Chapter 400
On the other side, after Xu Tong and Gao Zhuo walked into the vermilion gate, they got used to the turbid air here briefly.

Gao Zhuo was immediately shocked by the scene in front of him, and he swallowed after a while.

"I'll go, there are so many treasures in this palace, and there is such a good place? Why didn't you say it earlier, even if I was an eunuch, I would come in as soon as possible."

Gao Zhuo looked at the coffin in front of him, his eyes straightened, as if what was lying in the coffin was not a vicious ghost zombie, but a new unopened toy.

"Ha ha!"

Xu Tong glared at Gao Zhuo angrily, but didn't explain anything.

After walking a few steps inside with the unconscious Lerou in their arms, the two of them stopped abruptly, and even Gao Zhuo, a serious necromancer, couldn't help frowning.

On the ground in front of my eyes, there are mutilated corpses everywhere, and crooked scratches on the corners of the walls. I can imagine the pain these people suffered when they died.

Xu Tong took a hasty glance, and then led the two of them to the back, tentatively shouting a few times while walking: "Little Lizi! Little Lizi!"

After a while, I saw a black shadow come out from the corner. After seeing it was Xu Tong, he ran up quickly, looked up and down at the three of them, and couldn't help patting his thigh and saying, "Oh, my little ancestor, you Why did you come back again, and you brought two of them with you, you are a pregnant woman who is married to the next door, you sell one and get two free."

Although Xiao Lizi kept complaining, but his heart was not bad, he knew that this place was dangerous, and he just didn't want Xu Tong and the others to come in.

"It's all here."

Xu Tong grinned, and pulled Xiao Lizi to point to the hall behind: "The girls are in there?"

"What bitch, that's the eldest princess!"

Listening to what he said, Xiao Lizi couldn't help correcting him by rolling his eyes.

I'm afraid that Xu Tong's mouth will cause any trouble again.

"Then is she in there?"

"Here, you're asleep, what are you doing?? Don't mess around..."

"Help me hide it for him, and leave the rest to me." Xu Tong pointed at Gao Zhuo.

"what would you like!!"

Xiao Lizi seemed to sense that something was wrong with this guy's expression today, so he asked alertly.

Xu Tong didn't explain anything, and patted Gao Zhuo's shoulder: "Trust me, everything will go according to the plan."

Gao Zhuo took a deep breath. He knew the plan Xu Tong was talking about. He was going to participate in the side mission, Seizing the Dragon, and he couldn't help but become entangled: "Can we not go? Actually, we don't need to take such a risk in this mission."

In this script world right now, the stronger the sense of participation, the higher the level of difficulty.

On the contrary, if you turn yourself into a marginal character, the difficulty will be very low. '

In fact, they can hide here. Those people outside may not really dare to come in. Just wait for them to leave, and then find a place to hide. After the main mission is over, they can leave safely.

Facing Gao Zhuo's questioning, Xu Tong only narrowed his eyelids and slowly opened his mouth to reveal his neat white teeth, and responded to Gao Zhuo with a cynical smile: "Because I have no choice!"

After finishing speaking, he hugged Le Rou in his arms and looked at Xiao Lizi: "Please, after this is over, if I'm still alive, I'll take you out of this ghostly place together."

Gao Zhuo watched Xu Tong stepping towards the apse, and wanted to say something, but Xiao Lizi had already grabbed Gao Zhuo's arm and said, "Don't be stupid, follow me quickly."

As he said that, he wanted to drag Gao Zhuo to find a remote corner to hide, but at this moment, Gao Zhuo stopped and gently pushed Xiao Lizi away.

"No, I'll hide it myself."

"You! Where are you hiding?? Don't mess around."

Little Lizi felt dizzy for a while, there were not many places where people could hide in this place.

But Gao Zhuo didn't want to just hide like a tortoise and put all the pressure on his teammates.

Although for the vast majority of players, this kind of operation is not surprising, and even at critical moments, there are not a few who push their teammates out as a shield.

But for himself, he couldn't do it.

If you can't take this responsibility together, even if you live to the end, what's the point.

Thinking of this and seeing Gao Zhuo, he turned his eyes and saw the coffin at hand, stepped forward, and lifted the lid of the coffin.

Lying in the coffin lid was a female zombie, sleeping soundly at the moment, holding a bone stick in her hand.

Suddenly being lifted off the coffin lid like this is no less than when you are sleeping soundly at night, and someone suddenly lifts your bed, and everyone will be angry.

The female zombie seemed to be no exception, but before she got angry this time, the gaucho had already jumped into the coffin, raised three silver needles and stuck three silver needles in the female zombie's head.

Afterwards, when the coffin lid was closed, there was a rumbling sound inside, and Gao Zhuo didn't know what Gao Zhuo was doing inside.

"My dear, the feeling is that our family underestimated you."

