Infinite script kill

Chapter 401 Jiangshan?Who cares

Chapter 401 Jiangshan?Who cares

As soon as this remark came out, everyone was dumbfounded.

He stared blankly at Gu Changfeng with pairs of eyes, and even wondered if he had misheard.

" just said...what?"

Fu Anning turned her head slowly, and looked at the elder beside her with the half of Gu Changfeng's face covered: "From the beginning to the end, I never said that I am Gu Changfeng!"


All of a sudden, everyone gasped for breath, staring at the man they called the leader in front of them with wide eyes.

The elders felt as if they had been struck by lightning, and suddenly remembered the blood man crawling out of the fire...the hairs all over their bodies stood on end.

"You are...Fu Anning!! Then...then we...the person we killed..."

A believer of the White Lotus Sect seemed to be thinking of something terrible, and his breathing became more and more rapid. Every word seemed to be shouted after being squeezed in the chest several times.


Fu Anning's bloody side looked at everyone, with a faint smile on his face: "Isn't he your dearest leader!"

It turned out that at the moment when Xu Tong shot the fire dragon ball, Gu Changfeng chose to catch the picture of ascending the dragon. He never expected that the flames falling from his head would be so terrifying.

Undoubtedly, Gu Changfeng paid a heavy price for his misjudgment within seconds.

The flame almost incinerated half of his body, if it wasn't for the explosion that followed, which quickly extinguished the flame, Gu Changfeng would have been burned to death on the spot.

The explosion and serious injuries made Gu Zhang risky to pass out on the spot. In a blink of an eye, Gu Changfeng sensed the incoming fist wind and instinctively blocked the counterattack. The five fingers of his right hand clasped Fu Anning's wrist that was pinching him at his throat. , Slam down hard, and hit the opponent's chest with a fist with his left hand.

However, instead of dodging, the opponent slammed his body up, not only avoiding Gu Changfeng's blow that hit the hardest, but also took the opportunity to stick out his hands and put two fingers on Gu Changfeng's body.

"Spiritual Pointing Cicada Technique"

The light on the fingertips flickered on and off, and a burst of energy flickered on and off. After getting under the skin, it moved around and spread, and the skin and flesh separated where it passed.

This thaumaturgy did not come from the secret technique of any famous sect, but was created by a peasant woman who made silk in the Ming Dynasty Manufacturing Bureau.

It is said that after a long period of time and untold years, the peasant woman was so blessed that she created this thaumaturgy.

From then on, all the raw silk that was handled was of high quality. Before this method could be taught, it encountered the big ink corruption case of the Jiangnan Manufacturing Bureau.

The woman farmer didn't know why she was implicated, and finally this method was also included in the arsenal. I thought that I would teach this method after the situation subsided, but I didn't think it would end up in the arsenal to eat ashes. .

At this time, with a light swipe of his fingertips, Gu Changfeng suddenly felt a burning sensation all over his body, a tingling pain.

Immediately after, half of the human skin was peeled off by the opponent.

The excruciating pain was comparable to that of Ling Chi, and Gu Changfeng was in such agony that he wanted to take the flesh back, but he was too heavy, and he really didn't have the strength to fight Fu Anning any longer.

Fu Anning didn't dare to pester him anymore, after all, his injury was also not good, so he put on half of the human skin and ran out.

The rest of the matter is a matter of course, and Li Daitao is stiff.

But Fu Anning was right in saying something, from the beginning to the end, he never admitted that he was Gu Changfeng.

After the group of believers learned the truth, their eyes were like bells, and it was like a ball of gunpowder exploded in their chests.

The elder who personally killed his own leader almost passed out.


A believer rushed forward and wanted to kill Fu Anning to avenge the leader.

However...they obviously don't have this chance.

Facing the oncoming knife shadow, Fu Anning's fingers were like lightning, and he gently clamped the blade on his fingertips, but he didn't see him using any force. He just shook his fingers and broke the blade, and threw it with his backhand, the blade was like a hidden weapon , directly piercing the opponent's throat.

If it was before, when he was seriously injured and dying, these people swarmed up enough to chop himself into meat paste.

But now, Fu Anning looked around at these Bailian traitors with contempt.

"In the next life, polish your eyeballs."

Fu Anning didn't do anything, but just turned his eyes to the coffin in front of him again.

Ordinarily, if I made such a big commotion, the person inside should have woken up, even if I got out of bed and got a little angry, I can handle it myself.

But now there is no movement at all... Isn't she at home? ?

In confusion, Fu Anning walked to the coffin, hesitated for a while, then raised his hand and pushed the coffin away.

