Chapter 403

The vision in the sky became more and more obvious, and Lao Huang couldn't hold on anymore.

The world seems to change hands at any moment.

It's just that these have nothing to do with Xu Tong.

At this moment, in the small building in the corner of the palace, he looked at the old acquaintance in front of him expressionlessly.

Taoist Xunlong glanced at the rising sun outside, smiled and said: "Today is a good day, come with me to see your father later."

It turned out that after Xu Tong came out with the eldest princess and others, the eldest princess let him go and signaled him to leave.

Of course, this walk is to follow Taoist Xunlong.

As for the eldest princess and Fu Anning, Xu Tong didn't know what they were going to do. He only knew that when they left, Le Rou was carried on Fu Anning's shoulders and left together.

But when she was leaving, the eldest princess generously handed over the picture of ascending the dragon to Taoist Xunlong.

Faced with the smiling expression of Taoist Xunlong, Xu Tong could only nod with a dark face to show his cooperation.

At this moment, Xu Tong suddenly thought of something, and asked, "Is it because of the so-called fate that you didn't want to come out and intervene before?"

This was an idea that came to his mind when he saw Prince Gong's rebellion and his fortune changed rapidly. At this moment, he just wanted to find Taoist Long for verification.

Regarding this question, the Xunlong Taoist held his beard in his hand and nodded with a smile: "You are very talented in learning, seize this opportunity tonight, after you become a great master, find a place to live in seclusion, according to your wishes Talent, I think after ten years or so, you will naturally understand the way of it."

"Tonight? You mean, Xiang Gongbao will be enthroned tonight?"

Xu Tong's eyes lit up, and although he tried his best to conceal it, the excitement in his brows could not be concealed at all.

"That's right, when the yin and yang alternate tonight, the universe is turned upside down, that's when the Xiang family's fish leaps into the dragon's gate, the elixir I gave you will be able to help you achieve enlightenment at that time."

Taoist Xunlong had a kind face, looking at Xu Tong as kindly as looking at a younger generation of his own.


Xu Tong clenched his fists excitedly, already feeling eager to try.

It's just that besides this excitement, there is a growing sense of vigilance.

If he had a choice, he would rather stay with the eldest princess than be with the old thief Xunlong Taoist.

At least when the princess wants to kill him, she will let him die clearly.

And Taoist Xunlong... This old thief is the proper Yue Buqun, you will never be able to judge when the other party will suddenly stab you with this kind of person.

The two stayed in the small building for a long time, and after making sure that the outside was almost quiet, they walked downstairs slowly and went to the household department to look for Xiang Gongbao.

It's just... have you really settled down?
At this moment, figures dressed as four eunuchs in the House of Internal Affairs quietly emerged from the corner.

"It's over??"

Seeing the officers and soldiers changing defense outside, Beston couldn't help frowning and asked.

"How is it possible! You see, the people who were replaced were all Han soldiers from outside. Since ancient times, the Ministry of Internal Affairs has been in charge of the Bannermen to control when it is the turn of the Han family to guard it. I think things have exploded."

Li Xi still has a good understanding of the set of things in the palace.

Seeing the officers and soldiers changing defenses, I knew in my heart that this matter might not be as simple as they imagined.

"Then what should we do? We can't just pretend to be eunuchs all the time, right?? Also, why are these clothes so smelly?"

Huo Wuji was obviously very displeased with the clothes on his body, and he didn't know which unlucky guy Li Xi picked them off. There was a sour body odor mixed with a strong incense smell.

It's like pouring a bucket of sesame oil into the hut, it's almost disgusting.

Li Xi smiled bitterly and explained: "The clothes of the eunuchs almost all smell like this."

Eunuchs smelled very bad, because of the backwardness of castration surgery, many eunuchs had incontinence problems throughout their lives, and the palace might require them to take a bath every day, so there would be such a foul smell on their bodies.

In order not to make the masters hate it, they used various incense to cover it.

Therefore, generally speaking, when families with a relationship, when sending their children to the palace, they often spend a lot of money to hire skilled masters to do it.

It is said that as long as you have enough money, the master chef can still keep some characteristics for you when cutting.

As for what to do now, Li Xi didn't know, but his particularly sensitive intuition told him that this matter did not pass like this, and even bigger troubles were yet to come.

"I said, otherwise, let's take advantage of the present, let's go to the inner library to beat him up, and then find a way to sneak out."

Qianshou looked at the warehouse not far away, with two pairs of eyes staring eagerly.

When they passed by just now, they took the opportunity to glance inside, just looking at the decorations and ornaments inside, they were so greedy that they drool, believing that there must be rare treasures hidden inside.


Li Xi immediately rejected the proposal.

"Now is the time when the security is the most stringent. Whoever takes the lead will die. Wait a minute, this matter is not over, and those big shots are still gone. Let's small fish and shrimps, don't be the boss."

"That's right, don't forget that so many strangers are hiding in the Forbidden Palace now, and we won't be found for a while, so wait."

Beston agreed with Li Xi's idea, but after saying this, he couldn't help coughing heavily again.

Seeing that his health was getting worse, Li Xi hurriedly said, "Well, let's go to the medicine store first and see if there is any medicine that can relieve your condition."

"Don't go, the risk is too great!"

Baishitong waved his hands again and again, but after finishing speaking, he couldn't help coughing again.