After speaking, he looked into his crotch again, thinking: "Hey, a person with roots is tougher than a eunuch to be a ghost. If I can have a next life, please don't let me be a eunuch again.

Just as he was thinking about it, he suddenly heard a shaking sound outside the door. Xiao Lizi stared at him and wondered what happened today, so many people lined up to come in to die? ?
Complaining in his heart, the person rolled on the ground and quickly turned into a black shadow and hid in the corner.

"Om... clack clack..."

The scarlet door was slowly pushed open a gap.

Someone poked his head out and looked inside the gate. The world he saw was completely different from the outside world. There were coffins everywhere, and the air was turbid.

You can even smell a strong rancid and bloody smell.

"Headmaster, why is there such a scary place in this palace??"

A member of the White Lotus Sect swallowed, even if the supernatural head teacher was right behind them, but if they were to enter such a ghostly place, anyone would start to feel a little bit worried.

"Hey, this place was originally a forbidden area of ​​the former dynasty. It is said that Princess Zhaoyi was buried here, but that happened many years ago. Let's go and catch that brat. No matter what, the saint must be brought back. It is the key to our recovery of Daming, I believe Her Royal Highness will not blame her."

Gu Changfeng stood behind everyone and said.

His injuries were severe, and half of his body was incinerated. The green grease in the dragon ball had already been ignited, and the flames were as bright as gold, but even for a grand master, it was a fatal existence.

Whenever it is contaminated, the skin and flesh disappear immediately, and it seems that some kind of mantra is blessed inside, and the grand master's fiction and reality have no effect at all.

If according to the previous design, the moment the dragon ball shatters, you only need to close the door, even if the two of them are immortals with three flowers on their heads, they will not escape death.

But Xu Tong didn't have time to close the door at that time, the iron door weighed at least a hundred catties, and the time to close the door was long enough for Fu Anning to rush over and chop him twenty knives.

That's why they made the second best choice, blocking the door with Big Fatty, and then let Big Fatty launch a self-destruct to deal a fatal blow to Fu Anning and Gu Changfeng.

This seemingly thrilling and desperate plan is actually a hundred secrets and one sparse plan, which inadvertently found a chance for the two of them to survive.

At the moment when Big Fatty exploded, the powerful shock wave caused serious injuries to two people and shattered all internal organs, but at the same time, it also blew away the god fire oil, and quickly burned the air inside first.

Now the two had a chance to survive, barely survived with the strength of the great master.

However, although he survived, he was inevitably seriously injured in the end.

Fortunately, the White Lotus Sect has developed for so many years, and it still has a solid background. With the use of precious medicine and several elders taking turns to heal their injuries, Gu Changfeng's injuries have been stabilized and controlled.

It's just that the strength will inevitably be greatly reduced.

Even so, Gu Changfeng didn't want to leave just yet.

A major change that is rare in thousands of years is just around the corner. If this opportunity is missed, the future will only be more difficult.

Besides, he didn't want to live like this with neither human nor ghost, so he must lead everyone in to find the Holy Son, and at the same time cut the weeds and root them out!
Passing through the arch in front of them, everyone frowned.

I saw corpses all over the ground, and judging from the costumes, most of them belonged to court ladies and eunuchs.

But it seems to have been dead for a while, and some of the bodies have begun to rot away.

"I heard that the last time Da Dao Wang Wu brought people from the new school into the palace, there were rumors of ghosts in the palace. At that time, many court ladies and eunuchs disappeared, and even the emperor's favorite concubine disappeared. It's true, these people are all caught here."

The so-called emperor's family affairs are known to the world, even the vermilion high wall can't stop the people's gossip, and what's more, when things were so big at that time, someone would always ask what happened afterwards.

I thought this kind of statement was just a story constructed by those storytellers, but I didn't expect it to be true.

Seeing that most of these corpses were eaten to pieces, and then looking at the densely packed coffins around them, everyone felt a chill down their spines.

Gu Changfeng ignored these corpses, and led a group of people to the back. When they reached the main hall in the backyard, Gu Changfeng waved his hand to signal them to stop.

Through the opened gate of the main hall, one can see a special coffin placed in the center of the main hall.

Seeing this coffin, Gu Changfeng raised his brows slightly, led the crowd to the front of the main hall, slowly arched his hands, and knelt down towards the coffin in front of him: "I pay my respects to the eldest princess, I disturbed Your Highness, and please make amends. "

A group of elders looked at each other, but they also felt normal. Although they were the princesses of the previous court, the White Lotus Sect was just for the restoration of Daming. Thinking of this, they all followed Gu Changfeng and knelt down.

However, what Gu Changfeng said next surprised everyone.

I saw Gu Changfeng slowly raised his head and looked at the coffin in front of him without turning his eyes, saying: "Chen Fu An Ning, please greet the princess!"

(End of this chapter)

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