Looking along the opened coffin, I saw that the moment the coffin was opened, it was not the miraculous princess protruding from the inside, but a black muzzle of a gun.

"Bang! Bang! Bang bang!!"

Flames spewed out from the muzzle of the gun, and before Fu Anning had time to dodge, blood burst out on his chest, and he also stumbled and fell backwards.

Just looking carefully, it is not difficult to find that although the bullet hit Fu Anning's body, it did not hit the vital point head-on. Even when Fu Anning got up from the ground, the bullet had already been squeezed out of the wound by him.

"It's you!!"

Seeing Xu Tong standing up from the coffin, Fu Anning couldn't help being a little surprised.

In fact, when Xu Tong and the others came in, they found that the coffin was open. As for the eldest princess, he didn't see it, but immediately heard the movement outside, so he decided to hide in the coffin to see the situation.

At this moment, the two are facing each other, it can be said that the jealousy of enemies when meeting each other is not an exaggeration.

Xu Tongzeng almost lost his life under Fu Anning's hands, and Fu Anning almost exploded the Dragon Ball with a single shot because of Xu Tong's misfortune, and was almost killed by him.

In fact, the two didn't have any deep hatred at first, but they unknowingly walked on the opposite side of each other, and they were the kind that would never die.

"There are two things I regret the most in my life!"

Fu Anning stared at Xu Tong coldly: "The first thing is that I didn't escape from the capital when I was young and traveled to Nanyang. The second thing is that I failed to kill you at Lianshan Temple!"

"You can try it now!"

Xu Tong walked out of the coffin, put away the gun in his hand, and stared at Fu Anning.

"This kid..."

Xu Tong's strength surprised everyone, including the members of the Bailian Sect, all looked at him in surprise.

It seems that in their impression, this flamboyant boy from the Ma family is simply an ignorant scumbag.

However, it is just such a scum, facing a great master at this moment, he does not have the slightest stage fright, and the aura on his body is vaguely better than that of Fu Anning.

Fu Anning was indeed discouraged. Facing the Bailian Sect members, he still had the confidence to easily crush them.

But when facing Xu Tong, Fu Anning really didn't have the confidence in his heart.

The last time I was seriously injured by this kid, the impression was too deep.

So for a long time, until now, I still feel afraid of this kid's methods in my heart.

However, at this moment, Fu Anning suddenly raised his head and looked behind Xu Tong in horror.

"Meet the princess!"

Xu Tong was stunned for a moment, but soon there was a cold light in his eyes, he reached out and took out a long knife, and slashed at Fu Anning's head.

Fu Anning clearly sensed the danger, but he didn't choose to dodge, watching helplessly as the knife was about to slash his face.


The blade hissed piercingly in the air, as if being enveloped by an invisible big hand.

At the same time, a hand was already on his shoulder, like thin white and boneless fingers, gently sliding up Xu Tong's throat, the cold fingers were like solid ice, exuding a biting chill, as if What slipped on his throat was not a fingernail, but an extremely sharp knife.

The members of the Bailian Sect stared blankly at the woman who appeared out of thin air in front of them.

According to the's Fu Anning, could this woman be the eldest princess of the previous dynasty? ?

If this is the case, shouldn't they be her subjects who restore Daming?

Thinking of all these people, I was a little dazed for a while, wondering if I should also kneel down now, and pay my respects to this eldest princess?

Just when they were hesitating, Fu Anning took out a scroll from his sleeve and held it above his head respectfully.

"The eldest princess has contributed to the good fortune, and the humble minister came here just to make the icing on the cake, and also to send charcoal for the eldest princess."

As he spoke, he unfolded the picture scroll in his hand, and saw a huge dragon hovering in the sea of ​​clouds in the picture scroll.

The giant dragon is vivid, and every dragon beard and dragon scale is endowed with a vivid charm.

Only those eyes were not lit.

The eldest princess glanced at it: "Wu Daozi's picture of ascending the dragon?"


This picture of ascending the dragon was painted by Wu Daozi at that time. It is said that it was a picture of a dragon and a phoenix ascending to auspiciousness.

At that time Tang Xuanzong was very happy to see the two paintings, but he found that the dragon and the phoenix in the painting did not close their eyes, so he asked Wu Daozi why he did not close his eyes.

Wu Daozi said that if the eyes are clicked, the dragon and the phoenix will come back to life.

How could Tang Xuanzong believe in this kind of thing, and ordered Wu Daozi to close the eyes of the dragon and the phoenix.