"Let's go! Otherwise, your health will be overwhelmed, and everyone will be implicated by you in the end. Don't forget, we agreed to die in the same year, the same month, and the same day."

Once Li Xi said this, he knew everything and couldn't say anything more. The four of them turned around and walked towards the medicine store with their heads down.

at the same time.

Xu Tong has brought Taoist Xunlong to meet Xiang Gongbao.

It's just that when he saw Xiang Gongbao again, Xu Tong was very surprised. He saw the luck on Xiang Gongbao's head, and a giant white-fronted tiger had already sprouted two wings, like a tiger with wings added.

According to Taoist Xunlong, the yin and yang are reversed tonight, and the tiger takes advantage of the wind to soar upwards, I am afraid that it will really be able to ascend to the position of the Ninth Five-Year Lord.

"You little bastard, where did you go!"

Xu Tong looked at Xiang Gongbao in a daze, and was suddenly kicked on the buttocks. Looking back, it was Ma Qi.

Before he could say anything, Ma Qi hugged Xu Tong heavily in his arms.

Xu Tong could even clearly smell the thick smell of blood and sweat on Ma Qi's body, but it was precisely this smell that gave people an incomparable sense of security.

"If there is something wrong with you, how can you tell me to meet your mother? Fortunately, God is open, and finally bless our Ma family not to have an endless succession."

Ma Qi's words made all the ministers present feel so tired that they almost vomited.

I thought: "Your son committed crimes, murdered and set fire, God bless him? He is really blind."

It's just that even though there are all kinds of complaints in my heart, I have to show a look of relief on my face that everyone is happy.

"Father, let go, I can hardly breathe."

Xu Tong really couldn't stand this kind of sudden paternal love, after all, no one would feel comfortable putting their face on the cold armor.

Ma Qi also realized that he had lost his composure, let go of Xu Tong and patted him on the shoulder lightly: "Son, how are you doing? Is there anyone making things difficult for you!"

As Ma Qi spoke, he looked at Taoist Xunlong who came with Xu Tong at the same time.

One hand was already quietly holding the handle of the knife.

It seems that as long as Xu Tong speaks out, even the Heavenly King Lao Tzu will fight it out today.

"Father, thanks to the priest, otherwise you would not have seen me last night."

Although Xu Tong was very happy to see Ma Qi raise the big knife and chop the old thief Taoist Dragon Xun into meat paste, but considering the terrifying strength of this old guy, Xu Tong still naturally took Ma Qi's hand from the handle of the knife. move away.

"So that's the case, thank you Daoist, today's great kindness will be repaid in the future."

After hearing Xu Tong's words, Ma Qi's expression eased a lot, and he bowed heavily to Taoist Xunlong to express his thanks.

"Hahaha, you are indeed an old god. If you hadn't come, my Brother Ma would have turned against me."

Xiang Gongbao said half-jokingly.

In fact, just now, Xiang Gongbao and Ma Qi were about to quarrel.

March is still a person who tends to be a royalist in his bones.

Therefore, although he was aware of the Xiang family's rebellion, he was not very willing to cooperate.

But Xiang Gongbao said that the living conditions of the Empress Dowager Shengci remained the same, and the court would give them some money to support themselves every year in the future, and promised not to engage in massacres, which made Ma Qi reluctantly agree.

Just mentioning his son's matter, March's expression is not very good-looking. After all, his son's whereabouts are unknown, so it's hard to say whether it's the Xiang family's trick.

Fortunately, Taoist Xunlong came with Xu Tong at this time, and it was almost a matter of time, it was not as good as coming earlier or later.

Not only did it resolve the conflict between the two, but it also gained an unfathomable and timely evaluation in Xiang Gongbao's heart.

"Meet Uncle Xiang."

Seeing Xiang Gongbao approaching, Xu Tong hurriedly cupped his hands and said.

After the words fell, Ma Qi immediately interrupted Xu Tong: "Hey, don't shout, you will be called the emperor in the future."


Although Xu Tong knew in his heart that Xiang Gongbao was going to ascend the throne tonight and proclaim himself emperor, he didn't expect you to discuss it so soon?
Xiang Gongbao smiled and waved his hands: "It's not a problem, it's not a problem, after all, I'm not the emperor yet, after tonight's enthronement ceremony, it's not too late to change my mind."

Everyone couldn't help sighing when they heard the words, Xiang Gongbao was clearly reminding them to correct their mentality, after tonight, don't mention what the relationship was before, and uniformly changed their name to the emperor, otherwise he wouldn't even be his nephew. Show mercy.

"Brother Ma!"

At this time, there was a call from behind, Xu Tong looked back, and saw Xiang Keding limping in. Last night was full of dangers, and when we meet again today, I feel like I am alive after a catastrophe.

Xiang Keding stepped forward to give Xu Tong a hug, then patted his arm and said, "My good brother, I knew you were going to be lucky, and you will be fine."

"Isn't it thanks to this old god who knows things like a god."

Xu Tong pointed to Taoist Xunlong beside him, glanced at Xiang Keding up and down after speaking, raised his hand and punched him lightly on the chest: "You are refreshed and reborn, after tonight I will change my mind , I can no longer call you Brother Xiang."

"What's the point of being polite among us brothers? In private, we can call him whatever we want."

Xiang Keding looked disapproving.

Xu Tong nodded with a smile, but sneered in his heart:
"Well, then I should call you Xiang Keding...

still is……

Pretty Xiaofeng! "

(End of this chapter)

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