the saints were really ruined by others, it would be more uncomfortable than killing them.

"Then what are you waiting for, let's go in and grab it."

An elder with a beard slowly pulled out the blade, but was stopped immediately.

"Don't do it!"

A few days ago, the spy who was in charge of stepping on the spot firmly held down the elder's wrist and said, "Too many people are staring at this place, including people from Prince Gong, people from the Xiang family, and even people from the palace. With this strike, the entire capital will be in chaos."

"Chaos is chaos, don't care about him so much, just let's kill him without leaving a piece of armor, rush into the palace, and kill this old lady, Empress Dowager Shengci!"

The bearded elder looked as if he was willing to tear himself apart and dared to pull the emperor off his horse.

But others dare not let him be so nonsense.

Gu Changfeng waved his hand to signal them to be quiet, and glanced out of the corner of his eye: "Huh!"

Hearing Gu Changfeng's surprise, everyone looked up and saw a young man coming out of the house, walking out of the house with a smile on his face.

"Headmaster, that's that little bastard Ma Hongwen!"

Someone pointed at Xu Tong, and Gu Changfeng identified him as Ma Hongwen.

"Then why are you waiting to kill him!"

The bearded elder wanted to charge out with a knife again, but Gu Changfeng shook his head: "No need, you may not be this kid's opponent."

"Ah! I'm not his opponent??"

The bearded man seemed to have heard something unbelievable. He has practiced hard for 30 years, and he is also a first-class master in the world.

And look at that little bastard, at best he was only in his early twenties, when he was practicing martial arts by himself, this kid was still an egg.

Everyone was also very surprised. According to the information they inquired about, this dude named Ma Hongwen's daily main business was drinking, visiting brothels, gambling, listening to music, and finally bullying others, but he had never heard of it. family.

Facing everyone's puzzled eyes, Gu Changfeng didn't explain this, but said: "But he won't live for too long, and the blackening of this son's Yintang is a sign of violent death. Unless the gods come, no one can save him." he."

"Bah, it's cheap, you little bastard."

The bearded man was full of resentment, as if he felt that it was a pity that this kind of scum did not die under his sword.

"Teacher, since this kid has left, those eyeliners will inevitably follow. How about we take the saint out now?"

Seeing that the spies around were all leaving with that boy Ma Hongwen, someone suggested to Gu Changfeng.

"No, wait any longer, you guys go and buy some yellow scented candles."

Gu Changfeng looked at the sky above Ma's house, and he could clearly see a majestic figure hanging high above the house.

In fact, Gu Changfeng was also very surprised. He didn't expect that there would be a house god in the Ma family, and he was a very powerful house god.

"It's no wonder that Ma Qi's luck is so good. There is a house god in the family, and his descendants are blessed."

After Gu Changfeng finished speaking, he couldn't help thinking of Ma Hongwen who had passed by just now, and immediately sneered, "Even if there is a house god, that kid is destined to die. A small house god can't keep him."

Taifeng Building, this restaurant has not been open for a long time, and it does not have the golden signboard of a century-old restaurant.

In this part of the capital, if you open a restaurant without a century-old signboard, you dare not call yourself a big restaurant.

If there is no Emperor Qianhuang's imperial treasure on the plaque, it will not be authentic enough.

However, since its opening, Taifeng Building has been relatively high-profile. It is located in Meishi Street, Dashilan. Its exterior is unremarkable, but it is very grand and spacious inside. There are more than 60 rooms, and more than [-] tables can be served at the same time, which is the most in Nancheng at that time.

The dishes are also mainly Shandong cuisine, braised mullet egg soup, hibiscus tremella soup, hot and sour chicken soup, Sixi meatballs, Yellow River carp, etc...

The quantity is large and delicious, the only downside is that the price is a little bit high.

But the decoration is very exquisite, and the venue is so big that many rich and noble families often choose to hold banquets in Taifeng Building.

Xu Tong came to the banquet early today.

I booked the most luxurious and largest box, and ordered a large table of wine and food.

Huo Wuji and others were also invited.

Because Li Xi hadn't come yet, the four of them sat casually at the table and started chatting.

The sound insulation in the room was poor, and after the four of them chatted casually for a few words, they heard a group of people next door scolding happily.

First he scolded the landlord, then the county magistrate, and finally the scolding became so popular that even the emperor was scolded.

It's also noisy around here, and not many people really heard it, otherwise someone with a heart would have gone out to report it.

"Recently, a lot of Jianghu people have come to Beijing."

Listening to the words in the room, Xu Tong couldn't help but said with a smile.

"Yeah, I don't know what's going on, but there have been more foreigners coming to Beijing recently."

Qianshou laughed aloud, because Li Xi had explained it, they did it secretly, and they were not allowed to spread it, not even Brother Ma, so Qianshou didn't dare to tell Xu Tong.

"Listening to the accent, it seems like Tianjin. Ever since the imperial court opened the martial arts gym and provided a sum of money for raising martial arts every year, there are all kinds of boxing there. There are more martial arts gyms than in the capital. Recently, I heard that they have opened again. Several martial arts halls."

Tianjin is a place where folk martial arts are very strong, and all major boxing gyms open here to accept apprentices. After a long time, it gives people a feeling that no matter where the heroes are from all over the world, they all want to come to Tianjin to open a martial arts gym.

Anyone who can open a martial arts gym in Tianjin will have a different gold content.

According to the rules of Tianjin, if you want to open a martial arts gym, you have to kick the gym first, and you can't do it yourself. You need to ask your apprentice to kick the gym. As long as you win ten consecutive games, you can open a martial arts gym in Tianjin.

But the apprentice who kicked the hall will be kicked out of Tianjin.

The apprentices who were kicked out would often come to the capital to wander, or join the army.

Master expects them to earn face by kicking gymnasiums, so what he teaches is real kung fu. If he joins the army or travels north and south, he will not be afraid of starving to death if he is capable.

The meaning of Beston's words, although a little teasing, is that this kind of thing is not unusual, but when Tianjin kicks the gym, it won't be long before a large number of Lianjiazi come to Beijing.

Xu Tong looked suddenly enlightened: "Don't tell me, I have never been to Tianjin. It is said that there are a lot of delicious food there, and the folk customs are also open. I will go there to see whatever I say in my life, no matter what it is. If you don’t do it, just sit in a teahouse on the street and drink a cup of tea and listen to cross talk, which is also a kind of enjoyment.”

Knowing this, he burst out laughing immediately: "Hey, brother Ma, don't tell me, if you really come to Tianjin, you don't need to listen to cross talk, you can find a small restaurant and listen to the locals talk about the mountains, it's more fun than cross talk."

The four of them suddenly burst into laughter, and the smile on Xu Tong's face gradually subsided. He squinted at the door and said, "You've been standing outside the door for almost half an hour. If you don't come in, the food will be cold."

As soon as the words fell, a sigh came slowly from outside the door, and one hand gently pushed the door open, revealing Li Xi's face, but besides Li Xi, two strangers walked in with Li Xi.

Li Xi walked into the door, he didn't dare to look at Xu Tong, he just lowered his head and said in a low voice: "Brother Ma, Prince Gong please go away."

(End of this chapter)

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