Chapter 391

"Prince Gong!"

Xu Tong was stunned for a moment, then looked at the two behind Li Xi.

The man on the left is tall and mighty, with pockmarks all over his face, while the man on the right is thin and thin, with two slender beards on his face.

As soon as the two entered the door, they intentionally or unintentionally blocked the exit of the room.

Seeing this, Xu Tong's expression immediately turned cold.

"Brother Li, what are you doing?"

Qianshou looked at Li Xi in surprise.

"Hehe, don't you see that?" Xu Tong stared at Li Xi coldly: "Xiao Li, everyone should be prepared to be betrayed these days. I don't blame you, but Brother Ma just wants to ask you, you How much did you sell Brother Ma for?"

As soon as these words came out, Huo Wuji was instantly annoyed. He slapped the table and glared at Li Xi with eyes as big as copper bells.

"You sold Brother Ma."

Huo Wuji's anger caught everyone off guard, or Xu Tong was also a little surprised by it.

But it was Li Xi who was the most surprised. In fact, on the way here, Li Xi thought about whether Huo Wuji and the others would be disgusted by what he did.

But Li Xi felt that the relationship between himself and the three of them for many years is not an exaggeration to say that they share weal and woe.

They should understand their choices, and even stand on their side.

But what Li Xi never expected was that Huo Wuji suddenly erupted.

The two eyes glaring at Li Xi, apart from anger, there is also a look that makes Li Xi feel very strange.

This strangeness made Li Xi panic, and subconsciously looked at Best Known and Qianshou.

But what he never dreamed of was that Baishitong and Qianshou turned their heads at the same time.


He opened his mouth with difficulty, but he didn't know what to say when he reached the edge of his mouth.

We are good brothers.

Don't forget, I brought you to the capital.

The four of us are good brothers who are sworn brothers to Jinlan.

He is just an outsider.

We are brothers!
However, he couldn't say these words, and Huo Wuji's violent temper was also on the rise, and he stepped forward and grabbed Li Xi by the collar: "You have been deceived by lard, brother Ma has been nice to us during our time, eat There is never a shortage of silver for drinking, how can you do this!"

Li Xi was stunned for a moment, the hostility in his heart exploded immediately, and he pushed Huo Wuji away.

"Yeah, food, drink, utility, and money are not missing. These have nothing to do with me. You are enjoying them. I still serve people shit bowls in the palace."

After he finished speaking, he looked at Xu Tong who was sitting on the side, and the anger in his eyes disappeared. He didn't use it, but he also took it. At least Xu Tong was never stingy when he gave him the bank note.

But so what.

"Brother Ma, when you were in a coma, I stole ginseng from the imperial hospital to make medicine for you. We don't owe anything at all. Prince Gong wants to see you. What can I, a little eunuch, do? For my sake, follow me obediently, I promise Prince Gong will never harm you."

"Who dares!"

Huo Wuji was annoyed, he stood in front of Xu Tong, his eyes were wide open, Qianshou and Bai Shitong looked at each other, it seemed that they were also very embarrassed.

But in the end he still sided with Huo Wuji.

People from the rivers and lakes, righteousness is the first word.

"Ha ha!"

Standing behind Li Xi, the short man with a mustache looked at Huo Wuji's angry expression, pushed away Li Xi who was in the way, took a step forward, and stood face to face in front of Huo Wuji.

Although not as tall as Huo Wuji, he raised his head and showed provocative eyes.

At the same time, his skin was still covered with little spots of dark spots, and his aura was also changing at an extremely fast speed.

The aura unique to the Banbu Grandmaster pervaded, and the surroundings were instantly quiet, and even the people who were drinking in the box next door fell silent.

Huo Wuji's pupils tightened, and his face instantly turned pale.

"Half a step...cough cough cough...cough cough...grandmaster...cough cough"

Baishitong's face turned red, because he was too excited, his chest began to hurt again, and he couldn't help coughing violently.

Seeing this, Qianshou knew that Bai Shitong's illness was onset, and hurriedly handed him a glass of water, but it seemed that Bai Shitong's illness could not be suppressed by a glass of water.

At the same time, the tall man on the side silently raised his fists, and stared at Qianshou and Baishitong indifferently. His expressionless eyes made them feel like they were being watched by a wild beast.

Every pore in my body tightened involuntarily.

Another master!
This time, most of the three people's spirits were beaten out at once.

A half-step master, a top master, just because they want to kill it is tantamount to nonsense.


A cold snort interrupted the rising murderous aura.

Xu Tong stood up and patted Huo Wuji's shoulder: "Don't do stupid things, you can't beat them."

Huo Wuji looked at Xu Tong, feeling guilty in his eyes.

"Actually, I'm surprised that you can do this."

Xu Tong pressed Huo Wuji down, raised his wine glass, looked at Huo Wuji, then at Best Knowing, and finally Qianshou.

"It's a surprise. I didn't expect to say goodbye in such a way. This is very different from what I thought, and it also gave me some inspiration. Maybe sometimes, people's hearts are changeable, and human nature is not so bad."

Li Xi lowered his head guiltily when he heard the words.

Although Huo Wuji and the others didn't know what Ma Ge meant, they still raised the wine glasses on the table.