Wu Daozi only clicked on the eyes of the phoenix, and the phoenix in the painting jumped up, circled the palace for three moments, and finally disappeared.

Since then, this painting has been collected and renamed as the picture of ascending dragon.

Although the eldest princess had already recognized the picture, Fu Anning still told the whole story again.

"His Royal Highness wants to seize the dragon's veins. With this thing, I can get twice the result with half the effort."

"You old guy is very thieves, I don't believe it, just put your eyeballs on me."

Before the eldest princess could speak, Xu Tong couldn't help but sneer at the side.

However, as soon as the words fell, Xu Tong's shoulder suddenly felt a hot burning sensation, as if a pot of hot oil had been poured on his shoulder, which was scalding and stinging.

I saw the eldest princess' fingers lightly landed on his shoulders, and the fingers poked into Xu Tong's shoulders as silkily as if poking into a piece of cream cake.

Seeing the pained look on Xu Tong's face, Fu Anning couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth slightly.

"You come to please me like this, is it to please your stinky skin?"

The eldest princess stretched out her hand, took out Fu Anning's original skin and threw it to him.

Fu Anning took it over gratefully, and continued: "Of course not, I am willing to follow the eldest princess, I wish you a helping hand, just... just hope that I can share a little bit of dragon energy with me, that's enough."

Obviously, although Fu Anning hadn't studied any tactics systematically, he knew the reason to join if he couldn't beat it.

Since I can't beat you, I'll just join in, you share some dragon energy with me, even if it's a little less, I'll be content.

The eldest princess didn't refuse or agree, but just looked at the Bailian sect members.

This group of people are not fools, seeing Fu Anning kneel down obediently, how dare they stand, not to mention the fact that the White Lotus Sect is originally their retainer from the point of view of doctrine.

So they all followed suit and knelt down in front of the eldest princess, and several elders even started to cry when they opened their mouths.

"The ancestor of the old minister is a descendant of the Xu family. He has been fighting for the restoration of Daming all the time. Today, I finally see the princess of Daming. Please accept my worship. The princess is a thousand years old, a thousand years old."

"Princess Chitose Chitose Chitose Chitose!"

Everyone is not a fool, they are stronger than others, it has been 200 years, the eldest princess is still alive, she is still so young and beautiful, she is already a fairy figure beyond life and death, compared to the death of a leader, it does not matter, as long as the great cause of restoring Daming is still alive On the line.

The eldest princess seems to enjoy the kneeling of these people, but... the great cause...

What does it have to do with me? ?

The eldest princess squinted her phoenix eyes, looked at the group of white lotus disciples kneeling below and said softly:

"Thanks for your hard work."

Those three simple words made the hearts of the Bailian disciples tremble, and their nostrils became sour.

This is not something they pretended to do, but a genuine feeling of being recognized.

Just imagine, these people hide in XZ all day long, trying their best to rebel, in order not to restore Daming, this slogan has been passed down from the generation of grandpa, until now, to get a royal orthodox sentence like the eldest princess Condolences, how excited my heart is.

Elder Xu just now cried and climbed forward, as if he wanted to tell the eldest princess the hardships they had suffered all these years in order to restore Daming.

But the eldest princess obviously had no patience to listen any longer.

With a smile on his face, he pulled Xu Tong back a step, and then bowed slightly to the believers without breaking the etiquette: "Take a good rest, I promise, you won't be so tired in the future."

As soon as the words fell, the gate of the palace in front of him was suddenly closed heavily by a force.


Looking at the heavily closed door, several young believers seemed to sense that something was wrong.

"Old Xu, this..."

"Don't worry, the Eldest Princess has already spoken, the revival of Ming Dynasty is just around the corner, we should also enjoy the happiness and have a good rest at that time."

Elder Xu raised his hand to comfort everyone.

But the moment Elder Xu turned around, the smile on his face froze for a moment, and his eyes fixed on behind everyone.

Everyone seemed to have a feeling and looked back.

Immediately, the scene in front of them made everyone's hearts skip a beat, and they felt a chill crawling up their heels like a centipede.

The densely packed zombies surrounded them at some point.

Look at the zombies with red eyes in front of them.

Elder Xu and the others felt their scalps go numb for a while, as if they finally realized that something was wrong.

"No! Impossible,
Princess, princess, you still need us,
You still need us to stabilize the country for you, princess... bang bang bang..."

The sound of slamming the door did not affect the mood of the eldest princess.


What's the use of that thing for her?Can you cultivate immortality?
When she was a child, she cared little about those things, and now... she doesn't care either
(End of this chapter)

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