"Time flies, I hope you will not forget your original intention and do it!"

Xu Tong drank the wine in one gulp.


Huo Wuji gritted his teeth, roared angrily, and drank the wine.

The three of them drank the wine, Xu Tong cupped his hands, glanced at the pale Li Xi next to him, patted his arm with relief, and put a bottle of fire knife on the table.

"This is a wind blowing feast prepared for you, don't waste it."

Li Xi froze for a moment, but before he had time to say anything, Xu Tong walked away from him.

"lead the way!"


The tall and the short, with their aura calmed down, opened the door and asked Xu Tong to go downstairs. As for Li Xi, neither of them looked at him.

Marco is gone.

The atmosphere in the room also dropped to freezing point.

Li Xi looked at Huo Wuji and the others, and saw that the three of them looked at him expressionlessly, as if a walnut had been stuffed in his throat, which made him a little out of breath.

Finally, Huo Wuji picked up the bottle of Huoshaodao and filled the wine glass.

Then raise the glass.

"Brother Ma heard that you were leaving the capital, so he specially called us and booked this banquet, and asked us to make a trip together for you, brother, the road is far away, so let's do it and cherish it."

Knowing this, he silently raised his wine glass.

"Bon Voyage."

Simple four words, no extra emotion, more like describing something that has nothing to do with me.

Seeing this, Qian Shou wanted to persuade her, after all, they have been in a relationship for so many years.

But seeing the firm attitude of Huo Wuji and Baishitong, he also sighed helplessly.

He looked at Li Xi with reproachful eyes.

He knew Huo Wuji well, his temper was just like Li Huo's, and he couldn't persuade him to come back.

If Li Xi had made this matter clear from the very beginning, their years of relationship were here, and they would never be on Ma Ge's side.

But the problem is, Li Xi didn't tell them anything.

This makes them inexplicably accompany him as a villain.

Think about it, just a moment ago, they were sitting with Brother Ma drinking with sincerity, chatting happily, and the next moment, they became Li Xi's accomplices.

This strong contrast made them feel that it was not Ma Ge who had been sold, but them.

It's strange that Huo Wuji doesn't turn his face.

Now that the commotion has reached this point, what else can there be to say.

Qianshou could only pick up the wine glass without saying a word.

Looking at the wine glass held in front of him, Li Xi only had pain on his face.

He raised the wine glass with a blank expression, but before he could recover.


With a crisp sound, Huo Wuji had already slammed the drunk wine onto the ground, smashing it to pieces.

"Bang! Bang!"

Li Xicai came back to his senses immediately after the sound of two throwing cups.

It's just that there are only two cold words in response to myself.


After finishing the words, Huo Wuji pushed open the door and walked out.

Baishitong clutched his chest, and with the support of Qianshou, followed closely behind with his head down.

In the empty room, Li Xi was the only one left holding the wine glass in his hand blankly.

After a while, the wind blowing from the window made him alert, and then he came back to his senses, looking at the empty banquet table.

Li Xi's heart was also empty, and he seemed to be able to see in a trance that if he hadn't betrayed Brother Ma, the five of them should be sitting here at this moment, drinking and having fun, with endless happiness.


Suddenly, Li Xi raised his head, with a cold light in his eyes, he remembered the scene in Prince Gong's mansion.

He remembered Prince Gong's aloof and contemptuous eyes.

I remembered the horror of the two top masters, tall and short.

"I'm not wrong, I just want to live!"

After all, he picked up the glass of wine in his hand and drank it down.

The hot wine poured into the throat like a knife, making people want to spit it out.

But Li Xi swallowed desperately, feeling the pain of this wild horse galloping in his chest, as if it was going to burn all his internal organs.

As if it wasn't enough, he grabbed the wine bottle on the table and took a swig of it.

In an instant, Li Xi's entire face turned red, and both eyeballs were bloodshot. If the first bite was like a knife, then the second bite was like a raging fire, igniting his whole body.

Burn it, burn it, burn all the unhappiness in my heart.

It seemed that only such a self-punishing burning sensation could make him catch his breath.

Standing outside the window, looking at the busy traffic on the street, I finally couldn't suppress the anger in my heart: "God, why did you treat me like this! Why!! I'm fucking your ancestor."

As he spoke, he tossed vigorously, and threw the wine bottle in his hand out.

The wine bottle drew an arc in mid-air, and at the moment it was about to hit the ground, it was gently and firmly held by a hand, as if the hand had already calculated that a bottle of wine would fall from the sky.

With his palm back, it was a drunk man holding an iron sword, his eyes glowed at the bottle of wine in his hand, and he squinted at Li Xi on the window.

"Tsk tsk tsk...

Think every day?
You deserve it too! "

After speaking, he brought the wine bottle to his mouth, took a sip, and his hazy eyes gradually became sharper: "If the day comes, I have to come first!"

 Sorry about that, the first 66 chapters: The scumbag princess started, the chapter number was wrong, every time I uploaded a chapter, I looked at the chapter number of the previous chapter, but I didn’t pay attention to the wrong one, and the following It's all wrong, but I don't have permission to modify it, so I'll ask the editor on Monday, good night.

(End of this chapter)

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